WWE Summerslam - WWE Intercontinental Championship: The Miz (c) VS Dolph Ziggler


This match was one of several that was officially announced either sometime prior to Raw last night or during the broadcast at some point. Miz captured the Intercontinental Championship for a 3rd time several weeks ago at Battleground after Dolph Ziggler had eliminated Sheamus, after which Ziggler believed he'd won the battle royal for the vacant title, only for Miz to sneak up behind him, dump him over the top and win the match. The next night on Raw, after what was a genuinely very good match, Ziggler picked up a clean pinfall victory over Miz and they've been jockeying back & forth since as build up for this match.

While I believe the match has the potential to be really good, I can't say I'm super excited about it. WWE hasn't taken the necessary time to rebuild Miz's credibility, he's spent much of the past 2 years in the proverbial doghouse floating around the mid-card scene. His time as IC champ was most memorable because the IC & US titles were buried during WrestleMania season last year. He's been MIA or completely off the radar for most of this year, makes his return a little over a month ago and finds himself in the middle of a mid-card title push. WWE looks to be going back to portraying Miz as a vulnerable heel champion, which might not be bad if it's something we hadn't seen WWE do too often for the past couple of years with the IC title.

Ultimately, I think Miz will wind up retaining the title before moving onto another feud with someone else. There've been renewed rumors/talks of WWE unifying the IC & US titles, so maybe that'll happen sometime later this year.
I got Miz with the win but I believe the feud with Ziggler and Miz is far from over.

I definitely can see a rematch between the two at NoC. Maybe Ziggler can win the IC title again to give him something to do, instead of floating around in the mid card.

It would be a great start to get some momentum back.
The Miz is gonna retain but I'd love for Dolph to win just simply because I couldn't give a fuck about The Miz as champion. The IWC overrate Ziggler as fuck but he's still got a lot of fans that love him and he's more entertaining than The Miz. I wouldn't mind Ziggler vs. Sheamus in the long rumoured US/IC Title Unification match. I remember them having a good couple of matches with each other, two years ago. It would actually give Sheamus a good reason to turn heel on Ziggler - he's greedy for the US belt too and wants to become the second ever Inter-States Champion.
Dolph Ziggler should be in a bigger feud that this, but he and The Miz work VERY well together and I have no problem with this match. In my eyes this could easily steal the show and it's my most anticipated match of the card. While I want to see Ziggler win and move back up the card to the main event scene where he belongs, I see The Miz cheating to retain the championship, and the feud continuing for at least another month or two.
I have liked this feud so far, and it seems Ziggler is getting some of his steam back. I think Miz will get the win here and they will fight over the title again very soon. I am curious to see if Ziggler will start climbing up the ladder again, and if this feud is any indication he just might.
I cant say I am super excited for this feud.. The WWE for the past two plus years,has really put the Miz in the Doghouse sort to speak.. The Miz has been MIA,been put in the lower Tier of mid-card feuds,and quite frankly was completely irrelevant!

Dolph they keep teasing us. He is finally to break out,but quite frankly hasnt been the same since he lost his WHC to ADR due to his concussion.. I dont know why he has been put in the doghouse he can wrestle,very good in the ring,can cut good promos and is loved by the fans..

The Miz i look for to retain unfortunately here.. I hope im wrong,i would love for Dolph to beat the miz,for the IC title.. The Miz is about as entertaining as watching paint dry!
It's an uninspiring match. Dolph Ziggler & The Miz have been around for so long and have achieved so little of late that there's no way this can feel fresh.

If you have a strong opinion on who should win, then you're a bigger man than me.
I like Ziggler, I dislike The Miz. Which probably means Miz wins. I'm anticipating a huge pop for Ziggler from the Summerslam crowd, numerous amounts of false finishes where Miz kicks out at 2.999999, followed by a dirty win of somesort from The Miz to retain.
I'm a fan of both and this feud has been refreshing. The Miz is a superb heel and it was smart letting him go back. Ziggler is undoubtedly popular so this is a fantastic combination.

The match itself might not be a classic but I'm certain they will deliver. Given time, it should be entertaining and The Miz should retain his title. He has just won it and has good to watch thus far. It makes sense for The Miz to keep the belt.
I'm not a huge Miz fan and I do see him retaining here but I still think the match will be worth watching.

They've already proven they can work well together, so if they mix up the formula a little I don't see why they couldn't do something even better here.

This will probably go first. I really hope that Dolph Ziggler wins this because he would actually do some good for the belt, on that note he should already be Intercontinental Champion. Miz should never have won the title in the first place! He's awful everything he does other than promos. I'm not all too excited about it and do not have very high expectations for it but Ziggler should get the win and might be able to get a tolerable match out of Miz. It goes on earlier in the night, most likely first.

Dolph Ziggler will win the Intercontinental Championship.
I'm going with Miz to retain the title by cheating, probably either a rollup using the tights for leverage or a Skull Crushing Finale after a low blow. This could be an amazing feud between these two and I think it will go further than this. Ziggler will win the title at Night of Champions and then retain it in a rubber match at Hell in a Cell to end the feud. This is without a doubt my most anticipated match of SummerSlam.
Ziggler beating Miz in his first real defense is lazy booking. Miz wins this, but it will be dirty. He's the best old fashioned heel in the WWE.

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