WWE Royal Rumble 2011 - World Heavyweight Championship: Edge (C) vs. Dolph Ziggler

Like the idea Cross-Rhodes, maybe a fall out with edge and christain inside the elimination chamber? like orton and dibiase a few years ago?
I'm going with Edge. I know Dolph has been riding a monster push for the past couple of months, but I just don't see him becoming World Champion just yet. Edge just finished a pretty lengthy journey to become the World Heavyweight Champion at last month's TLC pay per view, so I just can't see WWE taking the belt off of Edge so soon, especially after such a huge build.

WWE could go for the shock factor here. They could put the title on Dolph for a brief period of time, because I'm sure he would lose the title to a bigger name in the Smackdown Elimination Chamber. But I wouldn't want to see the WWE derail Edge's title run for a brief shock moment. I really hope they will keep the WHC around Edge's waist.

The match here should be good. Ziggler was involved in some outstanding matches in 2010, and I think Edge can still surprise us every now and then. Also, Vickie will most likely interfere in this match. If she's going to be at ringside, then she will definitely stick her nose where it doesn't belong.
I think Edge will retain, but the quality of the match will definitely determine how far Dolph's push goes. I can definitely see Dolph holding the World Title before the end of the year.

The only thing that could possibly change this is if the powers that be decide to take the belt off Edge as punishment for being vocal about wanting out when his contract expires. We would end up in a situation where they end up burying him for the next year to ensure that his stock is down on the off-chance that he might go to TNA.
So at the Royal Rumble we have Dolph Ziggler receiving his first world title match on PPV ( If I'm not mistaken) against the reigning WHC Edge.
I am a big fan of both these guys, in fact I'd say they're both in my current top 5 fave WWE wrestlers.

However, I just can't see Ziggler winning the WHC this close to Wrestlemania.
I'm sure you're all gonna say "duh, of course Edge will win" but I more want to see people's thoughts on how Ziggler might win.

The only reason I've got any doubts about Edge winning is because they've made Dolph look like he's been main-eventing for years. The commentators have barely referenced that this is his first PPV main event. They might have called it one of the biggest matches of career or something but nothing more. He did that cool Zig Zag into stairs and Edge has also put him over on the mic.

Alright so summing up
Can Ziggler take the title from Edge, and if so HOW?
The only way I can see Ziggler winning is with the Corre interfering and causing Edge the title. It won't be a clean finish if Ziggler wins. Elimination Chamber is the next PPV (if I'm correct), and I can't picture Ziggler as the champion going into that match let alone Wrestlemania. Dolph is a future main eventer but I don't see his time being now.
IMO, Alberto Del Rio is being pushed as the top heel (if not now, very soon) so giving the title to Ziggler may not be the best move. Having 2 strong heels on the same show rarely works out well. One always gets buried or looks really weak. 2 young/new stars being pushed as the top heels doesn't work well either.

All in all, I can't picture Ziggler winning nor do I think it's a good idea at this time. Sometime in the future, but not now.
UNFORTUNETLY, if edge cant use his sphear (which is bs that he cant, where is teddy and why isnt he fixing this injustice!?) it may be difficult for him to win, plus if vickie is there, then theres the problem of her interfering everytime ziggler is about to lose, so unless teddy decides to come back and fix this stuff, well ziggler may win :(, in which case i am going to officially stop watching SMACKDOWN until i hear news that ziggler isnt the WHC anymore, or till the deadman returns (whichever happens first). (obviously im a ziggler hater)
I would love to see him win I just don't think his time is now. I see him eventually winning the title maybe even later this year but with EC and WM on the horizon I just don't think the timing is right.
As much as I would like Ziggler to win the World title, it just isn't right at the moment. What would be the point, because I don't see him headlining Wrestlemania as World CHampion. He would have it for a few weeks, then lose it at the Elimination Chamber and that would be it. It would be very much like Swagger's title reign and would be considered a waste. Even though Edge can't use his Spear, I still see him somehow coming out victorious. Maybe Vickie will accidently get Dolph disqualified and cost him the match or maybe Edge wins by hitting the Edgacution.
Edge has won with the Edgacution before hasn't he? I don't see why he can't do it again. Edge not being able to use the spear is awesome. Yes, awesome. It makes the match seem as if Dolph will win with the advantage over Edge. The match will be totally unpredictable and actually Edge not being able to use the spear makes it hard to predict the outcome of the match.

