WWE Over The Limit - Miz vs John Cena - I Quit Match

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In an "I Quit" Match.So Cena has just won another World Title defeating Miz and John Morrison in a Triple Threat Cage match at Extreme Rules.On the main site it was announced one of the main events of Over the Limit is Miz vs Cena for the title in an 'I Quit Match"

Thoughts on how this will play out?I see Cena retaining because unless Miz threatens to kill him some how(which wont happen due to the PGness of WWE now)Cena will retain like at Breaking Point 2009 where he got beaten up by Orton and won after coming back for 2 minutes.I see no way for Miz to win this even with Interference.
Cena will win this match. He will never say i quit. He never loses this match. the only way he loses if either he is knocked out really bad and he doesnt respond or for some reason miz threatens cena's father and Cena has no choice to quit. but either way cena will win.
"I Quit" Matches have turned into Cena's specialty, like Triple H's was Hell In A Cell. So I don't see The Miz winning in any fashion. He just recently lost the title too, and if I were to believe the rumors, I would say Cena will be defending his gold quite a few times before either dropping it, then regaining it, dropping it altogether or taking it all the way to Wrestlemania, which is highly unlikely. The Miz has a very very small chance here, and it is one that I would never bet on. Cena to retain, but make Miz look good while doing it.
i called it before it was even announced. you know cena is going to win. he will NEVER lose an I QUIT match. faces rarely lose I Quit matches.
Its ovious Cena wont lose the title so soon, if he does then it would be stupid and pointless that The Miz dropped the title to Cena in the first place. Cena doesn't "quit". He "never gives up" and quite frankly Miz or any other WWE superstar has no chance of beating John in an i quit match.
What is the point of this match? Who is it supposed to benefit? Cena has nothing to gain from winning a match that's built for him, Miz certainly won't benefit from losing 3 times in a row, why should anyone pay money for what will almost certainly be a very predictable match? I think this is the WWE realising they literally have no other credible main eventers left on RAW.
Cena ruining another couldbe amazing match with Supercena mode turned on.
Miz will probably steal the show, expect a ton of interference, and they'll add a ridiculous amount of pain to shove the "Over the Limit" title into the broadcasting. Cena withstands getting run over by a car, and throws a semi at the Miz to retain.
Hope they don't pull the Mankind Vs Rock 99' where they sound byte the I Quit
I called it even before it was announced. As for who's going to win, obviously, Miz has no chance in this match against Cena. Cena's destined to win this match. I guess Cena'll keep the title till WrestleMania 28 or drop it at SummerSlam and regain it the next PPV. Also, why is Miz the challenger? Didn't he lose his rematch on RAW?? Beats me.
Most everything has already been said, so I won't rehash old ideas.

I was actually thinking that JoMo would get a title run, even if it was only for a PPV or three and loose it to maybe AdR and set up a Cena win maybe a little before RR. As it stands, I think that creative is more than a little strangled by VKM by setting up an "I Quit" match between Cena and Miz. It's gotten to the point where episode of Raw is a re-run. Let's get something new going.
What is the point of this match? Who is it supposed to benefit? Cena has nothing to gain from winning a match that's built for him, Miz certainly won't benefit from losing 3 times in a row, why should anyone pay money for what will almost certainly be a very predictable match? I think this is the WWE realising they literally have no other credible main eventers left on RAW.

Well because thats the way things happen my dude. Thats the way they always happened, and thats the way they always will happen.

Happen = When someone loses the title, they usually continue the feud and give the person who lost a one on one rematch.

I don't see any problem with Miz Vs Cena in an I quit Match... one of my favorite matches of all time was Mankind vs The Rock in that epic I Quit Match. Hell one of my favorite John Cena matches was when he took on JBL in an I Quit Match. The dude drove a semi-truck to the ring to match JBL's limo.

Anyways, I'm fine with this match, if it was a one on one normal match I would be extremely displeased with the boredom that that match would present.

FACE IT!!! John Cena is going to hold the title until next year's Wrestlemania.. so get ready for John Cena overcoming odds all the way into 2012!!!!!!!!
What is the point of this match? Who is it supposed to benefit?

John Cena.

Cena has nothing to gain from winning a match that's built for him

Actually, since this feud began, Cena hasn't beaten Miz, clean, in a one-on-one contest. Miz hasn't really lost yet. I'm guessing Cena goes over clean, because he can.

Miz certainly won't benefit from losing 3 times in a row

Actually, he will. It's another main event match, and it's better than feuding with..I don't know, Big Show or JoMo? Main event always > mid card.

why should anyone pay money for what will almost certainly be a very predictable match?

Maybe you shouldn't. I probably won't.

I think this is the WWE realising they literally have no other credible main eventers left on RAW.

I think it's WWE properly finishing this feud, with a one-on-one match. I get what you're saying, as I don't really want to watch this again (and probably won't). However, it's not really over, and Miz, as a heel, can afford a one-on-one loss to the top guy in the business. It's really not a bad deal for Miz.
I just said this in the Raw thread, but I will say it again: Cena's work with the Miz feels like Cena is going out of his way to make Miz look like a big deal as oppose to Cena vs Miz being a big deal.

Like nothing about it feels 'organic.' It just feels like a Cena filler feud until they get a bigger deal for Cena to beat.. However, this has been going on since February and it still just feels like a Cena filler feud.

On paper this should be a good match. Cena is usually amazing in his matches, but he totally shines in I Quit matches. Everything about his character and in-ring work is like custom made for this environment.
This is an obvious no brainer as to who will win this match. I could be wrong, but I just can't see the poster child of Never Give Up actually say I Quit and lose the WWE title so soon. I wouldn't be surprised to see Cena actually hold the title for a year or a little longer at this point. The Miz will probably take him to the limit or over it as the PPV title says, but people are going to have serious doubts that The Miz can actually beat Cena.

