Worst WWE Cities?

I was watching some old Attitude Era Raw's from back in '98 and to me it seemed like pretty much every crowd was on fire. Even Birmingham and all the other ones that are horrible these days.
Are we talking cities that don't draw a bunch of people? Or are we being a bunch of snarky ass holes and judging crowds by the lack of chants like I've seen at least one person do? Honestly I think NYC, Boston, Chicago and the major markets are the worst crowds. They're the fucking audience but they're trying to get themselves over. And here we are talking as if that's a good thing. If there's a wrestling show and people have more to say about the crowd than the show itself there is a problem.
So then your evidence is based on twitter and interviews.

If so, then feel free to tell me.... Where on television, from the Rumble to the Chamber, do you see that angle progressed?

Or, was the angle that was progressed Orton/Batista?

Sorry, alt of Laodaron, but you have things that happened on twitter. I got things on camera.

Is the idea of kayfabe really that hard for you to grasp? I'm being serious, you should probably Google "Kayfabe" in order to better understand what's being discussed here.
You left out Dayton, Ohio (the RAW Batista returned) and this past RAW in Birmingham, Ala. when Evolution returned.

The TV ratings turned out to be good but it was pathetic hearing nobody reacting to Evolution.

I was actually at this RAW and man was I embarrassed. While I think Orton coming out and the lack of a surprise sorta killed us off for Batista but still. I went in a little different mindset so I was there and popping but everybody else looked like they had absolutely no clue what was going on. I was surrounded by little kids and their moms, or old people. I was embarrassed to be in a crowd sort of ruined Batista's return but I can't help but think if we would have blown the roof off the joint his reaction would have been better in other cities as well. That was definitely the best show I've been to though and I was having a good time though but I can't argue with us being one of the worst crowds of the year so far.:disappointed:
Well, my opinion of a bad crowd would be one that only cheers faces and only boos heels and loves everything WWE produces. I cheer for talent, and I don't like every single thing the WWE produces.
:worship: RVD, CM Punk, and Chris Jericho.
Are we talking cities that don't draw a bunch of people? Or are we being a bunch of snarky ass holes and judging crowds by the lack of chants like I've seen at least one person do? Honestly I think NYC, Boston, Chicago and the major markets are the worst crowds. They're the fucking audience but they're trying to get themselves over. And here we are talking as if that's a good thing. If there's a wrestling show and people have more to say about the crowd than the show itself there is a problem.

Well to be fair they wouldn't have to try and get themselves over if the product didn't suck so bad. It did get better but when they shove Cena down your throat every week with his lame ass jokes what is the crowd supposed to do? Be mindless and cheer?

Give the people what they want and they won't try and take over the show. After all it was Vince who said about giving people what they want.

Like the guy before me said the only bad crowd is a crowd that listens to the WWE and doesn't think for themselves.

Don't know how Vegas made the list TBH. They are normally a pretty hot crowd even through the bad years.
If you pay to go to a love ppv or raw or smackdown taping, and you dislike cena or you don't like the current wwe product, and you think its your right to shit on the event, that's one of the most pathetic things I've ever heard.
Well, my opinion of a bad crowd would be one that only cheers faces and only boos heels and loves everything WWE produces. I cheer for talent, and I don't like every single thing the WWE produces.
:worship: RVD, CM Punk, and Chris Jericho.

So in other words you ignore the story they're trying to tell. And you make it impossible for the heels to do their job. Raven once said "If you like what I'm doing. Boo me.".

Well to be fair they wouldn't have to try and get themselves over if the product didn't suck so bad. It did get better but when they shove Cena down your throat every week with his lame ass jokes what is the crowd supposed to do? Be mindless and cheer?

Give the people what they want and they won't try and take over the show. After all it was Vince who said about giving people what they want.

Like the guy before me said the only bad crowd is a crowd that listens to the WWE and doesn't think for themselves.

Don't know how Vegas made the list TBH. They are normally a pretty hot crowd even through the bad years.

Why the hell are people paying to see something they don't enjoy? I know, I know because there's one or two guys they do like. Well, maybe there's one or two guys somebody else likes but can't enjoy their matches because idiots won't stop chanting for CM Punk who isn't even on the card. Trolling is trolling. If you don't like something. Watch something else. Only a wrestling fan would be dumb enough not to understand that.
Well, my opinion of a bad crowd would be one that only cheers faces and only boos heels and loves everything WWE produces. I cheer for talent, and I don't like every single thing the WWE produces.
:worship: RVD, CM Punk, and Chris Jericho.

