Wrestlemania 27 - Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole w/Jack Swagger (Austin special ref)

Coles rant on Smackdown led me to believe it would be Alex Riley. Shouldnt be The Miz, he has bigger things to worry about. How about if it is Ted DiBiase....

Remember a couple of weeks ago when Lawler decked him for no apparrent reason? Maybe Ted inserted into this angle could work.
Either way I hope Cole gets annihilated at WM. Hes been such a ******* the last 6 months that I wanna choke him. He ruins valuable air time everytime he speaks. If Lawler could do some everlasting damage to Coles mouth,that would be great, not the The Miz hasnt already done 'damage' to Coles mouth. Cole is overplayed and incredibly overused!:banghead: God, I hate how Cole gives Miz a verbal blowjob everytime his music plays.:worship: The Miz is average, at best. Cole is annoying and needs to be just a god damn commentator!

The smart thing to do is have a squash match for Lawler, cause lord knows I dont wanna see them drag this shit out for another 3 months!
Deffinetly wont be the miz, too involved with john cena/the rock/wwe championship. I could see maybe Alex Riley although I heard rumors of his going back to FCW for repackaging along with Michael Magilicutty (hopefully repackaged back into Mr. Perfect Jr.).

One has to think when WWE is gunna use their annual celebrity appearance and in what feud. WM24 had Floyd Mayweather. WM25 had Mickey Rourke. WM26 had...Bret Hart? idk haha but usually WM uses the celebrity in some sort of feud. AS MUCH AS IT PAINS ME TO SAY THIS...could it be Justin Beiber? I know he signed some sort of deal with WWE but I cant see him alligning himself with a heel duo of Michael Cole and Jack Swagger (which is a big WTF moment in itself. Jack Swagger? Really? Really? Use Swagger better. You build Cole to basically blow Miz and Riley and dont use either of them as your trainers? Believable.) Anyway, if they use Beiber, he will either play it down the middle or turn on Cole at WM giving King the win.
I was thinking it could be JR, but that would mean for the next month he would have to act "heelish" and I don't see that happening.

As for Jimmy Heart I would totally be down for that, It would be a one off deal and be great to see the Mouth from the South one last time...

Maybe it will be a complete left-fielder and tie into the Raw GM plot?

And Ted Dibiase would be awesome, as long as it led to him being pushed! Maybe he turns on Cole and helps Lawler win and then a fued with Swagger? That was a dumb thought, a face Dibiase wouldn't work.
One has to think when WWE is gunna use their annual celebrity appearance and in what feud. WM24 had Floyd Mayweather. WM25 had Mickey Rourke. WM26 had...Bret Hart? idk haha but usually WM uses the celebrity in some sort of feud. AS MUCH AS IT PAINS ME TO SAY THIS...could it be Justin Beiber? I know he signed some sort of deal with WWE but I cant see him alligning himself with a heel duo of Michael Cole and Jack Swagger (which is a big WTF moment in itself. Jack Swagger? Really? Really? Use Swagger better. You build Cole to basically blow Miz and Riley and dont use either of them as your trainers? Believable.) Anyway, if they use Beiber, he will either play it down the middle or turn on Cole at WM giving King the win.

The celebrity is The Rock....

It will be Riley. But I could see him turning on Cole. Cole seemed to really be on his case on Raw during the cage match. He even seemed to question The Miz's ability to win the WM match, which seemed odd given the past few months.
Been hearing rumours that Stone Cold may be in the ref picture for this match.

Wouldn't mind seeing that happen, would give him some decent air time.
But I can't really imagine Cole picking Austin to ref his match..
Knowing WWE they left it open enough to interpretation that it could be a short list of people, they can then work on Celebrity dealing and such, and fall back to Riley if someone doesn't come through. WM is close, but far enough away that they script isn't finalized.
I think it will possibly be McMahon. McMahon and Lawler have quite the history, wouldn't you say? And Cole is the predecessor to him, so I think Vince would be a good choice.

I really don't think it would be good for it to be a bigger name than that. They don't wanna overkill the guests at Mania this year.
Do you people seriously put Justin Bieber or Alex Riley as amongst the all time greats in WWE history?

If Cole is right about the guy being one of the greats, then it'll be some old hall of famer...

What if it's Bobby Heenan?

I hope they dont use old hasbeens like Jim Duggan or Sgt. Slaughter.

