Wrestlemania 27 - Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole w/Jack Swagger (Austin special ref)

The build for this match has been fantastic, no doubt. But am I the only one who thinks it's a tad overbooked?

I think this match could do away with both Swagger and Austin....but ideally to add some intrigue keep Swagger in Cole's corner. That way you have Lawler still fighting against the odds, much like he has been scratching and clawing to get his hands on Cole for a while now. That way the payoff is much sweeter when Cole gets his ass kicked. With Austin in there, it's more or less a guaranteed win for Lawler. Who thinks that Swagger will take out a legend and WWE Hall-Of-Famer? Not myself.

That being said, the outcome of this one is a no-brainer. Lawler wins, Cole and Swagger get stunned, beer bash, yay. The question is: what happens to Cole post-Mania? They cannot keep him employed, or on the air, for saying those controversial and hateful things. Perhaps the Raw GM will fire him for insubordination or something the next night, and Cole either disappears for a short while....or for good.
Should be a really good little match. It'll be booked to perfection just like Mayweather vs. Show was and the post-match shenanigans should be just as entertaining as the head shaving of McMahon 4 years ago. Lawler is still a competent worker, Swagger is criminally underused, Cole will play his role well and it'll have a feel good ending when Austin & Lawler have a drink together.

If Austin gives Lawler the Stunner that'd be a massive mistake, The King is one of the most over faces on the roster at the minute and it wouldn't get the reaction WWE would hope for.
This match has had arguably the best build up for this years Mania.. It's being treated as one of the main events as well, obviously it's not going to be a masterpeice, but we get to see King finally SHUT Cole up, Cole has been excellent playing his heel role for year..

This match will be made exciting because of Swagger and Austin.. I can already see Swagger nd Cole getting stunned!!
I am looking forward to this match, simply because I can't wait to hear the glass shatter again, and watch Stone Cold walk into a ring.

The match itself will be very predictable, Lawler has been getting his ass kicked by Swagger and Cole for the past month, so it's quite obvious Lawler will win this match. Swagger will try to get involved; but Stone Cold being there is a very clear implication that Swagger will experience a fresh out the fridge Stone Cold stunner. Honestly can't see this match actually being a proper wrestling match, I can see Cole botching his balls off if he actually does attempt to execute a wrestling move. Lawler will most likely beat the shit out of him, so it wouldn't be a wrestling match, but instead an annihilation.

Stone Cold will end the match by stunnering Michael Cole, most likely if Michael Cole starts complaining to Stone Cold about something, probably the fact he counted 1,2,3. Lawler and Stone Cold will celebrate at the end, with beer, and then Stone Cold will stunner Lawler.
This match has the most obvious winner as anyone who has been following WWE for the last month wouldn't expect anything less than the biggest ass kicking of Cole for his entire life. But it's well worth it. Everyone wants to see Cole get beat down and Stone Cold's presence is always pure excellence!
I just hope WWE doesnt' make the same mistake with this match as they did with Bret/Vince last year. Last year's match should've been a quick squash with Bret throwing a few punches and then putting him in the Sharpshooter. Instead, it was a very long, drawn-out beatdown that lasted 10 minutes longer than it should have. The crowd was not into it at all and it made Bret look like a bully.

