Wrestlemania 27 - Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole w/Jack Swagger (Austin special ref)

yeah i agree this is beyond the 'normal' heat your supposed to get. Like how can you let king get beat up week after week and have cole talk about his family r.i.p its just plain disrespectful. JR was right its gone to far and i have to believe the payoff will be king and stone cold and JR stompin a mudhole and drinking some steveweisers at mania. and hopefully the end of cole on the announce table. Please god.
Cole gets on my nerves big time, and not because he's heel and you're supposed to hate him.. i literally hate him

but, Lawler's been getting beat up every week because he's obviously gonna win the match at WM.. so they're letting Cole have his "victory" for now :)
I definitely agree, this is too touchy of a subject. I didn't enjoy watching it, but I'm shocked it even happened in the first place. But if WWE's main purpose is to get the fans to hate Michael Cole, it's definitely working.
Like a poster before me said I actually hate Cole. He just a stupid asshole that has gone way past heel-heat. The WWE need to stop dragging family into this storyline, its just pathetic.

As for who will win this match, Its obvious isnt it? Of course Lawlers going to win and kick Coles ass with JR and SCSA.
In Kayfabe, it is awful. In wrestling terms, it's cheap heat. I do have to question whether we'll ever see Cole on Raw again after this; or he wins and Lawler leaves for good.
Lawler is also old school.

And if you remember in the early 90s Lawler insulting Bret Hart's parents, and pouring alcohol down Jake Robert's throat.

Yeah but at that point brets mother hadn't just passed the month before, I do think its too far and the WWE really need to stop trying to exploit personal tragedy for storylines
My theory is that Swagger is turning face at Mania, and as such, all of the anti-Lawler family propaganda Cole has been spewing is the catalyst for the face turn. During Swagger's Champion run, he placed a LOT of energy in pointing out the respect and love people should have for their families. He will bring this up when the turn happens. Likely, Swagger will leave his corner and allow Stone Cold and Lawler to have at Cole post 3 count.

After all, most people agree that Swagger can wrestle circles around the rest of the locker room, and since Jack has been a heel during his entire ECW/WWE contract, the time is now to see how the people take him as a super face. Look for him to feud with heel Sheamus post-Mania.
So wait, everyone hates michael cole beyond the point of hating his on screen persona, and cant wait to see him get his ass wipped by the king at wrestlemania!? Man they just dont know what they are doing do they? :suspic:
What I dislike is that there is No back and forth between Cole and Lawler...it seems for Months building this feud, its been almost all Cole One Uping Lawler over and over with No Reply or reprisal, Just because there maybe a pay off at Wrestlemania for Lawler doesn't mean the fans wouldn't like at least seeing SCSA come down the aisle or anyone else for that matter when Lawler or JR gets Two on one. I mean what was that, Lawler doesn't have any friends? just because wrestlers aren't part of an "Angle" doesn't mean they couldn't get involve... Sooner or later people will simply switch off in disgust.

Oh another irony... people tend to forget that Josh Matthews was a Tough Enough Canidate, and he was probably trained far more extensively than obviously Cole could be. I don't see why Josh couldn't take a stab at him.
What I dislike is that there is No back and forth between Cole and Lawler...it seems for Months building this feud, its been almost all Cole One Uping Lawler over and over with No Reply or reprisal, Just because there maybe a pay off at Wrestlemania for Lawler doesn't mean the fans wouldn't like at least seeing SCSA come down the aisle or anyone else for that matter when Lawler or JR gets Two on one. I mean what was that, Lawler doesn't have any friends? just because wrestlers aren't part of an "Angle" doesn't mean they couldn't get involve... Sooner or later people will simply switch off in disgust.

Oh another irony... people tend to forget that Josh Matthews was a Tough Enough Canidate, and he was probably trained far more extensively than obviously Cole could be. I don't see why Josh couldn't take a stab at him.