I think they're using Cole to get some heat on some guys like Swagger. So, while Dibiase could use the exposure, he's likely not go get it, he's not one of the all time greats.

It could be....

Pete Rose? hahaha

Face it, he's a hall of famer, played for Cincy, which is in Ohio (which would be why he'd think Cleveland sucks)....

So yes, Pete Rose is my answer.
It's most likely going to be dibiase if they're planning on giving him a push. it would give him alot of heat if he helps Cole win. Either that or he is going to make a mistake and pick somebody over and it will end up with the face helping King win and then doing the finishing move on cole to have the fans satisfied.
It's most likely going to be dibiase if they're planning on giving him a push. it would give him alot of heat if he helps Cole win. Either that or he is going to make a mistake and pick somebody over and it will end up with the face helping King win and then doing the finishing move on cole to have the fans satisfied.

So i guess Dibiase, Jr. is one of the all-time greats? He's awesome?

Come on... Pete Rose is a WWE HOFer. He's appeared at many Wrestlemania's before. No one really likes him. He makes the perfect fit.
So i guess Dibiase, Jr. is one of the all-time greats? He's awesome?
Cole raves on and on about the Miz being an all time great and being awesome, he also does it about A-ri to a certain Extent just because Cole said that don't mean it's actually going to be a legit "all time great"
Come on... Pete Rose is a WWE HOFer. He's appeared at many Wrestlemania's before. No one really likes him. He makes the perfect fit.
I honestly don't think it will be Pete rose. If it's not Ted, it's going to be some retired wrestler that will hit his signature move on cole to get a pop just cos it's wrestlemania. There is no point having it be somebody screw King over unless it was a current wrestler.
Has anybody seen the special WWE Magazine for WM? It has a bunch of current wrestlers and then The Rock, Steve Austin... and The Iron Sheik. Now, The Rock is involved with Mania, and Austin is doing Tough Enough. But The Iron Sheik?

I'm thinking he might be announced as the special ref for this match. He's a legend and he thinks the US stinks, so why not Cleveland?
I cannot see this ending up being a 1 on 1 match between Cole and Lawler, as much as I hope it does. Cole has no wrestling training so I would expect WWE to add Alex Riley to the mix as Cole's partner making it a handicap match.

My ideal scenario would be to see Cole get bloodied and beaten, and really get his comeuppance at the hands of the King who would be pissed off to the extreme over the heartless comments Cole has made over his mothers recent death.

If Riley and Cole end up with the advantage over Lawler, I wouldnt be shocked to see interferance in this match from Daniel Bryan, who has suffered alot of abuse from Cole ever since his debut in NXT, and it would be nice to see Cole having to suffer through the pain of the LaBell Lock, or taking a nice hard chairshot from Bryan.

At the end of the day, Wrestlemania is where heels get what is coming to them, and faces usually leave triumphantly. If this years WM is indeed to be King's swansong, then I fully expect to see him get the victory. I will be pissed if he does not, someone of King's status should not lose his final match to an announcer.
Im glad you have Steve Austin as special referee. Im suprised JBL is on Cole's side considering he and Cole always had "issues" in JBL's commentator run. Im expecting a run-in from JBL.
I personally think they are going to add even more 'magnitude' to this match. JBL was meant to be the special guest Ref but now that is obviously SCSA. I still think JBL will be there though. Personally I think the match will be, and these have been rumoured:

King with corner men Honky Tonk Man (his cousin), JR and Jimmy Hart
Michael Cole with corner men Jack Swagger and JBL.

Austin as Ref makes this an interesting one all of a sudden!
Out of all the Mania matches announced, this is the one i'm least looking forward to. Which is strange because this probably has been the best built up one as everyone including myself is hoping that Cole gets murdered by Lawler. It's just going to be a bunch of run ins with Swagger and possibly JBL getting involved trying to soften up Lawler. Austin will get taken out at one point in the match while Swagger and JBL make their move, then Austin will come back, beat the hell out of both Swagger and JBL then stunner Cole while Lawler hits a finishing move to get the win.

Afterward it's just going to be Austin and Lawler humiliating Cole which is long overdue. Again not excited at all about this match, but should end up being entertaining nonetheless.
Well since this weeks Raw seeing JBL and Austin, and then having Cole yell "THIS WAS SUPPOSE TO BE MY NIGHT!" I've decided on what I think is going to happen at WM 27. Either Austin screws Cole during the match and Cole again says "Previous Quote" or Cole beats Jerry then gets a stunner and yells "Previous Quote", I'm voting for him to win and yell that lol
Couple of quick questions for the group:

1) What are the chances that once Lawler wins, Cole refuses to return to the announce table on Raw and they bring JR back?

