WWE is on a roll!


Pre-Show Stalwart
I dont know if its just me but i can not remember the last time i saw a bad RAW or SMACKDOWN! WWE has been putting on their best product IMO in years!

Have you noticed that RAW has mostly stopped with the comedy and actually has great matches on the show? And great storylines? Tonight's RAW showcased a great match between John Morrison and king Sheamus with Morrison getting another huge win. And CM Punk had 2 great Promo's and Cena even said ASS! And HBK showed up to kick the shit out of Delrio (Delrio is fucking awesome!)

Smackdown has been great recently as well, and right now we have a rising star in Dolph Ziggler about to get a shot at the world title, who is not excited to see Edge and Dolph have a match? and the fact that Vicky is with Dolph now? should make for some great promos! and again Delrio is fucking awesome!

Those are just some of the things i find GREAT in the wwe right now and i know alot of you are going to say "its always good when its almost mania time" but WWE has been great for months! and im loving every minute of it!

So here is what i want to know from all of you

Are you loving wwe right now also? if yes why? if no why?

is there one superstar your turning in to see? if yes who?

What do you look forward to happening in the following weeks on both shows on the road to wrestlemania?
Are you loving wwe right now also? if yes why? if no why?I am. I have watched every Raw since getting the net back on and I have found myself watching every part of it except the diva's matches. I used to fast forward half of it. I haven't found one thing to moan about on raw. ( I don't watch smackdown so I can't answer for that show but I'm finding that Raw has stepped up their game since just before the oldschool raw.

is there one superstar your turning in to see? if yes who?
I'm not really watching it for one superstar but I'm interested in what they're going to do with the miz, So i guess you could say him. I'm also happening John manages to get up to the ME status he deserves.
What do you look forward to happening in the following weeks on both shows on the road to wrestlemania?I'm looking forward to getting a clue on who might end up winning the royal rumble. I don't think there is anybody sticking out at the moment.
The big E is certainly great at the moment, however, it would be nice to see some new factions forming. How about "the angry giants" (big show (cap), big khali (spokesman), diesil and big matt morgan (tagteam)) versus "jack and the beanstalks" (rey (cap),j. korpella (bean 1) and j.matthews (bean 2) and i.c champ aldo montoya (portugese man o war). Could be a servivor series showdown
Are you loving wwe right now also? if yes why? if no why?

I'm very impressed. WWE has kicked off 2011 the right way. Not a show thus far has disappointed. I mean, we're seeing some great matches, decent stories, and you actually want to know what will happen next. I'm loving the E right now

is there one superstar your turning in to see? if yes who?

The NEW Nexus is quite captivating. Although Barrett should still be on RAW, I'm interested to see what he can do on his own. He has all the tools to make it big.

What do you look forward to happening in the following weeks on both shows on the road to wrestlemania?

RAW: Punk and Cena should face at Wrestlemania, they just have to play it right. New Nexus will probably fall apart in the coming months, as I don't see what more they can do.
SD!: Unless Kane wins the Rumble or takes his torch back one way or another, I don't see how Taker will return at Wrestlemania(which sucks, because I'm going this year). They dropped the ball with that. Anywho, Ziggler will most likely lose to Edge, Christian will probably and up coming back at some point, and McIntyre is turning face apparently.
Are you loving wwe right now also? if yes why? if no why?
Yeah and I have been for months - the build of the new stars has been amazing for the last six months. People bang on about the Attitude Era coz everyone from Stone Cold to Crash Holly had a story line. I think they're starting to work back towards that from The Miz down to Tyson Kidd.

Is there one superstar your turning in to see? if yes who?
Just one? You're kidding!! John Morrison, Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler are all must see every week. Throw in DHS, Tyson, Kofi, Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett and Drew McIntyre and it's been a solid build for months. Then you have Nexus and Wade Barrett, and the veterans like Kane, Edge and Cena all around the title. Personally I'd like to see less of Orton and Edge, but you can't build Rome in a day.

