1990's Bracket; Round 2, Match 4- 4) Forrest Gump vs. 13) The Shawshank Redemption

Which is the better movie?

  • Forrest Gump

  • The Shawshank Redemption

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Papa Shango

Frontman of the WZ Band!!
The Wrestlezone Movie Tournament, 1990's Bracket;
Round 2, Match 4

Forrest Gump


The Shawshank Redemption

Holy fuck, another one of these match-ups. Forrest Gump is one of my favorite movies, that I watch everytime its on TV, despite owning it. Back that statement up, and replace Forrest Gump with Shawshank Redemption. This matchup is too hard for me, I don't think I'll be voting in it. What I will do is recommend everyone who hasn't seen either of these movies to watch them. Forrest Gump is the magical adventure of of a man with a very low IQ that is still able to accomplish a great life. The Shawshank Redemption is the story of a man who is sentenced for a crime, placed in prison, and is about his remarkable time he spends in there with his new friend Red. Too hard to vote.
I HATE having to choose between these two...but alas....

Forrest Gump is a movie that I didn't appreciate as much until the third time I watched it. The first time, I was too young. The second time, I liked it, but not intensely. So it took a third time for it to really hit its mark. I've seen it a few times since then and I still like it a lot, perhaps more than before, but when you compare it to Shawshank, the first time around I immediately loved it and bought it the first chance I got.

I'd definitely consider Forrest Gump to be a 5-star film, but Shawshank may very well be the movie I'd classify as the best film ever.

The Shawshank Redemption.
What the fuck is up with people. Forrest Gump is winning. Like I said in the previous thread, Forrest Gum doesn't deserve all the hate it get's, and it appears as though a few other people think the same. But better than Shawshank? No way. I'd listen to an argument that Gump is better than Pulp Fiction, but not Shawshank.

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