WrestleMania 16 Main Event

The Brain

King Of The Ring
The year 2000 may have been my favorite year for WWE. It was also one of the, if not the most financially successful years in the company’s history. Despite that I felt that year’s WrestleMania was one of the worst. I could go into detail about how I felt most of the card was poorly booked but for this thread we’ll just focus on the main event.

We all know the main event was a fatal four way match that saw Triple H defend the WWF title against The Rock, The Big Show, and Mick Foley. The storyline for the match was each participant had a McMahon family member in his corner. A lot of people didn’t care for the McMahon family having such a presence in the main event but considering the main event was a pretty weak one I feel they needed to be there. The match was very poorly put together and changed several times leading up to WrestleMania. First it was supposed to be Triple H vs. Rock. Then it was changed to Triple H vs. Big Show. Then a triple threat, and finally the four way featuring the comeback of Mick Foley who retired just a few weeks earlier. The whole thing felt very lackluster. What do you feel would have been a better main event for WrestleMania?

Looking back the natural choice is Triple H defending the title against The Rock in a singles match. They are two of the biggest names in WWE history and had a great rivalry at the time. I will admit at the time I did not want to see a one on one match between the two simply because they had wrestled each other so many times before. I wanted something fresh. I was wrong. All these years later I think it’s safe to say a one on one match would have been the way to go.

I wish I could say I had some kind of clever idea as to what the main event should have been but honestly I can’t think of anything better than Triple H vs. Rock. I know there was some talk about Chris Jericho being in the four way match instead of Mick Foley but I don’t think that would have been any better. What do you think? What would you have liked to see as the main event of WrestleMania 16? Do you think the main event was fine the way it was?
Personally I liked the main event of WrestleMania 16. I felt it was a huge moment for Triple H, to be the first heel to walk in and out of WrestleMania as WWE Champion, and I enjoyed the title finally being defended in a multi-man format at WrestleMania, something I personally feel should happen more often. I'm glad Jericho wasn't included, I don't feel he was quite main event quality at the time, and the Two Fall Triple Threat Match stole the show anyway.
I enjoy the match itself. I agree it was odd how it was thrown together. As Brain stated Rock Vs. HHH would be the obvious choice for the main event. This was more about the McMahons family drama than the WWF Championship and ultimately that's what was wrong with the WM 2000 main event.

....and the Two Fall Triple Threat Match stole the show anyway.
Good match, but the Triangle Tag Team Ladder match was the true show stealer of Wrestlemania 2000.
Looking back the natural choice is Triple H defending the title against The Rock in a singles match. They are two of the biggest names in WWE history and had a great rivalry at the time. I will admit at the time I did not want to see a one on one match between the two simply because they had wrestled each other so many times before. I wanted something fresh. I was wrong. All these years later I think it’s safe to say a one on one match would have been the way to go.

It wasn't even hindsight since I wanted Rock vs. Triple H at WM that year even back in 2000. Sure they have fought before but, with the exception of the debut of Smackdown, Rock and Triple H never fought for the WWE Title. They fought for the IC Title, the #1 Contender's Match, a Grudge Match. But, if Wrestlemania was the culmination of all the feuds built up , Triple H vs. The Rock should have been the natural match at WM.

They could have also spiced up their match at WM to make it more interesting maybe make it an Iron Man Match (WM12 and WM16 were at the same place after all) with HBK as the special guest referee. They would eventually do that at Judgment Day 2 months later anyways.

As for the Fatal Four Way Match. I was kind of laughing in disbelief that was the main event they were selling at WM. Heck it wasn't even a unique match. Months leading to WM there were so many multi-man Title matches the one at WM seemed no different IMO.

Summer Slam - Austin vs. Triple H vs. Foley
Unforgiven - Kane vs. The Rock vs. Triple H vs. Foley vs. Big Show vs. Bulldog
Survivor Series - Triple H vs. Rock vs. The Big Show

Then of course

RAW - 3 WEEKS BEFORE WM - Triple H vs. Rock vs. The Big Show

See the problem with the WM main event? You are trying to sell us the main event like that on "the grandest stage of them all" when you just reshuffled the participants from previous PPV's and even on free TV.

For me I just gave up hopes WM16 was going to be good (it doesn't help when the undercard was Bossman/Buchana vs. D-Lo/Godfather, Test/Albert vs. Blackman/Al Snow, Kane/Rikishi vs. X-Pac/Road Dogg (aka gimmped DX), and a Catfight). The only way they could saved WM's main event at that point was make Foley vs. Rock vs. Triple H vs. Big Show in a Hell in a Cell with Exploding Barbed Wires as ring ropes.

