WWE Survivor Series: WWE Championship - CM Punk (c) VS John Cena VS Ryback



Last night on Raw, this match was added to the card. Punk will defend the WWE Championship in a triple threat match against Ryback & John Cena. As a result, Punk & Ryback are no longer part of the 5 on 5 elimination tag match at Survivor Series.

This should be a fun match that I think is ultimately designed to protect Ryback. I expect CM Punk to retain the title in this match and for Cena to be the one to take the fall. This way, Ryback technically does lose but he's not the one that'll be getting pinned.

The progression of this match could be interesting. I don't know if Ryback will just toss John Cena around all over the place as he's done everybody else, though it's a possibility. I can see Punk getting into the match and ultimately picking his spots while mostly hoping that Cena & Ryback destroy each other so he can pick the scraps. I think Ryback will ultimately hit Shell Shock on Cena but Punk will knock Ryback out of the ring or something just long enough for him to cover Cena and get the win.
If Punk had been making more of a fuss these past weeks about the glory of holding the world title for a full year, I would have been certain the intention was to get the belt off him at the Survivor Series. Doesn't the PPV fall one day before the one-year anniversary? What a perfect opportunity to ruin his celebration.

However, all he's been doing is telling us the number of days he's held it rather than touting the accomplishment of keeping the belt for the full year, so it makes me think he will be retaining. Otherwise, I don't know that the WWE machine would be able to resist the appeal of this one. Imagine Punk howling with dismay in the middle of the ring after falling one day short of his goal.:)

A 3-way enables Ryback to keep his monster image while not becoming champion. In fact, I can see him never winning the title, except perhaps on a transitional basis (a la Big Show) simply because I doubt the feasibility of these huge guys displaying the versatility needed to hold a world title for very long. Look at Punk and Cena: as champions, they've won and lost in varied fashion, conquering as heroes, turning tail and running when necessary, involving other people in their acts. Ryback is a loner; he looks out of place in a tag team match, he doesn't need anybody. Yes, if Ryback is to be a champ like Yokozuna was, he could simply squash everyone in his path, but I say that type of routine wouldn't produce a very interesting title reign.

I think Punk retains.....if Ryback wins, he holds it only until Royal Rumble. The odd man out is Cena; he'll be the champion again someday, but not now.
I agree with the others here in that Punk will retain, most likely getting the pin on Cena. I could see Ryback finishing Cena and Punk stealing the cover. I can't see Punk going all this way with the title only to lose it now. With only a couple of months until the Rumble I think we will see Rock/Punk for the belt. Ryback will come out of this match looking strong, and it could possibly lead to Punk/Cena in a TLC match at the next ppv to blow off their feud finally. Punk retains.
being survivor series one of the 4 major ppv's of the year , I think brock lesnar will wipe house of cena and ryback with cm punk pinning cena.
creating a fued with ryback and lesnar for tlc or the rumble.
so then punk and cena can finish up thier at tlc where i think cena wil win and hold the title for a month and lose to the rock at rumble , then setting up a punk vs rock wrestlemania title match!
the point is: who needs this match? In my opinion, no one of the three gays.

I mean: at the end, we MUST have Punk champions, so he can go against The Rock at the Royal Rumble. So... we have one more Cena loosing by Punk, and I hope this can be End the feud (It's boring be...); and we have Ryback loosing without pin, of course.

So, we know that Punk retains by pinning John Cena. Who wants a match everyone knows the end?

I hope we'll have some interference – Maddox? Ziggler? the other Paul heyman's guy, Brock Lesnar – to have a little bit of thrill, surprise, emotion.
punk to retain, but i think brock is a difference maker... if they go brock/ ryback then that would mean ryback would probably go over, which means brock would then be useless to them... well then they'd probably just feed him to hhh and someone else, but he'd be no good for taker... i think that would be a waste of lesnar
I'm a big fan of Punk keeping the belt, and I think he'll lose to Rock at RR and I'm hoping he wins it back from Rock at WM (although I think WWE will have Cena win it from Rock at WM).

Unfortunately, I think we need to prepare ourselves for the remote possibility of Cena winning it at SS and him being the one to lose it to Rock at RR. If this happens, I hope Punk wins it from Rock at WM. Giving Punk his WM main event moment that he deserves would partially make up for giving Cena the belt now.

