Zack Ryder or The Hurricane?


Pre-Show Stalwart
This is a simple question but i just want to see what people think. Who do you like better Zack Ryder or The Hurricane?
Depends on what criteria that you use...

As far as an in-ring competitor goes, I think Hurricane (at least in his prime) is a more solid performer, but he's not really a strong character, plus from some of his outbursts this past year, he seems like he's kind of a prick who thinks he's a lot better than he really is.

Zack Ryder, while I'm not his biggest fan, is really to be applauded on how he got himself out of the unemployment line and right into the spotlight. While his character seems a bit one dimensional at times... and kind of aggravating, it's a strong character who can be entertaining at times, and he does command attention while on screen.

When it's all said and done, I'm gonna lean towards Ryder...
Zack Ryder, i have been a huge fan since the EdgeHeads he was pretty cool then and when he debuted on ECW i was kinda like uh... ok. The Guido type Character really grew on me while he was in ECW, it was funny to watch him make a clown out of himself. But when it comes to In-ring he is average. I also like his Long Island Iced Z thing hes got going on thats cool.

But..... The same can be said about The Hurricane like the time he recruited The S.H.I.T lol but Hurricane is Better In-ring i must say and his segments with The Rock were the best, Like the Hamburglar haha priceless lol

If you ask me Zacks better because he has had a better push than Hurricane but you can't take anything from The Hurricane
Oh Ryder hands down! Yes Hurricane was a fun gimmick! But the man himself is a fuckin douche just like both Hardy's and Ryder IMO is better on the mic and at least as good in the ring! So Ryder definitely! Though i do not understand your reasoning to ask the question since they are 2 completely different people
HMM sHANE hELMS COULD WRESTLE AND GOT THE MOST RIDICULOUS GIMMICK EVER OVER IN A HUGE WAY, at one stage having his merchandise sales third to Austin and Rock.
Zack Ryder, flash in the pan over-rated. Sure he got himself over, watch Vince slowly pull the rug from under him. He wont be wrestling at Wrestlemania
I probably like Ryder better as a human being, but in holding the sort of niche he's trying too Hurricane shits on him in that respect. The merch stat has already been raised, on top of that he was a better in ring performer and he didn't get over because a group of internet fans banded together and decided they knew better than the company only to slowly but very definitively come top the same conclusion that Zach Ryder is far far away from being anything special. The Hurricane was actually funny and and actually good at his job, and that's what got him over.
I probably like Ryder better as a human being, but in holding the sort of niche he's trying too Hurricane shits on him in that respect. The merch stat has already been raised, on top of that he was a better in ring performer and he didn't get over because a group of internet fans banded together and decided they knew better than the company only to slowly but very definitively come top the same conclusion that Zach Ryder is far far away from being anything special. The Hurricane was actually funny and and actually good at his job, and that's what got him over.

lol i wahs wondering if someone was going to give this answer and i agree 100%. Ryder will fade out soon i think. He is not special he is just different. Like you said Hurricane was actually funny.
...., plus from some of his outbursts this past year, he seems like he's kind of a prick who thinks he's a lot better than he really is.

Leading one to like the Hurricane but dislike Shane Helms.

This is a reasonable question. Both men are essentially doing comedy acts and it's a question of which one you prefer. Zack is openly playing a clown, with exaggerated facial expressions and a goofy demeanor, while Hurricane played a comic book character, but he played it straight, not openly mocking himself as Zack does. No, he wasn't asking us to believe he was really a super hero, but he wasn't making fun of himself, either. Really, Shane did a good job with the role he was given.

I feel Helms was a better technical wrestler, having more "working" skills than Zack, who essentially hits spots and not much else.

My preference is Hurricane. His caped antics came only before the match started, spiced with a small display of super-heroism right near the end...... while Zack plays the fool from start to finish.
In terms of the gimmick I prefer Zack Ryder over The Hurricane. While both were comedic characters Ryder does have a potential to take a serious turn because he's not playing a superhero. However if I were to pick between Ryder or Gregory/Shane Helms I would go for Helms. I thought his series with Matt Hardy was pretty entertaining and was pretty charismatic when he was given the chance to show it.

Of course WWE and their creative minds decided that it was best for Helms to revert back as The Hurricnae after his injury.

Just like reverting Sean Moorley (who had a pretty character at the time) to Val Venis in 2003.
Hurricane was such a great gimmick... remember all the quality story lines and matches that were built around Helms and that gimmick............. oh wait

Ryder hands down, simply because he's more entertaining

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