WZ End Of Year Awards: Disappointment Of The Year

What Has Been The Biggest Disappointment Of 2007?

  • Jericho Not Living Up To The Hype

  • C.M. Punk vs. Chris Benoit Not Happening

  • Cenas Title Reign Ending In Forfeit

  • Triple H Squashing Everybody

  • TNA's Bad Booking

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
What has been the biggest disappointment of the year? Be it a match/angle you wanted to see, a wrestler not living up to the hype etc. Vote Here.
Chris Beboit is a selfish bastard. Couldn't he have killed his family after Vengeance? I so wanted to see that match. That is the reason why the ECW title is nothing more than a mid card title under Punk. If Benoit had held the title for a few months and Punk had then defeated him, it would have made Punk and the belt into something special. Instead Johnny Nitro become one of the most undeserving champs of the year, if not all time. And Punk looks like less of a star as champ now than he was at the beginning of the year when he was jobbing to Hardcore Holly.
For selfish reasons, I want to say Punk Benoit. ROH marks that thing that CM Punk is gods gift to wrestling would have had the severe wake up call they needed when they see Benoit lead Punk through a match. Honestly, no one in ROH could have laced Benoit's boots. Punk would have benefited and learned so much, and the ECW title would have been more then a glorified European/Hardcore title.

It's Triple H though. That son of a bitch has come back and buried everyone more then ever. Booker T, check. Raw Tag Team Division, Check. Carlito, Check. Umaga, Check. Survivor Series, Check. Jeff Hardy, Check. Randy Orton, Check.

It goes on and on and on. The guy is a piece of shit that wouldn't be anywhere in this business unless he was married to the business. Raw and the WWE in general is in desperate need for younger talent to be established, but that doesn't happen because of assholes like Triple H not willing to give up their spot and bury anyone that gets any heat attached to them. Triple H is a selfish bastard.
One that isn't there: Kennedy wasn't the bastard son. I'm still extremely pissed that Kennedy was taken out due to the Sig Pharm scandal, and replaced with Hornswoggle. Also, Jericho's only bin back for three weeks. He hasn't had the chance to SHINE yet. His match with Orton tonight will be a match of the year candidate, guarenteed. So that isn't an option for me. Out of the different dissapointments, TNA's misrable booking job is my choice. They could be so good, but they HAVE to listen to Russo and Jarrett, who obviously don't know what the fans want.
I have to say that the biggest disappoinment of they year had to be when Benoit didn't face CM Punk at Vengeance. Seriously, that match would have kicked ass. Definitely would have been match of the year. Benoit would have shown so many people that he is the best technical wrestler of the last five years by completely blowing CM Punk away. I was so sad to see that this match didn't happen. Instead we got a rushed 8 eight minute match where Johnny Nitro ended up winning the title when he was so undeserving of a title reign. In my opinion this is the biggest letdown of the year.
Biggest Disappointment Of The Year

My vote would have gone to the Illegitimate Son storyline that culminated in Hornswoggle being revealed due to the Kennedy suspension.

Seeing as that isnt on the list however, i've opted for the Punk vs Benoit match not happenening. Yes there were surreal circumstances occurring which cost us that match, but I think it's more or less a known fact that Benoit would of won the Title in that match, and more than likely would still be holding it now, in a good feud with CM Punk, rather than me sitting here typing this whilst watching Kane and CM Punk vs The Big Fat Black Guys!
Jericho's return wouldn't have been as disappointing if it hadn't been hyped for far too long. If it had been a genuine surprise it would have gone over much better.
Biggest Disappointment Of The Year

My vote would have gone to the Illegitimate Son storyline that culminated in Hornswoggle being revealed due to the Kennedy suspension.

Seeing as that isnt on the list however, i've opted for the Punk vs Benoit match not happenening. Yes there were surreal circumstances occurring which cost us that match, but I think it's more or less a known fact that Benoit would of won the Title in that match, and more than likely would still be holding it now, in a good feud with CM Punk, rather than me sitting here typing this whilst watching Kane and CM Punk vs The Big Fat Black Guys!

Yes. Kennedy is a big disappointment. Not himself but what they have done with him which is pushing him, then bringing him down again. His name is Kennedy not duncan (yo-yo reference for the slow people). His angle as the illegitimate son would have pushed him to superstar...he will get there once again I hope.

He is my favorite right now and needs to take out Jeff Hardy and take the IC title. Or MVPs in a surprise 'face turn. He's gaining ground as a favorite and the WWE should see that and make him the future.

That story line was a big disappointment.
None of the WWE options actually disappointed me that much. I'm still marking out to Y2J in particular. TNA on the other hand seems to have had a worse year than ever. I'm certainly a bigger WWE fan than TNA, but a monopoly suits no-one and TNA seems to be doing a fine job of burying itself.
I'm going to choose everything. Wrestling has pissed me off so much that I'm lucky if I tune into anything at all these days. WWE has a laundry list of things I would've fixed as far back as 2004. TNA has de-evolved into something Vince McMahon would pick out of his own feces in terms of the writing. Well, at least ROH only charges $10 for a PPV. Other than that...meh.
Every pay-per-view where Cena "somehow pulled out the win" is a disappointment to me. How many times did they shove this no-talent down our throats and belittle his competitors (Lashley, Kennedy) by allowing him to beat them cleanly.
I voted for Cena's forfeit because quite frankly i wanted to see him actually lose to orton but now he can use the injury as an excuse when he gets back,if it were an option i would of chosen mr.kennedy not being the Bastard son of VKM,that was a great storyline in the making and now they have screwed themselves.
for purely wrestling related reasons, I went with Benoit VS Punk. I was looking forward to that match more than many in recent memory, and still belive that it couldve been a 20 minute classic, and saved ECW from being what it has become.

My choice wouldve certainly been the Mcmahon illegitimate son storyline. That couldve been HUGE for kennedy, or anyone else who it may have been, and couldve launched a huge amount of storylines and feuds. and all it has done is spawn a WHOLE lot of bad televison, bad promos, and bad matches.
I would have voted Kennedy in general. He's been a fairly consistent disappointment all year, losing the title shot he was given, screwing up the Vince's son angle, injuring numerous others, putting on average matches.
Out of the choices given though, Benoit/Punk. It would have exposed Punk for how average he is and would have saved ECW from the crap it has been ever since.
I voted for Cena's title reign ending with a forfeit. He held the title for over a year and was heading into a big match with Randy Orton at Unforgiven and all of a sudden had to forfeit his title. What a shame!
I, like others, wanted to see a good match. Punk-Benoit feud would have made ECW a lot better. We all knew why he was drafted there, to build the ECW Title's prestige. Instead John Morrison hold it and ECW is where it was last year. No. 2 is Cena losing the Title by forfeit because I wanted to see him get rKo'ed to lose the title.
biggest disappointment was mr. kennedy losing his money in the bank briefcase, made wrestlemania seem a little pointless.
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