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Should there be new titles?

I would like the "E" to bring in the Television Title. If you don't want the light heavyweight or cruiserweight title, then turn to the TV title. Many great champions have held it and many more can come. You've got many guys doing absolutly nothing at the moment and it can give them something to do other than stand backstage looking good for the camera "if" it ever shoots them.

There's a reason i want the cruiserweight title back and that is evan bourne, other than that title, there is no title he will ever win. Maybe if they team him up with someone and win the tag titles, then I would have him team up with rey, who can pass the torch on to evan bourne as the next underdog in WWE.

Womens tag titles would never workin my opinion, most of the diva's e.g. bellas are only used to escort or "play with" the guest hosts. If however they are to bring in womens tag titles, then unify thge womens and diva's champions, because then it would just become too much.
Sorry guys............we don't need another singles title, we just need the ones we have defended properly.

1) Both World Titles should be defended every week and should not only change hands at PPV's.

2) The IC Title needs to always be around the waist of the next "push" guy. Not some no-talent jerk off loser like Drew MacIntyre.

3) The US Title needs to be around the waist of the current "flavor of the month" to gauge fan reaction. Not around the waist of The Miz, where it does no good, and is never defended. Though, I am indeed a Miz-a-holic.

Plus, how do you gauge a CRUISERWEIGHT or LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT? Mysterio won the World Title after wollowing in the WCW Crusierweight division his whole life.

Lastly, stop this unified tag team shit. Split the f'ing titles up and keep them seperate on each show. The same thing with all the belts; keep them separated......PERIOD!

Raw WWE Title
Intercontinental Title
Tag Team Title
WWE Womens Chamionship

SD World Title (aka WCW Belt)
US Title
Tag Team Title
Diva's Title
I think they should bring back the TV title. The reason is because they can use it on both shows and if its booked correctly, they can have it as the only title that is defended on both Raw and Smackdown every week. That would give the mid carders something to compete for and bring some excitement back to TV. They could give them the 10 minute time limit to make the matches seem like there on a faster pace than others even though in reality most basic matches nowadays lasts about 3-7 minutes tops.
I will personally love it if WWE brings back the Light Heavyweight championship, But the "E" has a lot of championships already, And they really don't know how to pay attention to each division. Basically they have their mind set on the Heavyweight championships division and the Light Heavyweight Championship will not get any attention at all.

Yes there's a lot of wrestlers that could be in the Light Heavyweight division in the "E", And they might not get a lot of tv time, But that will be the chance that you will get when you sign with WWE if you're a Cruiserweight, ethier you Job or you're out.
bring back the Cruiserweight and book it better than the last few months they had it ie. dont put it on the leprechaun (who btw is now doing my head in wish he would go away) but back to my point bring back the Cruiserweight title was a great title and entertaining when done right evan could be a great champ and would give him the push he needs

unfiy the divas or womans title and have the champ b able to go on both shows and defend it
A third brand imo is needed, but maybe something that is isolated for young stars to compete. establish a world title and allow a vetern wrestler who doesnt have a huge following on Raw or smackdown to hold the title, IE: Regal, Shelton, Carlito, etc. Possibly create a bracket system where wrestlers compete to earn a title shot. if they beat the champ they progress onto smackdown or raw to gain a larger fan base, which will elevate them to main event status.

I'm sorry didn't they call this The Superstar Initiation right before ECW went down the tube?

IMO I feel that the WWE can benefit from bringing back the Light-Heavyweight title.....2 of the greatest WWE LH's that I can remember was Taka Michinoku and Esse Rios....We have plenty of guys that could fill those voids and the main one that comes to mind is Evan Bourne. I'm glad he finally didn't get squahed this past Monday night.....But I digress

I feel they need to get rid of the US title since it is apparent that the Miz is never going to lose (because they won't force him to defend it).

The IC title is being disgraced on a weekly basis. This title used to represent the final stepping stone before getting to the main event scene....Many superstar's careers were highly elevated by the title.....(Anyone remember the HBK/Razor Ramone feud? Or the SCSA and Rock feud?)

