Zack Ryder gets a shot!

This thread proves it again about the IWC being full of shit. For months people were bitching about them not using Ryder. He's used tonight and all of a sudden, he's got a couple haters on this thread.

Face it, Ryder's funny. His gimmick isn't a Jersey Shore knock off either. If you guys watched My New Haircut, he's more of a rip-off of that. I think he'll never shake being a comic relief character before he's released, but that's neither here nor there.
This thread proves it again about the IWC being full of shit. For months people were bitching about them not using Ryder. He's used tonight and all of a sudden, he's got a couple haters on this thread.

How does this make the IWC full of shit? I doubt anyone hating on him in this thread was calling for a Zack Ryder push over the past few months. What's with this idiotic notion that the IWC share specific opinions, and in the blink of an eye, turn on that opinion? It's a pretty diverse crowd, actually.
i to hope that kofi wins. ryder isnt good in the ring and the crowd doesnt get behind him. kofi is good and young which is more then ryder can say.
hey dumbfucks... people have opinoins... some IWC may like Ryder.. some may hate him.

You assume the IWC hates Cena? Well I've seen plenty of IWCers praise Cena. ANYONE who is registered on this forum is the IWC... don't be stupid.
Kofis not funny like Zack , he shouldn't have that title

Ryder for champion! WWWYKI!

Edit : Ryder lost? BS! FAIL! BOOOOOOOOOO!

Because being "Funny" constitues a title win...:disappointed:.

Well, Zack Ryder lost a match on his first match back in __________. In other news, the sky is black. I still don't get the appeal. I do see they're probably gonna do something with him, but why? I'm not saying to confiscate his signs, but "The IWC doesn't matter." Besides, he's been buried so much, nobody could really take him as a threat. "He's an wasy win, because he sucks."- Edge(I'm paraphrasing there)

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