Your Opinion on the Favorite to Win Wimbledon.


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Simple question really. Who do you all figure to be the favorite to win the upcoming Grand Slam? Obviously most choices will be one of the top three players in the world. Each has seemed unbeatable at one time or another, and each has been playing phenomenal tennis lately. I'll break down each of the top three because that is who I feel will be taking three semi spots.

I'll start with my favorite tennis player, Rafa Nadal. Rafa had a tough start against a huge, tough opponent in the French but went on to dominate and win the slam. I have Rafa as my favorite simply because he is on a role. He just won the French to tie a record and in doing so, kept his number one rank. The only way I see him losing is if he plays Novak. Novak has Rafa's number, but even if they did play i'd put my money on Rafa. Novak just has the best chance to dethrone him.

Speaking of Novak, this tournament will tell us a lot about him as a player. He had such hype going into the French and looked spectacular up until he hit the brick wall known as Roger Federer. The big question mark surrounding Novak is whether or not he will bounce back strong from his disappointing loss. Is he mentally broken? Can he go back to being the dominate force we saw up until the French? So many questions waiting to be answered, and that's why I don't have him as the favorite.

Now onto the dark horse, Roger Federer. Roger also has something to prove in this tournament. It's his best surface and a win here will prove he is still as dangerous as ever. A loss here however, will really tell us that time is catching up with the greatest of all time. That in mind though like I said, it is his best surface so he may surprise me.

So, what do you all think? Will one of the big three take home the title, or will somebody like Murray rise to the occasion? Let me know!
i really hope Novak Djokovic wins this. He looked really good until he faced Federer. If not Murray FTW!!!:)

im not a fan f either Federer or Nadal, but i admit theyre probably the best players, so most likely one of them will win the Wimbledon championship.
I haven't seen Nadal showing any symptoms of injury unless you're referring to the one from the Aussie open. He may have the toughest draw out of the top four, but there is nobody that should give him huge trouble. Same can be said with Federer and Novak as well. If it happens to be the top four in the semis, the matchups would be Nadal/Murray and Federer/Djokovic again. Novak has a tough one there considering his weakness is grass courts and that's Federer's strong point. I've got yet another Federer/Nadal final with Nadal winning again. It's Nadal's to lose, not Federer's.
Federer wins this. Let's face the facts here and that is that Federer had a great result at the French which is NOT his surface. Anyone else remember the days of "King of Wimbledon" If you want my hinest opinion Fed dominates the entire tournament. Joker doesn't make it to the semis and Nadal loses to somebody possibly Murray in the semi. There you go.
Let's see, Nadal has won the tournament two of the last three years including last year, he is playing the best tennis in his career, and he doesn't have to see Federer until the finals if at all. On the flip side, Federer lost in the quarterfinals last year, is no longer as dominant as he once was, and has a tough route to the finals. I'm going to go with Nadal as the favorite.
Nadal actually has a tough draw, Big. Let's see, Federer has to worry about Novak, Soderling, and possibly guys like Tsonga.

Meanwhile, Nadal has Del Potro, Murray, Roddick, and Berdych as all possibilities to go through. IF that actually happens, he might have DelPo in the 4th, Berdych in the Quarters, and Roddick or Murray in the Semifinals if none of them choke. if that happens, brutal, and I'd go for Novak, since he's playing the best tennis of his life. But yeah, I'd still expect Nadal to make a tough run into the finals.
Meanwhile, Nadal has Del Potro, Murray, Roddick, and Berdych as all possibilities to go through. IF that actually happens, he might have DelPo in the 4th, Berdych in the Quarters, and Roddick or Murray in the Semifinals if none of them choke.

Nadal is a career 32-13 against the four guys you mentioned and he has won his last match against all four of them. Nadal is THE best tennis player on the planet earth at the moment and he gets to avoid his toughest competition until the very end.
Federer wins this. Let's face the facts here and that is that Federer had a great result at the French which is NOT his surface.

He didn't exactly have a tough draw. Sure the win over Novak was huge and probably the biggest win of his career, but other than that he dodn't have tough matches.

Anyone else remember the days of "King of Wimbledon" If you want my hinest opinion Fed dominates the entire tournament. Joker doesn't make it to the semis and Nadal loses to somebody possibly Murray in the semi. There you go.

Considering Federer had a lackluster tournament last year, it's hard to say he will do much better this year. This isn't a few years ago when Federer truly was the king of grass. He's a lot more vulnerable now. This is just speculation though. Considering how dominate Nadal has been, I don't see any way how Murray beats him.
Nadal is a career 32-13 against the four guys you mentioned and he has won his last match against all four of them. Nadal is THE best tennis player on the planet earth at the moment and he gets to avoid his toughest competition until the very end.

Alright you got me there. If Nadal does that well, then this could mean #11. IF Novak's luck continues, he could squeeze a win in the finals...

On a side note, Novak is only 65 points away from the number one ranking.

Continuing on, Nadal won't lose unless he has a freak injury.
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The only 3 possilbilities to win this are the big 3- Rafa, The Fed, and Novak.

They are so far ahead of all the other challengers, including Murray that I cannot see one of those 3 not coming out on top. As a Briton, I would like to see Murray bring home the gold, but I doubt he will.

If he is fit, I would have to go for Rafa Nadal. He is the best in the world right now.
Federer is gone. Nadal is playing great even through an apparent injury. I'll have to say, if Nadal loses,I'll be very shocked. However, I'm still rooting for Djoker. It'd be nice to see someone not named Fed or Nadal win 2-3 majors in a year in this era of tennis, and he's very entertaining
Since Im a brit im going for Andy Murry. As Roger was knocked out today and there's an apparent ankle injury to Nadal and considering Nadal's got to play Murry with "an injury" i am very confidant that Murry will win against him. Therefore progressing to the final and winning the competition.

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