Either way, I think giving Punk his WM moment should be the ultimate focus, but I don't think it will be.
I think it's pretty clear Cena is in this match strictly for Punk to pin him. This was what I expected them to do at HIAC so Ryback wouldn't have lost. The biggest wild card here is WWE's indecisiveness. They change plans so much from week to week that you just never know. Before yesterday everyone was sure Cena would have a match against Ziggler at SS. Before that, everyone was sure Cena would make it back to face Punk at HIAC. It's just so hard to stay on a straight path with the WWE lately.

As of right now :)shrug:) I would assume Punk wins by pinning Cena at SS. They conclude Punk/Ryback at TLC with maybe a Lesnar interference, setting up Brock/Ryback at RR. My only issue with that is - and I'm not one of those guys who usually complains about "looking weak" :disappointed: - this would be Lesnar's 3rd match since returning and he would've lost 2 of them. Because, let's face it, he's not beating Ryback. If their plan is to setup Brock/Taker at WM29, who would think he could beat Taker when he couldn't beat Cena or Ryback? He did dominate Cena for the most part, but I wouldn't expect that against Ryback.

Anyways, back on point. Punk retains, pinning Cena.
This has me extremely upset, after hearing the rumors for months about a possible undertaker return at survivor series or possibly brock on cm punks team and HHH on the opposite team, we were left at the end of raw last week confirmed the main event was going to be the 5 on 5 survivor series match, A match not as predictable as this. I decided I'll pick up my ticket to survivor series, and then this crappy match is made the main event. I'm still going to go since this will be my first ppv event that i will attend but we all know cena is the fall guy, I think they should add a stipulation to it, that whoever is pinned doesn't get a title shot against cm punk while he is still champion, it's a good way to wrap up the cm punk vs. cena storyline for the year.
Yes, I realize Cena was put into the match to be the one who gets pinned. But this is the WWE. They're not above throwing a swerve like Cena winning the belt at us, just because 'him being the fall guy' is what most think is what's so predictable. And with them going WCW-style with their book-on-the-fly ways here lately with only a vague look towards the future, I wouldn't put this past them and slightly altering what they intended to do for RR and WM.

I'll give Punk an 80% chance of retaining, with Cena at 19% and Ryback a generous 1%. But that 19 starts to look bigger the more 'predictable' we think the outcome is.

I'm still wondering how the RR is going to shape up and what direction they go in. I would think the winner almost HAS to be someone that challenges for the WHC.....or maybe WWE goes with a Rock-Punk-Cena Main Event at WM, with Punk getting the win? Sounds like something they'd do if they were truly trying to build up Punk to be a top level star. That saves them face from all the idiots on here that say 'what about once in a lifetime?'......yup, I'm calling it, I think Cena-Rock-Punk headline WM. What I don't know is if Punk wins SS, loses to Rock at RR, Cena wins the Rumble, and then they do the 3way, or if Cena wins SS, loses to Rock at RR, Punk wins the Rumble, and then the 3way....probably the first one.
I don't see Cena taking the fall here, I think it will be Ryback but not by Cena taking out Ryback then Punk throwing Cena out of the ring and stealing the cover, that finish is just so predictable & redundant, they did it in the Show-Cena-Punk Triple Threat match at Summerslam in fact, they should go with a new finish this time. I think Ryback should take the fall at the hands of interference (it would still protect his monster image) probably by Brock Lesnar or how about Wade Barrett to set up a Barrett vs. Ryback match at TLC? Paul Heyman and Wade Barrett had a little segment together this Monday on RAW, it could be a tease to a new alliance with Punk, Heyman & Barrett.

I think plans call for Cena & Punk to end their feud in a Tables, Ladders & Chairs match at TLC, which would be the most logical decision since they never got to settle it at Hell In A Cell and there the WWE can officially decide on whether they want to go with Rock-Cena II or Rock-Punk at Royal Rumble and it would be unpredictable for the fans to know who will win. If Cena were to take the fall then there would be no point of having Punk-Cena at TLC cause Punk will have beaten Cena, if Ryback takes the fall then Cena can say that Punk beat Ryback but he never beat him, so they still have things to settle and the only way they could settle it and determine a proper winner is at TLC. It would be a lot better and make more sense than Cena taking the fall at Survivor Series and still getting another shot at the title at TLC.
This has me extremely upset, after hearing the rumors for months about a possible undertaker return at survivor series or possibly brock on cm punks team and HHH on the opposite team, we were left at the end of raw last week confirmed the main event was going to be the 5 on 5 survivor series match, A match not as predictable as this. I decided I'll pick up my ticket to survivor series, and then this crappy match is made the main event. I'm still going to go since this will be my first ppv event that i will attend but we all know cena is the fall guy, I think they should add a stipulation to it, that whoever is pinned doesn't get a title shot against cm punk while he is still champion, it's a good way to wrap up the cm punk vs. cena storyline for the year.