Obviously, Cole isn't going to outwrestle Lawler, but having Swagger involved will at least allow him to run interference and maybe make this match a little more competitive and entertaining than it should be.
I'm going to erase the 5 minutes that happened after the match ended. Those 5 minutes did not happen. Jerry won, he and Austin celebrated. Thats all that happened. Nothing less nothing more.
I didn't watch the match but based on what I read on te WZ play by play and on the LD, I'm gonna assume the match was shit in terms of wrestling. What intrigues me the most is the fact that the decision got reversed. I'm guessing that this means Cole's heel run won't end and that he'll end up gloating about how be defeated Lawler on the grandest stage of them all (albeit via DQ) for weeks. Sigh...
What the hell? Why end a year of build up like that? Actually that ending means that this is not over, and that is crap. From a storyline perspective, unless the GM was revealed and Lawler kicked his ass, then there was no need for the GM to interfere. From an outside the ropes perspective, WWE just rewarded Cole for being a douche. He shot off his mouth and used a homophobic slur that got press and just as you think they are gonna fire him and act like he never existed... He gets a win at f'ing Wrestlemania. This just makes my brain bleed. Lawler works for 20 years to have a Wrestlemania match and they 1) give him this piece of crap match and 2) give the win to someone who shouldn't even be employed anymore. This was a slap in the face to Lawler, the fans, and everyone offended by Cole. I don't know what they have planned but I hope its worth it. Cole had better be tarred and feathered on RAW tomorrow, or Vinny Mac has lost his damn mind.
So for dropping a derogatory slur that would have gotten anyone else fired, the WWE's punishment is letting Cole go over in a match Lawler was supposed to have won and according to the rest of us, did win? It's bad enough that this Wrestlemania sucked and that it proved why I would rather flush 60 bucks down the toilet than buy Wrestlemania, but they actually think this has merit? It doesn't. All it means is that I have no intentions of watching Raw or Smackdown if we're going to suffer more of this crap from Cole.
This Mania had a lot of hype to try and live up to and overall, I think failed. But this match was the biggest letdown, the worst ending and just plain killed the PPV for me. If it had been left up to Lawler taking the win, I would have liked this a lot better.

Seriously, Cole get's rewarded for calling, even in jest, another announcer something offensive? In whose warped mind is this even remotely okay? And to overturn the decision because SCSA pushed that little flunky and calling it interference after Sssssssswagger put his hands on King twice? This is just absurd. This just smacks of Vince McMahon.

Now I have to listen to that little troll gloat all over RAW and SD! for weeks. WTF? King finally get's not only his WM moment, but get's the win in what was overall a fun match, only to get it pulled out from under him. This is the worst story line to continue. There had better be some kind of resolution on RAW tomorrow night or I will seriously reconsider watching from here on out. Vince and creative my have just lost a lot of fans for this POS.

I can't believe they botched this match so badly. First, they let Cole get what felt like an hour of offense in. Seriously, you can only watch a fish flounder on the ground for so long before you can't take it anymore. That is exactly how I would describe Cole's wrestling, a fish flopping around on the ground as it slowly suffocates.

Then, they give Cole the win? I don't care if it was a shit reversed decision win, you know he's still gonna go on and on about it forever tomorrow night. I honestly can't take his commentary anymore, it's quite possibly more annoying than Jillian Hall's singing.

And how does Lawler take out his frustration? By attacking Josh Matthews, the guy that has supported him for the entire feud. Never mind the fact that Cole is sitting helplessly on the ramp and Lawler is relatively fresh, he goes after his friend? Bullshit.

They fucked what should have been the easiest match of the night up. Unbelievable.
I told you so.

Of course the match should have been a squash. Jerry Lawler should just squash Cole, hit him with his finisher, have SCSA hitting Swagger with a Stunner and that's it. Everybody goes home happy.

But with that kind of garbage what the hell were they expecting? The match was just pure shit. Cole of course is not to be responsible for it, he isn't a wrestler, the other guy is a retired wrestler that for some reason everybody in this forums loves him inside the ring and thinks he still got it to some level, no he doesn't. Period.

And the match was just too DAMN long. What the hell? Was that whole segment 25 minutes or something? For what? And after the match why would Matthews be attacked by SCSA? It didn't make any sense, Matthews is not a heel, he is a face, just like Booker T. If Booker T was stunned by Stone Cold and after it celebrate with him anyway, it would make a comic situation, but that didn't happen either.

I don't know, worst match of the card. 25 minutes of pure garbage. Even SCSA wasn't as good as he usually is in this kind of roles. Waste of time. The build-up I have to admit was good, but the crowd at the event didn't give a fuck about anything they did.
I don't know about anyone else but did Michael Cole ruin Wrestlemania? Answer IMO is yes. From his ridiculous, absurd and over the top heel commentating (which he is still shit) to the farce that was his match against Lawler.

I would've thought he (or the creative team) would've toned down for this big event and at first he was fine. During the Del Rio vs Edge match he was actually ok. Then the Rhodes vs Mysterio match came and it was down hill from there.

