Sly, how about testing the prisoners?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I've debated posting this idea for a while, because there would be no point for Sly (or whoever) too put any effort into giving prisoners a chance at a release.

I suppose I'll shoot ya' the idea anyway, just to see what type of reception it gets.

What I'm proposing to you, Sly, is that you make up a TEST for prisoners (lol, I originally wrote criminals -freudian slip.) This wouldn't be like a challenge where you ask for 10,000 word report on zebra's or something irrelevant.

The test would cover wrestling knowledge, grammar skills, punctuation, etc. Everything WZ looks for in a good poster. You could consider it like a Wrestlezone SAT or something along those lines.

The test could include essay questions, multiple choice, short answers, etc etc.

Heck you could even have synonyms/antonyms and analogies:
i.e. "Marlon Brando is to Best actor as _________ is to Best worker"
A. Ultimate Warrior B. Shawn Michaels C. Skinner D. Giant Gonzalez

It's all really up to the test maker(s), the effort they'd put into it, and what their looking for as far as answers go. I know a lot of answers can't be factual, but it's only an exercise. You shouldn't be penalized for making an argument that Bret Hart was a better in-ring worker then HBK(if the test maker is an HBK fan), as long as you can back it up with a decent argument.

Whoever grades the tests is the final judge and the point would be for the tests to be graded fairly. I'm not a huge AJ Styles fan, but I would understand if they said he's the best current in-ring worker in TNA.

Anyway, if there is one thing I don't mind giving myself credit for, it's that ever since I've been in the prison, I've always tried to get everybody else involved.

The point of the test would be to take note of what prisoners know and their posting ability, from there they'll be given a grade and it's doesn't mean they'll be released, but the grade will be taken note of.

But everyone could take the test, though that'd be a bitch to grade for one person (may be have a few mods help grade ...)

*I just had a new idea*

Hey, there could even be mods sections! Each mod would send you their part of the test (D-Man's multipe choice section, IC25's WWF Attitude Era section, IDR's WCW/TNA Section, SSC's trippy GIFs and Boobs Section etc.)

Anyway, I propose this because I know a lot of prisoners are sent here and the proverbial key is thrown away. But some prisoners along with regular posters could use a test or some tutoring on proper posting like what goes where, what is spam, WHAT'S NOT A SPOILER, what topics are important to post, etc.

Also, if you (SLY) were to create this test and post it here in the prison, I believe a lot of regular posters would be interested to take the test and see how they score.

I suppose in a situation like this, cheating could be involved. If it were up to me, most of the questions would be based on personal preference (whose your favorite mid card and why?) But someone can always pick up a line or two from someone else for their own guy, so I figure maybe the test needs to be posted 2 or 3 days after you put it up at a certain time (which means no early admissions.) That's all up too Sly, but the point is that everyone should hand in the test at the same time or around it, or at least in between a certain time period.

Anyway, I know this probably won't go anywhere, but I had to shoot the idea your way just for the sake of doing it.
I actually would love for this to happen. It might give the prisoners more credibility. Great idea Jenks hope it happens.
It's a good idea but it suits different people. I hate having to work around set dates etc and would prefer doing my own thing (i don't mind being in here for a year).

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