That's the thing about rumors: they're rumors rather than confirmed fact.

There are doubts that Taker might not even wrestle at WM next year as, allegedly, he's in bad shape physically. His body is just really worn out at this point. If the man's just not physically able to endure it anymore, then that's the end of it. He's 47 years old, he's got issues with his shoulders, his knees and his hips. He became a father again a couple of months back. There are other things going on & happening in Taker's life.

I've not read any rumors on any wrestling news site about Lesnar or Triple H being involved in Survivor Series in any way, so that leads me to believe it's mostly fantasy booking rather than actual backstage rumors. As far as Lesnar goes, people need to get it through their heads that Lesnar isn't going to be back until it's time to start the push to WrestleMania. He doesn't have many dates left on the current deal he has and one of the primary reasons WWE signed him was to help generate a massive WrestleMania payday.
Am I the only one that liked the survivor series match instead of this. Now you have an irrelevant survivor series match and a predictable title match. Once this match is over and CM Punk is still champion where do you go from there? Do you do Punk vs Ryback again which you'd need a screw job or run in finish to, or Cena-Punk again.

Do you go the Title change root Cena vs Ryback which is highly unlikely but may be the most intriging. How do you book the companies #1 and "superman" character against the unstoppable powerhouse guy?

With the Survivor Series match you had planned last week you postpone this match a month. You can add the Rock as the special referee to build towards the Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania match. With that when Punk pins Cena you can have Rock-Punk Staring at each other well The Rock making the count and the build after Royal Rumble of the Rock counting the pinfall against Cena.
Their is no doubt Punk is leaving SS as champion. I'm sure we will get another screwy ending. They turned Punk heel so he can job to Rock at the Royal Rumble.

The only reason they are giving the Rock the title is for Cena to beat him. Cena will get his WM rematch and make up his loss and win the title from Rock...That will make Cena's WM win look more important than Rock's last year.
It looked like WWE was heading in the direction of a one on one Ziggler VS Cena match at Survivor Series. Unfortunately, the Cena/AJ affair storyline is a big deal, and Ziggler continued to poke a few jabs at Cena every now and then. A singles match between the two at Survivor Series seemed to be a sure thing, but Cena was instantly inserted into the WWE Championship picture. I guess it makes sense, when you consider John Cena's status. Survivor Series is still one of the big four pay per views, and WWE wants their top talent to have a major role.

As far as the winner goes, I fully expect Punk to retain here. In order to preserve Ryback's momentum, I'm sure Cena will take the pinfall loss here, and Punk will escape with another victory. Punk's continues to escape his pay per view matches with the close call victories, but he should survive as champion until the Rumble. The Rock VS a year long WWE Champion CM Punk will draw tons of interest for the Rumble, and I'm sure both men will deliver an outstanding match.
I see the WWE throwing a swerve ball at us with Cena pinning Punk for the title then defending it until the Royal Rumble, with Rock going over Cena and Punk winning Royal Rumble match.
I see the WWE throwing a swerve ball at us with Cena pinning Punk for the title then defending it until the Royal Rumble, with Rock going over Cena and Punk winning Royal Rumble match.

CM Punk is not at the point where he can face The Rock at WrestleMania. The match is just so one sided that it isn't funny. On one side you have The Rock, a guy that is placed in the top three wrestlers of all time alongside Hogan and Austin. In the other corner you have CM Punk, a guy that's known for being some type of Jesus figure on the independent scene. CM Punk vs. The Rock shouldn't happen, it's just to much of a gap between the two wrestlers.

With that being said this match needs to go to CM Punk. He must keep the title until the Rumble and he can drop the title to The Rock there. Let Cena win the Rumble match and you set up Rock vs. Cena II. It's an easy story with Cena looking to make up for his loss the year before.

