Recent content by v14ever

  1. V

    Steriods....Countless WWE Stars're right this guy is a complete ass and has been for quite a while. Sucks at sports radio, and has the gall to call himself "legitimate". I like his little janitors office they fixed up to do his show in. And by the way, I like my boogers with JRs BBQ sauce...
  2. V

    Steriods....Countless WWE Stars

    Is this really a shock to anyone? The reason they are releasing their names in a big media blitz is because the probe also had big name professional athletes attached to it as well. I with everyone when I say that the wellness policy is a joke, has been, and will continue to be. TNA has no...
  3. V

    Best smack talker/most charismatic wrestler ever?

    Definitely agree with you big sexy...You forgot Dusty Rhodes though. If any of you have seen the Dusty Rhodes DVD, those who haven't need to pick this up and watch the promos disc. The war with Flair around 1985 I think it was produced some of the best promos put together that even rival some of...
  4. V

    VKM Members Ask For TNA Release

    I think everyone has brought up great points about VKM. I definitely think IF Vince signs VKM, they will be in a "Matt Hardy" situation. Everyone will temporarily love them coming back, but will be punished for things said and done in the past. Big Ace is right in saying that HBK has killed DX...
  5. V

    You own WWE now. What will you do with it?

    If I now owned WWE... Most of the ideas have been taken, hopefully I can come up with some new ones... -Most of you have mentioned that ECW should be dead and buried. Period, point blank. The only wrestlers that should be taken from ECW is CM Punk, RVD, Sabu, Elijah Burke, Monty Brown, Tommy...
  6. V

    Stone Cold Returning Discussion

    He'll be doing a lot of promotional work for The Condemned. If any role, it would be good to see him as GM, but I just don't think it will happen. He'll have a lot of interaction with Vince, doing 30 min long promos, ending up with him stunning Vince. I believe he'll have very little physical...
  7. V

    Mcmahon wants more..

    McMahon just needs to go back to pure "wrestling", period. They can still have that entertainment aspect, but sell the superstars as "wrestlers" not entertainers. People still like the promos and vignettes, but I think they will appreciate the wrestling part of it as well. Also, they need to...
  8. V

    Could D-X Break up

    I totally agree with you that DX merch will sell itself whether they are together or not. DX will be around until at least Wrestlemania. They have a new DX DVD coming out in February I think.
  9. V

    [UnOfficial] WWE vs. TNA Thread - New one active

    Whoa, whoa, whoa, slick...Who says TNA is signing RVD, Benoit, Sandman, Sabu, Dreamer? I mean it could be wishful thinking, but let's not get ahead of ourselves...
  10. V

    Hulkamania running wild in TNA?????

    Don't get me wrong...what I'm saying is is that Hogan/Angle already has been done when he was on SD a couple of years ago. I would not at all want to see Hogan/Abyss or Hogan/Joe, Joe would destroy him, and make him look more of an embarassment than he already is. The people that are TNA marks...
  11. V

    Hulkamania running wild in TNA?????

    Does Hogan have any experience as a booker? Besides, there are very few "dream matches" that could come from Hogan going to TNA. Maybe Hogan vs Abyss, or vs Joe. Hopefully, if this ever were to happen, he wouldn't use his "creative control" to mess up TNA.
  12. V

    Who Will Be First and a JD Question

    I think Kennedy will win his first. It seems he has a lot better push than Carlito, if that's what you call a push. I think this WM coming will be Undertaker's last. May be wrong, who knows?
  13. V

    Form a Tag Team

    CM Punk and any of the Hardys - If WWE would ever lift the ban of high-flying moves, this would be a great tag team that could rival Styles and Daniels as far as an exciting tag team goes...
  14. V

    getting tired of HHH...

    Well, the people that are tired of HHH are going to be wining a little longer. I don't think DX is breaking up anytime soon, it has been stated in other threads plus the WWE website that a new DX DVD is coming out next year, so they'll definitely be together promoting that. I do agree that DX...
  15. V


    I beg to differ on the statement about Torrie and Candice. As well as Ashley, they do look like they are putting forth a little more effort. The one that gets put into matches that needs some work is Maria. Speaking of Divas in Playboy, I really wouldn't mind seeing Victoria, she really...