WWE Championship Tournament Discussion

Who will leave RAW (7/25) as WWE Champion?

  • The Miz

  • Rey Mysterio

  • John Cena

  • Alberto Del Rio

  • CM Punk

  • Someone Else

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I don't know why, but I feel like nobody will be leaving with the belt. I don't think a new champ will be crowned until Summerfest. I really don't think a new champ will be crowned until CM Punk returns.

LOL @ Summerfest. That made my morning. Stupid Jeremy Piven.

Mysterio seems set for a big push, so I'd have to say he wins on RAW. But I still think ADR vs Cena will happen at Summerslam. So one of them has to be champion. Perhaps ADR cashes in on Rey.

I'd rather have Miz win, then a few weeks later Punk is finally resigned by Triple H and returns with his own belt thus setting up a HBK/Razor Ramon WMX type match with both belts up for grabs. Punk and Miz have never worked together and seeing as how they're the two best talkers in the company at the moment I think that it would make for a great feud with Punk playing the Stone Cold anti-hero type babyface.
I'm sorry but I don't see any way that Riley gets the belt at this point. I think WWE likes him a lot and I'm sure there are big plans for him but he's not getting the likely newly re-designed championship, heading into Summer Slam.

I can't believe that hardly anyone thinks Cena is going to somehow end up with it. Come on, in the end it's still WWE and there's nothing for them to do with Cena unless he has the belt. I just can't buy Mysterio as WWE champion (for more than a few moments prior to ADR's cash in).
As a huge WCW fan it pains me to say this: If Rey wins I riot!! I can't stand him. He's boring and unbelievable. The 619 has gotten worse and worse as far as it's set up and what he does for the second half of it. It has gone from a hurricanranna to that seated senton thing to this ******ed splash. Rey needs to go. I don't care who gets the belt as long as it's not him unless Punk and his ROH crew destroy him and take it in the near future.
I honestly don't really expect either Rey or Miz to leave Raw as WWE Champion. It's not really anything specific I can put my finger on, it's more of just this feeling that I have.

The whole WWE Championship tournament was Vince's idea and Vince has been "relieved" of his duties as WWE Chairman for certain "questionable business decisions". Triple H might look at the tournament and see it as another one of those decisions and a title change might not take place next week.

I don't know that this will happen, but I think that they'll use Triple H being the "new WWE Chairman" as part of an angle in which Punk will be "resigned" do the WWE. On top of that, one of the special perks of Punk's agreeing to return to the WWE is that he be reinstated and maybe even retroactively recognized as WWE Champion. I don't expect to see the WWE Championship on Raw for a little while but, when we do, I think that it'll have a new design.

I know that it leaves a lot of questions open as to what'll happen with The Miz, Rey and even Alberto Del Rio as he holds the Raw MITB briefcase but that's part of what's made this angle so interesting. There've been so many fun twists and turns that none of us can honestly say that we "know" what's going to happen.
I'd say Rey Mysterio will win the title, then John Cena will invoke his rematch clause to face Mysterio at Summerslam , or else during the Mysterio/Miz match CM Punk interferes and says he is the real champion, then John Cena invokes his rematch clause and there is a fatal-4-way elimination match for the title at Summerslam.
My bet is that they put Cena in the match to make it a triple threat. After a long grueling match Cena wins and then Alberto cashes in his contract and wins setting up the Summer Scam...I mean Slam Raw Main Event of Cena vs Alberto ......
It really depends on a lot of things and I have little clue to be honest. When do they intend to bring Punk into the picture? If it is at Summerslam maybe you can have Rey as champ and a championship match between Mysterio and Cena on that day and Punk stepping in towards the end and lay out both guys. Hell, that can even happen on Monday. Also does the WWE want Punk to wrestle at Summerslam? If so do they want to have him wrestle as a heel or in the light of his recent huge pops, as a face? That could also play a decision in who wins.

Then Jack-hammer brings up a good point as well. This tournament was Vince's decision and could be scrapped as well. I had read somewhere that WWE wants to book a HHH vs Miz feud for WM. Tying those two together, you could have Miz winning the match and HHH coming out to say that he is scrapping the tournament. That could start off a storyline between the two werein Miz gets screwed by HHH by being at the wrong place at the wrong time. But, at the same time, Mysterio makes more sense as champion due to Raw being loaded with heels at the moment.

I'll not try to guess anything here as I think that it is impossible to do so without being myopic.
Putting the belt on Rey is pointless. He's way past his prime, and really wasn't a believable champion in his prime. With his small stature and the amount he's slowed down, he isn't in a position to put anyone over.

Even if they go the he wins followed by a Del Rio cash in angle, all that will do is make Miz and Del Rio look weak. Miz for losing to Rey and Del Rio for having to cash in on a weakened Rey, especially after his loss in the tournament.