I believe there needs to be heirarchy in the titles......culminating with the IC title being the the final stepping stone and then of course the world championships.
I think instead of new title they should focus more on the titles they have , when was the last time the miz even defended has u.s. title , and back in the early to mid 90's the i.c. title meant something , now it's nothing , they need too re packed both title and make divisons out of them and put some mnay behind these titles again , now it's like there under the divas title as far as importance in the company , they really need too focus on these titles before jumping into a few more !
All a title does is help move a storyline. "The guy who carries the strap" isn't as important of a conceit as it was even 10 years ago, when people like Sheamus and Jack Swagger wouldn't even be considered for a title shot, let alone a title, without at least another five years experience under their belt. Now, folks like Randy Orton and HHH can carry the show, while using the belt to boost the stature of superstars who need the exposure.

With that being said, the last thing the WWE needs right now is more titles. They don't know what to do with the ones they have now! The United States/Intercontinental titles are virtually meaningless, and I had to pause and think for a bit to even remember who the IC champion is now. The tag championships are better, but not by much, considering the relative weakness of tag team wrestling throughout the industry. Most tag team champions, WWE or not, are singles competitors using the tag titles to boost their standing.

I'd personally like to see the US and IC titles become more important, but that's absolutely not necessary to move business. They serve their purpose in developing potential main-event superstars.

As far as a light heavyweight title goes, how many real light heavyweights does the WWE have now, anyways? I'm not talking about the traditional 235 lb. weight limit, I'm referring to the light heavyweight style. Three, maybe four? WWE superstars are prohibited from performing a lot of the traditional, high-risk moveset of the lucha libre style; what could that division offer us that we aren't getting currently? A light heavyweight title would become another meaningless strap, with less standing than the IC or US titles.

The WWE needs to focus on why we should care about the titles they have, before thinking about adding new titles.
I personally think that they should even up the titles, and have it going the way it was originally, but add a lightweight title to each brand. In a perfect world the title situation would look something like this:

WWE Title
Intercontinental Title
WWE Tag Team Titles (using the red World Heavyweight Title Belts)
Woman's Title
Lightheavyweight Title

World Heavyweight Title
United States Title
World Tag Team Titles (using the blue WWE Tag Title Belts)
Diva's Title
Cruiserweight Title

With this, you would have all the old WWE belts and the WWE name on Raw. You would also have all the old WCW type belts on SmackDown. I think it would differentiate the belts and make them brand exclusive, and not have them traded off the show anymore. That's what I would like, but it'll never happen.
i agree that the ic belt should be a stepping stone to the world title like back in the day. personally i think dolph ziggler should be the ic champ...but that's another story. but whatever happened to the world television title. when i think of the tv title i think of greats like tully blanchard, lord steven regal, big poppa pump, booker t. that title could be used as a stepping stone for the young guys in the company. after winning the world tv title they would have a decent run then loose to the next guy in line, then move up to the ic title picture.
to even out the title picture put the world tv title on smackdown, and bring back the cruiserweight title, or maybe a title similar to the x division title. b/c even though the x division title is mostly cruiserweights, it's not exclusive just to the high flyers. anyone can be x champ and that would be perfect for the wwe roster. that title can be usesd as a stepping stone to the us title.
the title ranks would go as follows:

wwe/world - main event
ic/us- pre main event/upper mid-card
tv/cw or x title- lower mid/up and coming rookies

and i say leave the unified tag titles the way they are.




