Round 3 Results/Round 4 Matchups

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
1970s Bracket (winners in bold)

1 Godfather-7
24 Python-4

2 Taxi Driver-3
11 Alien-8

3 Star Wars-12
10 Cuckoo-8

4 Rocky-15
5 Chinatown-12

1980s Bracket

2 E.T-5
17 Terminate-10

3 Die Hard-10
10 Breakfast-8

5 Empire-11
6 Busters-4

4 Raging Bull-3
8 Future-7

1990s Bracket

1 Schindler-8
12 Suspects-2

2 Private-9
11 Matrix-3

3 Pulp Fiction-5
9 Terminator 2-8

4 Forrest-13
7 Lambs-7

2000s Bracket

1 ROTK-10
17 Casion-4

2 Departed-7
14 Memento-6

8 Virgin 6
9 Sunshine-9

3 Gladiator-8
12 Kill Bill Volume 2-5

Round 4 Matchups

1970s Bracket

1 Godfather
11 Alien

3 Star Wars
4 Rocky

1980s Bracket

3 Die Hard
17 Terminator

5 Empire Strikes Back
8 Back to the Future

1990s Bracket

1 Schindler's List
9 Terminator 2

2 Saving Private Ryan
4 Forrest Gump

2000s Bracket


1 Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
9 Little Miss Sunshine

2 Departed
3 Gladiator

So there you have it.
Great match-ups in round 3! Very entertaining.

I do want to concede to Murfish what a great job he did in spreading the word about Chinatown. I will be straightforward in stating that, despite having seen the film passively before, I knew little about it before this tournament, and I thank Murfish for that. It's just a shame that he ran into two buzzsaws in this tournament - one nicknamed "The Italian Stallion," and the other being the patented IC25 tournament Kool-Aid everyone seems to enjoy so darn much.

And so now we have round 4 - which further reaffirms how weak the 2000's have been for film compared to years past. Or maybe, as smarky internet cynics, we will always view the yesteryear with a touch more passion than we view the present.

The 70's bracket appears to be a collision course between The Godfather and Star Wars: Episode IV. I could be wrong, though, as I will be presenting the case for Rocky as the greatest sports movie of all time vs Episode IV as being not even the best film of its own trilogy, let alone the best of it's genre.

The 80's bracket is a cesspool of mediocrity, especially with Die Hard's victory over Breakfast Club. I see Terminator vs Empire in the finals, though anybody can make a case against any of the 4 regional semi-finalists.

The 90's bracket is far and away the best one with the films left standing. Though sad that Terminator 2 got through while Silence of the Lambs was beaten, this region is a clear road for the top 2 seeds - Schindler's List and Forrest Gump - to collide. Anyone who picks Terminator 2 over Schindler's List will have to provide DAMN strong reasons, or get called on the carpet by yours truly.

The 00's bracket involves an over rated Scorcese mindfuck, a glorified Roman action flick, a half-boring and CG-enhanced trilogy completor, and a lighthearted kids film. Guh. The solace I take is that, whomever of the 4 wins the region, they should get trounced by the winner of the 90's region.
Going to be an interesting round coming up. The 80's and 00's are by far the weakest decades at this point. The 2000's are really just a terrible, terrible decade for great film making.

70's.: As Irish said, it's looking like Godfather vs. Star Wars is on the horizon, but I will be making the argument for Alien over the Godfather, an argument that won't win, but an argument nonetheless. Star Wars may not be the best of it's trilogy, but that speaks to the awesomeness that is Empire.

80's. Empire vs. back to the Future could be intereseting, but anything less ofa blow out for Empire will be a shame. Die Hard vs. Terminator is an action buffs dream, but it's lookign to be the Machines vs. Empire, and I really can't see how it doesn't win this region. if Godfather is going to make the fianls, it's goign to have to go threw two Star Wars films to do it.

90's. It's a shame that Pulp Fiction and Silence of the Lambs are gone at this point. As Irish said, if you vote for T2, you better come strong or get your punk card called. Saving Private Ryan vs. Forrest Gump should be interesting, which Hanks movie will win out?

00's. As stated, very weak. Possibly Scorsesee's weakest movie vs. a toga party, and Return of the King vs. a movie that shouldn't be in the tournament in my opinion, wonderful.
A few neat sets of movies here. One Terminator movie has a great shot of moving on, but the better one will leave. I really do not see Terminator 2 overcoming Schindler's List. The 80s are the weakest set of movies. I see Terminator having a shot of moving on to the final four in that set. It has one movie that will challenge it. The 70s are good, bit both Sci Fi movies there have a shot of going over, if they can take it to The Godfather. I love the 90s, they were most of my favorite picks for the top 4 movies here. I can't call a winner, but I'll probably have to go with Forrest here. I am excited that the finals of the 2000s will probably come down to two of my favorite movies, ROTK and Gladiator. Gladiator probably has a great shot to go to the final four!
I'm greatly sad that both Tarantino films with Uma Thurman, are both out. I really thought Pulp Fiction should have beaten T2 easily. Such a quality film, and I really would have liked to seen Kill Bill advance another round. I guess I'm hoping Schindler's List wins since I really liked it more than any of the others, but I have a feeling Star Wars may win.
Honestly, I just can't believe that Raging Bull lost to Back to the Future. BTTF is a good movie, but it's not exactly a work of art like Raging Bull is. I knew from the start of this tournament that the results were just going to do nothing but piss me off, and they have. Raging Bull is leaps and bounds ahead of Back to the Future.

