year end awards

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mr. krinkle

Getting Noticed By Management
i know its not technically the end of the year, but its close enough...the year 2006 was an alright year, who would you give awards to?

here are mine

Wrestler of the Year... Edge...he went from "just" Edge to the Rated R Superstar...he has been in the main event all year, 2 WWE title reigns, an awesome match against Mick Foley @ Wrestlemania, shifted smoothly from his fued with John Cena right into another main event fued with he is helping Randy Orton get back on his feet...when i think back on this year, it was all about Edge and Lita

Tag Team of the Year... LAX...Homicide and Hernandez renewed my faith in Tag wrestling... a pair of NWA tag titles and some awesome matches with AJ Styles and Fallen THEY made Konnan seem important, not the other way around

Comeback of the Year... King Booker...he looked like he was ready to retire last year...was pretty much a mid-card afterthought for a few years now...boom...he wins the KOTR, takes the World title from Rey Misterio, fends off Batista in the ring and even out of it, makes William Regal relevant again, and goes on the being crowned "Champion of Champions"...not bad...his best year since 2000...gotta give honorable mention to Sabu

Most Improved...Johnny Nitro...i always thought of him as another joker from Tough Enough that wouldnt amount to anything...a schwag tag team wrestler on Smackdown... he moves to Raw, wins a couple IC titles, and actually puts on a decent match...i almost forgot he was on Tough Enough

Shock of the Year... Kurt Angle released by WWE, then jumps to TNA...who wouldve seen this coming?

Match of the Year... Samoa Joe vs Fallen Angel, first episode of Impact on Thursdays...first match of the night, and i hung on to every move, every second, and i never seen Daniels take such a beating, when Joe dumped him on his head off the top rope i thought he killed him...that night Joe reclaimed his X division title that he didnt lose by pin or submission in the first place...definately my fav this year

Woman/Diva of the Year... Lita (same reasons as Edge)
mr. krinkle said:
Match of the Year... Samoa Joe vs Fallen Angel, first episode of Impact on Thursdays...first match of the night, and i hung on to every move, every second, and i never seen Daniels take such a beating, when Joe dumped him on his head off the top rope i thought he killed him...that night Joe reclaimed his X division title that he didnt lose by pin or submission in the first place...definately my fav this year

This may be your favorite, but it's far from MOY.

Mine go:

Wrestler of the year: Edge-Although I haven't seen him in the past few months, he was great in the early part. Winning the WWE title a couple of times and actually getting a decent reign his second time. Put on great matches at WM, One Night Stand, Unforgiven, and I heard the cage match was sweet. He had a great feud with Cena and Foley and a solid feud against Flair. He's also a tag team champ now

HM:Samoa Joe, Rey Mysterio, American Dragon, Abyss, KENTA.

Tag Team of the year: I agree with this one as well. Not only our they my favorite tag team, they have to be the best. They got a great manager, an amazing wrestler, and a huge powerhouse who is also a fairly good wrestler himself. They won the tag titles twice, but on some amazing matches against Styles and Daniels, and could be the best thing going in TNA.

HM:Styles and Daniels, London and Kendrick, Spirit Squad, AMW, Generation Next.

Feud of the year: LAX Vs. Styles and Daniels. I think at the end of the feud what makes it great is the matches you put on. And these guys always stole the show with their matches. A couple of title switches helped keep this feud alive and it was just a great feud. I have a feeling AMW/LAX could top it.

HM:ROH Vs. CZW(a very very very close second), Sting Vs, Jarrett, Cena Vs. Edge, Cage Vs. Rhino, Cage Vs. Abyss(and people say WWE is the only place with good feuds?)

Best Comeback: Has to go to Jeff Hardy. When we last some in WWE he was awful. When he came to TNA he was good, but it wasn't the same. When he went back to WWE it still wasn't as good as he once was, but was the closest we've ever seen since 2002. I don't think we'll ever see the same Jeff Hardy, but thus far it's the best he's been in a while.

HM:Sting, Finlay.

Most Improved: Lashley. Working with Finlay did wonders for his career. He looked very bad early on, but after his feud with Finlay he improved wonders. I can now see him being a legitamaley(sp) world title contender in the future

HM:Johnny Nitro, Chris Masters, Umaga(since his debut he's gotten better).

Most shocking: Angle obviously. No HM's nedded.

Match of the Year: Do Fixer vs Blood Revolution at 'Super-Card of Honor' on Match 31, 2006. This match was just unbelieveable. I watched it with non wrestling fans and they couldn't believe what they were seeing. Just a fantastic match.

HM:American Dragon vs KENTA at "Glory By Honor 5", KENTA vs American Dragon vs Samoa Joe at "In Your Face", Chris Sabin vs Sonjay Dutt vs Petey Williams vs Puma at Destination-X , Samoa Joe vs Christopher Daniels vs AJ Styles at Against All Odds
Wrestler of the Year... Cena...Retaining his WWE Title at Wrestlemania was huge.. He had fueds with Edge and HHH throughout the year and hes proven to be a good champ

Tag Team of the Year... Kane/Big Show.... Wow... 2 of the greatest wrestlers in the world teaming up like jeez..had a long reign with the WHTT

Comeback of the year: Triple H coming back to tag with flair, one of the biggest pops EVER!!!

Most Improved... King Booker... At the starting of the year people thought he would never be a contender again. then SHWISH! there he is the winner of the King of the ring tourney then the WWE WHC

Shock of the Year... Triple H becoming a father.

Match of the Year... HHH vs SS Gauntlet Match...(The return of DX)

Woman/Diva of the Year... Trish Stratus (no reasons, she retired as a great champ)
Wrestler of the Year... Edge, he was amazing the whole year and put on some great matches at WM and a lot of other pay per views. His World Title win at NYR was one of the most shocking moments of the year. This was definently Edge's year.