this system would give wrestlers a chance to have title reins from the bottom to the top. this is how it was back in the day. you started from the bottom and worked your way up the ladder one title at a time. how many stars have we seen come in hot, get pushed to fast, and fade away.
if there's a new guy that you want to push hard, aka shemus/drew mcintyre/swagger, make them tv champ or x champ and let them dominate the competition for a while then move them up the ranks. this would make the tv title/x title legit and add prestige to the titles, and also give the wrestler a solid foundation to build his career on.
They don't need to have anymore titles than they already do, you just forget about the IC and US titles because they are never defended anymore. The Miz has had the US belt for a long time now, it gets buried under the UTTC belts, and I can't even remember the last time it was defended. And that stupid Drew Mcintyre just uses the IC belt to hold up his pants, seriously, there isn't a need for any more belts, but there is a need to start up some feuds for the existing belts that are currently collecting cobwebs.
it's all about how you push the wrestler/champion. the creative team needs to step it up. it's time for a 4 or 5 man faction. how about million dollar man as gm of smackdown... ted dibiase jr as whc, dolph ziggler as ic champ, and fortunate sons(henning and brett dibiase) as tag champs. Million Dollar Alliance. -all young superstars

or million dollar man as gm of smackdown, ted jr as ic champ and fortunate sons(henning and brett dibiase) tag champs.


zack ryder (ic champ)rosa mendes as his gf, chris masters as his bodyguard, dudebusters as tag champs- THE BROSKIS/GTL CLIQ

these are just suggestions. it doesn't have to be these particular factions, i just think that factions are a good way to develop fueds and spread the titles around. remember these 4 or more man factions- Nation of domination, hart foundation, dx, nwo, evolution, dangerous alliance, heenan family and of course 4 horsemen

another good thing about big factions is that more titles can be made. more lower midcarders would have a role in creative writing and have a chance at the newly restored tv title.
I agree to a certain degree. There are, as always, a few things I’d like to change. I know I’ve said this before, and I still stick by it till it happens. Now there are two formats for this.

Format 1

Raw (WWE Originals)
Light Heavyweight

Smackdown (WCW Originals / newly created)
United States

Universal (Raw and Smackdown)
Unified WWE World Tag Team

Format 2

Universal (Raw and Smackdown)
WWE (holding WWE, World, and ECW Titles. 3 Belts for the effect)
Intercontinental (holding IC and US. 2 Belts is not as good as 3, but it’s better than 1)
Women’s (holding Women’s and Divas. Same as IC / US)
Unified WWE Tag Team (As is)

This consolidates the current redundant Titles and makes room for…

Light Heavyweight / Cruiserweight (holding LH and / or CW. Same as IC / US, but I can’t decide if I want the lowest tier Champ holding one or two belts.)

I personally think 5 Titles is enough, even for both shows, but just in case, we can always add…

European (holding just the European belt)
Hardcore (holding jsut the Hardcore belt)

Giving the Champions the ability to go from Raw to Smackdown freely gives them more “importance”, more opponents, more feuds, more options. Giving the challengers a permanent home, gives them a reason to want to be Champion. More shows = more “money”.

Speaking of Money, don’t forget we have the Million Dollar Title back.
To those of you suggesting a 4-5 title setup per brand, I have a few questions.

1) Where are you going to find the time to promote each title on a two hour show? Your champions have to appear virtually every week; if you stop promoting the belt, the belt becomes less important, and then, much like the Light Heavyweight title, it gradually becomes meaningless, until you've got a midget running around with it because you have no one else who can do anything with it. If the belt isn't important, it can't help promote anyone, and if your belt can't help push your wrestlers, it's just another ten pounds that you have to lug from arena to arena. This means at least one segment per belt, and there are usually two segments devoted to the World title on each brand. That's roughly an hour of TV time each show just to keep your belts promoted. With half of your TV time devoted to one title or another, what makes each belt unique and special?

2) With time constraints in mind, what do you do with the wrestlers who DON'T currently hold titles? For your younger wrestlers, you have to find a way to build them up to a title shot. You can't just take two of your wrestlers, throw them together, and say this is for the championship. That works in MMA, but in professional wrestling, people want a story. Would anyone tune in to watch Drew McIntyre vs. Mike Knox? You have to have a way and the time to devote to explaining to the audience WHY someone is fighting for a championship. Along with the younger wrestlers, you also have to find camera time for your established superstars who aren't champions, but are still at main event level. With almost an hour of your show devoted to promoting the belts and the stories that go along with them, and more time devoted to making sure you are pushing the people who don't have titles currently so you can still push them later, you start running awfully short on time for the guys that are pushing the merchandise.

