Xbox Live and PSN Down

Piece of shit hackers, man. My PSN has been down for almost three days now. The first time I have more than one day off in a row in months and can actually play, these fucks shut it down.
I miss the old days of gaming when you put in a game, turn on a power switch and the game comes up on my TV.
I could write an RP about this.

This is the second time in a short period that XBL has been down. Pisses me off as I was all ready to play my new games with my friends.
I doubt it's an actual hacking. I assumed it was just a maintenance problem caused by too much activity on Christmas time.

That would somehow be even more pathetic. As it is, this generation has been characterised by HD remixes, massive technical problems and Nintendo simultaneously crippling itself and being the gold standard.
I was including them in the technical problems, although at least their system architecture is less dependent on an internet connection.

I also forgot to mention widespread misogyny and shady business practices.
If i weren't going out I would explain why a PS4 without internet is still better than a Wii U. Since I can't i'll keep it simple.

You're a cunt.

I'm getting a PS4 in the new year. Wii U is good for the Nintendo exclusives and eshop indy stuff but nothing else.

Of course the PS4 is the better console.
Thank God I'm not a kid getting a PS4/Xbone for Christmas or a Gamestop worker having to deal with angry parents.

Hopefully this is resolved by tomorrow because I'm going away for the week and I'd like to play a little before I go.
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I really can't agree. The Wii U has a limited library but it also has what is easily the best library.

I'm thinking long term here.

I've got 18 WiiU titles of which all are rather good. This is excluding Bayonetta 1 and 2.
There's very little on the PS4's horizon that I think people should be excited for. Bloodborne, if you're into Souls games.

Why would you exclude Bayonetta 2?
I've not got it yet. It was either that or Smash.
There's a massive difference between hacking and DDoS attacks. That's what the perpetrators (Lizard Squad, a collection of 4Chan tards) are actually doing.

I play PC exclusively now, so it doesn't really bother me though.
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