This should be the match to end the feud. Unless Miz does the impossible and gets the win, I don't know where he goes from here. I guess he could be in the main event with Mysterio or someone like that. Unless the Miz pulls a fast one us, there is no way Cena will actually say the words "I Quit" that night at Over the Limit.
Why give the outcome of the match away, why do they put Cena in a I Quit match? To be honest after reading the post of the TC I can agree that it makes sense in storyline, since Cena has never give up he will want that match because it's his speciality.

But the problem is that some people may find it interesting but most of the people with a brain or above the age of 5 can see that Cena don't give up. I was there in Montreal when Cena faced Orton, Orton beated him for 30 mins asking him 10 thousands times if he would quit and Cena will always yell nnnooooOOOOOOOOOOOO like a mad man. Then Cena slap 5 moves on Orton and BAM handcuff behind the shoulder and I QUIT I QUIT I QUIT!!!!

It's frustrating to a certain degree, but then again the WWE could prove us that they finaly understand how to book things again by making The Miz win that would boost him HUGE and show the endorsement they are giving him, find a way that Cena doesn't look weak like the Miz has Cena hanging from a 30 feet ledge and is about to let Cena's hand goes unless he say I quit (know it's dumb and won't/can't happen just trying to illustrate that you have to put Cena in a position where even HE is not dumb enough to keep refusing to quit.

Well we will see but the way WWE has been booking Super-Cena I don't see him saying those 2 words anytime soon.
When they said Cena had the power to pick what match it would be I knew also that the match would be an I Quit :banghead:. From a realistic standpoint the decision does make sense seeing as John never loses this type of match so of course he picks the match he has the advantage in.

Now from a fans point of view the match type sucks because it is already difficult to believe that Miz is any kind of threat to Cena as it is because of the way creative has built both guys up & now w/Miz being put in a match that is not only tailored to John's strengths but is also a match that he never loses just makes for a pretty damn predictable main event for the PPV! :disappointed: The only way John is losing an I Quit match is if the government clones him & the match is Cena vs Cena, & even then he still may not quit, the match probably would just end an a draw w/both John's not being able to compete after so long. :lmao:

I will say that even though this match is predictable I do believe that it will be a good bout nonetheless.
hmm is it just me, or does anyone think its kinda odd that cenas wwe title match is an i quit match? i remember john cena and batista going at it for the title in an i quit match last year. maybe its just coincidence, maybe batista will return and try to cost cena the title? just a random thought, wanted to throw it out there before someone else does but still.
Thoughts on how this will play out?I see Cena retaining because unless Miz threatens to kill him some how(which wont happen due to the PGness of WWE now).


Anyways, yea unless Miz uses some kind of pre recorded trick like the good ol rock back in the day, or does some kind of threat to an innocent party, this is fucking over for him. This is Cena's specialty match. Will be entertaining though, much moreso than their WM match, both men will bring damn good phsycology to this match.
Is it possible that while they are doing this, a streak for Cena will be added in terms of "I Quit" matches, similar to Undertaker and WM? He's had three such matches and won all of them, this one is obviously heading the same route which makes it 4-0. Is it a possibility that they'll redo it until he hits a huge number and it becomes a yearly tradition?
Cena will win but the thing is you should beat out your opponent so badly in that match however if we will look on how Cena won those matches with Orton and Batista it will only make Cena weak (which is true) and many people will be annoyed except the kids.:disappointed:
There is no way The Miz can win, you can not beat Cena in an I Quit match or a submission match for that matter. It should be entertaining to see how he wins though even though we know that Cena will win. There may ba a scenario that occurs that involves The Miz firing Alex Riley after he screws up again or something crazy like when Batista tried to run over Cena last year in the prop car only to have Cena AA him off the car and through the ramp. That was a pretty cool finish to the PPV.
Dude this IS Cena's match, there is no way in hell that Miz can beat him. Now, the question isn't who is going to win the match nor how will Cea win the match? But rather how this match is going to be interesting? I don't know about you guys, but I just can't see Miz as a menace for this kind of match. He isn't vicious nor a cold calculator S.O.B, Miz is pretty mediocre in ring, but oh well, I didn't expect much from these two since day one...
:lmao::lmao::lmao: the day Cena loses an i quit match to The Miz is the day hell will have frozen over. In what world is The miz strong enough, tall enough or tough enough (no pun intended) to beat Cena in a i quit match? He isn't Dave F'n Batista, Miz is the kind of guy that would be beaten up for lunch money by Kelly Kelly. There is no chance in hell that Cena loses this match, especially this soon after winning it. And since Vince supposedly wants Cena to have the belt by wrestlemania 28, its kind of obvious that Cena won't loose.
I know a lot of people are already uninspired by this match given Cena's history of winning the matches.. But did anyone feel like they tried really hard on Raw to make it seem like THIS match WILL be Miz's defining match? It just feels like they are trying too hard with the Miz for my liking. If he is good, then let him be good. Don't try to force him as some larger than life guy everyone should take notice of. It just turns more people off than it does change people's opinion.
I know this is going to sound stupid, but I think Cena kind of went out of his way to pause before shouting “I quit” into the microphone tonight. I could see a Royal Rumble 1999 repeat here. I don’t think it will work. I could just see Miz and Riley trying to pull something like that off. I see a possible false finish with Riley playing the recording but the ref catching him and restarting the match. Then of course Cena will go on to win. Again, I know it sounds stupid. I just wouldn’t surprise me.
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