Sure Rock vs. Triple H was no more unique than the Fatal Four Way but the setup and build was ideal at WM. It was a classic Top Face (since Austin was injured) and Top Heel at the time in a one-on-one bought fighting for the richest prize in the industry. Simple, effective, and a story book Main Event for WM.
The match itself was also horribly booked.

The Big Show was out after just 5 minutes. Making his participation useless.

I think that took a lot of steam out of the match, because for the next 15 minutes there was no pinfall, til Foley got pinned.

Then another 17 minutes of just one-on-one.

I've always thought the pacing, the timing, the "waves" of ups-and-downs were non-existent in that match.

Ideally the match should have been about 30 minutes. After 15 minutes, eliminate the Big Show, 20-22 minute mark pin Foley, then let Rock and HHH go for 7 to 8 minutes.

I usually don't complain about duration, but this just felt really long, and drawn out.
I was there live. Me and my buddy were pumped all week about going to Mania, dispite the horrible lead up to Mania. To this day...there are two things that stick out in my mind about that event and which I will never forget:

1. The Triangle ladder match. The most amazing thing I have ever witnessed at a live event. This preluded the TLC matches and we all saw alot of firsts. I still believe it is one of the most underrated matches in WWE history...a spotfest or not.

2. Jericho's entrance. Forget the match itself which was great, I remember how awesome His entrance was. The crowd reaction and all...you knew this was a main event star in the making.

Back to the topic at hand...the main event should have been The Rock vs HHH. There wasnt a singles match on the card except for the womens title. I didnt mind HHH being the first heel to win a Mania main event...but they should have ended the show on a positive note. Everybody in my section was looking at the entrance way waiting for one of 3 guys to make a return: Austin, Shawn or Taker. The fact that neither made a return was more of a letdown than HHH retaining the title...especially with all the buzz in the air about one of them coming back.

Without the Triangle ladder match and the 3- way Euro/IC, Wrestlemania would have been on par with an In Your House.

It was a fun day, but also a let down...thanks to the booking.
The match itself was also horribly booked.

The Big Show was out after just 5 minutes. Making his participation useless.

I think that took a lot of steam out of the match, because for the next 15 minutes there was no pinfall, til Foley got pinned.

Then another 17 minutes of just one-on-one.

I've always thought the pacing, the timing, the "waves" of ups-and-downs were non-existent in that match.

Ideally the match should have been about 30 minutes. After 15 minutes, eliminate the Big Show, 20-22 minute mark pin Foley, then let Rock and HHH go for 7 to 8 minutes.

I usually don't complain about duration, but this just felt really long, and drawn out.

The problem also is this the early Attitude Era style booking as far as matches are concerned. Sure the match had four people so it lasted for 40 mins but it was 40 mins of brawling. The Attitude Era brawling is fine if matches last on average 15 to 20 mins but 40 mins of it just does not work.

Also I forgot to mention. I remember Jerry Lawler word's right after the bell rang he was saying something like "this is it ... fatal four way underway" or something similar. Even when I saw it back then I could tell Lawler was not excited for this match his commentary sounded like he just didn't care.
I liked the match but that's solely because of the work between Rock and HHH when it was just them to. I understand the logic of having the McMahon's in every corner and it allowed them to keep Rock looking strong after losing.
I am going to be honest. The year 2000 was the first time wrestling ever took a backseat in my life. I was 19 going on 20 and I was cooking a lot trying to make a name for myself as a chef, and drinking was also a big part of my life then. I remember Mania 2000, but the lead up is a bit sketchy in my mind. I remember the IC/Euro title match being fantastic, and of course the triangle ladder match. I absolutely hated the main event though. It has been mentioned that The Big Show was out of the match early, and I was fine with that being that I never thought Big Show should have ever been near a Mania main event. Sitting here thinking HHH vs The Rock is the best thing they could have done. All of the McMahon's in the corners was just a bit too much for me. I remember being really surprised that HHH retained so if he was going to retain I would much rather have seen he and Rock have a 30 or 40 minutes classic than the match we got.
We're talking about the ME right?

That 4 way with a 'McMahon in every corner'? Did Vince brag about putting exactly 2 seeds in Linda because he knew a 4 way would be better logistically than a 16-way in Mania Maine Event? Who cares, the rest he put in his referees and divas anyway.

