Should there be new titles?


Getting Noticed By Management
Hear me the WWE you have the two world titles...those aint goin anywhere...but what about bringing back the light heavyweight title? i figure they should bring this belt back cuz so many guys arent doin squat right now....u got people like ziggler, hardy, r truth, ryder, yoshi, evan, primo, finlay, carlito, kofi, santino, christian or even cody compete in the division. this title is so necessary if you think about it...wat do all those guys hav in common? they aint doin sh*t lol. the light heavyweight title shouldnt be a demotion cuz around the world in different promotions its a prestigious title. even look at ufc where they titles that go as far as lightweight...another title that should be scrapped is the divas title. the womens division is running outta matches...they need fresh matches which is why the division is so poor right now cuz they have nothing fresh...scrap the divas title and bring in the divas tag team titles. here you have a belt that any diva can hold without having to aim for the womens title....u have possible tag teams in team laycool if michelle isnt ever the champ, random pairings such as mickie and beth, bella twins cuz we know they aint splitting, kelly kelly and gail kim cuz gail aint winnin no titles soon, hell pair up jillian and rosa mendes, just to have plenty of tag teams while a couple of divas fight for the main prize which then gives the womens title more cred...
I would love to see a light heavyweight title back in WWE. I have always been frustrated the way the have handled that division in the past. They have plenty of stars that could give that division credibility. I also agree that the divas title should be unified with the woman's title. I just don't think they should have a woman's tag title. They have a hard enough time keeping the mens tag titles interesting.
I would love if they brought back the Hardcore title i loved watching those matches but i dont think they can with being pg and all but i dont no
the Divas Tag titles could work out if Vince raided TNA's Knockout Division. We all know he like pretty girls. Hell who doesn't. But they need to be capable of going longer than 5 min without botching.

Im against bringing the light heavy/cruiserweight title because as much as i enjoy that division we all know it would be poorly booked and it would just be another thing for "smarks" (man i hate that term) to bitch about. that is the one thing the WWF/E has never been able to figure out. Say what u will about WCW but they sure knew how to book that division.
I would love if they brought back the Hardcore title i loved watching those matches but i dont think they can with being pg and all but i dont no

i agree, i always loved the hardcore title.. but with the no blood thing, it won't work.. to me, when i think of extreme or hardcore, there's always blood involved.. that's why, at least to me, that the Extreme Rules ppv is pointless and won't work.. that ppv needs to be gone.. anyway, back to the topic.. i too would love the lightweight belt back, it used to be fun watching those matches back in the day.. Christian i think is past the lightweight stage though, he did that like 10 years ago... and yes, the diva's title should be gone, or the women's title could be gone and keep the diva's belt.. since they are called "divas" similar to the TNA Knockouts having the "Knockouts" belt.. but the women should only have one belt, they don't do enough single matches for the titles anyway, every ppv or Raw, they're always in pointless tag matches
Light heavyweight title should be easy to book. It could basically push the smaller T shirt pushers. WWE loves to unite Yoshi/Bourne, but I feel with the respect they display in the ring with the athletic ability they have, it could be a great way to start a PPV and finish the match with a hearty handshake. Having a hardcore belt would be ok since ECW is gone, but if they want the belt to be truly special they gotta imply the 24 hour rule. Imagine Raw coming off commercial with Carlito beating Christian with a garbage can! Sounds like good tv!

A women's tag belt? Ew. It could work in TNA because they have 10 competitors who can hold their own. Not the case for the E
I would love to see them bringing back some of these titles back. They need to remodify the divisions big time. If they could bring back some of the titles for the under-card division this would make them more credible, not only as superstars, but something for us fans to look forward to, seeing them challenge for titles, instead of them getting buried all of the time. I think they should bring back the crusierweight title, especially. They have 20+ superstars that would fit into that division so well.
The addition of a new title would be interesting but would probably have to be a title that would allow the champ the ability to wrestle on both programs. I believe that could work but why should there be another "mid card" title? The US and Intercontinental titles aren't being promoted enough to begin with so why add more fuel to the fire?

