100 Things to do before you die


SmackDown! is MY Show
1. Smoke asmuch weed as possible while listening to the entire Cypress Hill back catalogue.
TV Show Contestant 2. Party at the Playboy mansion with Hugh.
3. Punch atleast 3 members of a boyband.
4. Hire a expensive speed boat and spend all day cruising prefferable dressed in a Pink shirt and sky blue trousers. (Also known as the Dom Johnson momment)
5. Release a Single try to make top 40.
6. Meet your role model.
7. Fuck a C-list or above celebrity.
8. Skydive.
9. Be an extra in a film.
10. Brew your own beer.
11. Be a contestant of a TV show.
12. Ring into a childrens Television TV show and try to swear during a prime-time TV slot.
13. Watch a sunset in Ibiza while chilling out at Cafe Del Mar.
14. Propose to a complete stranger while intoxicated over the microphone in a busy bar, club, etc.
15. Write a hit list just incase you only had 1hour to live.
16. Purchase a low ride and rock it till the wheels fall off.
17. Max out all your credit cards in Las Vegas.
18. Fart in a crowded space i.e company meeting, shopping mall lift, etc.
19. Create your own web site.
20. Lundge wildly at the pope.
21. Watch 10 minutes of Eastenders witout killing yourself.
22. Get arrested just to see what prison is really like.
23. Drink a full bottle of Tequila and see if its possible not to be sick.
24. Scuba dive at your local swimming baths.
25. Learn to surf.
26. Eat a Kebab sober.
27. Get so drunk you can't get your house keys out of your pocket and spend the night sleeping in your neighbours garden just because there grass looks more comfortable.
28. Literally slap some sense into someone, or bruise your hand trying.
The King Lives 29. Star as a cartoon character in The Simpsons .
30. Go as many days as possible without sleep.
31. Fake your own death and claim your life insurance.
32. Run away with the Circus.
33. Watch every film Produced by Kevin Smith back to back.
34. Kiss Burt Renolds.
35. Goto a job interview dressed as Elvis.
36. Throw a penny into Niagra falls, A year later try reclaim it.
37. Kick somebodys ass while dressed in a animal suit.
38. Get drunk/high and try to jump over a wall.
39. Spend 10 weeks of you life in a house with cameras everywhere.
40. Chat up a hairy chef from Quebec.
41. Wear a 3 piece suit with a clock on a chain and an eyepiece while walking through London.
42. Steal candy from a baby.
43. Go Church on a sunday and do a ouiji board.
44. Learn a Justin Timberlake dance routine and pull it off in a club and see how many people wanna kick your ass.
45. Ride around France on a push bike while wearing a stripped jumper, berrey, skin tight trousers with a string of onions and garlic around your neck.
46. Become a cam-****e begging for wish-list items in exchange for pics of your less-than-impressive breasts, then register Sunny****.com, Push out a nipper, then spend the remainder of years on your site whining about post-partum depression, and how hard it is to raise a "love-child" on pay-pal donations and a steady diet of government cheese.
47. Dress up like a goth and dance the YMCA.
48. Talk to the First Lady without pants/trousers on.
49. Spend a year living in the woods as a wildman.
50. Shit off of the top of the Eiffel Tower while humming the french national anthem.
51. Perform every position in the karma sutra, in one session
52. Have sex with someones mother and turn her into a mif = mom I fucked.
53. While filling up your tank, turn to the person next to you and soak them in gasoline just to see how much fun it really would be.
54. Fill your mouth with Alka Seltzers before going to the dentist.
55. Drive to work in reverse.
56. Live in an old refrigerator box pick cans and food from nearby garbage cans.
57. Perform a scene from Riverdance in public while dressed as a terrorist.
58. Masterbate in public.
59. Have sex in a phonebox.
60. Pee on the whitehouse lawn.
61. Graffiti your name somewhere important, or Brooklyn Bridge.
62. Rape Britney Spears.