What do you look forward to happening in the following weeks on both shows on the road to wrestlemania?
Honestly? Just enjoying the ride. I dunno how they're gonna fit everyone into WM27 but it's gonna be fun finding out!
Are you loving wwe right now also? if yes why? if no why?
Indeed I am. The past few weeks, since Punk picked up that NeXus Armband, I've seen improvements every week. Last weeks WWE Title match was bloody great, high moments throughout. Smackdown as well, is improving week on week. Last Friday, I was disappointed in Ziggler losing the title, BUT, then he was placed into the Number One Contender match and won it, I loved that.
Last Nights Raw as well, again, most of it, brilliant. Can't say much for the Tag Match with Bryan, even though he's one of my favourites. Nice to see HBK make a show-up, kicking ADR in the chin.
So yeah, I'm loving it right now.

Is there one superstar your turning in to see? if yes who?
Mainly, The Miz. I'm loving his story at the moment, hoping he retains the Title at RR. However, at the minute, I'm watching out for everyone, trying to pick out who will win the Rumble, this isn't as obvious as say, last years, when Edge won.

What do you look forward to happening in the following weeks on both shows on the road to wrestlemania?
I'm looking forward to finding out what our WM Main Events will be, as well as Elimination Chamber, as it's always a good PPV. Also, finding out who the Rumble winner will be, and who that person will face and if any new feuds are gonna pop up in the next month.
Yes the WWE is indeed on a roll at the moment, over the past few months they have been producing entertaining programming and PPV's and they have been doing so on a fairly regular basis. Why am I loving it at the moment? Well there are a number of reasons.

First and foremost, the matches on the TV shows have been top notch. Over the past few weeks we have seen PPV quality matches in Morrison vs Miz, Orton vs Sheamus vs Wade, Kane vs Edge, ADR vs Rey and Morrison vs Sheamus. If you are getting that many great matches over a two week period, you must be doing something right.

There is also the surprise factor. Take latest Smackdown for example, you get a title change on TV, a new number one contender that few people expected and a new main eventer debuting. Then on this Raw we have HBk making a return live and in person. WWE has been giving us a few unexpected moments and it has been keeping people tuning in from week to week.

Finally the WWE has been slightly edgier while still staying within the confines of a PG rating. I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that Linda's campaign is over and the WWE has eased up a bit on the PG stuff. We saw examples of it on Raw this week with Husky's whipping and Punk threatening suicide, there have also been other example over the past few weeks but those ones stick out.
OK, OK, can we PLEASE stop the love in? Any more amour towards WWE and we'll need lubricant. I realise WZ has become a fav haunt for WWE marks thanks to the blinkered views on the CSR, but can we get some perspective?

From december to april, the E has to pull it's finger out as WM leadup is the main selling point of the year for advertising time and to set up factions and possible stories for the rest of the year. In terms of what they've done, again it's nothing special. All that has happened is to start running like a wrestling company should - i.e. feature wrestling matches as the main part of the show. I'm not sure what's made creative realise they can/should move away from the Russo model of production - alas I fear it may be no more than a realisation that they currently don't have many people good enough on the mic to carry the far fetched over scripted crap we're used to.

The injection of new blood has helped, as has the absence of HHH from TV buring the newcomers. Nexus v.2 will not last long, and that will then be the test of how many of them are ready to stay at the top and how many will be 'future endevoured'. With luck this current shifting of Del Rio onto Raw and Barrett to SD will be finalised as a trade as both have better prospects where they are now.

Having the likes of Barrett, Danielson, Gabriel and Del Rio stepping alongside climbers like Ziggler, McInytre and Morrison gives creative, when free to do so, more scope to put on longer and more entertaining matches. Yes, there is still deadwood like Kane, Big Show, Cena and Miz to carry in matches, but if the talent base continues to be firmed up, then those without talent won't drag down the potential and actual quality of the matches, which forces creative to rely on stupid scripted story which make no sense.