I have no problem with this quote but at the same time, this is one of the reasons that Cena is still "getting shoved down our throats." I do honestly believe that the best way to voice your displeasure to he WWE is by simply staying silent and and putting your money where your mouth is. Most of the time, WWE bases their decisions on who should get pushed, title reigns, and things of that nature whether positive or negative. It shows that the consumer is emotionally invested in a character and will tune in to watch whether he/she wins or loses. When it comes to Cena, 99% either love him or hate him but they indeed make some kind of noise when he comes down to the ring. If you want Cena to "quit hogging the spotlight" then stay quiet when he's on television. Imagine the amount of noise that only Cena fans could make. Wouldn't be as loud as it is now a days.

Me personally, I cheer for the heels that I like, I boo the heels that I like, and for the characters I could really care less about, in either quiet or make my way towards the restroom or concession stand. I think Chris Jericho said in an interview somewhere that he hates getting cheered when he's a heel because it means he's not doing his job very well. It doesn't mean we're a bad crowd, we just want to show our appreciation for that person by cheering or booing like we should.

Again, nothing wrong with cheering the heels and booing he good guys. You all bought the ticket so that gives you all the right to say nearly whatever you want. I'm just speaking my philosophy on how I'd treat this situation.

As to answer the question, Pittsburgh definitely jumped to the number one list of the worst WWE city to me. One of the few times that I didn't enjoy a pay per view and the fans chanting anything and everything they could for most of the night was the exact reason why.
Well, guys it's one way or another: either the reaction of that Pittsburgh crowd forced WWE to change their plans with Daniel Bryan or if what happened with Bryan at the Rumble was part of a storyline, then the crowd gave WWE the reaction they WANTED.

I guess you can shit on that crowd for their reaction to Cena/Orton (I don't. WWE have tried to make that rivalry into Austin/Rock for 10 years now and people are sick of it. It literally was the "SAME OLD SHIT". But, as far as the crowd reaction to the Rumble match itself, it either necessitated change, or it played right into the WWE's hand. You can't fault that crowd for either.
Atlanta usually has good Crowds and I say this because I am from here. Did the OP say Seattle was among his worst? Really? I remember last December they were Hot all night long during the Slammys.

As far as worst I dunno. Last week the Bama Fans weren't that bad but they weren't great either. Worst I guess so far this year anyway has to go to Pittsburgh for the Royal Rumble. Them booing Cena/Orton,crapping on Rey Mysterio,etc looking back kinda irked me a little and Pittsburgh over the years is usually good. Was I dissapointed Daniel Bryan wasn't in the Rumble Match? Sure but I didn't throw a fit either. Does it matter now? No because he won the WWE Title at Wrestlemania this year and we got what we wanted.
I think another WWE City thats bad alot of the time and one they've been going to since the 1st SNME in 1985 is Long Island NY. If you watch any Show from Long Island that Crowd is usually so quiet and they react to almost nothing at times. Even a couple of the Attitude Era Shows didn't seem to garner much of a reaction.
I went to the Royal Rumble in Atlanta about 10 years ago. Atlanta had a good crowd that night.

Seattle in December was a product of fans glad to get a tv taping. (WWE doesn't hit the Northwest that often) and Daniel Bryan's "hometown" reaction. That's not the kinda crowd that WWE typically gets in Seattle. Maybe while Bryan is 1 of the Main Event guys WWE should go back. Wasn't there a rumor that Seattle was a front runner to host ER this year?
I went to the Royal Rumble in Atlanta about 10 years ago. Atlanta had a good crowd that night.

Seattle in December was a product of fans glad to get a tv taping. (WWE doesn't hit the Northwest that often) and Daniel Bryan's "hometown" reaction. That's not the kinda crowd that WWE typically gets in Seattle. Maybe while Bryan is 1 of the Main Event guys WWE should go back. Wasn't there a rumor that Seattle was a front runner to host ER this year?

Yes there was, but for some reason the WWE decided to have Extreme Rules in better-drawing New Jersey. Seattle is rumored to be getting SmackDown sometime in August.
I'll never understand booing somebody you like and cheering somebody you don't.
:worship: RVD, CM Punk, and Chris Jericho.

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