WWE Women's Tag Titles Making A Return?


The lord of darkness
WWE.com has an article up calling for the WWE to bring back the Women's tag titles.


THIS IS NOT ACTUALLY HAPPENING...this is just hypothetical.

As much as this might be a good idea on paper...I dont think it will translate well on RAW or Smackdown.

~WWE doesn't give the MENS tag division/titles value or time
~WWE doesn't give the women's division times
~WWE doesn't push the female wrestlers that could actually bring value to them.

WWE treats Beth and Natalya right now (in my opinion the only female wrestlers that are good) like they are nothing. I think they need to beef up the womens division a little bit better. They would also need to bring back the WOMENS TITLE, and not make the tag titles the DIVA TAG TITLES.

IF WWE was to do this I think they need to make Beth and Natalya dominant and start out holding the titles.

What do you think should be done?
Should WWE bring the womens tag titles back?
Who would you place in tag teams?
WWE.com posts almost weekly stories calling the company to "bring back" something. I think most of them are just feelers, trying to see what elicits are positive response from the fans that visit their website. Others are probably just there to pad their viewer count and give the writers something to do. We've seen this with the Cruiserweight title, the Hardcore title, even the European title, the Women's title...we've even see them "call" for a new design to the WWE championship, getting a quote from John Cena - the guy who designed the belt in the first place! This by no means anything is going to come from it, but I think you've already made that point pretty clear.

This is a terrible idea, for all of the reasons you already mentioned. They have no men's tag division, so what makes anybody think they could successfully pull it off with the women? THey have no real, credible divas. There is no reason to add ANOTHER divas title, or any other title of any kind! The last thing I want to see is multiple divas segments every night...

Let me try to pull some positives out, just for the sake of intelligent debate. Having two divas divisions means that we'd see more of them. On paper, that sounds TERRIBLE. But in practice, it means they have more time to get their face out there, more ring time to improve, and likely more mic work. Practice makes perfect, and you could say the reason most of the divas suck, is likely because they never get any real time to wrestle or to talk. What are you supposed to do with a 3 minute match every week? If that!

So there's at least one pro to adding a women's tag division: more time for the Divas to improve. And maybe, just maybe it would encourage real tag team wrestling amongst the men, and spark something within creative!
The WWE cannot bring back the WWE womens tag titles because they have no women's division to base it around. They are burying arguably one of the best divas in natalya and the matches that currently happen rarely go over 5 minutes and they are never significant in building storyline. I would love for Layla to come back and maybe try to shoot up the importance of the Divas division but nothing will be interesting until Kharma comes back and that too for how long?

But if i had to choose right now, I would have to give the tag titles to Eve and Kelly. They would have to continue their feud with Beth and Natalya I guess even though thats been going on for a while.
I wouldn't mind a Divas Tag Team Title if the Divas division actually mattered. A huge problem is time. WWE has 4 hours a week of National Television combined with 2 hours a week on the internet that they broadcast wrestling action. I hate to say it, but with the size of the roster that they have, that's still not enough time to devote to the divas. Especially when you consider that many of the Divas are in the mold of the Bella Twins, nice to look at, but not that good in the ring.

Now, don't get me wrong, some of the Divas have improved over the years (in the case of some of them, that really wasn't too hard) but until Kharma comes back, and they start to give the division more time, it's not feasible to do it.

Remember, Women's Wrestling can work. Look at TNA at the height of the Knockout's Division, before it became just a mirror image of what WWE's Divas Division is. They used to have the highest rated (of course, that's not saying much) segments on Impact. Since they went the way that WWE did, not so much.
They've certainly built their division for it. Beth and Nattie, Kelly and Eve, the Bellas, AJ and Kaitlyn. This division is honestly already more about tag teams than it is singles competition. I'd wager a majority of the Divas matches wrestled are tag team matches, rather than singles. Damn near the only time you see a singles match is when it's a title match. So yeah, the WWE really has got the "division", so to speak, to do this. The Divas division is actually pretty well stocked, it's just that half of them are shit and the other half are never allowed to do anything. The WWE probably won't do this, since their strategy over the last few years has been to decrease the number of titles, rather than increase it. The WWE won't do this - they don't give a shit about the Divas and certainly won't give them another title to make them interesting. If they wanted to, however, they certainly could. It wouldn't be a terrible idea as part of an effort to make the Divas remotely relevant, but that's not anywhere near the WWE's plans right now, unfortunately.
No thanks.

We've just gotten over months of the same three minute Divas match every week. I don't know how long I could stand whatever combination of the "Divas of Doom", the Bella Twins, and Kelly Kelly and Eve for weeks on end.
Just because the divas have split off into cliques does not mean the old women's tag team title needs to be reactivated after decades of dormancy. Even with no brand diviede their divison just doesn't have the numbers. Its as stupid as saying TNA's tag divison was going to rise again like a pheonix because both Hardy Boyz were under contract.. I always felt like the girls should be permitted to take part in interpromotional bouts..
I don't know if it would be a good idea. I feel like it would end up just like TNA. The Knockouts Tag Titles have just become decorations on the Knockouts and I feel like the same would happen in the WWE. Though it would be cool, I just don't see it working unless the WWE starts to actually put focus into the Diva's division.