3) What role would each championship play? The World titles are obvious ones. The IC/US titles serve to keep your mid-carders at the top of the radar; while you hear a lot of dislike about The Miz with the US title and not doing anything with it, him walking around with all that gold builds heat. He doesn't have to defend it for it to serve its purpose, he just has to appear with it. What then, is the purpose of a Television title? Is that a belt for the people who aren't good enough to compete for the mid-card belt?

4-5 title setups worked during the Monday Night Wars because each show had more than enough time each week to devote to them; 5-6 hours of TV a week. There was no co-branding to divide up your time. The WWE is currently promoting SEVEN titles with five hours of TV time (I count Superstars, although I don't know why- I don't count NXT because a title on that show would just be silly, but they do still get to show their champions holding belts, which helps.) There are more titles active now in WWE than there ever have been before; they need to figure out what they're doing with the belts they have before they start adding more.
The only new title I see as a must-do,is Cruiserweight Championship.

Therefore there will be a lot to do for guys like Evan , Tatsu , Chavo , Dudebusters , Jimmy Yang Wang , Slam master J and even Tyson kidd in some point in future.

Remember that guys like Eddie Guerro , Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio started their shining road by this title.
okay. the tv title wouldn't be for guys who aren't good enough to win big titles. was it like that the first time in exsistance....no. look at the people who have held that title. arn anderson, booker t, scott stiener, tully blanchard, brian pillman, etc. the 3 singles division concept has worked in the past. when wcw was on top and getting better ratings they had a World Champ, US heavyweight champ, and a TV champ. remember NWO? hogan was World champ, bret hart was US champ, scott stiener was TV champ, and the outsiders were tag champs. this is one example.

you give the TV belt to a veteran who hasn't held a title in a while like....lets say regal,kane,or finlay and have them fued with rising stars like tatsu,ryder,bourne,etc. this puts the young guys on the map and keeps the old guys in the mix. once the young guy makes a name for himself as TV champ feud him with the next guy in line and have him drop the belt, then have him move up to the IC title picture.

remember benoit vs. booker t best of 7 matches. at the time they were two new,fresh and young superstars that not many people had heard of, and after those 7 matches were over they became a household name. and guess what....it all started with the TV title being their first title as a singles competitor.

the reason i know it can work, is because it has already worked in the past. somewhere along the way someone screwed it up.

as far as tv time goes, that's not a problem. everyone's goal should be to become a champion in the wwe. the entire show should be about champions and people trying to become champions. storylines that involve championships are better anyway.

the old school title system that was in place way back in the horsemen were on top: just an example

world heavyweight title
us heavyweight title
national heavyweight title
north american heavyweight title
world tv title
world tag titles
us tag titles
national tag titles
world 6 man tag titles

1990 wcw title system

world heavyweight title
us heavyweight title
world tv title
world tag titles
great comments...im not sayin that the current midcard titles already arent defended cuz we all know that...but they could instead be used to elevate guys just like they used to along time ago instead of having a paper champ like mcintyre or miz.....a light heavyweight title could be something most guys can aim for and give them something to do...a cruiserweight title isnt necessary at all....but for guys like carlito, evan bourne,or yoshi it gives them more cred cuz they arent ready to win the ic or us belt or either they arent being pushed to that level is what im sayin....it would give the ic and us belt more cred instead of being generalized as midcard titles....it would legitimatize the champ as a potential threat to the world champ oneday....light heavyweight=midcard guys 239 and under.....us and ic belts= potential world champs that need that one last push... most of the midcard is under 240 anyways....i figure the divas division could take a pointer from tna.....give the main divas more cred...give the others somethin to do in the meantime since they like puttin them in random tag matches anyways...they like to pair divas for no reason so give them reason this time...

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