WWE H.O.F'ers Part 2: Lex Luger


5-time XBPW Heavyweight Champion
This is a new series of threads that I am starting, this being the second in my series.

Here's the topic; Lex Luger. Future WWE Hall of Famer?

While he never won a world title in WWE, he was part of some iconic moments in wrestling. He co-won the 1994 WWF Royal Rumble with Bret Hart, he's a 3-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, was a member of wrestling's most well-known stable, the nWo, a 4-time NWA United States Champion, 1-time WCW United States Champion & the list goes on & on. He has bodyslammed Yokozuna in a challenge where nobody else suceeded & had many great feuds in WWF & WCW. Now, while his WWF career was nothing comopared to his WCW career where he was pushed much more, do you think that the WWE would consider him as an inductee into the Hall?

- Do you think he should be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame? If so, why? If not, why?
- Who do you think would induct him?
- What class (year) do you think he would be inducted into?
Heck yes. The Lex Express was popular for its time and was over. His narcissit gimmick was also pretty good. I loved his entrance. But it his wwf career was obviously lackluster compared to his WCW career but luckily that doesnt matter. And its correct to say that Luger was involved in a lot of major angles in pro wreslting. He deserves it.
I was actually thinking about this topic the other day. While he did make an impact, I'm not too sure he will make the hall of fame. I thought that they would induct him this past year since Mania was in Atlanta and Luger had most of his success in WCW. Since he missed that chance, I think his window of opportunity may be closed. That kind of stinks for him since he is a much bigger star than Koko "no way in hell I'm a hall of famer" B Ware
absolutely Lex should be inducted, even though some people might not like to admit it Lex had unbelievable instincts in that ring and was the first big player to jump ships. and hey if the wwe can forgive Kevin Nash, why not Lex Luger. and he was the one who finally beat hollywood hulk hogan in wcw after a year long reign in 1997. as to what year...it maybe wishful thinking but i could see him as a 2012 HOFer. Afterall he is working with the WWE again, and working with their wellness policy to help young stars stay away from drugs. Thats something that could get him in a good position with the E. As to who should induct him? well seeing as how we've lost Yokozuna, we've lost Davey boy Smith, ,might as well go with DDP or J.J.Dillion, or Arn Anderson.
Yes he deserves it and I really think that he will be inducted within the next few years.

He is involved with plenty of the "best of nitro" DVD that WWE recently released. And Ezekiel Jackson has just started using the Torture Rack as his signature move...coincidence....maybe.

YES to the HOF
I actually see Luger going in at some point. Here's the catch, I think (a) they will induct a truckload of former WWF stars that have yet to have made it in first and (b) they may wait until they can finally get their hands on Sting in order to perhaps induct both. My second reason may not fit well with most people, but if you really think about it, Luger is always going to be Sting's buddy and people will always think of Sting when they think of Luger.

I think he'll get in because he was an okay star. The star of his career until maybe 1990 was great, then he started to slowly dip off. But that doesn't mean he didn't make an impact. He certainly achieved more than a few other Hall of Famers, which should add some credit to his resume. I don't see why he couldn't get in. I think it all depends on how everything is structured moving forward because we all agree it needs to be tweeked a bit.
Yes! Lex Luger should go in the Hall of Fame. He was a big star for a long time. He was able to play both face & heel really well. He actually had some really good matches too.

Multi-time World Champion. Main Eventer in WWF.

He should have gone in when Wrestlemania was in Atlanta.

Sting really should be the guy who inducts Luger. If not Stinger, JJ Dillion.
I'm not a big Luger fan, but he should go in. He had a pretty consistent career. He's been involved in many memorable moments. I think he should be an inductee in the very near future.
I've never been a huge fan of Lex Luger. To me, Luger is a guy that was a relatively mediocre talent that managed to become a huge star because he was someone that was typically associated with incredible talent. When he was a member of the Four Horsemen, he was flat out awful and just green as all get out. But Flair, Anderson & Blanchard were all three so good at the time that Luger himself looked good by association. I have to say that Luger's look helped out quite a bit as well.

Even after he left the Horsemen, he feuded with them and had a great feud with Ric Flair. Flair carried Luger through the best matches of his career and he looked like a star. When he wasn't up against someone the caliber of a Ric Flair or Sting, his limitations were painfully obvious. His ability inside the ring was, on his best day, average, as were his promos in my view.

That being said, Luger does deserve to be in the HOF in my view. The fact of the matter is that, whether I like the guy or not, he became a huge star and is, in all fairness, quite probably the greatest United States Champion in the history of the title. I think one thing that really hurt Luger in my eyes is that they elevated him to main event status and he just simply wasn't a good enough wrestler, in my opinion, to be there.
Lex Luger should be inducted in to The WWE Hall Of Fame he was so well know in the 80's and 90's and 2000 -01 He is the only wrestler that I can think of that went from heel to face back to heel every year in NWA/ WCW his Feuds with Sting and The Four Horseman were one of the greatest feuds ever seen besides the Flair/Steamboat, Flair/ Rhodes rivalries, his WWF days they were okay The Narcisist gimmick was just done horribly wrong but when he body slammed Yokozuna on the USS Intrepped and began the whole Lex Express gimmick it got a little better the only down fall of his WWF tenure was the whole '' metal plate '' in his forearm it was just stupid I know the Motorcycle accident was legit but playing off of that was just in bad taste just like the whole Brutus ''The Barber'' Beefcake comeback and Money Inc hitting him with the metal briefcase that was just in bad taste as well, Lex Luger made his name in WCW I still don't understand why WWF never let him win the WWF Title at WrestleMania X they let Bret beat Yokozuna I think Lex could have carried the company if they would have gave him a change but they dropped the ball on him my honest guess is because he was not a '' WWF guy'' he was ''WCW'' guy and that right there sucks.
It seems you're all forgetting a rather big incident that I'm sure Lex would love for everyone to forget, and that is his involvement in the death of Miss Elizabeth. If you'll recall the WWE was even so classless that they aired the actual 911 calls Lex made on their show Confidential at the time it happened.

Now, I don't think this will necessarily eliminate Lex's chances for the HOF, but I do think between that, and his famous Nitro jump ship, Lex has definitely put a bit of a black eye on his career, that will take much work for him to get past. I know it's easy to say because he's working with WWE wellness now that he will be back in their good graces, but he's almost the classic example of "do as I say not as I do". So while I think he is a candidate to get in for the future, I wouldn't expect it right away. Especially given that Savage and Elizabeth both deserve to go in, and will likely go in before Lex would, and I can't imagine that they would induct Luger and Elizabeth in the same year as they don't want to refresh anyone's memories of his association with her death.
While he did make an impact, I'm not too sure he will make the hall of fame.

Look at this another way..

Just about 90% of the HOF's in WWE that get inducted, in some way shape or form WORK for WWE at the present time.

Lex Luger has gone on record saying he is working for the WWE currently.

So that alone makes me believe that he will be in the Hall of Fame soon.

but on to the topic.. does he deserve it?

Heck Yeah!

Former Horseman, NWO member and truly was a Champion. He won countless belts that are now owned by WWE. he is in the record books as one of the WCW members that turned the tide against the NWO.

He even has a clean win over Hulk Hogan to boot. (how many can say that during his NWO days)

Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson deserve hall of fame nods too.. (from the horsemen) as well as the always talked about.. Macho Man.. hell even Warrior.

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