Who do we have right now anyway?

Beth Pheonix & Natalya
Kelly Kelly & Eve
Nikki & Brie Bella
AJ & Kaityln
A lot of people I know think the one thing TNA has on the WWE is a better women's division. Even then the division has been regulated to every chick there being refereed to as bitch more than their actual name and honestly I don't think the Knockout Tag division is very popular. There are no true tag teams, just random pairings of faces and heels.

I just don't feel there is enough talent in the Divas division for it to work. You have Beth who is probably the best female worker on the roster, but she scares me and my weiner goes inside me each time she wrestlers out of pure fear. Natty is good but he can't get solid singles wins. Eve is solid but they use her as more of a sex symbol. Kelly^2 is ok, she is more of a sex symbol but she is only 24ish so she has time to grow. The Bellas work better as a team. Then you have the girls from NXT who are ok but can't get TV time. Alisha Fox is pretty inconsistent as well. Like everyone else here I just don't see it working.
Its not happening. Tag team wrestling is dead and if wwe doesnt give two ish about their current tag division; why in the hell do you think they would care about the divas tag division let alone the divas period. I laughed when I saw this idea because its like a diva winning the wwe title, so not going to happen ever. I really do not know why wwe have tag team matches. They all are boring and pointless. Mcmahon should just revisit the early and mid 90s and get rid of the women's divison overall. The divison is pointless and I wouldnt mind seeing Beth Phoenix leave the wwe and dump that pointless title in the trash. Its not like Mcmahon would give a damn and if that were to happen (jus wishing) he would get his head out of the yesmen ass and revamp the division or he would be too embarrassed.
Its not happening. Tag team wrestling is dead and if wwe doesnt give two ish about their current tag division; why in the hell do you think they would care about the divas tag division let alone the divas period.

Wow someone is bitter. Never say never in wrestling. Just because there isn't a tag division doesn't mean they aren't working on one. Maybe they are looking for FCW guys to bring up as tag teams instead of just throwing current stars together like AirBoom.

I laughed when I saw this idea because its like a diva winning the wwe title, so not going to happen ever. I really do not know why wwe have tag team matches. They all are boring and pointless.

You're right a diva winning the WWE is never going to happen...nor should it, thats why they have their own title. If you dont like watching tag matches then you shouldn't be watching wrestling. WWE may not always put on 5 star tag matches, but TNA has had some classics, and this is coming from someone who isn't really into TNA.

Mcmahon should just revisit the early and mid 90s and get rid of the women's divison overall. The divison is pointless and I wouldnt mind seeing Beth Phoenix leave the wwe and dump that pointless title in the trash. Its not like Mcmahon would give a damn and if that were to happen (jus wishing) he would get his head out of the yesmen ass and revamp the division or he would be too embarrassed.

Revisit the early 90s...you mean a time when there were few to no female wrestlers and hardly any involved in wrestling? McMahon runs the WWE on what he sees does business. The divas division died when Trish and Lita left and he doesn't see it coming up. It WAS when Kharma came in, but then she quickly had to leave. Divas dont sell because there is no appeal to them. They dont work for men and women dont buy it because they dont focus on them. The diva division needs to focus on BOTH, and thats not what they're doing. Back in the AE the women were sold as sex symbols. When WWE dropped that they lost their main buyers. WWE needs to find a happy medium that suits both men and women.

The whole Divas of Doom was supposed to be about strength over beauty. It could've worked had they not made Beth and Natalya bullies. They could've geared it towards women and girls better and maybe, just maybe, the divas division would sell better than it does. Until WWE gets back to the WRESTLING, the divas are doomed to be filler.

You seriously need help if you truly believe everything you just said.
WWE treats Beth and Natalya right now (in my opinion the only female wrestlers that are good) like they are nothing. I think they need to beef up the womens division a little bit better. They would also need to bring back the WOMENS TITLE, and not make the tag titles the DIVA TAG TITLES.

IF WWE was to do this I think they need to make Beth and Natalya dominant and start out holding the titles.

What do you think should be done?
Should WWE bring the womens tag titles back?
Who would you place in tag teams?