So, yes, things are getting better. But keep your enthusiasm in check. All that is happening is the company realising the potential it has had and getting rid of scripted, stupid shit. It's not ground breaking, it's just running a wrestling company with a focus on wrestling, i.e. the exact opposite to Russo/Bitchoff formula with expected opposite results. PV
So here is what i want to know from all of you

Are you loving wwe right now also? if yes why? if no why?

is there one superstar your turning in to see? if yes who?

What do you look forward to happening in the following weeks on both shows on the road to wrestlemania?

I am very much enjoying WWE right now. I am really tuning in for Raw to see Punk. He has breathed some life into the Nexus and I really can't wait to see what happens next.

I'm very impressed as of late by John Morrison. I have never really enjoyed his character, but he has had some outstanding matches lately with Sheamus, and his title match against Miz a few weeks back was spectacular.

Albert Del Rio is growing on me. The guy makes an excellent heel and I enjoy seeing him beat up on Mysterio and Truth.

Right now, I just have the Royal Rumble in my sights. I want to see who is going to be getting the main event match at Wrestlemania. I am very excited that HBK will be joining the HOF and am really looking forward to learning who will join him.
Are you loving wwe right now also? if yes why? if no why?

Yes, you could really seen incrimental improvement since the Debut of NXT.. At first it was small, and not noticable .. Better segments, less comedy, ect. Then the Nexus Debuted and it REALLY took off, you saw new star's being made, and while there have been times where they take a small step backwards for a week or two, it always seems like they follow that with 3 or 4 GIANT steps forward.. There has been a steady improvement for a long while now, and the product is really starting to get very fun to watch again.

is there one superstar your turning in to see? if yes who?

No, and that's what's great.. It's the show as a whole.. Every superstar has a character, every guy CAN be exciting.. Everybody has been given the ball, and if you preform, you just might get another push in a month or two.. I love it, I don't know who is going to be the "next big thing"

What do you look forward to happening in the following weeks on both shows
on the road to wrestlemania?

How the feuds develop.. This is the start of Mania, this is where those storylines begin, and hopefully this year won't dissapoint.. Last Year's mania was mediocre at best, it would be nice if they could take a step forward, and put on a great show this year.

While last year's mania wasn't terrible, it wasn't what I would consider great either.. Putting on an amazing event this year would really prove they are taking steps in the right direction.
WWE is on a Huge Roll right now. Yes some poeple would say that is because its almost WrestleMania time, but its been like this for a few monthes now.

Are you loving wwe right now also? if yes why? if no why?

YES!!!! Its just been so good in the past couple monthes, with pushing of the younger stars, Miz as champion, the hhuge push of Morrison.

is there one superstar your turning in to see? if yes who?

I would probably just say that im tuning in just to watch the great shows there putting on, because everything and everybody is doing fantastic. But if i had to say one person, its prolly Morrison. Hes just doing unbelievable right now with his Title match, and his matches with Sheamus, hes quickly becoming my favourite wrestler.

What do you look forward to happening in the following weeks on both shows
on the road to wrestlemania?

I'm just looking for the same exact thing there doing now. I want to see great storylines and great wrestling which is what were seeing right now.
I'm going to agree and say yes.. I have enjoyed WWE tv a lot over the past few weeks.. They are giving us a lot of entertainment and at the very same time some good wrestling..

Are you loving wwe right now also? if yes why? if no why?
I am loving it a lot... I answered this question in the small paragraph above..

Is there one superstar your turning in to see? if yes who?
There are a few, JoMo on Raw and its Alberto Del Rio on Smackdown..

What do you look forward to happening in the following weeks on both shows on the road to wrestlemania?
Build up to the feuds.. VKM said a few weeks ago, he wants this years WrestleMania to be a big success.. soo just have to wait and see..
Are you loving WWE right now also? if yes why? if no why?

Is there one superstar your turning in to see? if yes who?

What do you look forward to happening in the following weeks on both shows on the road to WrestleMania?