Tag Team of the Year... London and Kendrick- Fantastic champs and tag teams. Great wrestlers and high flyers, and I enjoyed watching them.

Comeback of the year: Jeff Hardy- I don't like him much but he's been HUGE since his return. Won the IC championship and is now feuding on Raw with big names.

Most Improved... Johnny Nitro, with his reign as IC Champion, Nitro definently became a lasting name on Raw. He did amazing moves, and has shown that he's more than just a tag team wrestler.

Shock of the Year... Either Edge winning the WWE title or Angle being released and then going to TNA.

Match of the Year... Edge, Mick Foley, and Lita vs Tommy Dreamer, Terry Funk, and Beulah- FANTASTIC match. I can watch this for hours. Truly a great match, and the best in my opinion at ONS.

Woman/Diva of the Year... Lita- one mintue she was walking out with Edge, the next she was a 4 time Women's Champion. And I'm biased too, cause I love her and miss her lots. It's a shame how they made her go.

Flames Out
WOY: Edge, he became a huge star right when the WWE needed one.
TTOY: London & Kendrick, they made tag matches worth watching again. Every match is a classic.
COY: Sting, he came back improved TNA, won the title, and is still getting wrestlers over. HM: J.Hardy his TNA comeback was good but him going back to WWE caught me offguard.
MI: J.Nitro for reasons stated in previous posts.
SOY: Angle!!!!!!!
MOY: Rey mysterio v. Chavo Guerrero I Quit match. it was one of the best matches that i've ever seen on regular or cable tv.
wrestler of the year: cena he had his fued with edge won at wm always kept his cool HM #1 jeff jarret he won some great matches and was the top guy in tna #2 somma joe he only lost a few time in tna and held the X division championship #3edge had a feud over the wwe title with cena and is now the wwe tag champ
tag team of the year london and kendrick they have held on to the titles for 6 months HM kane andbigshow were great at the begining of the year
comeback of the year is booker becoming champ he was talking abould retiring in 2005 and now he is one of the top guy on smackdown HM kennedy he hasnt been there as long as booker but when he came back he beat batista won the us title and now is fueding with the undertaker
most improved kennedy with out ? at the beggining of the year most people for got about him and now people are saying he will win the royal rumble and become the champ HM nitro he made the switch from tag team to singles
shock of the year angle goes to tna
match of the year edge vs mick foley at wm HM hbk vs vince at wm
diva of the year mickey james won the womens title 2 times and beat trish and lita both in the same year for the title not a easy thing to do
rookie of the year cm punk came to ecw and is a favorite to win in his matches HM uuuuuuuuumaga he has destroyed everything in his path
Wrestler Of The Year:-

Edge:- Constantly put on great performances, defonatley WWE's M.V.P. of the year.

Tag Team Of The Year:-

L.A.X.:- When they initially formed I thought it was a complete waste of Homicide, but Konnan has made that stable with his excellent mic work.

Comeback Of The Year:-

Finlay:- Nobody cared about him when he was in WCW and yet he's come into WWE at nearly 50 and has almost singlehandedly turned Smackdown around.

Most Improved:-

John Cena:- His feud with Edge is the best thing that could have happened to him. Edge brought out the best in Cena and made him (almost) credible.

Shock Of The Year:-

Kurt Angle's firing. Who would have thought that he would start the year as world champion and at the end of the year end up in a smaller promotion?

Match Of The Year:-

Ladder Match At Armageddon. This one will be appearing on plenty of D.V.D.'s in the future. It's going to go down as a classic.

Diva Of The Year:-

Lita:- I was never a fan until she got together with Edge. Yet again he brought the best out of somebody.

I'm going to add a few more of my opinions.

Feud Of The Year:-

Edge/Cena:- Same as above.

Babyface Of The Year:-

Samoa Joe:- Was a heel at the beginning of the year but the fan's ended up turning him face.

Heel Of The Year:-

Edge:- Same as above.

Card Of The Year:-

Bound For Glory:- It was billed as T.N.A.'s biggest ever P.P.V. and it delivered everything it promised.

Worst Wrestler Of The Year:-

The Great Khali:- So bad WWE wont let him wrestle on live T.V.

Worst Match Of The Year:-

Punjabi Prison:- Just think how bad it would have been if Khali had been involved. Thank God for elevated enzymes.

Commentator Of The Year:-

J.B.L.:- He even made Michael Cole sound good. Versitile wrestler's will always find work after there career's end.

Promotion Of The Year:-

R.O.H.:- For wrestling you just cant beat it.
Wrestler Of The Year:
John Cena: Love him or hate him, he held the title for most part of this year and also main evented Wrestlemania 22.

Tag Team Of The Year:
Paul London & Brian Kendrick: They became the longest reigning WWE Tag Team Champs in WWE History, holding the titles for 7 months and giving us 5 star matches (like the ladder match at armageddon).

Comeback Of The Year:
Jeff Hardy: Won the IC title twice and had a nice feud with Johnny Nitro

Most Improved:
Johnny Nitro: Became IC champion, had a nice run as WWE Tag Team Champion with mercury.

Shock Of The Year:
Kurt Angle goes to TNA.

Match Of The Year:
The Hardyz vs MNM vs Regal & Taylor vs London & Kendrick for the WWE Tag Team Championship in a Ladder Match: AWESOME match every man in the match gave us a 5 star performance.

Diva Of The Year:
Mickie James: Won the Women's Championship twice, at Wrestlemania 22 and Survivor Series.
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