If Lawler gets the upper hand on Cole, even for one night, then what is the point of WrestleMania? The payoff at Mania is going to be astronomical right now because of how bad we all want King to kick Cole's ass. If Lawler is able to get his hands on Cole before April 3, it will ruin the months of build up for their match. Cole is the best heel in the WWE right now and he is the first wrestler in a long, long time that everyone wants to see lose. That is the job of a heel and he is doing it to perfection.

Also, for all those people who are freaking out about Cole referencing Lawler's mother in his promos. Do you really think he would continue to do so if Lawler was against the idea? I don't think so. Lawler has to have given Cole permission to use his mother in his promos to help further the angle. Lawler isn't "above" bringing real life to wrestling. Anyone remember his feud with Jake Roberts?

This build up has been perfect. Everyone wants to see Lawler kick Cole's ass at WrestleMania.
Weirdly, this is by far my favorite part of Wrestlemania right now. Cole has been ridiculously awesome recently, and the build has been incredible so far. Starting with the constatn tension, to the promo where Cole brought up Lawler's mother, which was an amazing promo on both part's, to Cole's Cole Mine, to his promo's, to his heat he's getting, it's all been amazing. Cole is getting the biggest heat in WWE. He has made everyone hate him and want to see his ass kicked at Mania. It won't be a classic match, but it's not about the wrestling quality obviously, it's letting the fans get what they’ve wanted for weeks now, and that is Cole losing. I can't wait for this. Hopefully next week the fantastic build continues.
It seems reasonably obvious to me that the real payoff of this match won't be at WM but at the next night's RAW. Have there been any rumors about JR returning? (I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they reveal him as the RAW GM.)

As for the match itself, it's the kind of thing you can call in advance:
Cole gets into an argument with Austin
While they're arguing, somebody sneaks in and lays out Lawler.
Cole makes the cover...1...2...2 middle fingers up by Austin! (Austin's presence invalidates any pretense of "PG".)
Lawler gets up...Sleeper! Cole is out (stone) cold!
JR comes out to toss in some brewskis (and maybe pour some of his BBQ sauce all over Cole's head).

-- Don
The build for this match has been great. Although, I could've done without the references to King's deceased Mother, because these shots were very distasteful. Say what you will about Cole's commentary, but he has done a fantastic job of playing this weasel like heel who you would want to strangle by the throat. Lawler has been having a feel good run over the past couple of months, and WWE seriously made me believe he would defeat Miz at the Elimination Chamber.

Austin and Swagger being apart of this match should be fun. I'm sure Swagger will try to help Cole by cheating in some way, and I'm sure Stone Cold will put a stop to these shenanigans with a few Stunners.

Jerry Lawler has never had his Wrestlemania moment, but I'm sure he'll have a great moment at the big show, and I am picking him to win this one. Lawler will get his revenge on Cole. Lawler has had to endure months of torture from Cole, and I think he will finally silence Cole at Wrestlemania. I expect Lawler to receive a thunderous pop when he defeats Cole, because I'm sure plenty of fans are sick and tired of hearing the little weasel run his mouth. I also wouldn't be surprised if Lawler celebrated with Austin after the match. These two should have a nice beer bash together. Lawler's triumph over Cole will be a glorious moment.
This has been one of the best angles the WWE have been doing over the past months. The development of the Micheal Cole character has been brilliant, and Cole has done a great job. The build has been fantastic and now I want to see Lawler beat the shit out of Cole. That is the only thing that should happen. Cole gets in some offense, but by the end of the night. We see Lawler destroy Cole, and end it with his finisher.