I can see Edge maybe bringing back the ol' Ultimate Opportunist gimmick maybe utalizing the Spear when the ref is out, only to have Vickie come out and bitch about it on Smackdown. There's no doubt in my mind Dolph will put up one hell of a fight and an even better showing. Edge will somehow win the match even though I don't exactly know how yet. Maybe they're setting up for something big, who knows? All I know, is this match will probably steal the show.
I was discussing the chances Dolph Ziggler has at winning the World Heavyweight Championship at Mania with LSN in PM earlier, and I made such a compelling argument against it (or at least I think I did), that I figured I'd post it here.

So there are two major reasons why I don't think Ziggler beats Edge at the Rumble. The idea of Ziggler winning is intriguing as he can drop the belt at EC and two new, more seasoned/famous wrestlers can feud over the belt until Mania, but that's actually a fairly unattractive option for two major reasons.

We can all agree that the WWE does not seem to want Ziggler to main even Mania. It has nothing to do with his skill level, he's just not a big enough name. If he wins the belt at the Rumble and drops it at EC, that only gives the WWE a little over a month to develop a title feud for Mania. Now plenty has been done in less time in the WWE, but as they say, this is Wrestlemania! The WWE is going to make sure whatever main event feud they have is going to be red hot, and having a little over a month to push a feud between a new champion (from EC) and a new challenger (not the former champ) is not conducive to making that feud as intense as they'd like it to be.

Secondly, and I suppose this is personal belief, but I think that Money in the Bank briefcase already as Dolph Ziggler's name on it. There is only one other person I can see winning the briefcase this year (John Morrison), but we all know that MitB is a great springboard for midcard heels that launches them into the mainevent with fairly solid success. Now yes, having Ziggler win the title at the Rumble and dropping it at EC still allows him to win MitB, but it will make his cash in a little less special since it won't be for his first WWE/World Heavyweight Championship. The reason Miz's cash in was so epic was because it was for his first World Title. In fact, every Money in the Bank winner (save Mr. Kennedy) cashed in the briefcase for their first World Championship.

So I hope I didn't ruin any suspense that the WHC match had for you going into the Rumble, but I think it's extremely unlikely that Dolph gets the belt. I don't know how Edge is going to win, maybe he's going to knock out the referee and then spear Ziggler to avoid the DQ, or maybe he'll bring the Edgecution back as his finisher (which would be awesome, I love that move), but I think he finds a way to win. After all, he's the ultimate opportunist! If any guy in the WWE can find a way to win without using his finisher, it's Edge.
This is going to be a good match with edge winning however I hope its not with the sharpshooter but his Edgecator submission. This match is going to be a test for Dolph Ziggler to see how he preforms in a main even type match and will determine how soon he will be champion. I like Zigglers Character but liked him better without Vickie she makes him too much of a joke
If and I do mean if, this was post Wrestle Mania, I'd really consider Dolph walking out with the WHC as Edge is great in short title reigns. That said, Edge has to walk out of the Royal Rumble still WHC. It's just too close to Mania and even though Dolph is on fire for the most part during this push, he's had no prior main event exposure. He's got a great look, mic skills have come around, nice ring work, and he's got Vickie by his side and that adds an entire other element to his character.

The match itself will be the best of the 3 non rumble matches IMO. Edge is a great veteran in the ring and will mask any if any short comings Dolph may still have. Edge will still be champion, but this will be a nice way to get Dolph into the main event scene in the long run.
Edge spears Vicky standing on the ring apron instead of Ziggler. No rule against that. Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag, Edge holds onto the rope. Ziggler counters the Edgecution into the sleeper hold. Edge uses the Roddy Piper-Bret Hart IC Title Finish to pin Ziggler.

Winner & STILL WWE Champion: Edge
JGlass and I had a great discussion(at least I think so!) over PM regarding this match, and Im more torn as I ever was before. I was fairly certain Ziggler would be leaving the Rumble with the title, but he pointed out some things that made me think otherwise. I told him I was now 50/50 on this one, but for argument's sake, Im going to stay with Ziggler.