I'm loving that they are successfully moving forward with younger, fresher stars. Yes. Obviously, nothing is perfect, but it's nothing that can't be overlooked. Fresher faces. New ideas. Cool concepts. A better balance of wrestling/wrestlers and speaking parts/talkers. Loving what I'm seeing for the last two months, actually. It's not as predictable. Can be, but isn't always.

Yes, there is. I watch Smackdown! solely for Alberto del Rio. The guy can get you heat just by letting you lay him out. HBK got a bigger pop for kicking him then he did for entering the damn building. That's saying something.

I'm really looking forward to the Royal Rumble. One of the few Rumbles where you're not hearing much about who's going to win the Rumble. You also have a few options that keep the winner fresh for everybody. It doesn't seem like an Orton or Cena Rumble. Could be wrong, but it seems like a Rumble that someone fresh is going to win.
Are you loving WWE right now also? if yes why? if no why?

Is there one superstar your turning in to see? if yes who?

What do you look forward to happening in the following weeks on both shows on the road to WrestleMania?

Yes I do.Because A)I love wrestling.B)In recent months WWE had been able to entertain me.Not always or nonstop , but on a very satisfying level.

There is not one superstar that I tune in for,But i know a lot of people who do that.

It would be a lie if I say that I have some people in my mind when i tune in , But to tune in to see someone special is not what I do.

Well It's the start of Road To Fuckin Wrestlemania , So I will be following WWE anyway.
Are you loving wwe right now also? if yes why? if no why?
Yes, The reason is because their direction.
Seems to me that they are focusing on developing their future talent, such as Dolph Ziggler, Del Rio, The Miz, Wade Barrett, and more.
Back in 2010 when WWE had their Draft, I was scared that the WWE will screw up because they made the RAW main event too crowded, and SmackDown's main event with no star power besides Big Show, Taker, Mysterio. Then I realized that WWE is using SmackDown to build up their Main Eventers.
They finally braught in Daniel Bryan, They became a bit edgier, didnt have Cena with a title but instead they made him put over younger superstars.
is there one superstar your turning in to see? if yes who?
One superstar? hmmm.... not really. There is one group that i tune into weekly to see, and that is The Nexus, they debut on Viewers Choice and I have to say it was a decent show, a bit boring...then suddenly Nexus debut and they have been nothing but on fire since then. RAW and SmackDown has gotten a lot better since The Nexus Invasion.
I tune to Smackdown to see whats up with Wade Barrett.

What do you look forward to happening in the following weeks on both shows on the road to wrestlemania?
Who is going to win The Rumble, WWE has made it very unpredictable, and sometimes they play reverse psychology with you. For instance...Del Rio shows up every week and speaks about how he will win The Rumble etc. I know that WWE usually hypes one superstar up before the Rumble, but theres no way in hell Del Rio will win, (thats what you would think) But he can win! WWE has been very unpredictable!!
I agree with the OP here. The WWE is on a pretty good roll. I personally haven't seen a bad Raw in a few months. I've been more excited than ever for Mondays, the crowds are hotter, the LDs are more active, and it's an all around exciting period for wrestling in general.

I think it can be attributed to new writers, with a lack of bad comedy.
Well I always will enjoy the WWE no matter what is going on but they do seem to go all out when its Royal Rumble/Wrestlemania time.

RAW has been awesome since after Survivor Series when Miz cashed in MITB and the John Cena/CM Punk/Nexus stuff took a nice little curve with CM Punk taking over. Also enjoying John Morrison's push and King Sheamus plus Santino/Kozlov being Tag Team Champions is great. King & Micheal Cole showing some friction is good stuff.

Smackdown has been very enjoyable especially the 1st one of 2011 with Edge/Kane LMS,Kofi winning the IC Title,Dolph Ziggler becoming #1 Contender,Wade Barrett showing up. Alberto Del Rio is probably the Biggest Heel next to Vickie Guerrero I would say right now there.

And of course the Royal Rumble is coming up and its my Favorite PPV of the year. We don't know who's going to win this year so it should be fun.

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