WWE NoC 2010 - General Discussion and Aftermath Thread

Raw is only has two matches and part in a unification match? Seems kinda odd.

It wouldn't surprise if they threw Teddy Jr. vs R-Truth just to keep the gimmick of the PPV going. Not sure about the tag titles though. I mean, has there been another tag team on either show? Then again, if the Hart kids were my tag team champions, I wouldn't put them on PPV either.
Raw is only has two matches and part in a unification match? Seems kinda odd.

It wouldn't surprise if they threw Teddy Jr. vs R-Truth just to keep the gimmick of the PPV going. Not sure about the tag titles though. I mean, has there been another tag team on either show? Then again, if the Hart kids were my tag team champions, I wouldn't put them on PPV either.
First off, i dont see this match of Dibiase and Truth. As for the Harts and not putting them on PPV, i think they are good wrestlers the problem is WWE. If WWE were to use them and have them on the air more, i think WWE fans would like the Hart Dynasty, however, WWE doesnt use them unless it's to help put Jericho in a WWE title match. As for the Tag Team titles, if you dont want the Hart Dynasty as champs the easy answer is to take the titles off of them and put them on a team like The Nexus.
First off, i dont see this match of Dibiase and Truth.

Yeah. I goofed on that. For some reason I thought Truth was the US title holder. :lmao:

As for the Harts and not putting them on PPV, i think they are good wrestlers the problem is WWE. If WWE were to use them and have them on the air more, i think WWE fans would like the Hart Dynasty, however, WWE doesnt use them unless it's to help put Jericho in a WWE title match. As for the Tag Team titles, if you dont want the Hart Dynasty as champs the easy answer is to take the titles off of them and put them on a team like The Nexus.

I disagree. I don't think the Hart kids have shown anything to prove why they are on the main roster besides what Daddy and Uncle Bret did. They have had a few PPV matches over the summer and my gawd where they some flat matches. The only characteristics we know of them is that they love their family and like to wear a lot of pink and black. The guys have the charisma of unflavored rice cakes. Smith is a hoss is every sense of the word. Kidd is much more TNA ready than WWE ready because he can do those flashy moves, but that doesn't make him interesting. Then Natayla is a Diva.. No one cares about the Divas.

I really think the WWE really wanted them to benefit from the Bret Hart rub.. To bad they failed to realize that Bret Hart isn't as important as he was 13 years ago.
I think they could have at least announced that the Hart Dynasty would be having a match. I know they say every title will be on the line, but at least give them a graphic with their pics and two shadow pics replacing their opponents.
The PPV is only days away and we still do not know what kind of match the are going to have. I don't foresee any kind of tag team turmoil match with the major lack of teams, why have one team beat the other three teams in the company. We will probably get a squash match to open the show, it wont take up much time and will get the belts on the PPV. It would be nice to see if they could get involved into a quick feud on SMACKDOWN! this Friday.(I don't read spoilers.) Maybe they can fight the NXT season 2 Fellas.
The Hart Dynasty will defend the titles cause every title is one the line. But really its not like if they were to announce their opponents last night instead of waiting till Sunday that its going to make a difference in buyrates for the PPV. It does show just how little WWE cares about the tag titles right now though.
I disagree. I don't think the Hart kids have shown anything to prove why they are on the main roster besides what Daddy and Uncle Bret did. They have had a few PPV matches over the summer and my gawd where they some flat matches.The guys have the charisma of unflavored rice cakes. Smith is a hoss is every sense of the word. Kidd is much more TNA ready than WWE ready because he can do those flashy moves, but that doesn't make him interesting. Then Natayla is a Diva.. No one cares about the Divas.
The problem with the Hart kids is very simple, WWE doesnt care to use them. They havent wrestled great matches because they havent wrestled long matches, people who have really seen them think that if the match is longer, they have a great match, As for their personalities, the issue is they arent used on the mic like CM Punk wasnt used on the mic as a face. As for Natayla, yes she's a diva, BUT unlike many divas including Alicia Fox, i think normal wrestling fans would like her because she can wrestle in the ring and isnt just a pretty face.
I really hope they drop the tag titles to the Nexus Sunday. I don't have a problem with the Hart Dynasty, but I think a little gold going to the Nexus would be good for them. Especially if Barrett ended up winning the WWE Title as well.
WWE Title - I could see it going in any direction.

World Title - Kane. No doubt. It will allow Taker to win at HIAC.

US Title - I could see the Miz winning, but I doubt it. Daniel Bryan will become the new champ.

IC Title - Ziggler has the momentum. Plus, he is getting a push.

Tag Titles - Do they have a Tag Titles match? Do the even have Tag Titles anymore?

Womens/Divas Title - I'm leaning towards McCool, but it doesn't matter, does it?

CM Punk/Big Show - I think Punk will win. It'll end the fued, thank god.
Might as well throw my thruppence in here! I'm actually getting
quite excited about this ppv - I have a good feeling (of course, seeing United slaughter Liverpoo just now has helped my mood!).

Anyway - on to my predictions for yet another free PPV (gotta love Sky Sports!) =)

WWE Title - Heart says Jericho, head says Sheamus (whom I quite like too!)

World Title - Kane. Unless something goes tits up, he's winning.

US Title - Hmm, Miz I think, to keep the war going - however I wouldn't be suprised to see Miz drop the title on Monday night...

IC Title - I think it's gotta be Ziggles. However if I was Kofi i'd get a mate to come out and clock me one, thus causing Ziggler to be disqualified...

Tag Titles - Gods - seems like it'll be Harts :shit: Vs the Frog-Faced Wonder and The Sinister Scotsman :shit: Hate them all, couldn't care less. McIntyre is the best of a bad lot...

Womens/Divas Title - McCool... maybe a bitchfight between Layla :worship: and Michelle afterwards...?

CM Punk/Big Show - Show to win after interference from Gallows and Mercury. Shoe-in i'd say - they've been suspiciously absent lately..

Got a feeling we shall see Mr Del rio too, and the rest of Nexus in some capacity, as well as Edge or Jericho "unmasking" the GM too at some point, or at least enhancing the plot...

You know, one week ago, I was really not looking forward to this event. However, as I sit here typing out this message to you all, I am really warming to the idea of this event and the possibilities that exist within. Really, the WWE could have possibly done a better job of building some of the matches but I am impressed with them overall. The WWE Championship match was announced pretty early on after the last PPV and it has had time to grow on the audience. The same cannot be said of the other match generally but I still feel as though there is enough intrigue there to have this event be a success.

The matches actually make sense and everyone is basically where you would expect them to be. If I was booking this card, I doubt there is much I would change really. Maybe it is too early for a Daniel Bryan title reign but his feud with The Miz has played out wonderfully well, almost thanks to the absence that Daniel Bryan had to endure.

