Wrestlezone Court!

Since a lot of the new Prison followers are newer posters here is a bumped version of how Wrestlezone Court goes down. There's been a few of these.
Since a lot of the new Prison followers are newer posters here is a bumped version of how Wrestlezone Court goes down. There's been a few of these.

Wow... I certainly didn't know this was here, even though I heard about it. After skimming it though, I can safely say I've seen enough. Sorry, but I've got pubic hair. The prison is an inspired idea, give trolls a chance to think it over, but this is... I don't know what this is. I'm reminded of an episode of Rugrats or the episode The Simpsons when the kids are stranded on an island. I'll gladly post in the prison, and Macios, you have my support; but even in anonymity I wouldn't be caught dead taking part in this. For fuck's sake, either people are worthy of being reinstated or they aren't; do we really have to play make believe to sort it out?
I'll just go ahead and put my case out there.

Okay, well I've grown older and more mature now, I mean hell I'm a mod on a forum now cause I've grown out of the being a idiot troll phase, I'm honestly looking to better myself and even try to drive discussing around here, what I did was wrong and stupid and honestly I probably deserved more then what I had gotten back when I messed up. I'm looking to redeem myself and show WZ that I can be a good member who will be here for LD's and who'll post and try my best to show that not only have I've grown smarter, but more mature as well.

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