63. Ignore the signs and FEED THE DAMN ANIMALs.
64. Create your 100 things to do before you die, get to 64 and ask other people for help.
65. Get/cause an abortion
66. Gang bang with the Olsen Twins, the Hilton Sisters, and the Bush Twins, while Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean) stands in the corner jackin' and throwing little pickles at you.
Mullet 67. Roll on the floor and laugh your ass off when you next type "ROFLMAO" instead of sitting in front of your monitor emotionless like you do now.
68. Rub Ted Kennedy's oversized head for luck.
69. When at a men's room urinal, chat-up your neighbours using the following words in a sentence: "sweetums, girth, napalm, Irish curse, spooning, gouda cheese, thoroughbred, and boo-boo-kitty-fuck." Run fast after.
70. Grow a mullet.
71. Get Susy on Extacy and see what happens next.
72. Post on a Webmaster's forum for over a month without being banned even though you have no site, surviving on wit, humor, and the promise of eternal salvation alone.
73. Wrestle a Crocodile.
74. Have a Starwars themed wedding, tie the not dress as Storm Troopers.
75. Welcome a tramp into your home.
76. Eat beaver.
77. Invite your boss around for dinner, and kidnap him.
78. Make a fat kid do the truffle shuffle.
79. Build an Iglo only using bags of frozen pea's in the isle of ASDA.
80. Meet 52 people who share the same name as you.
81. Throw a brick through your neighbours window, and ask for it back.
82. Dump your Boyfriend/Girlfriend by e-mail, Use a hotmail address so it takes about 18weeks to find it amongst all the porn spam.
83. Push over a sleeping cow.
84. Arrange to meet a complete stranger you just met online.
85. Be offically labled "INSAIN" by a judge and spend a month in a mental institute.
86. Put in a claim for whiplash after riding the Millenium Wheel aka The London Eye.
87. Snork cocain off a hooker in Amsterdam.
88. Date Twins without knowing.
89. By stacks of Pornography during daylight.
90. Kill a Scotsman by Bow & Arrow.
91. Go through a McDonald's Drive through, naked, riding a unicycle while juggling dead rodents.
92. Burst Bubblewrap for 148hours straight.
93. Sneak into a hospital and perform surgury.
94. Ask someone for directions to Mianus in sign language.
95. Try to get your company/bosses car to 100mph in 1st gear.
96. Beat the shit out of Pete Waterman with a wet fish.
97. See if you can get into the Army, tell them you've gained a kill instinct from playing Counter-Strike Online. If they reject you call them a "f0oKiN6 N3wb1e g4Y B!7cH."
98. Choke a sheep.
99. Punch Michael Jackson in the face.
100. Sell your soul to Satan, or a BT Call center.
1. Smoke asmuch weed as possible while listening to the entire Cypress Hill back catalogue.
9. Be an extra in a film.
15. Write a hit list just incase you only had 1hour to live.
18. Fart in a crowded space i.e company meeting, shopping mall lift, etc.
19. Create your own web site.
23. Drink a full bottle of Tequila and see if its possible not to be sick.
26. Eat a Kebab sober.
27. Get so drunk you can't get your house keys out of your pocket and spend the night sleeping in your neighbours garden just because there grass looks more comfortable.
30. Go as many days as possible without sleep.
33. Watch every film Produced by Kevin Smith back to back.
38. Get drunk/high and try to jump over a wall.
65. Get/cause an abortion
78. Make a fat kid do the truffle shuffle.
82. Dump your Boyfriend/Girlfriend by e-mail, Use a hotmail address so it takes about 18weeks to find it amongst all the porn spam.
83. Push over a sleeping cow.
84. Arrange to meet a complete stranger you just met online.
85. Be offically labled "INSAIN" by a judge and spend a month in a mental institute.

Those are the ones I've done in my life.

These are the two that I plan to do tomorrow night.

A.J. said:
91. Go through a McDonald's Drive through, naked, riding a unicycle while juggling dead rodents.

98. Choke a sheep.

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