Really, if this event is a shambles at the end of the night, then the WWE only have themselves to blame. They are really going balls to the wall tonight and I have a very good feeling about the event as a whole. It has a big night feel to it and I am hoping to see some brilliant matches and the conclusion of some pretty interesting feuds. Regardless of what happens tonight, repercussions will be severe and I, for one, cannot wait to see what those are.
Without giving away any spoilers to people who have yet to see the event, I'm going to simply say that Vince and his team was on point tonight... everything he needed to do in order to keep interest in EVERY storyline was done tonight. From the opening bout to the Main Event, this event was booked nicely.

I will admit some of the matches were questionable, but in the end the outcomes made sense and left us with (as I count) a total of 4 possible matches for HIAC and two that could even take stage at SS.

IDK about you guys but to me, Vince get's some big props for this one, and if I have to say it, then so does Triple H.
Night of Champions 2010
Date: September 19, 2010
Location: Allstate Arena, Rosemont, Illinois
Commentators: Michael Cole, Matt Striker, Jerry Lawler

Since this PPV is all about champions, take a guess as to what it’s about. That’s right: pancakes. I prefer them with just syrup but some people actually like butter. I’m not a butter fan so I never use it. Ok the show is starting now so I’m out of jokes. I could go for some Aunt Jemima though.

One thing I wonder: what are Paper Jams? Paper related music? A jelly substitute made from trees? Wow syrup and jam already. Hopefully no one lays an egg or we’ll have a decent breakfast.

I apologize for that joke. Even I thought it sucked beyond belief.

Intercontinental Title: Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler

If Dolph is disqualified or counted out he loses the title. Vickie does her intro but we get to look at Kaitlyn in a good looking dress so I can live with that. The music helps too. We get the two hands behind the head here which I like as a taunt for some reason. They have him in a black bowtie now too which makes my head hurt. Red tights for Kofi tonight which is a good look for him.

Feeling out period to start which is weird since they’ve had so many matches. The ring skirt has all the titles around it which is a cool look. Kaitlyn helps to get Dolph up and is yelled at of course. NICE neckbreaker by Dolph and a chinlock follows it up. The champion has half black and half white boots on which is different for him. He uses a big boot. Well of course he does.

Dolph hits a Fameasser which gets a joke from Striker. King audibly groans at it too which is the sign of a bad one. When JERRY LAWLER thinks your joke sucks, you’ve got a big problem. Lawler: Vickie used to be boy crazy. Boys would have nothing to do with her and it drove her crazy. Vickie is in leather pants which gets a lot of commentary for some reason.

And now Cole and Striker argue about who designed Vickie’s shirt. This is either really boring in ring stuff or really bad commentary. Given who is doing what, I think I’ll bet on the latter. Kofi hits a counter to get us to even again and here’s the comeback. Nice standing dropkick and he hits a Thesz Press. Wow I haven’t seen one of those in YEARS. Boom Drop hits and sets for Trouble in Paradise.

He does the stupid clapping thing where everyone cheers for him. Sleeper is blocked as Dolph uses it for a counter. SOS gets two as Ziggler gets his foot on the ropes. We’re cranking it up again here as I think I know the finish that’s coming. I’ll let you know if I was right or not. We hit the floor and Kofi is dominating. He throws Ziggler back into the ring to break the count which Striker says is smart. Cole of all people points out the reality: it was stupid as he would win the title on a countout.

Sleeper out of NOWHERE (which remember must suck since it’s a transitional move or whatever. I love the IWC’s idiocy at times) and Kofi is in trouble. He gets up quickly which is at least believable. I can’t stand when someone is in a hold for like a minute and then gets out of it. Kofi gets one of his own on but Dolph reverses. Vickie goes to smack Kofi but Dolph screams at her not to. Trouble in Paradise misses and Zig Zag ends this mostly clean which is surprising. I was wrong with what popped into my head but not entirely, but I’ll spare you the details.

Rating: B. This would be standard fare on Smackdown which means it’s very solid. This was another good match between them and hopefully this ends their feud which has run its course I think. Solid here and Ziggler looked strong, dominating for the most part and countering on a mistake to win it. Solid stuff but PLEASE get rid of Vickie as he doesn’t need her anymore.

Miz does an ad for Paper Jams, which is a music thing or something.

Edge says he’ll win. Nothing at all special about this.

CM Punk vs. Big Show

Ok, Punk HAS to win this or his year is more or less a lost one. He’s called the Second City Saint here in his hometown which is a rare thing in this company. He gets the hometown reaction which Lawler is surprised by. That’s ironic as Lawler has made more of a career out of one town than anyone in history. Punk says he loves Chicago but he hates the inhabitants of it. Is he a self-hater I suppose?

He manages to get heel heat here in a smark stronghold. That’s saying a lot. Punk wants to burn the city down and rebuild it into a straightedge utopia. That’s a great line actually. Punk tops that by saying if he’s facing the Giant then he is David and his slingshot is the almighty straightedge. I already live such a lifestyle but I want to join him anyway. Punk with the headband is still weird looking.

Cole calls Show a knucklehead, and wouldn’t you know that’s the title of his upcoming film. Cole says a headbutt from Show is like taking a cinderblock and breaking it over the opponent’s head. WHY DOES HE KNOW WHAT THAT FEELS LIKE? Big chop sends Punk to the floor. PUNK USED A DAMN BIG BOOT. He follows it up with a slingshot senton bomb over the top to the floor in a nice spot.

Punk has him down but one punch slows him down. Middle rope elbow gives Punk the advantage back. They’re pacing this differently which is working well. Punk kicks him in the head which is a nice touch. Striker asks Lawler who the biggest man he’s ever been in the ring with. Of course it’s Andre, and Cole says that no one beat Andre. I REALLY hope he said that as a generalization and not literally because who are they trying to kid otherwise?

Show more or less tackles Punk out of the air and punches him for the pin. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Show hit two moves: the tackle and the punch. That’s it. That was Show’s offense. Punk DOMINATED other than that but Show hits two move to end it. I hate this company some times. How in the fucking world can you validate giving Show that win that way after Punk killed on the mic? It makes Punk’s offense look pathetic but hey who cares? Show is BIG so of course he gets to win. Fucking joke man.

Rating: F. This was fucking idiotic. Yes Punk is my favorite wrestler, but sweet damn man: someone please explain to me why in the holy mother of fuck THE FUCKING BIG SHOW deserves to go over him like this or in any way that doesn’t involve Gallows jumping Punk. Punk has been GOLD on the mic lately and yet his only big win recently is over Christian when Alberto interfered. This is so fucking stupid it’s unreal.

Jericho says he’ll win everything. You know the line he throws in there.