Then his match with Lawler. This was the one match I wanted to see, not the world title matches, not the streak vs Triple H match, this one. I wanted to finally see Cole get what he deserves. Call me old fashioned but i would've like to have seen the Good guy beat the crap outta the bad guy. I don't know who set the mtach to be played out like it was but it was terrible. Lawler could have done so much more and I'm sure Cole could've taken more as well. And then they go and overturn the ruling with the stupid Raw ball sucking GM having its two cents worth.

So obivously, they are going to continue with this crap of a storyline/angle of Cole. We are going to have to hear this idiot now brag that he 'won' at Mania and listen to whining bitch of a voice all over. I thought they were going to squash it or at least tone him down.

And what about Lawler, doesn't this result spit all over his legacy as a wrestler. That this douche gets away with a 'win' and Lawler, a faithful servant of the WWE in his one and only Mania match (and i dont see him wrestling in one ever again) is shat all over by Cole.

Do the WWE or Vince not understand that this is really a bad angle and nobody likes it. Someone high up in the office must love Michael Cole. While wrestlemania in all is a great event, I don't think fans were left satisfied at all after this, but that IMO. Surely after all the controversy he caused with the Tweet and all they would've squashed or punished him at least. But it looks like he'll get his way again.

I don't know, this is just my rant but I am seriously starting to get sick of him. He is turning out like Mike Tenay during the final days of WCW.

I agree wholeheartedly with you! That was one of the biggest fucking letdowns I've ever seen at ANY PPV EVER!! Between Cole not knowing how to sell any of Lawler's moves and those two half-assing every spot because Cole had no fucking clue how to take a decent bump I thought it was an EPIC disappointment! This match was never supposed to be a HBK/Bret Hart Ironman match but shit, at least let Lawler get in there and pound that piece of shit for about 30 minutes like HBK did Vince a few years ago! Hell, after listening to that (insert "homophobic slur" here since I can't here in the forum)'s shitty commentary on Raw AND Smackdown! every week for the last 4 months, building up this little bitch character that sucks off every heel that comes down the ramp and generally making me mute the TV and contemplate boycotting the entire product b/c I'm not sure if it's worth it anymore you'd think there would be a huge payoff where Lawler busts that motherfucker open and beats his lifeless body with a chair until Stone Cold has to physically pull him off of him........but no, we have Swagger WASTED by using half assed interference and Austin playing the "dumb ref angle". WTFF???? One of the most played up angles for the entire show and the WWE fucked us over ROYALLY in my opinion!
Indeed a disappointment.. Of all the matches they shortened for lack of time, and cutting the US Championship match, this one was long enough to be offensive. It should have been a squash.. Cole didn't have a clue. Snooki could've beat him... and Lawler lost. What a joke.
Damn, Not sure why no one likes what Michael Cole has been doing. I think hes doing a great job at being a heel!

I certainly do not think MC and Lawler ruined mania like you said.. I think the Main Event ruined mania..

Cole did well for his first wrestling match ever and lawler carried him well imo

Only problem i really saw was how Cole actually picked up the final win.. i dont think that should have happend.. but im a Cole Fan so its Ok.

I also dont like how Booker and the little Josh guy both gut stunners but not Lawler? what kinda shit is that?

Overall, Great build up for the match.. Cole did an Excellent Job from the get-go.. Lawler did a good job as well especially carrying cole in the match the best anyone could.
Whatever happened to the "the referee's decision is final."

Anyone remember on RAW earlier this year, when Cena was guest referee for CM Punk vs. Wade Barrett for their stable's spot in the Rumble?

When Cena DQ'd them both out of nowhere, the GM said (and I quote!) "I cannot change the result of the referee's decision."

Then - the last Smackdown before Elimination Chamber - Vickie has to dig deep to get around that she cannot change the referee's decision.

The end just smacks of the WWE wanting to milk this feud even more. I just hope they move Cole off the announcers table for it, because having a heel as the main announcer like that - one who lets the feud and his character get in the way of announcing so much - makes WWE really hard for new fans to get into.
Personally I dont think any ONE thing ruined mania. Try the combination of incredibly short filler matches + Bump booking a US title match that people had paid to see down to a dark match battle royale + the WWE trying too hard to swerve the IWC and fans + burying talent they spent the last year building...and THAT'S why wrestlemania was ruined.

