You know who really needs a good push...?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hardcore Holly

He's been with the WWE for a long time (even before he was "Hardcore Holly"). Now, he came back from a staph infection in his arm that could have ended his wrestling career with paralysis, and even killed him, which is true. He came back and wrestled in a dark match with Simon Dean. Come on...double take at that last sentence...Simon Dean? He deserves to be pushed and win something like the US championship. Anyone else agree o_O?
yea, but hes not all that great as a wrestler/entertainer anyway...and what has a staph infection got to do with a US title run?? didnt matt hardy have the same thing?
no... i dont agree... personally i think hardcore is washed up... maybe if they brought back the hardcore title... then he can go for that... or ecw... he cant make it in the wwe... he just never intrested me
hes got a sick ass finisher, the alabahma slam, yeah he should go to us title then they could push lashey to whc!
I don't understand why they pushed Batista down our throats when he returned but, with Hardcore Holly- nothing. He's very underrated.

Flames Out
I agree... he's nothing without the Hardcore Div. thats what made him... without it he's just Spark Plug Holly
You know what would be great? Batista, Lashley, Benoit and Holly at Survivor Series against Booker's team.
i like fpv_gtho's idea have bookers team against some that team it'd be great way for hardcore's push they can have him as a mystery partner. it would also throw him into the US tile scene with i think everyone could agree that would be a good match. but i dont think i would look forward to promos because neither are too good at that.
He should be put in ECW and pushed for the title. Or at least the US title on smackdown, maybe even the WHC. Remember when he had that WWE title match vs Brock Lesnar at Royal Rumble... well he should have won it then!
Raging Bull said:
i like fpv_gtho's idea have bookers team against some that team it'd be great way for hardcore's push they can have him as a mystery partner. it would also throw him into the US tile scene with i think everyone could agree that would be a good match. but i dont think i would look forward to promos because neither are too good at that.

Maybe a 4 way between Holly, Lashley, Regal and Finlay. Batista vs Booker looks like it'll go on for a while still.
Eternal Dragon said:
Maybe because he never got a decent push.

Flames Out

he got somewhat of one a few years back.

holly vs. lesnar for the WORLD title at the rumble = worst main event EVER.
Bob Holly is a better wrestler than Batista. Batista almost killed Booker last night. Charlie Haas should be on Smackdown and pushed for the US Title.
ya i never found hardcore holly that great. the only thing that makes him entertaining is hating rookies which just makes him look stupid. and i dont think wwe should just hand out pushes out of pitty.
MikeB84 said:
Bob Holly is a better wrestler than Batista. Batista almost killed Booker last night. Charlie Haas should be on Smackdown and pushed for the US Title.
That's what he get's for making fun of his body backstage. Batista is one of the most dangerous wrestlers out there.
cmiller9291 said:
ya i never found hardcore holly that great. the only thing that makes him entertaining is hating rookies which just makes him look stupid. and i dont think wwe should just hand out pushes out of pitty.

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