We recap Bryan vs. Miz which should be good. I’ve heard great praise for their house show matches and after Monday I’m legitimately unsure who wins here.

US Title: The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan

Miz in blue here which works for him in a weird way. Riley is here with Miz of course. We’re told that Shawn trained by HBK which I don’t remember hearing before. Very well may have been though. Somehow we talk about Lou Thesz and Cole says he Googled all of his info. Can we get some talk about breakfast again? It’s far more interesting than this bickering.

Miz with a nice bow and arrow hold as the announcers keep up their bitching. We get an explanation for the name LaBelle Lock, which is named after an old wrestler from the 30s. Well that’s better than nothing. Miz works the arm as Striker says he thinks Bryan is attractive. We get a shoulderbreaker and Striker gives a shout out to Double A (Arn Anderson) and says he should be in the Hall of Fame. Say it with me: AMEN!

The champ throws out a big boot as we’ve literally seen it three times tonight. Bryan with a suicide dive through the ropes to take out Miz. He SELLS THE ARM and hits a dropkick off the top for two. They slug it out and the selling continues. Let the boo/yay chanting begin! Running dropkick in the corner which always amazes me when someone hits it for some reason.

Miz kicks out again and Bryan gets a bit frustrated. We head up top and Bryan gets crotched. SWEET clothesline takes down Bryan who lands on his arm for two. All Miz here as he CRANKS on the arm and makes Bryan scream. Ropes are grabbed but Miz has til five. If he yelled that the IWC would have rioted. The Finale (not typing that name out) is countered into a rollup for two.

Riley gets on the apron but Miz punches him by mistake. Rollup by Bryan gets two and I would have bet on that being the ending. Bryan to the floor and Riley rams the post by mistake. Bryan STILL holds the arm. Miz just goes off on Bryan with punches but gets pulled into the LaBelle Lock AND IT’S OVER! Miz cries at ringside in a funny moment.

Rating: B+. This WORKED. I was way into the ending here as Bryan came off as awesome, just like Miz. I can’t wait for the IWC to bitch about how Bryan carried Miz here and I can’t wait for it. Miz more than held up his half out there and looked great (just to be clear, Bryan was great here too). This was a very solid match but was held back by Riley interfering. Miz losing this way is perfect and it definitely put Bryan over. Very solid match and I was most impressed.

Hell in a Cell is in TWO WEEKS. Wow that’s fucking dumb.

Cena is still all smiley and happy here and does a math themed promo which makes sense.

Women’s Titles: Michelle McCool vs. Melina

Michelle in red: DAMN. Nice ass shot of her as the bell rings. Layla is pissed at her for being in there as we hear about the history of the Women’s Title, which is of course mostly bullshit but whatever. Crowd is DEAD. Yes, a Chicago crowd is dead. Michelle sends her to the floor but no one sends her back in. NICE Blockbuster from Orton’s elevated DDT position by Michelle. I love the Blockbuster (jumping front flip neckbreaker) so that was sweet for me.

Faithbreaker (Styles Clash) is blocked and Melina takes over. Decent belly to belly suplex for two by the blonde. Kelly gets up on the apron marking the first time they do anything all night as Melina has her rolled up. Kelly is for Melina here but just doesn’t get it I guess. The girls all beat up Michelle and send her back in. They need to stop slapping the mat as I think it’s a referee count.

Melina does the Matrix Move but Michelle just kicks her. Again: kicking and punching people works best a lot of the time. Both girls hit the floor as the girls yell at Michelle, showing off their acting…..talent. Layla interferes and Michelle gets to hit a, wait for it, wait for it, BIG BOOT TO UNIFY THE BELTS.

Rating: C-. Surprisingly decent match here although the girls were absolutely pointless out there. Layla interfering is fine as it’s expected, but what about the heat between them allegedly? This wasn’t much but at least it gets rid of the damn Divas Title, or at least I hope so. Better than most Divas matches though so I’ll give it that.

Barrett talks about the Winds of Change. I wonder if he’ll Rock You Like a Hurricane.

We hit probably the longest recap ever as we set up Kane vs. Taker. You know this one by now I’m sure and if not go read my SD reviews for the last 6 weeks or so. We get the full history here over the last 12 years, including the straight up lie that Taker took Kane’s mask away.

Smackdown World Title: Kane vs. Undertaker

Surprisingly Taker comes out first. They slug it out in the aisle to start. I want to see if they can break the streak of ass that their matches have been in the past. Taker shoves him off the stage into a pillar that the set is made of. The no holds barred aspect helps here as these two are designed for a big fight rather than just a regular match. So far they’re following that idea as it’s just a major fight so far.

Taker gets sent into the steps and Kane kicks him in the head. Why must you tease me with more big boots? Kane grabs the belt and hits Taker in the ribs with it which is a shot you don’t see that often. Clothesline off the top doesn’t get a cover as Kane does a really bad looking legdrop. Cole says Kane has dissected Taker. I guess we’re ignoring the first 4 minutes of this match.

Seated running one footed dropkick (just get to the damn big boot you fucking cock teases!) hits as Kane is dominating. He takes the cover off the table and just pelts Taker with it. This has been a bit better than I expected and MUCH better than their other stuff. Taker sends him into the steps and has signs of life. Or is it death with him? His character can be a bit confusing at times.

Apron legdrop by Taker and for once the word vintage is ok. We get a mini Taker Dive as he sails over the railing to take down Kane. We head into the crowd as they’ve been in the ring about two minutes out of maybe 10 this has gone. Kane hits kind of a big boot. He hits a jumping punch as we’re back at ringside now. He punches Taker down and Taker is in trouble.

It turns into a boxing match almost with Kane throwing nothing but punches. Taker is getting DOMINATED here and it’s kind of nice to see. As long as he doesn’t make the comeback and win that is. Taker gets one punch in to a BIG old pop. He starts winning but Kane gets a knee. Jumping clothesline puts Kane down though. And now Taker throws punches.

Snake eyes and a big boot get two. We’re 5-5 in big boots tonight. Chokeslam to Kane but Taker can’t cover him. Striker calls him the weigher of souls. Could he be more over the top when talking about the zombie? Kane counters the Tombstone into one of his own and Kane wins clean!

Rating: C+. It wasn’t a great match by any means but this did what it was supposed to do. I don’t think these two can have a great match, but this is what they were supposed to do: Kane went out there and beat Taker up and then pinned him clean. That’s how this was needing to go and Kane gets the clean victory. Pretty sure we’re heading to Hell in a Cell with these two which is the next logical step. Kane needed this though and he got it.

Taker can barely get back to the locker room and almost has to crawl the last bit. I’d love Paul Bearer to come out here.

Randy says he has nothing to say. This takes nearly two minutes.

Legendary is coming to DVD already. That’s AWESOME.