What are you talking about? They're making Beth and Natalya look insanely dominant. Kelly Kelly beat Beth clean at two consecutive PPVs last year, then Beth cheats to win the title, and ever since then Beth has been booked as unstoppable. And how many times since Beth won the title has Natalya made another Diva tap to the Sharpshooter instantly? They need LESS focus on Beth and Natalya. If they want the Divas division to actually hold any viewers, they need to focus on the Divas that casual fans want to see, not what the IWC wants.
I hope so. The Tag Team & Diva divisions are handled with so much integrity and thought that it would be only natural to fuse those concepts together. Actually, now that I've had time to digest it all, the "It Begins" promos tie into WWE's product better than anyone could have imagined. The Little Girl isn't Stephanie or CM Punk. She represents the Divas. And 2 (TWO!) little kids? Tag Team! I bet Jericho is the catalyst of some sort of tournament that will crown new Diva Tag Champs at Wrestlemania. THIS is the end of the world as we know it.
As you said it's a good idea on paper. It would give the feuds such as Kelly Kelly and Eve Vs Natalya and Beth some more meaning. They could also bring teams such as Kaitlyn and AJ If she is even still there something to do. I only see the problems of the divas only get a 5 to 10 minute time slot as it is. Also I think the divas division is a little too small to have the Divas championship and tag team belts. I kinda wish Lay-Cool was still about for this.
On paper it sounds cool but they already made us not care about the Divas title. Nor do they give us a real reason to care about the Divas in general. Eve, pretty good worker now, don't care about her. Kelly, annoying as hell. I love Natalya, Beth, and Aj but they're screwing it up. It'll turn into another belt that no one will care about.

I couldn't blame them if it was just some giant elaborate excuse to bring these belts back. These are the last two holders of the WWF Women's tag team title and this is in 1989.. Thats how long ago the WWF had enough girls for this to make sense.. That Leilani Kai on the left, she can get it ;)
It would probably work better than the current Divas division. So few people seem to care about the divas division anyway, I'd be okay with them just getting rid of the Divas title and replacing it with tag titles. You know, for kicks basically.

I don't think you'd really need to worry about it, though. As it is the Divas get about 4 minutes of TV time twice a week, it'd seem odd they steer towards additional titles to worry about.
I'd be okay with them just getting rid of the Divas title and replacing it with tag titles. You know, for kicks basically.

Ah, yes. Wonderful idea here. At first, bringing back the Tag Titles for the Diva's Division sounded like a horrid idea. With the lack of passion, focus and direction the division currently possesses, why bother? But then the idea of riding the Diva's Division of its top title and replacing it with tag titles presented itself. Fine idea here. With Natalya and Beth, Kelly and Eve, AJ and Kaitlyn, Nicki and Brie Bella and Kharma going solo, the division has the chance of becoming more successful than WWE's male Tag division. I personally like the idea; it would give more than just one diva a chance to be on TV for more than just an occasional appearance.

If it means more thought is put into the occasional diva storyline, I'm all for it. It's not like it's going to harm the product. If it sucks or doesn't catch on, drop it like the WWE does every other storyline/idea nowadays. There's nothing wrong with trying to spark a little interest in an already very dead division. Tag Titles could be the way to get the division back to it's former glory. Go for it.
Honestly for this to work, you'd have to make the women's/diva's division work in the first place. There are too few divas and the ones they have barely get any actual ring time. Sure, they're used as backstage fodder but besides that, it's 2-3 minute squash matches that don't make sense or frankly matter. I'd LOVE for an impressive diva's division that has done so well it requires a tag team division but the way things are - it'll never happen.
I read about this a few days back. Fortunately, it's not going to happen. There was some possible talk about actually doing it but it ultimately led to nothing.

If women's wrestling were relevant in WWE, I'd have no problem with it. Since it isn't, however, why add another title that nobody cares about to a division that nobody cares about?
The reason they thought about bringing back the Women's Tag Team title is because WWE (more specifically, Vince) wants to push the Bella Twins, two women who can't wrestle, can't act and don't really do anything on the show, but Vince loves them because ... they're twins!

I agree with the sentiment of most fo the people here which is: why bother? They don't push women, they don't push tag teams, so why create a title that would be double useless?
They have a few women's tag teams, I suppose, but they don't need this. When the Diva's Championship is nothing more than a prop, then just imagine what this would be. There's no need for it. If they ever wanted to get this into motion, they'd have to stray away from what their vision is for women's wrestling. They'd have to gear themselves toward Kharma, Beth Phoenix, Natalya and the other female wrestlers out there who have some in-ring ability. That's not happening any time soon, especially since Kelly Kelly is the face of their diva's division.

To introduce Women's Tag Titles would only dilute what's left of the division. This isn't a division worth watching really. I mean, I'll watch their matches, but how many regular fans will? Not many, so the new titles would really have no impact whatsoever. As much as the WWE hates it, the divas are nothing but eye candy.
I don't see the point.

As others have said, the WWE has greatly de-emphasized tag wrestling in general during the last decade, and there aren't near enough divas to form a division. Within 3 or 4 months every possible match up would have been done.

And it's not like the idea was a runaway success the first time around. I'd forgot the Women's Tag Titles even existed until I rewatched RR '88 the other day.
I reckon it would just be stupid to bring back. The only time they were valued at all when they first came out was when Michelle McCool and Layla had them at the start of their reign. Apart from that they were worthless. To be honest the womens division is useless anyway. Nobody pays attention to their matches, the feuds are just plain stupid and they barely get any time anyways.

As someone said before, the mens tag team divison barely gets anytime put into it so it would just be a waste of time for the womens to get a tag division back. Maybe if the WWE put some time back into the mens tag divison and made it more credible than most of the titles in the WWE then I would be all for it.

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