Mid card stars need elevated to main event status, but again there are only 2 belts to compete for. A third brand imo is needed, but maybe something that is isolated for young stars to compete. establish a world title and allow a vetern wrestler who doesnt have a huge following on Raw or smackdown to hold the title, IE: Regal, Shelton, Carlito, etc. Possibly create a bracket system where wrestlers compete to earn a title shot. if they beat the champ they progress onto smackdown or raw to gain a larger fan base, which will elevate them to main event status.

bottom line the WWE has a lot of talent, tons of talent, but not enough air time to showcase them all, or to give wrestlers like Matt Hardy/Shelton Benjamin, and others the ability to compete or grow into main eventers. Once they create enough "main eventers" they will have plenty of big name stars to establish a solid third brand to accompany the other two.
i doubt any belts will come back, but if they did i want two of them back, the Hardcore title and Cruiserweight, but if only one had to come back, the Hardcore title, have the Hardcore title be 24/7 again, and have many many champions. WWE would be wise to bring that belt back. It gave guys under mid card a chance to work and the matches were very entertaining.
I think the light heavyweight title should stay retired. While the stars mentioned arent doing anything, throwing another belt in the mix that Creative can't write around won't help. And adding that title (or Cruiserweight equivalent) will draw suspicions that WWE is trying to start an X(type) Division. And Vince doesn't want to come off as copying TNA.

What WWE needs is to fire some writer's and light a fire under creative's collective asses. Hire people to work specifically on programs for the midcard. Center it around the 2 mid-titles and drop in a little "IT"S PERSONAL!!!".

As for the Diva's Title...I thought it was uncessecary when it debuted. Now the Estrogen Division (combining Diva's and Women's) is tooo cluttered. And while adding a tag title may make some interesting tv for awhile. Like everything will get stale. In order to maintain it they'd either have to consantly shuffle teamates or add new women. Both which I don't want to see.

They have some talent that they are not using properly (Gail, Jillian, Serena slightly). Creative needs to get off their butts and start earning their salaries.
Light heavyweight title should be easy to book. It could basically push the smaller T shirt pushers. WWE loves to unite Yoshi/Bourne, but I feel with the respect they display in the ring with the athletic ability they have, it could be a great way to start a PPV and finish the match with a hearty handshake. Having a hardcore belt would be ok since ECW is gone, but if they want the belt to be truly special they gotta imply the 24 hour rule. Imagine Raw coming off commercial with Carlito beating Christian with a garbage can! Sounds like good tv!

A women's tag belt? Ew. It could work in TNA because they have 10 competitors who can hold their own. Not the case for the E

I couldn't agree more, TNA just has more woman's talent than WWE right now, plus Lacey Von Erich who is just friggin hot!

And there is no way to bring the hardcore title back in the PG era. But if they did 24 hour rule would have to be in effect.

As for the light heavyweight division, while the potential is endless, with all of the smaller guys that could run wild with something meaningful to fight for. It would just be something more to do with these guys. Think of the pushes it could have for guys like Evan Bourne, who without will be nothing but a jobber, Yoshi, Ryder, Ziggler, Truth, Rey, hell maybe even bring in Beth Pheonix to fight the men and play up her strength.
No. No. No. No. No. No. and FUCK NO!

We need better stories. We don't need to bring back the attitude era, hardcore matches, blood or middle fingers. A good story superceeds all that. THAT is what will bring people to the party. Even in the "PG Era" good stories will make great wrestling tv...and great matches....and better commentary....more titles is just not a good idea. I'd love to see a couple go actually.
the only title that needs to be in both tna/wwe is the tv title its defended every show and it gives the low tier guys something to do and see if the can climb up to ic/us title
bring back the cruiserwieght title and they could even bring back the tv championship even though i dont think that was in wwe i think it was wcw and it might not fit in but deffintly bring back the cruiserwieght championship for people like evan bourn,ziggler,R-truth,primo,carlito,chavo and so on
the only title that needs to be in both tna/wwe is the tv title its defended every show and it gives the low tier guys something to do and see if the can climb up to ic/us title

I agree! The TV title is a great way to start your career in an organization. It gives a certain pool of mid carders a chance to showcase their talent.