We’re having a tag team turmoil match??? Hokey smoke. Someone made a thread about this and I didn’t think it would happen but here we go. The idea is there are five teams with two random ones starting. They have a match and then the winners advance to face the next team. Last team standing wins. It’s kind of like the weird cousin of the gauntlet match.

Tag Team Turmoil

We open with Hart Dynasty vs. Usos. Yeah because we haven’t seen this enough. Striker mentions playing a game called Six Degrees of the Hart Dungeon, which sounds AWESOME to a wrestling geek like me. DAVID HITS A BIG BOOT IN THE CORNER! Kidd hits a big Asai moonsault to the floor. Kidd gets the Sharpshooter but the other Uso hits a BIG BOOT to end him, guaranteeing new champions.

Kozlov/Santino vs. Usos now. This lasts about a minute as Santino sets for the cobra but Tamina distracts him, allowing a Samoan Drop (shocking right?) to end him.

Bourne/Henry in next. This shows how sad the tag division is. It truly does. Henry comes in and cleans house with the World’s Strongest Slam. Air Bourne ends it.

Final team is Drew/Cody. Ok we HAVE to have the heels win it here for the sake of sanity. Also so we can hear either awesome theme song. Drew is in those sexy white tights too so I’m happy. The heels dominate for awhile as Bourne plays Ricky Morton for awhile. They say Cody was a tag team champion but never say with who. I don’t get why though.

Big gutbuster by Drew as Bourne is in trouble, hence the Morton thing I guess. Drew CRANKS on a chinlock which looks awesome. Bourne gets out of a suplex using the ultimate counter: kicking his feet. Hot tag to Henry and Cody trips coming through the ropes. They go for the Super Shooting Star which takes forever so Cross Roads takes out Bourne (illegal man) for the pin and the titles.

Rating: D. These are hard to grade but given who was in this the booking more or less was terrible. No Gatecrashers or Dudebusters or Nexus but Bourne and Henry? Really? The one good thing here is that they beat the champions clean the other night. That’s a major plus for them so there’s no argument that they didn’t beat the champions. Not wild AT ALL on having another randon team thrown together but that’s the nature of the beast in modern tag wrestling I guess. Pretty bad though and definitely the worst of the night so far.

Random Alberto Del Rio promo montage.

Build up video for the elimination match and I think you get the idea of it.

Sheamus says his usual stuff.

Raw World Title: Sheamus vs. John Cena vs. Edge vs. Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho

Pin or submission only for eliminations. MONSTER reaction for Edge. The trenchcoat is back too. Face pop for Jericho but not as big as Edge’s. Barrett is in his second PPV main event less than five months after making the main roster. Not bad. Elimination rules here. Orton is out last and gets a nice reaction but still pales in comparison to Edge. Striker asks Lawler for strategy here. Lawler says avoid elimination, which sounds really simplistic but Lawler follows it up by saying you’re going to have a better chance with three or four opponents than with five so if you can hang on your odds improve. Sometimes the simplest answer is best.

Tornado rules here too which is nice. We get a Hulk reference kind of as Cole lists off champions. Cena and Jericho stare each other down which makes me think Jericho is a jobber by comparison. RKO maybe 90 seconds in ends Jericho. WHAT THE HELL? He makes the big sad exit and everyone, myself included, is shocked. Y2J chant picks up of course as I’d love a face run from him.

Everyone surrounds Barrett and the beatdown is on! Orton and Cena have an eventual staredown but Barrett breaks it up. Striker calls Edge, Sheamus and Barrett rulebreakers. CENA THROWS A DROPKICK! The superpowers fight it out but Barrett saves Cena for some reason. Sheamus kicks Barrett in the face. He dominates for awhile and goes around kicking everyone in sight.

High knees to Cena which I can’t think of a Too Many Lies joke for. Cena blocks the High Cross as everyone else has apparently died. Edge comes back in and stops the top rope Fameasser. Double suplex off the top to take Cena down for two. Edge and Sheamus work together which tells me he eliminates the Irishman.

Orton pops up for like two seconds and Sheamus takes him down almost immediately. Spear misses and the Irish Curse takes Edge down. Brogue Kick misses but Edge gets the spear. Orton takes one too but Edge takes a very nice FU to get rid of him and we have four left. Barrett takes down Cena and stomps the hell out of him.

He and Cena fight it out for awhile until Cena makes his comeback. 5 Knuckle Shuffle but Sheamus accidently hits Barrett. Cole keeps calling the FU the A.A. now. Sheamus is in the STF FOREVER and has one of the best teases of getting there I’ve ever seen. He manages to do it and you can feel the crowd just stop. Nexus comes out and the distraction allows Barrett to hit Wasteland on Cena and ELIMINATE HIM!

Nexus beats down Orton and since there are no disqualifications this is all gravy baby. Nexus tries to run in again but Cena KILLS one of them with a chair. Orton gets the backbreaker on Barrett and an RKO gets us down to Sheamus vs. Orton. Brogue Kick KILLS Orton but it only gets two and a big old pop. High Cross is countered and the RKO gives Orton his seventh title!

Rating: C+. This was ok. It wasn’t the mess I thought it would be and getting rid of two people relatively early, especially Jericho, made this run a lot more smoothly. It’s an ok match but really nothing worth going out of your way to see. They went with the usual multi-man formula here which I’m not a fan of at all. Barrett pinning Cena clean is a good thing but it’s probably going to lead to a Hell in a Cell match which I don’t think anyone wants to see at this point. Fairly good match, but not a great one at all.

Overall Rating: C-. This show was definitely ok but it’s not a great show. The title changes are usually pretty cool and some of these were, but I can’t really bring myself to care about Orton winning his 7th world title. You get some good stuff like Miz vs. Bryan and Kane vs. Taker, but other than that this show really isn’t anything special. It’s entertaining enough for three hours and if you watch it you won’t be bored, but you certainly won’t be blown away. Not a bad show but not really good either.
You give it a C+? I thought it was better than that actually. Dolph-Kofi was a pretty good match, loved the ending. Show-Punk was getting interesting but Show hurt himself which is why it was such a quick finish, it coulda been so much more but i think (as does everyone else that watched it in my house) he legitimately got hurt. Miz-Bryan was really good. McCool-Melina was really good for a Divas match and alot of "shots" :) Taker-Kane wasnt bad either and Taker sold everything pretty well but Im surprised it was before the tag turmoil match. That match....it wasnt bad but it wasnt good. I forsaw McIntyre-Rhodes winning from day one even b4 they were announced for the match. Surprisingly Santino got the biggest pop of the night. Dont know how but he did. Towards the end when it was Air Henry (lol) and "Dashingly Sinister" i started liking it, but I REALLY wanted it to have had The Dudebusters and The Gatecrashers but NO leave it to WWE not to use their tag teams. And finally the 6man challenge. Ok match, kinda sloppy, Orton winning was great but no Miz cash in or HHH return was a let down and Jerichos early elimination was definitely a shocker, but what pissed me off was EVERYONE stopped to watch him leave....WHY?!?!?!? It made no sense to me overall I give it an 8/10
Hey I found a Miztake in your post, In the Unified "Chick's" (Women's/Diva's) Championship Match it wasn't Kelly Kelly it was Natalya who got on the apron unless I missed that she got up there to but I know Natalya also got on the apron. Plus I agree that Orton shouldn't of won as I was hoping that Sheamus retained or Jericho won it but who really cares about this Orton crap as Randy Orton is outta these new kids most like Hogan w/ his attitude as he gets his way like a whiny lil kid. I hoping somebody injuries Orton so we don't have to see him for a while as I'm starting to get sick and tired of him. I give the PPV a B on your rating scale.
WWE Night of Champions - September 19, 2010

Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston - This was a very strong match to start the show off with. Ziggler and Kofi have worked very well thus far and they needed a strong match to end the feud with and they delivered. Some very good back and forth action during the match with a lot of near falls from Ziggler. Vickie Guerrero was at ringside doing her thing and, surprisingly, didn't interfere once during the match. The ending was set up nicely as it looked as though Ziggler was distracted by Vickie, admonishing her for nearly slapping Kofi. Kofi missed Trouble in Paradise, Ziggler hits the Zig Zag and picks up the win about the 13 minute mark. Ziggler got a decisive victory and that's what was needed here. Thumbs Up

CM Punk vs. The Big Show - Punk came out to the hometown Chicago welcome and cut a great promo before the match. Basic stuff with him putting down everyone in the audience and everyone in the city of Chicago in general. It was basic, but Punk's delivery is always great. The match in and of itself was actually pretty decent I thought. Punk actually got in some pretty decent offense on Show. I was actually hoping he'd win but Punk get's knocked out by Show's big right hand for the pin about the 5 minute mark. It was fun for what it was and Punk actually managed to get a decent match out of Big Show. Thumbs Up

The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan - This was a great, competitive match between The Miz and Bryan. The first few minutes were a little slow, but things picked up very nicely overall. The Miz used some pretty decent submission wrestling moves during the match, showing off a little and I like that as it's not what he usually does. Bryan gave as good as he got during the match and the crowd was very much into it. There were some great near falls from both of them and Bryan taking Alex Riley out of the picture was a nice touch. In the end, Bryan puts The Miz in the LaBell Lock with Miz fighting it off, which only made it look better overall as it just added a little more believability to it. The Miz tapped at the 12.5 minute mark and Bryan becomes the new United States Champion. It was a helluva match and what needed to happen happened. Bryan is the champ and The Miz can now move on to main event territory. Thumbs Up

Melina vs. Michelle McCool - This was a pretty good Diva match overall. The crowd was actually even into this match some and that's kind of rare in and of itself. The Lumberjills didn't really serve much of a purpose, except for beating down McCool every chance they got. Melina and Michelle McCool had a good, competitive match because they're actually pretty good wrestlers. I figured Melina would go over here but McCool hits the big boot and scores the pin about the 6.5 minute match. It wasn't some 5 star classic, but it was far and away better than the standard fair we usually see from the Divas on Raw or Smackdown. Thumbs Up

Kane vs. The Undertaker - This was a pretty good match between the former Brothers of Destruction. It wasn't a spectacular match, but I don't think anyone expected it to be. It was a good brawl, which was what people excpected, it ranged pretty much all over the arena and it told a strong story. The announce team did a great job of continuing to drive hiome Taker's physical weakness storyline throughout the match and put over the backstory leading up to everything and Taker was helping to make Kane look good. Taker played his part of looking really winded and beaten down throughout the match well and Kane ultimately picked up the win at the 18.5 minute mark via the Tombstone. Post match, Taker looked exhausted and just plain beaten and played it very well. Kane got the win cleanly and decisively. Kane looked dominant throughout the match while Taker was still able to make himself look like a capable opponent, just not at 100%. A good, competitive match that really hit home with me due to the story it told. Thumbs Up

The Hart Dynasty vs. The Uso Brothers vs. Santino Marella & Vladimir Koslov vs. Evan Bourne & Mark Henry vs. Dashing Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre - This was a tag team turmoil match and it was a very well wrestled situation overall. The Harts and The Usos started out and worked well for a few minutes before The Usos ultimately scored the win, meaning that new tag champs were guaranteed. I think it's a good move to take the titles off the Harts and maybe just start fresh as nothing has happened. Santino & Vladimir come out next to fight The Usos after THD are eliminated. Santino winds up getting pinned, thank the Lord. Evan Bourne & Mark Henry are the next team and Bourne ultimately eliminates The Usos with Air Bourne, leaving him and Henry to take on Rhodes & McIntyre. McIntyre and Rhodes ultimately get the win and become new WWE Tag Team Champions around the 12 minute mark. It was a fun little match overall, but nobody really cared anything about it. Having The Dudebusters and Hawkins & Archer out there would've made it a much better match I think. There was no build up or hype for this match, so of course the fans weren't into it all that much. It was a solid effort overall, but just kinda lackluster. I'm hoping that things will pick up now that Rhodes & McIntyre have the tag titles. But, overall, this was a bit of a letdown. Thumbs Down

Sheamus vs. John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. Edge vs. Chris Jericho vs. Wade Barrett - I enjoyed the main event and generally thought it was a really fun match. I wasn't wild about Chris Jericho getting eliminated so quickly in the match, so who knows what this ultimately means as the announcers mentioned Jericho's stipulation about leaving if he didn't win. The match was a little slow in a few places but everyone except Jericho was able to get a good showing overall. Cena wound up eliminating Edge about the 15 minute mark. The Nexus came down to ringside, I figured they'd be showing up. Cena landed a few right hands and knocked a couple off the apron, but they didn't lay a hand on him. Wade Barrett catches Cena, hits him with Wasteland and eliminates him. I really liked that and it worked well for Barrett and made him look strong. Naturally, the announcers worked up Nexus' distraction but ultimately they never laid a finger on Cena so Barrett genuinely eliminates John Cena cleanly. Nexus did beat down Orton a bit on the outside, but Orton was able to fight them off and eliminate Barrett with the RKO. Orton ultimately eliminates Sheamus about the 22 minute mark and becomes WWE Champion. I would have preferred Sheamus to have retained, it was really the only let down for any of the title matches. Still, it was a very fun and competitive main event and I wanna see what happens on Raw tomorrow. Thumbs Up

Overall Show - I thought WWE Night Of Champions was a very entertaining show overall from top to bottom. The matches were all very solid, some even downright great, and the titles that changed hands in noteworthy ways. I would have preferred Sheamus to have retained the title and I wish there'd been some build up for the tag team match. However, aside from that, I had a lot of fun watching the show and just about everything that needed to happen during the show in terms of who went over and who didn't took place. Daniel Bryan looked like a star tonight, Taker put Kane over and this can keep their feud going, as it's been excellent so far, The Divas had a good match and didn't do anything to embarass the shit out of themselves, a good competitive main event and potentially a fresh start for the tag team division with new champs. A-
one thing i noticed about the ppv was that the Raw titles (WWE and US) changed hands, and the Smackdown titles (WHC and IC) didn't. In addition the unified titles went Smackdowns way, Tag belts to Dashingly Sinister and Womens/Diva to McCool.

