WrestleMania XXIV: Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels

About fucking time. Flair sucks. And he has done for years. It's about time he stopped wrestling. I can now get back to my Ric Flair DVD and watch when the guy was good.

The difference between him and Hogan is this. Hogan wrestles occasionally, and in the same style he always has. He could also do the same match several days before he takes a spot on his deathbed. Flair on the other hand used to do plenty. That's why it's more obvious how much his performances have deteriated.

It's been all down hill since 1992. I pray that was his last match. I doubt it though. GM in 6 months, wrestling again by Mania.

I have to strongly agree with you he was getting tiring and boring all his matches he slaps people in the chest, flops around and does a figure four leglock. and all his matches since Vinces Retirement Stipulation was bull
How is Ric Flair supposed to beat Umaga what is that didnt Like Kenny Dykstra Beat Ric Flair

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