Many would probably disagree with me, but i think in the WWE, there should only be one World Title. Having two world titles takes away the prestige these titles have. Besides, superstars jump from one show to another almost every week newayz which also contradicts with the "brand" segmentation. So better to just have one world title and keep the US, IC, Womens and tag title.

Speaking of the Unified tag titles, can the wwe stop carrying around 2 titles per partner? its weird.. :)
Currently active we have the WWE Championship, World Heavyweight Championship, United States Championship, Intercontinental Championship, Unified WWE Tag Team Championship, Women's Championship and Divas Championship. Do we need any more titles? Personally, I don't think so, but I would definitely like to see a revival of the tag team division on both brands, and the splitting of the United WWE Tag Team Championships. I would also appreciate to see some value and legitimacy returned to the United States, Intercontinental, Women's and Divas Championships. As it is, save for Drew McIntyre, the other three belts are really not shown much if any respect whatsoever being held either by an incapable performer (Eve), improperly handled (Michelle McCool), or being left completely unused. Would I like to see a return of any formerly active titles? Most certainly, yes. While I am a huge fan of the World Heavyweight Championship, I personally believe Vince should swallow his pride and reactivate the WCW Championship or combined the two in order to create something along the lines of a WCW World Heavyweight Championship as a memorial to the former promotion. I would also like to see an unification of the ECW and Hardcore Championships in order to form the ECW Hardcore Championship. I would also not mind the creation of tag team belts for the divas, which unlike the men's could be interbrand granted that there aren't enough Divas to create brand specific belts for that purpose.

The way I see it, RAW should be the permanent home to the WWE Championship, United States Championship, Divas Championship, and WWE Tag Team Championship with the addition of a new championship for the younger up-and-coming Superstars of tomorrow; perhaps by resuscitating the currently retired Cruiserweight Championship, or my aforementioned unification of the ECW and Hardcore Championships into a new ECW Hardcore Championship. SmackDown, on the other hand, should be home to the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, combing the current belt and with the old WCW, Intercontinental Championship, Women's Championship, World Tag Team Championship, perhaps even calling it the WCW Tag Team Championship, and finally, like SmackDown, give up-and-coming Superstars a title over which they'd duke it out in order to prove themselves by reviving the Cruiserweight Championship. A interbrand Women's Tag Team Championship should also be created if the Unified WWE Tag Team Championship persisted in order to give the Divas more opportunity at matches.
How can we add a title, when there's currently a title that is doing nothing...

That's right. The Miz is just sitting on the US Title. I don't see ShoMiz losing any time soon, and if they do, they'll still be feuding for a few months.

I'd like to see women's wrestling move to SD! only. Raw has the wrestlers and the story lines. Plus it gives time to showcase the US Title.
If anything, there are TOO many titles in the WWE. The WWE title means jack shit when there is a World title on the other brand that is supposed to be worth the same and wrestlers jump to the other brand to challenge for both all the time. Every show has their version of the World title, IC, Tag (it's unified right now) and women's belt.

I think a Cruiserweight or a TV title should exist as it would give a chance for wrestlers who would just be JTTS otherwise to shine.

What they should do is unify the World and WWE titles, IC and US titles, DIVA and Women's titles and have those champions do double duty and defend on both brands. Then have a TV belt for each specific show that is defended weekly with a 15 minute time limit.
No. No. No. No. No. No. and FUCK NO!

We need better stories. We don't need to bring back the attitude era, hardcore matches, blood or middle fingers. A good story superceeds all that. THAT is what will bring people to the party. Even in the "PG Era" good stories will make great wrestling tv...and great matches....and better commentary....more titles is just not a good idea. I'd love to see a couple go actually.

Pretty much this, but I'll throw in my own 2 cents as well.