Nice way to bolster Sdown for the move to SyFy maybe?
I was there live. Pretty good show tonight. IC title match was very entertaining to watch. Great job by both performers. I was expecting Kofi to get the win for a big pop in Chicago but I'm a Ziggler fan so I'm not too bothered by the outcome. Really good opening match.

Didn't like that Punk lost but I knew he's a heel right now and a hometown victory with a huge pop wouldn't really make sense. His promo was amazing and being from Chicago, what he said is 100% true lol. A majority of the crowd was cheering for Punk despite his efforts to draw the heat. Match itself was pretty boring, Punk didn't really have someone good to work with.

Bryan vs Miz was my chance to go upstairs and purchase the new Sheamus shirt lol. Sorry, I have no interest in Bryan and I'll never buy into Miz as this star they're trying to make him into. I think he hardly has what it takes to be mid-card. So I got back to my seat right as Bryan was exiting. Thought this was a setup for Miz to cash in tonight, but nope.

Divas action was typical.

Kane vs Undertaker was pretty disappointing. I watched ChairShot Reality here on WZ earlier in the day and they pointed out how Taker is older and Kane is heavier and they wouldn't be able to deliver much of anything. I went into it still expecting a great Kane/Taker battle, but the predictions were right. Nothing really interesting going on here. They brawled behind my section in the crowd, so that was fun for a few seconds. The finish was abrupt but I'm glad Kane got the win.

Tag Team turmoil seemed pretty rushed and was nothing special until the end. Drew and Cody somehow make sense as a team and I like them having the belts. Interested to see where this goes.

Six Pack challenge was entertaining. Jericho biting the dust early was a bummer. He had a lot of support from the Chicago crowd. Not thrilled with Orton winning. I like him but I would have been happier to see just about anyone else get the win, except Cena. I like Orton more as a contender on the hunt, not as Champion. I supposed I wanted Sheamus to sneak away with the win, but Edge, Jericho, or Barrett would have been nice and unexpected. Orton almost seemed too obvious with the streak he's had on Raw lately. I thought he'd miss the win and continue his pursuit tomorrow on Raw.

Anyways from a live perspective it was a good show with exceptional pacing, I wasn't bored or wanting to leave like some shows in the past.
I dunno why some of you don't like the Title being put on Orton,it was a great move since he is super-over and im glad he got it as well. Very enjoyable NOC PPV,I loved the 6-Pack Challenge lots of a near falls and counters. Kane/Taker had a nice brawl and it going into the Chicago Crowd was good. Congrats to Daniel Bryan on his US Title win,he has arrived. Cody & Drew winning the Tag Titles was interesting and I was surprised The Harts went out first. Kofi/Dolph was a solid opener and I think Dolph should drop Vickie here soon. Kinda surprised Lay-Cool stayed together and shafted Melina to Unifty the Womens & Divas Titles plus I guess we will get a New Womens Title Belt. Big Show & CM Punk was decent,loved the knockout on Punk. Plus a White Hot Chicago Crowd as usual,one of the Best Cities WWE goes too year in and year out. Overall 9/10 for NOC.
I thought this was to a really good PPV from top bottom with only one truly bad match. We started off with Ziggler/Kofi which was a very good match as I have come to expect from these two, hopefully this ends the fued though as it has been going on a long time and there isn't anything left to do. Show/Punk was a surprisingly good match while it lasted but Show going over again is fucking idiotic. Miz/ Bryan was awesome and easily the match of the night, based on this I really hope we see a rematch. The Divas match was actually not too bad and was certainly better than most divas matches. Kane/Taker was ok but a bit dissapointing I expected a bit better, Kane going over clean was nice though. The taf turmoil was a nice surprise but it was a bad match, seriously youve got The Dudebusters, The Gatecrashers and Nexus and you put Henry/Bourne and Santino/Koslov in there, that is absolutely idiotic, Drew/Cody won which i'm not sure if I like or not, on the one hand they will be on TV much more than the Harts and they are much more entertaining but on the other hand they are another random team of two singles stars with the belts. The six pack match was good not a classic by any means but an acceptable PPV main event, Orton winning was the right decision he is on fire at the moment. Overall this was a very good PPV for the most part I give it a 7.5/10.
I'll give some bullet points on each match and might expand on them later.

IC Match

-Is it wrong that I was more interested in Vickie's rookie seemingly trying to steal Dolph from her, than i was the outcome of the match? I hope they intend to expand upon that.
-Assumed one of two endings was coming, either A) Kofi would lose from punching longer than a count of 5, or B) he'd just win, and thankfully, neither of those outcomes came about.
-It's been a decent series of matches between these two, but i think that should be the last unless there's going to be a ladder match or something.


-When Punk was going on about his mission and was holding his fist in the air, referencing the punch, i thought that he might have had knucks on under his tape and that's how he'd win a la Regal, but instead he just got squashed...... AGAIN.
-What did Punk do to be reduced to only being allowed to excel on the mic and never in the ring?
-Show looks as though one of those kicks legitimately hurt his chest.
-Please let this fued end and have Punk wrestle someone he can actually grapple with again.

US Title

-Seriously, does Daniel Bryan do anything other than running kicks and the occassional take down? I understand that Miz had worked his arm for the majority of the match and he was selling it very very well, but i thought back to Summerslam, and realised all he did was running kicks then as well, other than his finisher of course.
-I like the look of Alex Riley, although something about him does scream Miz 2.0, which i guess is why they're paired together.
-Solid match, both guys played their parts brilliantly, and the only thing that spoilt it was Michael Cole trying to cement himself firmly up Miz's ass. I don't care if he's being told to say it, Cole's commentary is so totally stupid during Miz matches that it begs belief.

