WWE Roster Cuts, Should Be Released, and "Future Endeavored" Discussion

The guy had an attitude problem by all accounts, but I do think there was something there. Remember, Shawn Michaels got fired once too, it can help a young cocky but talented guy find his way. Or he could Marty Jannetty it up, we'll wait and see. What I expect is that London and Kendrick will go onto TNA, have a proper closure, and then he will show what he can do with a more stable push. I'm not saying he'll definitely come back as a success in 3 years, but I think it's a genuine possibility with him.
The Brian Kendrick has been release. Try to look surprised.

I'm sad about it. I loved him on the indies and in L&K. He IS a good worker. He WASN'T just another smark fad for me (such as Kennedy was for most everybody). He was underrated by most towards the end, but fuck me that gimmick could have rocked everyone's shit if he would have had the chance. Best of luck in the future really is all you can say.

So... anybody wanna speculate about what led to this?
Once again the W.W.E puts quite possibly the best gimmick they could on the guy, only to go no where with him then job him to announcers and finally release him. I think when you start jobbing to Jerry Lawler you should come to realize your days with the Company are about up.

Am I surprised they released him? No. From what I understand he had a really bad attitude, and always has had. Is it unfortunate? Yes. I loved the guy, I never really gave a shit about Londrick, but once Kendrick broke away I always hoped for a push and a strong run.

The first mistake is not letting London and Kendrick feud upon their break-up. The second mistake is not giving Kendrick, even so much as a mid-card title run. I mean, fuck, Benjamin carried the United States Championship for how long.. and what'd that do for him? All of nothing. So, you can't tell me Kendrick would've been a worse Champion. And when he had Big Zeke, he could've really had a strong run as U.S. Champion, or even a Tag Team Champion again.

In the end, I'm sure Kendrick will end up in TNA with, possibly, London. I doubt either will make it, but I can see a reformation of the Londrick tandem.
I'm truly sad about this. I've always quite enjoyed Kendrick's work. And his part in the Unforgiven 2008 WWE title scramble match showed how good he is, he basically carried the match for 15 minutes till Triple H came in.
But WWE must have just gotten sick of his drug taking. And I think he deserves it, no one should take drugs if it jeoprodizes his career. WWE wanted him to stop and he probably would've pushed as a top midcarder if he had. But his drugs were more important than a decent push. Oh well.
To be honest I could care less if he's gone. It's not like he is what Mr. Perfect was in his prime. I'm not a talent scout so I don't usually favor a wrestler based on talent, I stand behind someone of their character appeals to me, which all he did was act like some stoner that I wanted to punch in the face (oh yeah, didn't he fail 12 times for weed and management grew furious with him over it?). Like I said he was good at what he did but it's not like he made much of an impact nor is the next episode of Raw going to feel any different without his presence. A place like TNA would be more of a home to him than the WWE but whatever floats his boat.
The fact that Brian Kendrick, a guy who was in a World Heavyweight Title scramble not too long ago is future endeavored shows me that the WWE has no idea what to do with talent sometimes. It takes some initiative to get over in wrestling. Part of it is the booker's job, the other has to come from the wrestler themselves. Stone Cold, Mankind, and The Rock were all gimmicks thought of by said wrestlers. THE Brian Kendrick had a good thing going, until he lost his edge with Ezekiel and just simply could not find his place on the WWE Raw roster. I'm convinced that if Kendrick stayed on Smackdown, he'd either still be hired or possibly in the IC title hunt. He's talented, and it's a shame he's going to be in the TNA X Division before too long. Another asset that is out there for an upstart wrestling promotion.
i dont know if a thread has been made but just read on wrestlezone that the brian kendrick has been released what i want to know is why poeple say he was the next hbk (years to come like 7 to 10 years) i didnt it that way but he had mic skills that were good wrestleing was pritty good. theres so much other wrestlers who are worthless that havnt been used on tv in ages like jamie noble. why him ????
(and what did u think of him):wtf:
I'm actually kind of glad to see TBK gone because I love to see his fanboys cry about it, :lmao:

TBK was nothing more than a mid carder maybe with Zeke he could of been a higher mid carder but thats it. Can you really see this guy facing Cena, Triple H, Orton, Batista and so forth and actually winning? He was talented yes but I say good riddens. Now hopefully they can use his tv time on real up and comers: ie Swaggah, MVP, Masters.
He wasn't bad but he wasn't going to main event. The guy was somewhat exciting last year in the lead up to the scramble and with Zeke but he totally died once moving to RAW. I mean he jobbed to fucking Lawler.

He could have a decent crack at TNA's X Title but I think he'll probably just go home and smoke a bong...
He wasn't bad but he wasn't going to main event. The guy was somewhat exciting last year in the lead up to the scramble and with Zeke but he totally died once moving to RAW. I mean he jobbed to fucking Lawler.

He could have a decent crack at TNA's X Title but I think he'll probably just go home and smoke a bong...

I didn't realize that everyone who winds up joining the roster needs to Main Event. Is that necessarily a problem if someone doesn't wind up Main Eventing, out of curiosity?
The Miz will be next to be released and I cant wait to see all the fanboys cry T_T. lmao

the miz will not be released any time soon mate.

im not a big miz fan, not because of his wrestling ability but he just seems like someone who would be an ass in real life. but hes on a roll with his cena programme and his in ring work has vastly improved. if he keeps improving he will soon make his way up the ranks with the us/ic title and ecw title.

wwe has faith in him and thats all he needs
Out of all the people on the roster, the Miz is certainly not at the top of the list of possible releases.

As far as the main eventing is concerned, people need to realize there shouldn't be anything wrong with being in the midcard. Look how many great superstars never saw ME status but built a reputation in IC title fueds. It's just that the whole midcard scene has plummeted over the years, and the main event is all people see on the surface. I see a lot of people considering midcarders, who in my opinion, wouldn't ever reach ME status were the WWE not in it's current state.
The Miz is not going to be released unless he fucks up badly. It looks like he's going to Smackdown, where he won't have the roadblock of a crowded main event. He should do really well there.
Or he might go to ECW, challenge Christian. But Christian has enough potential challengers in Kozlov, Regal, Shelton etc.
But either way, he's definately not going to be released any time soon. I mean, he wasn't made to look like a million dollars, but he wasn't humiliated. He lost to Cena a few times, big deal. He wasn't good enough to beat Cena anyway, yet he still managed to get over thanks to his anti-cena promos.
When we see Miz lose to Michael Cole, that's when he's going to be released.
Ortiz has been released, and I can't say that it is before time. Since leaving ECW, I'm not sure if he was supposed to be a heel or a face, as the crowd reaction to him was literally silence.

Ortiz has to have been one of the least charismatic wrestlers to appear on WWE programming for several years, and there was very little of interest throughout his tenure. Boring, poor in the ring, and without direction, it was only a matter of time before this release came.
Goodbye Ricky Ortiz we hardley knew thee :( I remember before Ricky was brought up hearing so much positive news about "Atlas Dabone". People from the DSW were praising his in-ring and out of ring work and he was packaged as a big star.

Before coming up to the roster there was even rumors of Ashley managing him. But once Ashley was sent packing, he was eventually brought into ECW by the talent initiative. As soon as he made he's debut, I was really lost for words. I heard all this talk about "Atlas" and then we get "Ricky Ortiz" some shmuck. His matches were terrible and he showed know promise.