I think it's clear that Cena is in this match to be the fall guy since Ryback can't take another pinfall on PPV. He lost at Hell in a Cell and losing at Survivor Series would seriously hurt the guy the WWE are trying to build up as a monster.
I have to go with Punk pinning Cena after Ryback gets distracted. Then Punk beats Ryback in a Ladder match and then lose to The Rock at RR. I still don't like the idea of a part timer being champion. Especially if the guy has to defend the title at two ppvs. You can't have your champion not be there every week.
This is a triple threat match but I honestly can see Lesnar showing up and attacking Ryback during the match and Ryback and Lesnar battling all the way to the back with officials trying to break them apart. Leaving Cena vs Punk one on one. I then see Lesnar vs Ryback happening at the next PPV. I see Ryback going over after some outside help from a surprise HHH to go over Lesnar.
If the title changes hands next Sunday, I want Cena to win, I find Ryback rather boring to be honest, the man has NO mic skills, and knows what? 2 moves? I mean yeah everyone bitches about Cena's limited moveset but at least he's got the "5 Moves of Doom".
1st thing I hope everyone understands is that there is no way Punk loses the title now not with so many days invested in him as champ and not with Royal Rumble being a little over 2 months away. I mean lets take this match for exactly what it is and thats a match featuring the 2 biggest faces (yes Ryback is the 2nd biggest face in the company behind move over Sheamus) and the by far biggest heel in the company. The sole purpose this match is to build even more heat for Punk heading into his match at RR with The Rock. While Cena/Rock wasn't billed as a good vs bad type match Punk vs Rock will be and rite now Punk isn't bad enough to stand next to The Rock's good. While one must admit unless ur name is HHH, HBK, SCSA, or Taker u stand no chance at looking equal next to The Rock, Punk almost looks like he doesn't belong near him with his current heel status unless he can make himself look too dominant for his current competition thus leaving The Rock as the only man who can stop him.
I didn't like this match. Punk will win plain and simple. I don't agree with the triple threat match either. Ryback? Too soon to be put back into the mix. Cena? Same thing. I wish the WWE would've kept this off of SS. I would've rather seen the traditional SS match with Foley vs. Heyman/Punk. How many times have we seen Cena vs. Punk this year regardless if it was a title match or not? Better yet, How many times have we seen Punk vs. Cena in any type of match in the last 2 years combined? Too many. I didn't like the addition of Cena to this match. However like someone else mentioned, Ryback will be protected here with his win streak. Cena will most likely be the one getting pinned. I would've rather seen Cena vs. DZ with a stipulation added instead of this match. SS 2012 has already been changed too much for me in the span of 3 days for me to keep interested. I lost it after Barrett joined Team Ziggler. Oh well.
Although It does make since for punk to keep the title until RR. The question is is the WWE ready for CM Punk to beat John Cena's Title record which he will have to do even if he keeps it to TLC.

Clearly while they are pushing Punk strong the WWE is not putting Punk on Cena's level therefore it doesn't make since for him to beat Cena's Title record of 380 days.

I could be wrong but the way I see things going down is if they are ever going to put the title on Ryback now is the time to do it because after wrestle mania I have a feeling John Cena will have that belt for awhile.

I think Ziggler for what ever reason will cost Cena the match so that gives Ryback an oppertunity to pin punk for the title only to lose it to cm punk at TLC in a Tables match that way Ryback get the loss with still not being pinned clean.

A lot of people may think its going to be a singles match between CM Punk and the Rock at RR but there is no reason why they can't make it a 3 way with rock ryback and cmpunk where rock pins punk allowing ryback to once again escape without a pinfall.

I am also predicting they will have a match between ziggler and cena at tlc with a stipulation possibly if john cena wins then aj gets her job back.
Ryback should absolutely not be given the title what so ever. He's had a nice rub in the mainevent but no way has he proven to be a top level talent. It would mean he has to drop it before RR, which means he'll have a short and, inevitably, meaningless title reign. I'd rather see another 12 months character development, mic skills development and in-ring skill development before Ryback gets the belt.

I'm about 50/50 as to who will win out of Cena and Punk. I wouldn't mind seeing Cena win and go on to face Rocky, eventually setting up a Triple Threat Match at 'Mania. But if Cena were to face Rock at RR, it kind of devalues the 'once in a lifetime' match from 'Mania 28.

I hope they stick with Punk for the win and he holds it until Royal Rumble. From there, well there are a few options.

Shameus was absolutely nobody when he won the title from john cena a TCL a few years ago and now look at him he has had a successful career.

I just had another though if Ryback was to win he could keep it until RR where the rock would pin punk so Ryback can escape without a pinfall.

People are to caught up on this whole cm punk and rock thing. This is a tough pill for you cm punk fans to swallow but they are not going to let punk beat rock before the wwe golden boy john cena does. so if its just rock and punk at RR then it's no mystery that the rock is going to win. At least if it ryback punk and the rock then we still know ryback isn't winning but the question becomes who actually pins ryback rock or punk?

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