Striker - 'Well who'd you rather be trained by, Shawn Michaels or The Miz?'
Cole - 'Miz every time'

You fuckin spastic. You'd claim you'd rather be trained by the guy who's won a MiTB match rather than one of the all time greats, just because you have no respect for the Indy circuit? Plus one minute he's saying Riley is learning well the art of cheating from Miz (as if it's an encouragable way to act) and then when he does nothing to cost him the match, he uses that to blame him for Miz's loss. Truly stupid imo.

Divas Unification match

-This match could have been better. I was expecting more considering the calibur of McCool and Melina. But then again if McCool's playing the cowardly heel and Melina can only have a truly great match when a Glamazon is stretching her like a pretzel, then maybe i was asking too much.
- Is it me or has Melina gotten sloppier than she used to be?
- I am sick of that primal scream she does.
- Rosa Mendes almost smashed Jillian in the face way too early, and unfortunately, she was stood right in front of the camera when she did it, so we all got to see Jillian tell her to wait. Smoothe.
- The finish was one kick in the face? And not even a decent one? Lame.
- So Layla was faking dissention within LayCool........ clever.
- Alicia Fox looked scared to attack Melina for some reason. It's ok love, smack her one, she has cost you the belt twice.
- Somehow depite looking totally uninterested the whole match, Maryse was the only lumberjill that wound up on her ass.
- There we go, i figured out where my problem lies with this whole scenario...... I just think Melina sucks.


- God i hate matches where the majority of it is outside the ring, but there's next to no weapons used.
- Knew this wasn't going to be a classic, not even by 'Taker v Kane' standards, but i actually fell asleep during this match, i was that uninterested. There's nothing wrong with how they're playing the story out or doing the angle (apart from it's been done a billion times over) but the matches will never shine. If this was how they'd done it in 2003/4 it would have been so much better.
- I AM glad Kane's getting a strong run with the belt AND finally had a match where he pinned Taker clean.
- When Taker loses like that, he really does over sell it doesn't he? Like his body is just going to fall apart if he walks too quickly. For a minute he looked likehe was going to puke over the side of the rampway.
- Not looking forward to a HIAC match between the two. As i said, it's 6 years too late.

Tag Team Turmoil

-They haven't had one of these in years! Personally, as much as people might consider these kind of matches to be clusterfuck shitfests, they are a good way to get several superstars on PPV that aren't used frequently. I mean COME ON, when was the last time Santino or Kozlov were on a PPV? Bourne, Drew, Cody and Henry all missed out last month, and for a couple of them, have been waiting even longer than that. Hell they could have had a 6th team of Fat Hardy and Christian, if Fatty wasn't being such a ********.
- Who did the Harts piss off? They've lost every match they've had this week! Prepare for Smith to turn heel by beating up Kidd, who'll then stick to having Natalya on his arm, but will never do anything of value again.
- Why did we have a year of Kozlov demolishing ME'ers if he's now relegated to one running headbutt per appearance? You'd think what with them hyping Bryan's submission skills and Swaggers credentials, that they'd want to make decent use of a skilled Sambo wrestler.
- I've given up on Santino ever being anything other than comedic jobber.
- Really didn't want to see Drew/Cody win in all honesty. Cody only just got out of the tag team role and has now, even though he has his own gimmick which is seemingly working, he's been thrust back into another tag team. Plus i feel it only holds McIntyre back from what was a solid run as a singles competitor.

Overview of WWE Title Promos

- Standard stuff mainly.
- Orton's lack of words should have screamed to any experienced wrestling fan that he was going to be the one to get the 'W'.
- Cena's promo was probably one of the best i've ever seen him do since he dropped the rapper gimmick.

"There's 0% chance that the Rated R Superstar is technically still 'Rated R'. TV-PG guys ;)" Loved that line in particular.

WWE Title match

-Jericho got beat in like 2 minutes. In case you missed it because you were taking a leak or something, ring clears, everyone but faces on the outside, Jericho tries a cheap shot from behind and a quick pin, is gone some 30 seconds later. See ya when Fozzy's tour ends Chris, Raw will probably suck a great deal more without you.
- Jericho's exit reminded me of when Tazz got beat when he left ECW, except the whole locker room didn't come out to thank Jericho for his hard work and dedication to the company.
- Edge and Sheamus semi work well together, surprised Edge didn't turn on him like he usually does.
- Apparently, the Nexus logo is SuperCena's kryptonite.
- That 'Wasteland' move looks so lame. It really does look like it should always be followed by the 450 Splash as part of a tag team finishing sequence, because that move on it's own, does NOT scream 'finishing move' to me.
- Orton has really been riding momentum for months now. All he's doing is promising to hit RKO's and trying to mimic a snake over and over and the crowd absolutely love it.
- Orton/Sheamus HIAC? Can't say i'm interested unles Miz is going to cash in that night. Would make sense considering A) it's a 'brutal' match, so right afterward would definitely be the best time to do it, and B) it'll give Orton and Miz a fued to jump into straight away, and we can get Sheamus out of the equation ready to have his ass handed to him by HHH sometime soon (can't wait for that)

Overall, decent PPV. Liked it. Punk/Show was 100% pointless, didn't even fit the nature of the PPV, but that was the only real stain on an otherwise solid show. Cant say i have high expectations for the next one though, especially as it's only 2 weeks away.
-Seriously, does Daniel Bryan do anything other than running kicks and the occassional take down? I understand that Miz had worked his arm for the majority of the match and he was selling it very very well, but i thought back to Summerslam, and realised all he did was running kicks then as well, other than his finisher of course.

Here's the thing, though. You sort've answered your own question when it comes to Bryan earlier with your commentary on Punk/Show, specifically "wrestle someone he can actually grapple with". While Miz put on, in my opinion, a great show of picking up a couple submissions just to have an attempt at getting Bryan to tap in this match, he's by no means a mat wrestler. He's a striker. For an established mat wrestler like Bryan to excel in that role, you really need someone else who KNOWS holds and how to break them, otherwise...you're just breaking them yourself all the time, and then you look stupid.
I think this was an awesome PPV. Easily the 3rd best of the year so far after Wrestlemania and Summerslam. I got all 6 of my predictions correct except for the WWE title match, disregarding the tag team match, as it was not announced until it happened. I'll discuss that here, as it did not receive its own thread.

I thought that the Hart Dynasty should have retained.... but if any of those teams were going to defeat them.... It needed to be Rhodes and McIntyre because the other teams either are jobber nobodies or really suck or both. Seriously.... The World's Strongest Jobber and the guy who sucks other than his finisher, NOT A CHANCE.... Santino and Kozlov? Comedy teams do not win titles unless in RARE occassions.... The Usos? OH COME ON! The Dudebusters would make better champions than those losers!.... Rhodes/McIntyre at least have the chance to be a threat to the.... ummm.... Hart Dynasty and a bunch of jobber nobodys (the so-called tag team division?).... Ok, well, the right team won if the Harts absolutely had to lose. The match didn't make much sense. Why turn it into a random gauntlet instead of a tornado rules tag team match with everyone in it? That made no sense. It was interesting at least.
Outside of a few matches, I thoroughly enjoyed the heck of the PPV. :icon_mrgreen:

Ziggles vs Kofi
Ziggles actually has the moveset of the divas. I dunno if anyone else notice he did the Layout, but I got a good chuckle out of it. The match itself was blah. I could have really don't without the commentators constantly trying to sell me on Vickie's looks.

