WWE Over The Limit - Miz vs John Cena - I Quit Match

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I will guarantee the Miz will win this match.

How will they do it without Cena looking weak and promoting the Miz to TOP heel in the company?

This is how I see it going down.

Outside interference from Alex Riley or another heel to tie up Cena in the ropes/hold him back/beat him down as the Miz goes into the audience and grabs a kid(actor or paid off by the Miz) and threatens to give the kid a Skull Crushing Finale... unless Cena quits.

With Cena's character, he will have no choice but to submit and BAM. Miz wins. Cena doesn't look weak, and Miz becomes ultra heel.
I will guarantee the Miz will win this match.

How will they do it without Cena looking weak and promoting the Miz to TOP heel in the company?

This is how I see it going down.

Outside interference from Alex Riley or another heel to tie up Cena in the ropes/hold him back/beat him down as the Miz goes into the audience and grabs a kid(actor or paid off by the Miz) and threatens to give the kid a Skull Crushing Finale... unless Cena quits.

With Cena's character, he will have no choice but to submit and BAM. Miz wins. Cena doesn't look weak, and Miz becomes ultra heel.

That wouldnt actually be that bad.WWE can easily get someones kid.Like how they placed Santino when he debuted and beat Umaga for the IC title.
Tbgator85 - That is a very interesting idea - a better way to finish then what we all suspect will happen

Cena into STF - Miz says "i quit"
Cena will win this it's clearly obvious right now. The only thing I want to see from this match is how it will end. That's the best part of "I Quit" matches, the finish. How far will Cena (or can in the pg era's case) go to make Miz say those words? These two have had it out for eachother for a while now and God only knows how this feud is going to end or when it will. I personally hope this is it for a little bit, but so Miz can regain some steam and then come back at Cena.
The outcome for this match is almost too obvious. The I Quit match is pretty much Cena's match. But let's forget that for a second. Miz just dropped the belt not long ago and I'm not a fan of when WWE plays hot potato with its world titles (a la Cena and Orton in late 2009 I think) and don't think Cena would've been booked to win the title only to lose it this early. In addition to that, I think WWE is gonna be teasing a potential WWE title match between Rock and Cena for the next few months. That said, I think Cena is set to have a long title reign that won't end until the Rumble at the absolute earliest. It should be a good match as I've found the matches between these two to be solid. But the outcome is going to be without a doubt Cena winning unless WWE plans to pull off a huge swerve.
Cena will win here. He NEVER quits in these matches and won't here either because never giving up is what his entire character is based around. Miz might end up on Smackdown or something after this match. He would be "quitting" after all. Anyways, I see their feud ending here with Cena winning after Miz dominates early on with the top face never giving up. I doubt it will be as good as the I Quit match with Cena VS Orton though. This might close the show if Orton/Christian don't.

John Cena will retain the WWE Championship.

I've heard some people suggest one way for Cena to give up would be for Miz to threaten a Cena fan in the crowd....

Well how about THIS for a swerve....

Miz threatens a Cena fan and orders Cena to give up or he'll hurt the kid. BUT instead of Cena giving up and Miz walking out with the title, Cena....(and here's the swerve)...does nothing. He doesn't give in to Miz's demands and allows the fan to be harmed. DUN DUN DUN. lol.

Miz looks on with the rest of the crowd, in stunned belief, that his plan didn't work. That Cena would actually allow the kid to be harmed. Cena then attacks and defeats Miz, then celebrates with the title. It's not a full fledged heel turn, but it shows us a side of Cena we didn't think existed. It plants the seeds for the heel turn.

It puts a villianous spin on Cena's noble phrase "Never Give Up". He would rather see a fan harmed than himself give up. "I never give up" is now seen as a selfish creed, not a noble one. Even if it means a fan is harmed, I still wont give up because the title means more to him than the fans.

It's interesting character development. It's unexpected. It's compelling. It's....not going to happen. But as Professor Farnsworth said, a man can dream cant he? A man can dream
This match is a waste of time, Cena will obv win. I would rather see Sin Cara vs Chavo as an I Quit it would be a hell of a lot better
I personally really hope that happen's....And possibly have Cena not quitting even when Miz has Cena's father that would be a pretty awesome twist...
Cena all the way in this match since he has only just gained the title at Extreme Rules. I'm expecting a solid match from these two with Cena sticking to the never give up rule. Miz will try everything and probably dominate the opening of the match, with Cena slowly fighting back. How does this match end? Probably in the STFU or Cena going to hit Miz with something and he gives up. This feud needs to end because I'm kind of over it to be honest. They had a good run but Miz needs to do something else. And with Cena in position to hold the title until WrestleMania Miz might need to switch shows to keep his position as a top dog.

Once again John Cena comes away with the win and I'm happy with it. Miz can move onto something else if he stays on RAW or he can go to Smackdown and face Orton. This match will probably in a B or something around that grade. Looking forward to seeing this match.
John Cena will win. I can almost promise you that Cena will win this. Cena will never give up or say "I Quit".

If the Miz actually wins this the WWE has gone crazy. There would have been no reason for Cena to ever win the title in the first place unless they can think of something extraordinary for the Miz to do.

I see Cena winning this.
I pointed this out in another thread. I can see them rehashing the old finish from 1999 and having a recording of Cena saying "I quit" from an earlier promo during the match.
Cena's going to win. Honestly, Does anyone ever see John Cena losing an I Quit match?

