1980s Bracket Round 3, Match 4-5)Empire Strikes Back vs. 6)Ghostbusters

What is the better movie?

  • Empire Strikes Back

  • Ghostbusters

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The Wrestlezone Movie Tournament, 1980s Bracket,
Round 3, Match 4

The Empire Strikes Back





Alas, I knew it would happen. The time where I'd have to knock out Ghostbusters. Sad. We all love it, most of us probably grew up with it, but Ghostbusters gets left in the dust on this match. Episode V is just simply a better film in many ways that I'm sure other people are going to explain after me, so I'm not going to write anything complicated out. All in all, Ghostbusters is thrown into a much appreciated category and deserves its recognition, but Empire is rock solid and how can you argue with that cliffhanger?

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back.
Two movies that I love. However, you can't deny the Empire Strikes Back of this win. Ghostbusters is a good movie, but its just stupid when you think about it. The Empire Strikes Back is the greatest of the Star Wars franchise, which is one of the greatest franchises of all time. How can you argue with that? The Empire Strikes Back is one of the greatest movies of the 80s, and is one of the greatest movies of all time. Ghostbusters doesn't stand a chance against the movie that has the ultimate line of all time.

"Luke, I am your father."
Well to begin with, its "No, I am your father." Most misquoted line of all time.

That being said, as much as I hate to say it, Ghostbusters dies here. With Raiders gone, the 80s is truly wide open and ESB could manage to pull the win. Ghostbusters is absolutely great. It has so many great lines in it that its hard to even be approached by any other movie in this generation. To me, easily the best comedy of the 80s. However, as was said in a movie argument I had in high school, "Dude, its a Star Wars movie." That sums up the argument for ESB. Ghostbusters is absolutely great, but ESB is larger than life itself. ESB and sadly, not even close.
Anyone: Name the greatest movie of all time.
Anyone else: Star Wars!
Anyone: What is your favorite part?
Anyone else: When Luke first meets Darth Vader and finds out hes his father.

That is discussing about Empire Strikes Back. The best movie from the best trilogy pre Lord of the Rings. Empire Strikes back was the example of why Sequels can outdo their original. If you think the original is good, then you must think that this is incredible. It is easilty better than Ghostbusters here. It has come to finally kill it off, so who you going to call? Yoda.
Empire Strikes Back provided a moment that could well be remember as one of the top 5 movie moments of all time. How often has the "I am your father" been pulled out since? It's now one of the most cliched tropes of movies, and Star Wars started it (in the mainstream movie industry, anyway). Not to mention the whole damn movie was good, with great scenes all about. Cloud City is a very memorable scene. ESB is an all around exciting film, with great action scenes and one of the most iconic moments ever.

Ghostbusters is funny, and a great movie in it's own right. It's a classic of comedy films. But I just don't think that, at the end of the day, it provided as consistently an exciting experience as ESB, or as memorable a scene. Although it did give us "Who you gonna call?"

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