He then spent a few months doing nothing on ECW, to only be moved to Smackdown where he countinued his job as a place filler. I'm shocked it took this long for him to go. Nobody's going to miss him, and I doubt TNA would bother.
I was never a fan of Ricky Ortiz. I read some great things about him before he debuted and how he had a lot of charisma but apparently it went to play hide-n-seek because I see him as one of if not the most un-charismatic wrestlers the WWE had. He just annoyed the hell out of me. And it wasn’t even the good type of annoying for wrestlers. It was the bad type were I just wanted him to get the hell off of my TV because I just didn’t like him at all. I’m not going to say that I’m glad he got fired because quite frankly that’s not a very nice thing to say seeing how the economy is however I will say that I’m glad I don’t have to see him anymore. I just never liked him and I didn’t see what was good about him. I highly doubt TNA will want to hire him so good luck to him. Maybe he can get better and comeback in the future and I might change my mind and opinions on him.
The shock of this situation is that Ricky Ortiz lasted this long, he was terrible in ring and had the charisma of a dead fish, the guy had no idea how to work a match and even had that terrible winning streak on ECW, will anyone miss him....maybe but i doubt anyone will remember him come six months down the line, his time in the WWE was forgettable.

The best thing for him to do now is just train to better himself and work indie dates to get himself back into the swing of things, maybe even go to Ring of Honor, I just hope Dixie doesnt pick him up because he wouldnt equal anything in the ratings for TNA and would probably suck there too, but who knows.
I'm actually dissappointed to see Ricky go. Did I like his work with the Ricky Ortiz character. No. I actually didn't like him very much but he is a young kid can be sent down work on his tools and then be repackaged. I heard he was excellent as Atlas DaBone so maybe it was this terrible gimmick that screwed him over. Good bye Ricky hope you go to TNA and succeed.
I hardly remember him doing anything.

If he didn't get destroyed by Khali last night, I would have said he had already been released months ago. I seriously almost entirely forgot who he was.
I can agree with MOST of the releases/firings. The latest being Ricky Ortiz. He never brought ANYTHING to the table. I think that he could be good in TNA though.

Kenny Dykstra...well in away I was suprised and in away I wasnt. We ALL should know what he could do when he was in Spirit Squad. He really had the talent to be a future great. Its just creative didnt give him the chance. I think he could have become a top talent on ECW.

Elijah Burke - He was good on the mic, and had good ring skills. He could have been a future ECW Champion.

Marcus Corvan - He was a suprise to see go. I loved him in TNA. I thought he was great.

Mr. Kennedy - The let him go because he got hurt....to much. My God....lets see who gets hurt allot around WWE recently. John Cena and Batista sure have been getting hurt recently. Batista just cameback from one surgery and now has to have another one. Cena well I think that one of his "injuries" was due to the even bigger injury known as "12 Rounds".

Umanga - He was getting good matches in. Yeah he is not the most athletic person around but he could still bring it and sell. I think the path they were taking him with Punk could have led to a really good series of matches.

Shannon Moore - Good wrestler....could have done more with him.
Ha, I totally predicted this just 6 hours ago after watching the Khali squash.
Honestly I can't think of anyone who has failed more. He's been with the WWE for 18 months and in that time he hasn't been on a PPV, I don't think he's even had a feud and he was on ECW for fucks sake. Terrible gimmick, fairly awful wrestler and when the ring announcer forgets your name, you know you're fucked. Goodbye and good riddance.
I'm surprised Ortiz lasted this long at all. The only time I've ever been entertained by him was when he guest starred on Chase. He was crap in the ring, below average on the mic, and was just plain boring. He won't be missed.
Eugene just got released.

"WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Superstar Eugene as of August 14, 2009. We wish Eugene the best in all future endeavors."

credit: WWE.com

Can someone please tell me what the point of that was ... bringing him back for a month or two, and only appear once on TV, only to release the guy?
Can someone please tell me what the point of that was ... bringing him back for a month or two, and only appear once on TV, only to release the guy?

You're right there, absolutely no need to bring someone back if they aren't going to be used. I can't say I'm suprised though as Eugene got no entrance on RAW and did the job to the Miz, in a weird way it's almost as if they re-hired the man so they could fire him. But in all seriousness, it just doesn't make any sense (unless there is a valid reason, like Dinsmore failing another test but surely after his history he wouldn't even go there).

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