Big Show vs CM Punk
I always enjoy a good babyface Big Show (quasi-)squash match.

The Miz vs Daniel Bryan
It was a good match and all, but I really didn't get into it. Some of the guys in the crowd trying to start a boring chant was interesting considering the buzz about his wrestling skillz that Bryan has and the heat the Miz usually has.

Melina vs Michelle
This was the worst Diva match I've seen in a long, long time. Slow, uncoordinated, botchy, and set spots galore. This match personified the bias view a lot of people have with the Divas match. And when the commentators bring up the bad job the lumberjacks are doing, you know something is wrong.

Kane vs Taker
It was what is was. I just felt like the match was really trying to force "Hey we really are brothers and like we know each other well!"

Tag team Gauntlet
Mah dream team of Mark Henry and Evan Bourne looked great. Heck, all of the teams besides the Hart kids looked great. The Uso's have much more potential than the Hart kids and I think they are better in their matches as well. Hopefully they get a chance at the tag titles next.

Six Pack Challenge
I loved this match. I watched it again as soon as it was over. Wade Barrett looked as much as a top guy as the other guys in the match. Poor bloke got beat up by the veterans. (haha) Wade getting cornered in the middle of the ring still gets a great reaction. So, me thinks that he has already cemented his spot on the show as Raw's top heel.
Im glad Orton won the belt, but to be honest, Im mostly happy they ended Sheamus' reign.

Sheamus has had two of the worst reigns in History (not counting any meaningless 1 week, 1 day, sometimes even less reigns).

They need to rebuild Sheamus, have him go on a monster spree, and actually win big matches clean.
First post here guys, so be nice ;)

I think that this was a solid PPV, not great but I think it was overall booked quite well apart from a few odd points.

CM Punk vs Big Show

I really don't see where they're going with this. Punk needed to go over with a clean win, with the SES seemingly gone, Punk needs to be back in the WHC scene again. I honestly have no idea what they're trying to achieve by having him squashed by Big Show several times. I actually liked this feud when it first started, but I feel that it's gone on for far too long and with no real development in the past couple of weeks. I really do hope that Punk gets another reign after the Kane/Undertaker feud ends, he's been mid-carding and in meaningless feuds for too long now :disappointed:. Although maybe he could start a feud with Kofi soon to build both of them up into the WHC picture, or maybe Del Rio. Same old people in the WHC picture at the moment is getting stale (apart from Kane, but I really don't think that the WHC title actually needed to be involved in this feud anyway).

Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston

I think this was a good match overall and Dolph needed to retain. He needs to hold the title for a few more months, I think he could become a solid IC champion. I don't think Kofi needs the belt at the moment, I think he needs to feud with someone in the upper mid-card (maybe Swagger or Punk) and go over them as a stepping stone to get into the WHC picture.

The Miz vs Bryan Danielson

Danielson obviously needed to pick up the win here. Miz doesn't need the US Title, he has his MITB contract and he never defended the title anyway. It was just being used as a prop to give him some momentum and credibility before being thrust into the ME scene. I don't think he will cash in straight away like a lot of people expected, I think he'll wait until after HHH returns, and his likely feud with Sheamus cools down. Either this, or I can see him cashing in before Royal Rumble, maybe the week before on Raw, but then he goes on to win the Rumble and get his shot at Mania, which he'll lose. While it's obvious he will be a future champion, I think it'd be better for him to take it later rather than sooner. For now I can see him feuding with Danielson for a few more weeks then moving on to feud with someone that's currently in the ME scene.

Melina vs Laycool

Can't say I really care about Divas at the moment, but I wanted Michelle to win. She's a far better wrestler and I think Melina was pushed too much when she came back. I think Michelle will hold the belt until Beth comes back and they will feud for the belt. While I don't necessarily think that this match was badly booked (was actually nice to see something other than a plain singles match), I just don't think the Divas have any relevance, and haven't for a while. Maybe they're planning something with NXT3, but who knows :p

Kane vs Undertaker

I didn't like this match at all. I honestly don't think the stipulation was needed, as there wasn't really anything extreme to the match, I feel like it could've worked fine in the ring. Kane obviously needed to win to prolong the feud. As far as squash matches go, I think it was drawn out far too long, but this is exactly what I expected. I think they tried to gave Taker some credibility but it just didn't work for me. I see a rematch at HiaC with Kane again winning.

Tag Team Gauntlet

Really? This match was horribly booked. While I generally don't care about the Tag "division", I think the belts needed to stay with the Harts because they're really the only relevant tag team at the moment, although less so now that Bret has disappeared. If they really needed to be dropped, I would've actually liked to see Kozlov and Santino hold them for a while because I actually enjoy their segments. But that really would prove how much of a joke the Tag Division is at the moment. I think it was a bad idea to but the belts on McIntyre and Rhodes because I feel that they would do so much better in singles feuds at the moment, and I hope both get an IC run eventually, maybe McIntyre in the WHC picture I think we need some more fresh people feuding for the WHC.

Six Pack Challenge

I thought this match was quite average and predictable. I understand the problems with Jericho's contract negotiations, and I either expected him to go out early, or win it as an attempt to get him to stay around. I'm a huge Jericho mark and I hope he comes back and gets another title run one day, although I can't see it happening. At the very least, I think he's a safe bet for the Hall of Fame. Cena I never expected to win, and I'm glad he didn't. Not because I hate on him, but I think in the past year we've seen too much of Cena. With so many possible feuds and opportunities I don't think he needs the belt. He's relevant enough as it is. Barrett I really wanted to win. The Nexus angle has died down a lot lately and I think if Barrett won then it'd add something to that. He needed to win clean if anything though. When Nexus came out I was hopeful regardless, but it shows now they're nowhere near as strong as they once were. Edge just doesn't need the belt at all. His gimmick is stale as hell, he's not relevant and I can't see any reason why they would give him the belt. I don't even think he should be in the ME scene at the moment, he needs to make way for new guys to make their way through. With the last two left being Orton and Sheamus, it didn't really matter to me who won. Either way I think they will continue to feud for the belt until HHH returns, and I would really like to see those two in a Cell, but from what I understand the HiaC match is going to be Undertaker/Kane. Oh well, I feel they could've gained so much more from it being Sheamus and Orton :(

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