WrestleZone Tournament Bar Room Sidetalk Thread

While I patiently wait for someone to take a Rabid Wolverine-sized bite out of my ass, I give you this:

Are you kidding me? How is Seth Rollins losing this? How many people has even heard of Mitsuharu Misawa?
I know. Who would have thought that taking into account the larger context of multiple homicide would be taboo?
Regarding voting for someone based on their prime, Benoit's "prime" would need to be a roughly seven month period of time to justify voting him over most people in this tournament. Taken out of that small window, he's on Ambrose's level or lower.

So I'm not really struggling with the kayfabe implications of an Ambrose win here
If WZ forums held a 'Best German Leader Tournament'

Adolf Hitler vs Angela Merkel

Well, Hitler won a battle, and Merkel never did, so I'm voting Hitler. We shouldn't take into account the personal choice he made to commit genocide, we should just focus on his career inside the theatre of battle.
Those voting against Hitler are setting a new precedent. So now we can hold what leaders do outside the theatre of battle against them?

I guess you'll all be voting against Helmut Kohl because he snuck into a movie once without paying.
Regarding voting for someone based on their prime, Benoit's "prime" would need to be a roughly seven month period of time to justify voting him over most people in this tournament. Taken out of that small window, he's on Ambrose's level or lower.

So I'm not really struggling with the kayfabe implications of an Ambrose win here

I wish I saw this before I posted my latest reply, because otherwise I probably would have left that part out. So if you happen to see that, just disregard it.
Don't worry: There were points I disregarded anyway because you're prone to aimless rambling.
This is a simple one for me, and if anyone has a problem with it too bad.

Dean Ambrose wins this one immediately since he isn't wrestling anybody. He walks to the ring, gets in, and the ring announcer says he wins by default since there's no opponent.
This is my favorite so far
If WZ forums held a 'Best German Leader Tournament'

Adolf Hitler vs Angela Merkel

Well, Hitler won a battle, and Merkel never did, so I'm voting Hitler. We shouldn't take into account the personal choice he made to commit genocide, we should just focus on his career inside the theatre of battle.

I probably would vote Hitler too. He had great charisma and actually united the country, boosted the economy and turned the nation into a leading world power in a short amount of time. Genocide? Andrew Jackson did that with the Indians. And he nearly made Mt. Rushmoore.
I probably would vote Hitler too. He had great charisma and actually united the country, boosted the economy and turned the nation into a leading world power in a short amount of time. Genocide? Andrew Jackson did that with the Indians. And he nearly made Mt. Rushmoore.

Yeah, but last I checked Hitler wasn't on any form of money.

Also, you ever gonna buy me those drinks baby?
Murderers should be given seeds and then be debated about being involved in the tourney.

Benoit strikes again!
And yet, and I can't stress this enough, he almost killed the business. He can be the most "technically sound" guy in the world. But killing the business is the opposite of what a good worker does. He's literally the worst professional wrestler of all time. He is the opposite of what this tournament celebrates and he has no place in the bracket.


You may have outdone yourself with this one.

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