Worst WM main event EVER!!!

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Wrestlemania pretty much sucked...

I mean if it wasnt for Orton/Punk, Edge/Del Rio, Mysterio/Rhodes, and Taker/HHH...it would have totally sucked.

One of the matches I was looking forward to the most wasn't even on there for whatever the reason(Bryan/Sheamus). The 8 man match was a joke, I mean, how can you give an 8 man match 2 minutes?.

Cole/Lawler- I though Cole was going to get "punished" for his "******" slur to Josh Matthews?...How does WWE punish him?, by giving him a victory in a shitty match at Mania.

the Snooki match- doesn't really need to be explained. I felt horrible for John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler.

Miz/Cena- Cena almost looked bored or pissed off because he wasnt getting the title or whatever, but, Miz carried him as much as he could in that match. Plus, if you watch when they went over the rail, Miz's head bounced off the concrete, and he still finished!!....I dont care for his gimmick, but, he earned some respect from me tonight.

As far as tonight's Raw, Cole was annoying as hell before, and now that he beat Lawler, he is going to be even worse, so, I'm not totally sure that I'm going to be watching tonight. I just think with this being Lawler's first Wrestlemania after almost 20 years, they should have had him win the match, stupid move in my opinion.

As far as Miz/Cena, like I said, I felt sorry for Miz, because, something was up Cena's ass last night, and the match suffered because of it. I'm pretty sure that at the next PPV, Cena will get the title, which is a shame but, whatever.
Really? really? you are all bitching ABOUT THIS? omfg what will all of you NOT bitch about? this was a great wrestlemania with a great main event and a great end! the end furthered the feud between cena and rock which is what we all wanted anyway! literally if all of you are gonna bitch because what you wanted to happen didnt happen STOP WATCHING! watch TNA!
Wrestlemania pretty much sucked...

I mean if it wasnt for Orton/Punk, Edge/Del Rio, Mysterio/Rhodes, and Taker/HHH...it would have totally sucked.

Miz/Cena- Cena almost looked bored or pissed off because he wasnt getting the title or whatever, but, Miz carried him as much as he could in that match. Plus, if you watch when they went over the rail, Miz's head bounced off the concrete, and he still finished!!....I dont care for his gimmick, but, he earned some respect from me tonight.

As far as Miz/Cena, like I said, I felt sorry for Miz, because, something was up Cena's ass last night, and the match suffered because of it. I'm pretty sure that at the next PPV, Cena will get the title, which is a shame but, whatever.

I agree with most of this. Usually Cena is tolerable, especially in big match PPV matches. But he was utterly terrible last night. It's pretty sad when the Miz had to carry him to a watchable match. For a John Cena match to be considered 'good' he needs to have a big high spot match liek HHH/Taker put on. Otherwise Cena's move set doesn't allow him to carry a match very well.

I really enjoyed Punk/Orton and Taker/HHH though. For a guy that don't watch Smackdown and have only Youtubed Cody Rhodes, I thought his gimmick was pretty cool. Its something that completely stands out from anything else they have going.
I think the entire WM this year sucked big time. I'm glad I was a few dollars short and had to watch it on the internet, because I just saved almost fifty bucks.

Del Rio won the RR, just so he could warm up the crowd? And then... he lost? What the hell? I'm sure they're gonna get the belt on him sooner or later, but winning the title at WM is just so much bigger than winning it anywhere else and the reign won't feel as powerful... And no Christian turn? Damn.

Cody Rhodes vs Mysterio was actually fantastic. And I hate, HATE Mysterio. A good match that also told a strong story. You didn't even need to watch SD to understand the way those two guys felt.

The Corre vs Big Show and co. never even happened. In my eyes, anyways. Instead of seeing some high flying spots and Barret's usual in ring badassery, we got to see everyone pummel the crap out of everyone's least favorite Corre member. Yawn.

Punk vs Orton was pretty good. Shame they shortened the match, and placed it so low on the card. I liked the finish, but the RKO is getting so unpredictable at this point that it's becoming... predictable. If you get what I mean.

Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole... Man, what the fuck? So now, Jerry's dream has come true, he competed at WM... unfortunately, it was against a man with no training in a match that meant absolutely nothing. I could have put on a better show. And I'm a slightly underweight 17 year old soccer player. I would be so pissed if I had actually paid for this.

Taker vs HHH was good, and we all already knew Taker was going to win, but I liked the finish. How many times did Taker take the pedigree? And then a tombstone? Dayum.

The mixed tag team match... Oh lord, what in the name of... Why was Taker/HHH before THIS? They pretty much killed the crowd for the ME. Ziggler and Morrison didn't even get to wrestle, and the divas... suck. Ugh. This makes me mad.

Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus didn't even happen. This just pissed me off. I was looking forward to it ALL PPV LONG and it never even happened. I mean, what the fuck? How is the WWE going to explain this on Raw tomorrow? Why did they take such a large shit over these two great up and comers? Why are we watching Michael Cole try to wrestle for forty minutes when these two guys can actually entertain? This is just... wow. Wow. WOW.

Cena vs The Miz... Cena now has a red shirt. And armbands. He must not have liked purple all that much- he didn't stick with it for very long. I actually liked the match overall (But I was still steaming from the previous match, so that probably contributed...), and the kickout from the Miz was amazing. Usually, you can tell they're going to kick out a half second before they do. Even in the Taker/HHH match, both men had a stirring of life in them at 2 that kind of gave it away... but not the Miz. Right when the ref is about to say 3, his arm rockets up. I honestly thought Cena was going to win it. The double count out was dumb, and not a single person didn't expect the Rock to attack Cena. It was alright, I guess.

Overall, this was a shit PPV. I feel sorry for anyone who actually spent their money on this garbage.
Really? really? you are all bitching ABOUT THIS? omfg what will all of you NOT bitch about? this was a great wrestlemania with a great main event and a great end! the end furthered the feud between cena and rock which is what we all wanted anyway! literally if all of you are gonna bitch because what you wanted to happen didnt happen STOP WATCHING! watch TNA!

And What made it so great? The matches we wanted to see never happening? The Royal Rumble winner opening the show? The double count out false ending? The mixed tag team match?

Honestly, TNA is over a hundred thousand times worse, so telling someone upset with the WWE product to go watch TNA is like telling someone who isn't happy with High School cafeteria food to go eat out of the garbage.
I think my biggest problem was how most of the matches ended. you had the undertaker getting straight slaughter by triple h. triple h was disrespecting taker, doing whatever he wanted to, even tombstoned him, and it ended with..... a submission? not with a strong taker comeback with him beating triple h's ass.

Since when did winning the royal rumble mean opening wrestlemania? better yet, warming the crowd up for... cole vs king and snooki. the match was good but damn, it's messed up it happened at the beginning. maybe edge or adr had something else to do and had a flight to catch. i also thought that christian was gonna knock edge's ass out with that pipe in typical wwe fashion. celebrate with your buddy, the hit him with something and stand over him and scream at him. it was all set up for that. kinda upset they didnt pull the trigger on that one tho.

The corre match was a total joke. its like they just told them "guys, you have two minutes, make a lasting moment then santino do the cobra and big show do your no-name punch and that'll be it.

The snooki match was also a horrible match, half of the people in it (zig, jo-mo, and layla) didn't even get tagged in. just so snooki's midget ass could do a flip (which I, like about 99% of the people watching didn't see coming)? horrible.

As far as the rock "hosting" mania, he didn't do too much hosting, especially with the huge build up to this. he just cut some promos, just like if he was still via satellite because 90% were backstage.

as far as cena/miz, i think that cena was out of it. something wasn't quite right. maybe it was from taker getting hurt, or from the dead crowd and boos, or maybe he felt wwe disrespected the business he loves so much by all the horrible coles, kings and snooki's but he was off. or maybe it was his color choice. red isn't cena's shade, lol. he's used to the orange and purple now.

was i the only person who was hoping to hear that stone cold glass break while the rock was watching miz celebrate? stone cold goes to the ring, stuns miz's ass out the ring, brawl with the rock, and drink more steveweisers!
Where to start.
The chick singing the anthem was fine til the end and she for no reason tried to squeel out that horrible last note

Then we get to the opener plugging The Rock. What the fuck, is this WrestleMania or Saturday Night Live?

Then he comes out and wastes alot of time. Sorry i'm at the point now i wished he'd stayed away, he's done nothing but Blah Blah Blah....
It was entertaining the first Raw, He's the one doing the whining not Cena.

Agree with you on the World title opening the show was crap. and Christian didn't even get involved. WTF?

Rey vs Cody Rhodes. NEXT!!!!!

8 Man Tag match. NEXT!!!!!! 10mins of pointless crap.

Taker vs Triple H. no HBK even making an appearance
(best match though it was just a slug fest)
Trips pre entry comes out to Metallica? OOOH Yeah, give me a Hell Yeah......
That got me going... lol Perfect song for the match too.
For Who'm The Bell Tolls.

Taker's theme atm is gay it needs to go. the chorus is accurate but the song is too sleepy and doesn't capture the atmosphere of a phenom like the Death March does

as for being disrespectful? so everyone in the history of wrestling that's ever beaten the crap out of someone and used there finishers is being disrespectful?

Grow a brain, it was the story, Triple H has no conscience when it comes to what he'll do to win and a Submsission is a hell of alot stronger then a pinfall by the way.

Taker was out of it early on in the match, Triple H carried him for 30+mins.
I feel sorry for Triple H in that one, he did all the work and Taker gets the glory so to speak. Taker took several serious neck bumps, hopes his neck is ok.

