10-21-13 Raw: WWE Championship Contract Signing


Announced on SmackDown! last night, there'll be a "contract signing" segment on this Monday's Raw, which is the go home Raw to the Hell in a Cell ppv next Sunday. The contract signing will be for the WWE Championship HIAC match between Daniel Bryan & Randy Orton. Also advertised to be in the ring during the signing will be Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and the special guest referee, WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels.

Since Michaels' return a few weeks back, this will be the first time he's interacted on-screen with Triple H. Even though he's confirmed that Triple H is still his best friend, I'm wondering if they'll ultimately portray some degree of tension between them due to Triple H's heel turn and "corporate" mentality. I'd personally like to see some interaction between Bryan & Triple H, which could lead to the potential "tension" between Trips & HBK being further heightened. At the same time, if something goes down, they shouldn't make it look as though HBK is coming to Bryan's aid, thereby making it look as though Bryan can't speak for himself. They also need to, in my opinion, maintain HBK's sense of neutrality. As he got into it a little with Orton last week, one way of doing that could be to cause some tension between him & Bryan, perhaps by HBK speaking like he is speaking up for Bryan so that Bryan's "inferiority complex" reemerges a little with Bryan getting the impression that his mentor feels that he's not up to the task of standing up for himself. Given the controversy that is always present when HBK is the special guest referee, presenting HBK as having tension with both competitors could keep people guessing as to what he's ultimately gonna do. Will he try to screw Bryan over or will he do something to cause Orton to lose? Could both of them get under his skin during the match and he winds up giving Sweet Chin Music to both of them, after which he regrets his actions, sort of like in the situation in which he was the ref between Taker & Triple H at WM 28 when he hit Taker with Sweet Chin Music? Will he simply call it 100% down the middle? Will he prevent attempted interference in the match?

Given that it looks as though Triple H is heading into a feud with Big Show, Show might also pop up during this segment with the intention of knocking Trips out again. If so, will this be the night that Vince makes his return and reveals that he's aligned himself with Big Show and that he's overturned the decision to "fire" him?

It's got potential to be really entertaining, but it also has the potential of being a convoluted clusterfuck that drags on forever as well.
I lie what the storyline you've laid out but I can't help but wonder if HBK is setting up to screw Bryan at HIAC, therefore joining his best friend HHH as a corporate ''guy'' Granted I'd prefer that not to happen but it almst seems like they are gonna drag this out past HIAC. maybe even leading up to a HHH vs. Bryan at mania...I'd love to see Bryan take it to HHH
This is a contract signing in the WWE, it will probably be the ending of the show so that means only 1 thing, The Shit Is Gonna Hit The Fan. This is gonna end up in a big brawl that might not have a conclusion when Raw goes off the air. During this segment I expect to see Big Show, Shield, The Rhodes and maybe Uso's if necessary. I think they might have Michael Sweet Chin Music Rollins and HHH might get physical with Show. WWE does not have contract signings that don't end in fights and I would like to see the Heel's get the upper hand, I think Show and Bryan have ended a few to many recent Raw's chanting 'YES'
I could see the WWE title match playing out as HBK screws either Bryan or Orton, if he screws Bryan it will be fine, and he'll be a "sell out" from it, if he screws Orton then I see it as the WWE title still being vacant setting up a tournament for the title hopefully.

But on topic. I hate the contract signings, they were lame when done for Hogan and Andre at Royal Rumble 88' and there still lame today. Its the creative way to say they have nothing else to come up with besides this. But I do see it turning into some kind of clusterfuck, I imagine the Sheild, HHH, Orton, Steph, HBK, Bryan will all be out there with Big Show showing up to save the day, along with who knows who else either Vince or some wrestlers to save the day, not to mention Del Rio who usually shows up.

Will this be the stepping stone for maybe HHH vs HBK at WM30? or Vince returning to add a whole new dynamic to the feud or who knows who else.
All I can say is that I am looking forward to this feud ending. Unless there is something interesting planned for HIAC other than a boring clean finish, I am not interested. HBK turning heel makes NO sense because he is not around enough and I don't see him returning to a more frequent contract because he is retired. I could HHH coming out before the end of the match and telling HBK to screw Bryan over, this leads to HBK kicking HHH in the face. This would be a classical moment IMO but likely won't happen.

My scenario:
Both Orton and Bryan are down on the mat, HBK starts the count to 10. As they slowly rise to their feet, out comes Triple H for unknown reason. HHH demands the cell door be opened, he gets in the ring and tells HBK to screw over Bryan and give Orton the title. HBK sets up for the super kick however, as he is about to hit Bryan, instead he hits HHH. Bryan looks shocked as does Orton. Orton gets in HBK's face and starts yelling at him asking why he did that etc....HBK hits Orton in the face with same kick. This allows Bryan get his running knee finisher and pin Orton to become the new WWE champion. This then leads to a possible Bryan/Punk feud for Survivor Series. Ending this feud and starting a fresh.
Wow! This is going to be the greatest contract signing since the last one and we won't see anything like this ever again until the next one.

I like HBK's involvement, he generally makes things more fun. But with Orton ending up as an afterthought in this feud I don't care anymore. Actually that's not true, I didn't care after NOC. The WWE has just done a great job of making me continue not to care since then. It would take Stone Cold coming out to announce he is facing Andre's ghost to get me to watch this PPV. A PPV a whole three weeks in the making.
First off seeing as this is a contract signing my bet is on Seth Rollins being the one to go through the contract signing table.

I agree with the general concenus that this is just going to turn into the typical brawl and I agree that it is unlikely HBK turns heel as he is retired and makes rare appearances I don't see the point.
My guess is that the signing sees HBK super kick Bryan by accident, and then in typically E hyperbolic fashion, they'll end te show wondering if it was an accident. At the PPV, Shawn ends up kicking Orton after HHH enters to tell him what to do. HBK as a special attraction only works as a face.
Shield will get invovled, Rollins will go through the table, Reigns will spear someone violently and so on.

I'm not one of those people who say they wanted better, longer feuds and when they get,they complain is taking too long. But this feud is getting real stale for me and "in my eyes" I'm starting to really not be interested in this whole angle. I'm much more interested in CM PUnk's angle or w/e the shield are doing and even Bray Wyatt.This whole Corporation angle had the chance to be great but it's becoming a clusterfuck.Only single thing that came good out of this was the Rhodes brothers.
HHH will probably shove Orton and Bryan both out of the way before the show ends so he can have the spotlight on his egotistical a--. Like he did w/ Cody and Dustin last week.I couldn't believe he did that.
its hilarious how the WWE tells it's "superstars" to "step up" while cena is away. Step up to and for what ?? They have been running in place since cena left. this storyline without a champion is getting OLD very fast. Even someone as red hot as bryan is/was, it can't last forever under this same old tired storyline. They needed him holding the belt since summerslam, period. This sends the message that while cena is gone noone deserves to hold the belt.
Why the hell do they need to sign contracts for a third match? I can understand if they did this going into Night Of Champions or their rematch at Battleground, but it seems fairly redundant to be signing contracts this late in the game.

To be honest, the contract signing angle is stale and just draws in too many glaringly obvious plot holes in a story. Why don't they do this with every WWE Championship Match if it's so important? Why is it necessary to do it now? Shit by now Orton and Bryan know each other's Twitter account passwords. What can we see in this angle that we haven't seen before?

It's overplayed, this rivalry is overplayed, and I can't wait for it to be over. I enjoy a good long feud but this one just doesn't seem to work for me.

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