WWE New York, Round 1, Match 3: #13 Rick Rude vs. #52 The Warlord

Rick Rude vs The Warlord

  • Ravishing

  • Powers of Pain

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place in the WWE Region under WWE Rules from Long Island, NY

#13. "Ravishing" Rick Rude


#52. The Warlord

Rude all the way. Warlord was a bumbling goof. At least Rude had some success. All Warlord ever had that was cool was that mask. What was his costume supposed to be anyway? The Phantom of the Opera meets Terminator? Either way, Rude wins here after either a mistake or the Rude Awakening.
Warlord had the look, but Rude had the looks. Another thing that Rude had was the ability to win matches. The Warlord's cheif claim to fame outside the Powers of Pain was getting knocked out of the Rumble in two seconds, but even that record has gone. Rude on the other hand was the first person to pin The Ultimate Warrior in the WW and was a multiple time IC title winner.

Ravishing Rick Rude walks this one.
Very, very interesting match-up. I always thought that The Warlord's prime was during his second stint with WCW starting late in 1987. Sure, this lasted for less than a year (before he and The Barbarian went to the WWF as The Powers of Pain), but there was something special about him during this time (it was probably the booking and his cherub's face).

But, Rick Rude was the man during the late 80s and early 90s. Furthermore, unlike The Warlord, he actually touched the main-event in the WWF and was a main-eventer in WCW.

So, I'm giving this to Rude, although, if you took both of these guys in their prime and put them in a ring, I think it would be a match that most would underestimate the value of.

Pick: Rude
The ravishing one easy. Better Gimmick, Better 'stache, better wrestler. The Warlord would be distracted by the ever famous air brushing of Jake Robert's wife across the crotch and rude would hit his hangman neckbreaker for the win. No one can touch his 'stache
warlord? who'd he ever beat? rick was the overall better wrestler than the warlord...i shouldn't even go to further details, because this one is simple: Rude wins
What the hell is Warlord known for. Oh yeah, being the quickest to be eliminated for the Royal Rumble. But now that is gone and belongs to Santino Marella. So Warlord has nothing. Rude had everything. He takes Warlord here easily.
I'm not gonna waste much time with this one. Rude takes it with relative ease. The Warlord was slow, muscle bound and did pretty much nothing in his entire career. If he were in his prime today, he'd probably be a big star. He and Batista are more or less cut from the same cloth, big and overrated.
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