Land on his shoulder diving out of the ring
lands on his head getting pedigreed
was way too low in the Tombestone Triple H did pretty sure he bent his head back and landed on his forehead. and that chair shot to the head just sealed the deal.

But he wouldn't have done it if Taker hadn't said yes go all out. Noone is that callous and Triple H copped a few injuries too as usual

Then we come to the main event
The promo's at the start were more entertaining then the match
most of the match comprises of Miz clubbing Cena across the forehead and Cena Super Cena no selling moves, then suddenly dead again til the next super cena moment.

the match gets restarted and immediately Rock takes out Cena?
Shoulda just done it at the start of the match and saved us all the trouble. Everyone assumed it was coming.

And BTW KILL THE RAW GM I'm SICK OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Far from the worst main eventer. We had HHH/Orton just two years ago and don't forget Hogan/Sid and I'll give LT/Bigelow a pass. I think the crowd waiting on the Rock to eventually show up killed the match a bit. Looking back, I probably would have had HHH/Taker go on last if they were going to go with the finish they did.
I gotta admit that this was not the best WM main event I've seen. I was hoping to see Cena win the belt to set up some kind of epic title match between he and Rock. The pace was entirely too slow, there was too much stalling and it just felt like they were milking the clock waiting for Rock to hit the ring. Every time Cena would go down, miz would just get behind him and fuckin stand there and wait for him to get back up. No pace, no continuity, no nothing! I don't know that you can really blame Cena or miz because at the end of the day everything happens in the back. It seems like they planned the whole main event around Rock coming out. I was NOT impressed. BTW, did anyone else think that Rock was about to reveal himself as the anonymous GM for a second there??
Fuck being the worst Wrestlemania main event ever, this was one of the worst Wrestlemanias ever, period. The only wrestlers that seemed to notice that it was their biggest PPV of the year was Triple H and Undertaker. They put on a show. Every other match was booked just like it was a Raw or Smackdown episode. With the exception of one match, the entire PPV was shit. And the "great one" helped create that shit.

They knew they had to get Rock involved in the main event somehow, so they had to come with that complete horseshit ending. A double count out plus restart/screwjob finish? That is the best they could come up with? Where was the RAW GM immediately restarting the match after the Rock interfered, like he did with the Lawler/Cole match? Seriously, WWE, if you are going to have the Raw GM reverse the decision to give Michael Cole the win because Stone Cold's "getting physical in the match", then let there be at least a little consistency, and have a rematch booked for tonight between Miz and Cena. That ending wasn't even consistent with the rest of the PPV. Horrible booking.

Then they cut out the Sheamus Daniel Bryan match...for what? So we can get ridiculous auditions for Snoop Dogg? Silly backstage gags with Mae Young and Pee Wee Herman that served no purpose whatsoever? Fuck.

Overall, the entire PPV left a sour taste in my mouth.
totally agree worst wrestlemania ever. this is why i agree with you?

1.the fact that edge vs alberto del rio match was on first and the fact edge retained is an outrage. alberto del rio got all this hype and won the biggest royal rumble in history and he just got buried. what a waste of a push.
2.the sheamus vs daniel bryan getting cancelled is stupid, its wrestlemania as if they wont let the usa championship be defended. it would of been a good match, sheamus and daniel bryan are very good workers.
3.the corre getting jobbed was a joke, waste of great talent. they could of have tag team title match or a ic title match instead.
4.the cena vs the miz main event. the crowd were dead and the double count out ending and then to have the match restart was pointless. they were better off just have the refeere knocked out during the match and then have the rock run down the ramp and rock bottom cena.

if i was vince mcmahon, i'll be on a firing spree. he has to fire someone over this joke of a wrestlemania.
That match was so terrible i will tell you what. Seriously from the start of Cena vs. Miz i was completely not into this match. I mean the live crowd was so dead. From the intros there were more boos than i have ever heard in a main event at Mania. There were no cheers for either wrestler. No wonder Rock had to be brought in because this main event was the official worst Wrestlemania Main Event in the history of wrestling. There were not good points in this match. And it ended in a Double Count out? Are you kidding me? What a pathetic way to end a main event at Mania. If the Rock wouldn't of been there, the main event would of ruined the whole show, which i was actually entertained by for the most part.

Cena & Miz started out with a handicap because they weren't even portrayed as the main draw in their own match. WWE booked the match to be more about what part Rock would play rather than who would win the match & the title.

I'm not saying that it's bad; I'm sure Rock's involvement with WM as a whole probably doubled the amount of PPV buys, I'm just saying that its probably not fair to blame Cena & Miz if the crowd wasn't into their match because they were book as the least important part of it.

By the way, if you really think this was the worst 'Mania ever, then you've clearly never seen Wrestlemania 9. :lmao:
This thread need not exist. If you wish to talk about the main event of WrestleMania 27, then I would suggest finding that thread in the WrestleMania 27 sub forum.
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