2) When Michael Cole went on his rant in the ring where he talked about how he was the greatest of all time and better than JR, etc, did anyone else notice how eerily similar it was to when JR was heel and bringing Fake Diesel and Fake Razor to Raw?

I hope they find a way for JR to get some airtime again. If I have to listen to another "vintage" Michael Cole broadcast, I might have to learn spanish so I can click the SAP button.
I'm starting to really like how all this is shaping up now, wasn't too keen on it at first but it does seem to be getting better. With all this going on it's probably made Michael Cole the biggest heel in the company in most peoples eyes. I was thinking the other day, is pairing Jack Swagger with Cole during this a brilliant thing to do? Think of all the heat that Cole gets which will inevitably rub off on Swagger and push his heel rating up several notches.

I'm still wondering if it's going to have some sort of stipulation to it or if it becomes a no DQ match (in saying that i have a fear of it turning out just like last years Bret Hart v Vince)
I dont know why but I am really looking forward to see how this fight transpires! 3/4 months ago if you had of said Cole vs Lawler at Mania I would of cried but the promos and interactions have being very good - I am emtionally invested!

2 things...the plastic booth that Cole has = BRILLIANT!!!!! It just adds to his coward like character. Also, has anyone noticed Cole looks bigger? A suit does well to hide muscles, remember when Vince came out at the Royal Rumble that time!?

I can see Cole coming out looking ripped!!! He certainly isn't the pencil necked geek he used to be.
I'll tell you one thing I'm really looking forward to about this match... Michael Cole's ring attire. Is he going to wear trunks like The Miz? A singlet like Swagger (and incidentally King)? I can't imagine him wearing pants like HBK and Y2J, but I don't think seeing him coming out in an "old dude at the gym track suit" is out of the question.

I also fully anticipate him wearing a headband of some sort, as that makes everyone look more douchey. While it could be a piece of Miz paraphernalia, it will probably be something self-indulgent, something with his own name on it.

And what music do you think he'll enter to? I doubt they'd sully the RAW theme by making it Cole's entrance music, and I also doubt they'd make him enter to Swagger's music as he is a much bigger selling point of this match than Swagger. I honestly have no idea what his entrance theme will be, but I'm guessing something generic sounding, but silly.

I'm primarily looking forward to seeing Cole get his ass whooped by King, but I fully anticipate enjoying the fuck out of Cole's pre-match antics. If anyone knows how to act like a total tool in the WWE, it's Michael Cole.
Each and every week I see Cole being more and more of a dick, and I gotta say I like the transition. It just reminds me of how he was being treated before all this:


Despite that, it was really good to see Jim Ross back on TV standing up for Lawler, and proves that this match is all about what Cole's got coming to him. I'm going to love it, you're going to love it, and Lawler is going to love it even more.
Where I think it should go is to add a Lawler leaves Raw clause to the match if he loses. Have him really beat the snot out of Cole at WM, have JBL do a run in and blindside Austin, causing another ref to run in and send JBL to the back, but Cole somehow gets the upset with the help of Swagger. Lawler and Austin recover, take out Swagger and hit their finishers on Cole. Beer celebration... have Austin stun him and humble him even further after the match. In essence Cole is a loser but Lawler leaves commentary (I think his commentary without JR sucks. He's just boring with nothing insightful to say except to dis the heels without backing up his comments and saying "shut up, Cole). Cole returns to the announce table after Wrestlemania still a heel, but not nearly as obnoxious. We all live happily ever after.
I'd only be ok with Lawler if JR rejoined him. He was only good when he was rooting for heels. Best case scenario: J.R., Booker T, and Josh Matthews on one table; Cole, William Regal, and Todd Grisham on the other?
The build up for this match has been fantastic. Its a shame this match has a very low chance of being much better than the Vince/Bret trash from last year.
sorry couldnt think of a name for this thread that didnt involve inappropriate language so yeah. anyways, on to buisness.
why the h*ll is wwe letting cole talk about lawlers family like they are, then having lawler get beat up and not be able to defend himself? WTF?? this is really ticking me off.

question: whos gonna win the match at wrestlemania cole or lawler? is swagger fianally going to get his from stone cold?

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