2 travesties are currently taking place in the Tag Team Tournament


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1 already happened with the Staniels/Hollywood Blondes match-up, but it looks like 2 more very well could happen here and here.

Go to each thread, read my post, and you'll see why these are both travesties. ;)

Also, I see a lot of regulars who voted/participated in the WZ Singles Wrestler Tournament are not doing so in this one; well let's change that. Sam put a lot of effort in this tournament and the discussion/match-ups are just as good as the Singles Tournament. Come on, people.
Some of us sure love to call "travesty" during these things, don't we?

I swear, one of these days you'll call it once too often and then when someone complains about Zack Ryder squashing Steve Austin nobody will notice.
Go read the post I just made in the NAO thread JMT. It's pissing me off as well.

The New Age Outlaws were the Hulk Hogan of tag teams; they carried the WWF tag division during the most popular period in wrestling history, and they did it single-handedly. There isn't a single category of tag team wrestling that the Mega Powers were better in.
Some of us sure love to call "travesty" during these things, don't we?

Where do you think I got the idea from?

Those 'travesty' threads during the WZ Tournament did a lot for it, especially the ones about Edge, lol.

And that was a GREAT post, X. You already know I completely agree.
All my teams are losing. Stupid bad draws.

The Freebirds got kicked out in the first round! Bullshit.
I find it sad how people forget all the other tag teams during that era. NAO were not the only ones and never held on to those titles for long periods i believe.
People slammed Hogan and Savage for beating on nobodies, but who really did the NAO fight?

An aged LOD? DOA? Los Boricuas? The Godwinns?

I'm pretty steamed about Raven/Richards losing...But it's not as bad as Edge beating Raven in the tourney :disappointed:
People slammed Hogan and Savage for beating on nobodies, but who really did the NAO fight?

An aged LOD? DOA? Los Boricuas? The Godwinns?

I'm pretty steamed about Raven/Richards losing...But it's not as bad as Edge beating Raven in the tourney :disappointed:
Kane and Mankind, The Hardyz.......Oh and Edge > Raven.
Didn't NAO dissolve in '98 or '99? Before the Hardys made it big against E&C and the Dudleys?
The NAO ended in 2000 and their last tag team title reign was from November 8, 1999 to Feburary 27, 2000. The Hardys first reign was from June 29, 1999 to July 25, 1999. Oh and the Rock N' Sock Connection beat NAO for the titles on October 12, 1999 after NAO beat them for the titles on September 21, 1999. So add The Rock and Mankind to the list.

WWF Unforgiven '99 = The New Age Outlaws kept the Tag belts, winning over Edge & Christian.

So add E&C to the list as well.
I just can't see Cute Kip pinning Hulk during Hulkamania.

Exactly. I loved the New Age Outlaws, but the teams they beat: LOD2000, Bob Holly and Bart Gunn, Mankind on his own, D'Lo Brown and Mark Henry, HEadbangers, The Acolytes by DQ, Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett, Edge and Christian, Al Snow and Mankind.

I'm looking at that, and I'm not seeing anyone that is as good as two world champions teaming together. We're pitting a team that lost to the Holly cousins against a team made up of a guy that had never lost cleanly and the WWF Champion at the time.
Exactly. I loved the New Age Outlaws, but the teams they beat: LOD2000, Bob Holly and Bart Gunn, Mankind on his own, D'Lo Brown and Mark Henry, HEadbangers, The Acolytes by DQ, Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett, Edge and Christian, Al Snow and Mankind.

I'm looking at that, and I'm not seeing anyone that is as good as two world champions teaming together. We're pitting a team that lost to the Holly cousins against a team made up of a guy that had never lost cleanly and the WWF Champion at the time.
The Rock and Mankind where world champions teaming together....
Hulk Hogan lost in a tag team match to fucking Lance Storm and Christian. Why is it so out of the question for NAO to get the win?

Seriously, you want to talk about the lack of people NAO have beaten...have you taken a look at the Mega Powers? They had about four matches, total, and half of them were against fucking Hakeem and the Big Bossman.

NAO have defeated world champions before, and they can do it again. This is a fucking TAG TEAM tournament, not a singles tournament.

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