I feel that Ziggler has passed every test WWE has thrown at him so far. He looked extremely credible and like he could win both matches with Cena, although it was obvious he wouldn't. He had a great run as IC champion. The only issue I have with Ziggler is we haven't seen ENOUGH of his mic skills, because Vickie does all the talking for him. I don't think he needs her to draw heat anymore, IMO. And Id like to see him in a long promo exchange without Vickie before passing judgment in that area. If he could hold his own on the mic consistently, he'ld be close to the total package other then his size.

With the banning of the spear, I expect Vickie to obviously be ringside. So any referee bumps that would allow Edge to use the spear could be ruled illegal by Vickie, costing him the title. While Edge is the Ultimate Opportunist, Dolph has shown himself to be quite crafty as well. I expect Dolph to seize this opportunity and win the title. I don't expect him to hold it long, as he's not headlining Wrestlemania. But I expect him to win it at the Rumble, lose it at EC, and his subsequent rematch the following week on Smackdown. This allows bigger names to main event Wrestlemania. This 4 week span will also allow WWE to test the waters with Dolph as champion as well. Sorry JGlass, you made one hell of a convincing argument for why he won't win, but Im sticking with Ziggler here, barely. :shrug:
Here's something that comes to mind that no one's thought of yet.

I say Edge retains obviously, his 10th World title win wont end this way, thus when Dolph Ziggler loses VICKIE will abuse her powers again and put Dolph in the Royal Rumble taking Cody's spot since Cody is out it opens up a spot to just have her give her boyfriend a 2nd chance at success that night which will fail

I'm pretty damn sure this will happen which would mean the card would see Edge vs Ziggler first, it makes sense to start the night with a World title bout, then Divas then WWE then end with the Rumble

add in a segment I guess too

but there goes what I'm sure is gonna happen. I cant see it not happening, Dolph will surely lose, the only thing we wouldnt have seen coming is Vickie putting him in the Royal Rumble, there's nothing else that could happen than that for Dolph
WWE has done a pretty good job of building Dolph as a credible threat to Edge's title. As much as I'd like to see Ziggler win the title, I don't think it's his time yet. I do think that this match is make or break for him though. A good showing even in defeat can prove to the fans that he can hang with the main event talent. I don't think WWE would book Dolph to win the title and either take the title to Wrestlemania or drop it before then. I'm currently under the impression that Dolph will compete at MITB (assuming it's held at Mania this year) and win the title via cash in.
It should be a good match but, as I've said in another thread, I'm sort of concerned about this stipulation in which the spear is banned. Vickie made the announcement on SmackDown! this past Friday and it leaves the door open for the WWE to make a terrible decision. If Edge uses the spear, he'll lose the match and the title which means that there's at least some chance that the WWE might try to pull off a "I bet they didn't see that one coming" senseless title change like Vince Russo would do.

I like Ziggler a lot but I don't think he's quite ready to be champ. If Ziggler were to actually win the title in the match, that'd be one thing but I have ZERO desire to see Ziggler get the title via Edge getting DQ'd. A title change under such circumstances has mediocre written all over it and I very much hope that the WWE doesn't go that route all in the name of shock value.
I think action will be back and forth, edge bumps into the ref, hits ziggler and guerrero with a spear, ref will get, up doesnt see, counts the 1, 2 ,3 for the win.

guerrero gets pissed off, ziggler is automically awarded a EC entry for the elimination chamber ppv
I would rate this match as *** 3/4. What could of gained this a **** rating would be to see Ziggler steal Edge's spear and Edge steal Ziggler's sleeper. Kind of stealing a rock/austin idea here, but it would of worked and fans probably would of reacted nicely to it.
This was the match of the night for me, a really good back and forth match that actually had a degree of suspense to it. Ziggler put some more fuel in his rocket ship, he hits his spots fluidly and I haven't seen anyone sell the spear that well perhaps ever.

I'm not sure why Kelly was out there and we never even saw her face, but the eventual finish worked perfectly with Edge's 'Ultimate opportunist' character.

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