The best way for this to end is a clean Miz win or a tournament cancellation. Having Rey win, especially cleanly, helps no one. Honestly, I'm not even sure why they stuck him in the finals.
Maybe I'm looking to much into it but when Punk "invaded" Comic Con he told Rey any time you want a shot at this belt come to Chicago. Possibly setting up a future return match between actual champ CM Punk and new champ Rey. Not really looking forward to another match between them but I'm think it'll be the 2 of them at Summerslam or whatever is after it.
I'd say Rey Mysterio will win the title, then John Cena will invoke his rematch clause to face Mysterio at Summerslam , or else during the Mysterio/Miz match CM Punk interferes and says he is the real champion, then John Cena invokes his rematch clause and there is a fatal-4-way elimination match for the title at Summerslam.

Erm, Cena was meant to be fired for losing to Punk, how could he have a rematch clause?
I reckon that one of HHH's first acts will be to postpone this match until Summerslam giving us a main event. This is a hope more than anything though.
my guess is that CM Punk will come back and "interrupt" the match. that, or HHH will change it around to involve John Cena since he's the former champ. I think tonight's raw will be one to remember either way. :z:
First off, there will definitely be a new belt tonight. If for some ridiculous reason there is not, I will be severely disappointed.

I don't see CM Punk showing up again until at least SummerSlam though, so I think The Miz could very well walk out with the strap tonight. All of this eventually leading up to some sort of title unification angle involving CM Punk when he resurfaces and either The Miz, Cena, or Del Rio.
I hope there is a new title tonight. Don't get me wrong, i didn't mind the old one, but its time for a change. and as far as Summerslam goes, i think you got a point. if he shows up on raw, this soon. people will know that he is still under contract. But, if he shows up, when people have paid for it, and truly surprises everyone, that would be the way to go. WWE has made the right decisions as far as the recent storylines with CM Punk, HHH, and Vince. I think they made a mistake by not taking Cena off TV for a While.
I honestly don't really expect either Rey or Miz to leave Raw as WWE Champion. It's not really anything specific I can put my finger on, it's more of just this feeling that I have.

The whole WWE Championship tournament was Vince's idea and Vince has been "relieved" of his duties as WWE Chairman for certain "questionable business decisions". Triple H might look at the tournament and see it as another one of those decisions and a title change might not take place next week.

I don't know that this will happen, but I think that they'll use Triple H being the "new WWE Chairman" as part of an angle in which Punk will be "resigned" do the WWE. On top of that, one of the special perks of Punk's agreeing to return to the WWE is that he be reinstated and maybe even retroactively recognized as WWE Champion. I don't expect to see the WWE Championship on Raw for a little while but, when we do, I think that it'll have a new design.

Nobody has said it better than Jack-Hammer, neither Rey nor Miz will be leaving Raw as WWE Champion. Punk will be resigned and will return, but probably not for a few weeks atleast.

Personally I love that, I was not thrilled with the whole Championship tourney and I was definitely not excited to see either Rey or Miz win the title so this would be in my opinion the smartest thing to do. Can't wait to see it all unfold tonight!
I think one of the two will leave tonight with the belt. I don't see ADR cashing in on free television. I also don't think Punk will return this soon.
As we all just saw, rey mysterio just became the new wwe champion :worship:
are you happy with the outcome? I for one am happy that rey mysterio is the new champion. However, are we going to see another short title reign from him? as you recall, every world champion that rey won, he loses right after that. so do you think he will have a good title reign, and who do you think will have a fued for the champion with him.

please no heat, this is only my second thread
Judging by the match we just saw, I wouldn't mind seeing Miz chase the belt. They put on a great match. It seems like they are going with polar opposites in regards to the two MITB briefcases. I think ADR is going to continue trying and failing to cash in his case while DBD waits until Wrestlemania (I don't watch Smackdown, but I know that is what he claimed he was going to do. If that's changed, feel free to correct me).
However, if Punk returns soon, we'll likely see him feud with Rey since both of them have titles although I suppose now Punk is no longer considered to be the WWE champion.
I like that rey won and i hope they give him a good reign. After Cena looking a little jealous that rey had his title. I think we will see a face vs face match for the title with rey and cena.
I like that rey won and i hope they give him a good reign. After Cena looking a little jealous that rey had his title. I think we will see a face vs face match for the title with rey and cena.

I only see that happening if Punk returns before Summerslam, which I hope does not happen. That way, Punk can resume his feud with Cena. Cena may be involved in the match at Summerslam, but I think it's more likely to be a triple threat involving possibly Miz or R-Truth.
Rey Mysterio's time has come and gone, he will always be a transitional champion and nothing more, sorry Rey but it's the truth
well i was hoping to see miz take it but anyway congrats to rey the wwe scab champ. cant wait till punk comes back(i know he never left) but he will drop it to cm punk... wait, still watcing live right now presuming he dont drop the title to cena later tonight
Here is how I see this thing playing out. WWE is doing the Ali vs Frasier story line right now. Punk is the true champ because he was never beaten for the title (ali), Rey is now the new champ because of the tourni. WWE is prolly going to keep Punk off tv till around Summer Slam and Punk will come on and say how hes the new champ. Bad mouth Rey, Rey will in turn request the match with Punk title vs title... Pending on reaction and PPV buys of MITB that will determine who comes out on top. In my view Rey is a paper champion, someone they can put the belt on but no one that will carry the company.
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