1,000 posts

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
I made it to 1,000 posts tonight, it took me 20 days longer than my challenge to reach 1,000 by new years.... but I did it, and was only 20 days off. This also means I did 800 posts in 49 days. This officially ends my huge posting spree. I'll still remain a regular on here, doing debates with you guys and discussing all sorts of stuff.... but no more bumping 20 threads a day.... I'm done with that for now. I'm just going to bump threads that I want to answer from now on. (perfect timing too since my semester at school started this week)

So.... to celebrate my reaching 1,000 posts.... I'm going to strike a victory pose. Could I get a Final Fantasy victory fanfare from someone? I'll green rep you for it!
In other related news, I found a hair on my scrotum that is a different colour from the rest of them.

Why don't you go out with your girlfriend and cel- oh...

Do we honestly need to know this? God, this Bar Room is going to hell in a hand basket.
Way to go Dagger. 1,000 posts is awesome. I need about 100 or so and I'll be there. Probably will take me the rest of the year haha. Kudos.
Way to go, Dagger. And thankfully, all of your posts aren't shit.

Congratulations! You've been working your ass off in the WWE section, and you need to be recognized for it, too.

So from the WWE Moderator, I appreciate your continued efforts, Dagger.
Congratulations! You've been working your ass off in the WWE section, and you need to be recognized for it, too.

So from the WWE Moderator, I appreciate your continued efforts, Dagger.

Can't you just acknowledge him from a personal standpoint? Why shove the modship out there so much?
Bumping threads is lame. 900+ posts in 7 months 4 days, minus 3 or so months for my various absences. Most weren't shit either.

However, congrats.

Can't you just acknowledge him from a personal standpoint? Why shove the modship out there so much?

Because ... D-MAN. I want to thank him from a Mod standpoint on his contributions to the WWE SECTION, as most of his posts have been in there.

That isn't putting my damn position over as much as it is me being the WWE Mod thanking Dagger for his contributions to the WWE section, which he deserves.

You are unbelievable sometimes.
Because ... D-MAN. I want to thank him from a Mod standpoint on his contributions to the WWE SECTION, as most of his posts have been in there.

That isn't putting my damn position over as much as it is me being the WWE Mod thanking Dagger for his contributions to the WWE section, which he deserves.

You are unbelievable sometimes.


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