The US and IC belts aren't being defended and are basically just being wasted on the 2 people who are holding them. Miz is over without the US Belt and therefore doesn't really need it right now, he's primarily being booked in tag team matches with Big Show anyways, so they could have him drop it to a mid-card talent who can use it to develop a push.
As for Drew, has he even defended his IC belt since winning it from Morrison? (I'm sure the answer to that is yes, but my memory sucks and I don't remember it happening). Sadly I remember more about Santino's run with the IC belt mainly because of the honk-a-meter and him trying to beat the Honky Tonk Man's record of most consecutive days of having the title. Yeah, it was comedic for sure, but it made me care about the belt, something I can't really say now.

The tag team belts are at least being defended, granted, the division kinda blows right now but they'll fix it eventually?

As for the divas belts, why not give them a unified belt and give the champ the ability to defend on both shows? Most of the matches they are in as of late seem to be "guest host gimmick" or tag matches as of late anyhow so it just eliminates the need(of having 2 belts) and gives them a reason to want the title other than it being shiny and pretty.
I think starting a Light Heavyweight division would bring forth alot of improvement and entertainment. However there would have to be some major overhauling. The US and Intercontinental titles would have to go. As would the Unified Tag titles, just make it 1 set of belts E... not that hard. And of course one of the divas titles.

They need to make Titles special again. If there was a Heavy Weight belt per show and a Light heavyweight belt on just a single brand (or cross brand) and a single pair of tag belts it would consolidate the booking and probably help creative.

Also without the hunt for a US or Intercontinental title actual tag teams could be formed and maintained and the tag division would be able to blossom. And over time as popular tag teams start to grow apart there can be a drama over a major title. And popular light heavy weight champs can build up to challenging the World champs. This will cause the titles to actually mean something instead of being a shiny prop. They are stepping stones not just excuses to have a squash match.

With this idea they could implement a ladder system similar to the UFC. Ranking wrestlers based on which "weight class" (heavy, light heavy, or tag) would add another competitive element and could potentially eliminate the need for random matches, since everyone would be fighting to advance in the standings. Now the only matches that really matter are "#1 contender's matches" but those are always with the same 5 or 6 guys so they're really pointless.
I do think The WWE should bring back the lightweight or cruiserweight title. This new title could be defended on both brands which would allow the WWE to showcase the new talent on both shows and give them a push to the high midcards.

The way I see it the US and Intercontinental titles need to be booked better. The diva and women's title should be unified and be defended on both brands As there is barely any talent in that division anyway and the tag title should separate. The WWE has so many wrestlers that it's rediculous that they can't create more tag teams.
I'll tell you what wwe needs. This idea came from a thread about few months ago but i was reading and someone came up with the idea of a smackdown world title and a raw world title and the wwe title being defended on any show. The old wwe title look goes to stay on raw and the wwe will bring smackdown vs raw feuds more frequently. But what i dont think should happen is the company bringing a title into the company treated with disrespect and treated like the us title yadda yadda yadda.

Of course with this the comany would have to change ppv schedules. Like one elimination chamber match, have the title being put in the royalo rumble,
With this idea they could implement a ladder system similar to the UFC. Ranking wrestlers based on which "weight class" (heavy, light heavy, or tag) would add another competitive element and could potentially eliminate the need for random matches, since everyone would be fighting to advance in the standings. Now the only matches that really matter are "#1 contender's matches" but those are always with the same 5 or 6 guys so they're really pointless.

As far as a standings system goes, it could work, but I really don't know if it'd get over as it'd seem way different. If the WWE kept the ECW program, they could experiment with a ranking system there. But it's gone. I also don't think weight classes would be a good idea (aside from a cruiserweight division) because let's face it, they would have to hire more wrestlers of different weights.