I'm also pretty disappointed that Memento lost out to the Departed. The Departed is an excellent film, don't get me wrong, but Memento IMO is one of the best films of the last decade to be released. Chris Nolan is a straight-up genius.
Honestly, I just can't believe that Raging Bull lost to Back to the Future. BTTF is a good movie, but it's not exactly a work of art like Raging Bull is. I knew from the start of this tournament that the results were just going to do nothing but piss me off, and they have. Raging Bull is leaps and bounds ahead of Back to the Future.

I'm also pretty disappointed that Memento lost out to the Departed. The Departed is an excellent film, don't get me wrong, but Memento IMO is one of the best films of the last decade to be released. Chris Nolan is a straight-up genius.

Agreed on both accounts. Raging Bull is an utter classic, and while Back to the Future may have helped define the 80's generation, I tend to file it away with other 80's flicks as Weird Science and Porky's. Well, it's better than Porky's, anyway.

Momento, to me, seems like a niche film. I have not seen it, though I know the premise, which is why I did not vote in that match up. I was also completely let down by The Departed. After all of the classic, impressive dialouge at the outset, the ending totally messed it all up for me. It was like the last episode of Seinfeld.
the 70s will be hard because of star wars and the godfather. but godfather is the winner here because star wars IV was not very good. also Rocky is in there and may win as well. the 80s will go to empire no doubt this was the best star wars of all them i think. but future will cause a problem. 90s are going to forrest Gump if you ask me. saving private ryan will put up a hell fight though if you ask me. 2000s was ok but not great. Lord of the Rings and Departed will be in the final and Departed will win more then likely but by a hair of its chinny chin chin.
Going to be an interesting round coming up. The 80's and 00's are by far the weakest decades at this point. The 2000's are really just a terrible, terrible decade for great film making.

70's.: As Irish said, it's looking like Godfather vs. Star Wars is on the horizon, but I will be making the argument for Alien over the Godfather, an argument that won't win, but an argument nonetheless. Star Wars may not be the best of it's trilogy, but that speaks to the awesomeness that is Empire.

80's. Empire vs. back to the Future could be intereseting, but anything less ofa blow out for Empire will be a shame. Die Hard vs. Terminator is an action buffs dream, but it's lookign to be the Machines vs. Empire, and I really can't see how it doesn't win this region. if Godfather is going to make the fianls, it's goign to have to go threw two Star Wars films to do it.

90's. It's a shame that Pulp Fiction and Silence of the Lambs are gone at this point. As Irish said, if you vote for T2, you better come strong or get your punk card called. Saving Private Ryan vs. Forrest Gump should be interesting, which Hanks movie will win out?

00's. As stated, very weak. Possibly Scorsesee's weakest movie vs. a toga party, and Return of the King vs. a movie that shouldn't be in the tournament in my opinion, wonderful.
Now, I don't see how that can possibly be assumed. The Departed was Scorsese's classic for the new millenium. Sure, he made some quality films like The Aviator and Gangs of New York, but no sound arguement can be made that they are superior to The Departed. It's much better than the overrated Casino, which is almost like a Goodfellas lite. I'd say it's every bit an effective study of paranoia and masculine insecurity, as well as Scorsese's almost constant theme of violence being culturally endemic, and some places, unavoidable, and the redemption of violent men. It's a beautifully shot film, but it seems to be a return to the more emotional Scorsese of Taxi Driver and Raging Bull times, rather than the Scorsese who made the emotionally detached Goodfellas and Casino.

I may copy and paste this when I defend The Departed over Gladiator.

And I'm not quite sure why IC says Little Miss Sunshine is a "lighthearted kids film". It's an R-rated road comedy. It features some pretty strong language and drug content. And that's not even the main reason why it's NOT a kids film. It is far too deep to be a kids film.
Saving Private Ryan and Forrest Gump is the most interesting matchup to me. On the one hand, you have the mnost epic war movie, possibly ever. On the other hand, you have the most creative film of the decade. A coming of age story centered around a handicapped guy with a big brother complex wound up being a very compelling movie.

I don't like Tom Hanks, but when I see this matchup I can't figure out why. I'm conflicted. I don't know who to vote for. Make this the finals.
Forrest Gump is actually based on a book, so I'm not sure if that means the movie can qualify as the most creative, especially seeing as it isn't even an original work.

I will be voting for Saving Private Ryan regardless, because it is a fantastic piece of film making that features some of Steven Spielberg's greatest technical acheivements behind the camera, as well as telling a taut, gripping and emotional story.
I'm going to make the projection right now that the finals will be The Godfather vs. Forrest Gump, after GF just barely beats Star Wars, and after Gump defeats most likely Gladiator.

Some interesting things coming up, but I'm getting a little worried about some of my favorites that haven't been knocked out already (like T2).

And I still have no clue how Shawshank was eliminated so early on. Blasphemy I tells ya lol.
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