WZCW Kingdom Come VI - LD / Hype Thread


the Frog

WZCW World Heavyweight Title Match
Matt Tastic © vs. The Beard


World Title #1 Cont. Match
Ty Burna vs. Mikey Stormrage


EurAsian Title Match [Super Ladder Match Melee]
M vs. Daddy Mack vs. ElegAnt vs. Theron Daggershield vs. Kagura Ohzora


Elite X Title Match [7th Defense]
Constantine © vs. El Califa Dragon


Tag Team Title Match
Cerberus © vs. Hard Metal Penetration (Alhazred & S.H.I.T.)


Grudge Match
Steven Holmes vs. Chris K.O.


Grudge Match
Eve Taylor vs. Aubrey Sloan


Greetings to all WZCW members and non-members. Today our version of Wrestlemania known as Kingdom Come is being posted up. We have a slew of exciting matches on the card. This will be the sixth installment. This thread is either for the potential "live" showing (the show is posted piece by piece) we will get or to just discuss hype as we approach the posting of the full show altogether at a certain point.


For WZCW members, here is a small question to start generating discussion.

1.) Last year the unlikely candidate War Games Match stole the show as the best match on the card. What match on this year's card do you think will steal the show?

2.) Would you prefer the show get posted in bits and pieces like previous years or as one big chunk?

3.) What were your thoughts on the pre-show battle royal and the slew of jobbers that made it into the match?
I think the tag team match will be the best match on the card... if the characters are all used correctly. Ladder match also has the potential to be really good as well.

I don't particularly care if the show is posted in segments or all at once. Either way my body is ready.

Since I didn't get a chance to thank you properly, Frog, the match was awesome. Oh Armando Paradyse, when will you learn? Kingdom Come is for superstars that actually matter.
For WZCW members, here is a small question to start generating discussion.

1.) Last year the unlikely candidate War Games Match stole the show as the best match on the card. What match on this year's card do you think will steal the show?

The one I wrote, duh

2.) Would you prefer the show get posted in bits and pieces like previous years or as one big chunk?

Whichever the people want less ;)

3.) What were your thoughts on the pre-show battle royal and the slew of jobbers that made it into the match?

I haven't gotten a chance to do more than skim it, but Jack O'Lantern would've been WZCW Champion had he stayed, dammit.

Sweet, questions, this will give me something other to do than *********e procrastinate while I wait.

1. Stormrage vs Burna

2. I want tha show!

3. Pretty fun, meant all the people that turned up had something cool for their characters to do and the Armando running joke is excellent. I wasn't surprised to see Ech take the win, wouldn't be right without him on the card. No offense to the other two.
I have really high hopes for rhe Super Ladder Melee. It's loaded with talented superstars who are still looking for their first taste of gold.

I don't care how the show is posted, just post it.

Pre-show? Veejay didn't win. Nuff said. :disappointed:
In all seriousness, I enjoyed the whole match. Loved the writing. And jobbers were nice addition.
I do believe Eve Taylor vs Aubrey Sloan is the first one on one women's match on PPV. If not, at least in Kingdom Come.
Believe in it. Tag match should shut the place DOWN. Just waiting to see what evil Falk is up to...
Since I didn't get a chance to thank you properly, Frog, the match was awesome. Oh Armando Paradyse, when will you learn? Kingdom Come is for superstars that actually matter.

Cheers, mate.

I haven't gotten a chance to do more than skim it, but Jack O'Lantern would've been WZCW Champion had he stayed, dammit.

He truly was destined for great things. RPs in all orange text? Come on, that's gold.

Stormrage vs Burna

I am crossed between this and the tag match. The Ladder Match is also a tempting candidate.

I have really high hopes for rhe Super Ladder Melee. It's loaded with talented superstars who are still looking for their first taste of gold.

Me too. It also the most unpredictable match on the card. I can't wait to see which cream rises to the top.

I do believe Eve Taylor vs Aubrey Sloan is the first one on one women's match on PPV. If not, at least in Kingdom Come.

That would have been a great fact on my list. No idea why I did not think of it. Isabel Stone vs. Krypto at Unscripted '12 is the closest we have come to such a milestone.
We're getting close, ladies and gentlemen. Not long to go now...

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