This will just be another match that WWE will use to let everyone know Cena is better than The Miz.

BTW... Why does John Cena always have I Quit matches at OTL?
The only way Miz will win is if they use a tape of Cena's voice much like they did with Mick Foley/Rock in an earlier I quit match.
I'm not going to pretend I give a flying fuck about this match. Cena has beaten Miz a couple of times and the same will happen here. I don't think Miz will utilize the ol' Rock/Mankind method everyone keeps talking about, but I do believe something unique will happen here. I don't exactly know what the WWE, John Cena or the Miz has up their sleeves but something cool might happen to end the show. I'm hoping this match goes on before the World Heavyweight Championship match as I care much more about the match. This "I Quit" match is John Cena's specialty and he's not losing this one. Get Miz out of the way, and let's start this Cena/Del Rio thing already.

Hamler's Prediction - John Cena
I was intrigued by the end of the Miz/Cena segment where Miz noted he had ways to make Cena quit-ones that he hadn't thought about before. Then he went on to note how he was more cunning and ruthless then anyone Cena had ever faced before, which made me think of a few ways they could go here-even though I dont think they will.

1. It's been awhile since we've seen John Cena's dad on WWE programming, hasn't it been? Im thinking it was when Randy Orton faced him 1 on 1 in 2007. Anyways, his dad hasn't been opposed to taking physicality before, so I could see an angle where Cena's dad is at ringside, and Miz and Riley rough him up, or threaten to, in order to get Cena to quit.

2. Cena's acknowledged in recent promos who his fan base is- children and women. Again, an area I could ultimately see Cena going to. Where Miz or Riley grabs a plant at ringside, and threatens to us to SCF on the kid unless Cena quits. It would be the most interesting scenario, to see where Cena's loyalties truly lie: to his fanbase or the championship.

3. The infamous Rock/Foley ending at the 1999 Royal Rumble. WWE counts on its fanbase to have short memories, hell, they played Edge and Christian up as brothers for the longest time, now they only acknowledge them as lifelong "friends". So they could try to repeat the Foley/Rock finish, as Cena said the words "I Quit" several times loudly during his promo on the go-home edition of Raw. The least appealing of the three.

I don't want to see history repeated, and I'd rather them not use a kid as "bait" for Cena. I'd much rather see the two just fight things out to see who the beter man is. I think inevitably thats the direction WWE will go in, and Cena will retain the title he won just 3 weeks ago.

LSN's prediction: John Cena retains the WWE Championship
I think that this will end in a victory for Cena. Miz has given Cena a great run for his money and so far Cena has been unable to defeat him cleanly. All that will end today, I believe, and Cena will defeat The Miz in his speciality match. Miz can never win clean over Cena in an "I Quit" match and there is no point in him winning by nefarious means and thereby prolonging the feud. This feud has run its course, and has made both performers look good. There is nothing more left to be done here.

Cena wins this one to close the show and send the fans home happy.
Cena will win this match. He's not going to lose the WWE Championship so soon. This should be a good match, and I expect to see a lot of insane spots here, because Miz and Cena should go all out in this one. If Miz and Cena play their cards right, then this one could become a MOTY candidate.

I'm sure Miz will be fine after this match. WWE has put a lot of time and effort into Miz's huge push, and I don't think they're going to derail it yet.
I don't know about others, but as some others have noted, I also think something special is going to go down during or after the match. I doubt Cena is going to quit but I have a special feeling that Batista might make his return here. There's been talk of WWE offering him a contract and the rumor was very recent. There's no better time for him to comeback than right now which is exactly a year removed from his departure which was in an "I Quit" match against John Cena at Over the Limit.

It can be another case of Cena being on his way to perform a super FU from a dangerous place and Miz quits. As Cena is about to send him home, Batista suddenly interrupts and the two have a stare-down or something. Then the next Raw the feud continues and Batista still has the heel persona from his last run. It might just be wishful thinking but I wouldn't be surprised to see it actually happen.
It’s Cena in a match about quitting. Unless Miz has something absolutely brilliant up his sleeve, there’s no way this is where Cena drops the title. Cena flat out does not submit no matter what. Does Miz even know a submission hold? Orton had Cena tied to the post and tortured him but Cena would not say I Quit. I just don’t see a plausible way for Miz to get the title back here at all.

He got himself beat down for 30 mins with not one move .. then just jumps up , chases miz with a strap and then gets him to say i quit within 2 seconds the first time hes asked?

Wow , this takes it to a whole new level
The whole SuperCena thing was bad before, this was a freaking train wreck....

in 12 seconds he got back and won the match, making miz look like the biggest bitch on the planet..

what an awful match

WWE, this was too far. Orton vs Christian was the match of the PPV, I'd rather watch Lawler Cole than that Cena match again... you can't give Miz the title?
What a horrendous main event. Cena gets dominated for 25 minutes. He does one move after that and The Miz taps out almost instantly. It makes The Miz look like a weak tool. Couldn't they have had him hold on for 20 seconds at least?
Typical WWE bullshit. Cena cant sell a 20 minute beat down by 2 people and when he "hulks up" The Miz quits in seconds.Makes Miz look very weak. Cena playing the new Hogan role is predictable and boring.
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