With Austin and Swagger apart of the match it will make it interesting, but I don't want a huge involvement from them. As the angle has done well with it just being Cole vs Lawler. Maybe a stunner or two, but keep it as limited as possible from those two.
The only good thing about this match is Stone Cole as the guest ref. Lawler does deserve a match, but against MICHAEL COLE? I fully expect a one-sided beating after Cole’s actions online recently. Swagger will try to get involved only to get hit by a Stone Cold Stunner, as Stone Cold then lets Lawler continue punishing Cole in the most one-sided match since Bret/Vince last year. Whether the match will be good or not depends on Swagger and Stone Cold because Lawler is old and Cole is, well, Cole. It’s a pretty easy pick that Lawler will win due to Cole’s standings after his online incident and his hated heel character. Not necessarily looking forward to this match, but it still didn’t earn my “going to the fridge for a snack and then checking facebook until the match is over” match. Snooki’s match earned that one, but getting back on topic now. Lawler wins and goes back to announcing. Cole loses and either keeps his Cole Mine on Raw or becomes an evil manager, either would work.

Jerry Lawler will defeat Michael Cole.
I cannot wait to see Cole get his ass handed him by Lawler. This has been a great build all around and excellent work done by both Lawler and Cole. Stone Cold being the guest referee means stunners for everyone and this should be seven or eight minutes of Lawler beating the hell out of Cole although I do want to see what Cole brings on offense. Lawler wins.
Now I cannot wait for this match. I need to see Cole get his ass kicked. Even if you're a fan of Coles (I am), there's no way anyone could be pulling for a Cole victory. Cole has been potraying the role of the annoying heel very well and that'll come into play at Wresltemania. I don't believe there is a possible way for Jerry Lawler to lose his first 'Mania match without being greatly disrespected by whoever decided he'd lose. Stone Cold will likely give a Stunner to everyone in sight (besides Jerry) and celebrate with the King after the match and fill the ring with an assload of beer. Aw hell yeah!

Hamler's Prediciton- Jerry "The King" Lawler
I think its obvious lawler will win this but I don't consider this a "match." The sad thing is for something not even being a match the feud was better then del rio/edge and miz/cena. I'm not a cole fan at all so i'm hoping lawler at least smacks him around a bit.
This match shows my ultimate frustration with the WWE. This match might have the most hype to it, but the problem is, it's two fucking announcers. Am I pumped at the fact that Michael Cole is going to get his ass whooped, hell yeah. The frustrating part is, how come 6 of the other 9 matches don't have this type of hype to them?

Ultimately, Lawler will get his Mania moment, Austin will stun a bitch, both will drink some beer. Hell, you might actually see JR come out and we get a Jack Swagger face turn or something. I'm actually more interested to see what happens with Cole after this match. Does he go back to announcing? Does he become a Manager of some sort?
The WWE has done a great job hyping this match too where almost everyone wants to see Michael Cole's ass kicked. This will be a glorified squash match with Austin stunning Cole and the crowd going wild. As Shocky said I am wondering what will happen to Cole after WM27. Is he offscreen or is he going to be a face again?
This match has had a terrific build to it, and it's one of the matches that I am really pumped to see. Cole has been pissing everyone off for the longest time now and when Lawler gets his hands on Cole I expect the crowd to explode.
I am sure that Swagger will stick his nose into the match and will receive a stunner for his troubles. I got this match being pretty much one sided with Lawler coming out on top.
I see Austin giving both Cole and Swagger a stunner during this match, and him and King sharing some beers afterward.
For Cole, I would like it if he where to go on to become a manager of sorts, he could manage Swagger and one or two others who are not so good on the mic, or need help getting over.
I actually think Cole will go back to commentary when this is over. They'll split Cole and Lawler up with Cole going to Smackdown and maybe promoting Striker up to Raw. Having a heel as your top commentator is problematic for the long run, so I think Cole needs to lay low until his heel heat boils over.
After that homophobic slur Cole used on Twitter a little while ago, Lawler will be the obvious winner of this match. Cole getting away with that would be foolish. He's probably just staying until after Wrestlemania then will get fired. If it was anyone else, he'd be fired on the spot without question. Why should Cole get any special treatment? Not even John Cena would have that much pull over Vince to not get Cole fired. The best Cole can hope for is he gets to come back after a few months off TV.

Jerrly Lawler for the win.

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