The Cole match had me bored to tears. I wasn't looking forward to it and it actually reminded me that things COULD only really get better with the show. Maybe the match should have been a bit earlier on so they could get JR and Booker out there...

I also didn't get why they felt it necessary to have Stone Cold stunner Booker...and then shrug it off like "Oh he does it to everyone", and have the decision reversed. It should have just ended when it ended the first time and then more time for other matches could have happened.

It's not COLE that ruined it, it's WWE booking.
Damn, Not sure why no one likes what Michael Cole has been doing. I think hes doing a great job at being a heel!

Correct! They did an awesome job to make him...no wait, heel isnt enough! I think right now he has so much heat on his ass that if fans throw cereals at Cena I think he better not take the wrong back alley at night. Most people at this point really hate him and I agree with the OP that we all deserved to have him beaten to a bloody mess...oh wait I forgot PG...humiliated and clearly dominated, receiving a stunner, a beerbath from SCSA and Lawler at the same time and so on to help us to get rid of some of the bad emotions in us!

God, even with Rock, SCSA, Shawn Michaels returning, VKM declaring he bought TNA and will shut it down for good and some more things in one Raw...I think the first time he starts bragging how he is Mr. Wrestlemania will make People switch to the Weather Channel! :banghead:

Edit: Right, all of that isnt his fault! But I (and obviously some others) feel screwed about this. We deserved to have him (thanks Taker) "humbled"!
I just still don't get why Josh Matthews needed to be stunnered ?...

Lawler and SCSA suddenly go heel just to stunner a innocent commentator. It made absolutely NO SENSE....

I could have come up with at least 27 different ways to get Lawler and JR alone on the table then randomly have Matthews get stunnered.

Overturning the decision ? .. I mean just really. What more could we need Cole to do. Challenge the Undertaker to a match .. ? I mean just drop it already
I just still don't get why Josh Matthews needed to be stunnered ?...

Lawler and SCSA suddenly go heel just to stunner a innocent commentator. It made absolutely NO SENSE....

I could have come up with at least 27 different ways to get Lawler and JR alone on the table then randomly have Matthews get stunnered.

Overturning the decision ? .. I mean just really. What more could we need Cole to do. Challenge the Undertaker to a match .. ? I mean just drop it already

I got a slight impression that Josh Matthews is turning into the new Michael Cole..the way he was reciting the GM's email, and the way he spoke to Lawler..he deserved to be stunnered.

And Lawler and Austin went heel...? WTF.. dude, that is an IDIOTIC thing to say. Lawler was clearly pissed off because he'd just lost - unfairly - to someone whos been insulting his deceased mother. And Austin would stunner the president if he could, hes a backstabbing mo'fo'..always has been, and that's why we love him.
It's been announced that SCSA will be at RAW tonight. Any bets on Michael Ass-Cole getting hit with a Stunner? Calling out the GM and overturning the overturned decision?

This was the second Mania I've seen live and both times I've come away very disappointed by one match in particular. Lalwer/Cole this year and SCSA/Rock when Austin went Corporate. There were other reasons this Mania was lame, but Cole getting the "win" via the GM just killed it. I could hardly even enjoy HHH/Taker.

Please, for the fans, for the legacy of King's career, for the love of God, take the "win" away from Cole! That little tool ass-clown just doesn't deserve it.
Jerry Lawler will defeat Michael Cole.

Had the computer not chimed in, I would have gotten this right. Lawler destroyed Cole. Stone Cold hitting everyone with Stunners was great. I also enjoyed the part where Lawler grabbed Cole's hand and made him hit his head on the Cole Mine multiple times. How sad is it when the 2nd best match of the night is between a 60 year old and an announcer? I would not have changed the results of this either due to Lawler getting his Wrestlemania moment and Cole earning something else to generate heel heat from. Great match, booked correctly.
Yawn this match was dragged on to long.Shouldve been a simple get cole in the ring,beat the crap out of cole and win the match.

Why the hell was Booker stunned anyway?I marked out when he did the WM Spinaroonie and SCSA just goes and stunners him.

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