But that could be cool to have wrestlers bulk or cut down to wrestle wrestlers in certain divisions.
I've read pretty all of these posts, and I think some titles should be gone like the Diva's title, and some shouldn't be brought back like the light heavyweight title/cruiserweight. Why cause WWE doesn't know how to book the smaller wrestlers. Or any of the good in ring wrestlers like Christian, Hardy, and Shelton. If they were to bring back a title let it be the TV title why, cause anyone can win it but keep it for the lower to mid-carders. You have so many story lines that can come from there. And you know every body like a "David vs. Goliath" story line. But this time in stead of Rey (that we seen a hundred times) how bout a Tyson kid vs. Luke G..... I can see them introducing it at a ppv like maybe at the new MITB ppv and have all lower mid carders fight for it. I think WWE is the only one of the old promotions that never had a tv title. WCW, AWA, NWA, ECW, all had one. Hell they could even build up there show Superstars with it but having the champ defend it every week on there. But I do think an establish mid-card wrestler show win it first then go about six months defending it every week.
I think starting a Light Heavyweight division would bring forth alot of improvement and entertainment. However there would have to be some major overhauling. The US and Intercontinental titles would have to go. As would the Unified Tag titles, just make it 1 set of belts E... not that hard. And of course one of the divas titles.

Are you dumb? Getting rid of two belts that have been very prestigious in wrestling's history is a huge mistake. Look at who has carried both belts in the past, and compare that to the Light Heavyweight Championship. I'd take the two mid-card belts over a low-card belt. As our dear Admin Slyfox696 says, the Heavyweights make the big money because they are the draws.

They need to make Titles special again. If there was a Heavy Weight belt per show and a Light heavyweight belt on just a single brand (or cross brand) and a single pair of tag belts it would consolidate the booking and probably help creative.

Or you know, do the same with the US or Intercontinental Championship. A division doesn't make a title special, focus does. Emotion behind stories do. Hell, to me, Miz gave the US Title instant credibility as a big championship when he was so proud to have won it. That is what more people should do, care about the title they are going after, and once they have done all they can and it is time to go to the next level, move the fuck on.

Also without the hunt for a US or Intercontinental title actual tag teams could be formed and maintained and the tag division would be able to blossom. And over time as popular tag teams start to grow apart there can be a drama over a major title. And popular light heavy weight champs can build up to challenging the World champs. This will cause the titles to actually mean something instead of being a shiny prop. They are stepping stones not just excuses to have a squash match.

Yet what happened in the 80's and 90's with the very same titles? You had the WWE(F) Championship, Intercontinental Championship, and Tag Team Championship. They made it work then, they just don't now. Your logic to get rid of the US and IC Titles is flawed. Oh, and the belts are literally just shiny props. The title of champion is the important thing, the belts are just for show.

With this idea they could implement a ladder system similar to the UFC. Ranking wrestlers based on which "weight class" (heavy, light heavy, or tag) would add another competitive element and could potentially eliminate the need for random matches, since everyone would be fighting to advance in the standings. Now the only matches that really matter are "#1 contender's matches" but those are always with the same 5 or 6 guys so they're really pointless.

So we have weight divisions, with like 5 or 6 guys? Excuse me while I laugh. :lmao: Even you admit they are pointless so this is a no. If they had a huuuuuuuge division, then you get a maybe at best. But it is still a shitty idea. You have also severely lost focus on something that needs to be addressed, which I shall get to shortly. Hell, how about now?

What the poster I have just ran through has forgotten, is that...THERE NEEDS TO BE A MID-CARD!!!!! How are we supposed to get new talent in the main event, if they can't be brought up through the mid-card themselves? Are we supposed to believe that tag team wrestlers can split and automatically be pushed for the main event? You need to build singles wrestlers up to make them look legit. It used to be that the IC Title was the stepping stone for the big time. But no, let's get rid of something used to gauge a wrestler's response to the audience, for a title that stays away from the main event.

The whole thing is a no. There don't need to be any new titles right now, unless something goes away, which right now, doesn't look like the case. I would think if possible to unify the belts, but I'm fine with how it is right now. No Lightheavyweight, no Hardcore, hell, not even the European Championship needs to come back. What there is now is fine.

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