I remember the build to that, more than the match. McMahons were hot shit back then, even the uber cougar Linda McMahon. I recall how that build centred around McMahons all the damn time but again as I said, McMahons were big then. A special highlight was Shane dressing up the Mean Street Posse as the three opponents (except his man the Big Show); H's nose and Foley's ass stole that Road to WrestleMania. Stole it of all its innocence.
The Main Event for 16 with a McMahon in every corner was spot on in my opinion. I loved it, thought it told a great story and aided the Triple H/Rock storyline which followed over the next 3/4 events (Iron Man Match, Austin returning etc).

The only things I didnt like about 16 was the fact there was no 1 on 1s and obviously 2 of the biggest stars in Austin and Taker were missing, plus HBK had retired.
Main event was horrible and it's a real shame because people look back on the year 2000 and think it wasn't great because of that, in reality it was one of the federation's better years, a real return to form after the mess that 1999 sometimes became.

Rebooking the event with the talent available I think it's clear that Triple H vs the Rock was the obvious main event.

Under that I would have tried to keep things to singles as much as possible and gone with:

Angle vs Benoit vs Jericho remains as does the triple threat tag match. Those are your three main matches. I'd also keep Hardcore Holly vs Crash Holly for the hardcore title as that was a fun match with a good back story.

Take Chyna out of the Too Cool vs Radicalz equation and replace with Rikishi.

Make X-Pac vs Kane a singles match and just have Road Dogg run interference (might have pissed him off though)

Why was Tazz not on the show too? Can't remember but to shoehorn him and Big Show on to the card I'd have had them work a match together.

Acolytes vs Test and Albert to fill out the card
I think a lot of it was the fact that Steve Austin and the Undertaker were off the show, and they probably thought having the four-way with "a McMahon in every corner" would help cover the lack of their two biggest stars.

I remember the big story around this time was Mick Foley's impending retirement and him making a big deal about how he never got to be in the main event for WrestleMania. He lost to Triple H a few times going into it, including a retirement match, only to be booked into the match by Linda.

According to Mick, Vince planned to have him win the match that night and go out as champion, but Mick declined, saying it would be better if HHH won, which marked the first time a heel won the final match at WrestleMania. It was probably also the reason The Rock got to give Stephanie a Rock Bottom and People's Elbow afterwards.
The undercard wasn't that bad.

Angle/Benoit/Jericho and the triple threat ladder match aka TLC 1 with the Hardyz/Dudleyz/Edge and Christian stole the show for sure. Back then, if they had three great matches on the card, the show would be a success... because usually there was only one or two big matches that were worthwhile.

So that brings us to main event. I personally was fine with it. It had all of the big stars (who were healthy) in it, and it felt like a big main event. I didn't have any real gripes about the match itself. Are there ways to improve it? Absolutely.

As many have mentioned, just a Triple H vs The Rock one on one match with a gimmick like an Iron Man match or something would have been a better and more focused match. The main story was Vince joining up with Stephanie, Shane and Triple H.. So they could have still done that angle as well. Also... one of biggest issues with the match was that everyone was expecting one of Austin or Undertaker to make a surprise return in the main event. If they could have pulled that off... Undertaker returning two months earlier at WrestleMania instead of Judgment Day... Or use the finish to Backlash with Austin coming out to help The Rock and then disappearing for 4 months again... I think this main event leaves a better taste in everyone's mouth.
I think that if you take everything that happened with No Way Out, Wrestlemania 16, and the following Backlash main event, and shift them around, and you have a very satisfying WM main event.

Essentially, No Way Out becomes your Four Way Match with the McMahons coming together to take out the Rock at the end to give Trips the victory.

Take your Backlash main event, a one on one match for the title with Rock and HHH with the McMahon's stacking the deck to try and make Rock lose. Shane is the referee, Patterson and Brisco make run-ins as backup refs, Vince is at ringside and gets involved in the match.

Then, the breaking glass.

Austin takes out all the McMahons. Linda McMahon sends in Hebner to the ring. Rock hits the People's Elbow, and takes the title.

Go back and watch Backlash that year and tell me that wouldn't have gone over like crazy as the WM 16 Main Event!
Exactly, Joey! And almost exactly what I posted above too. The crowd went nuts at Backlash for Austin's return and taking out the McMahon's... And then Rock winning the title. It would have been a great WrestleMania moment for the Rock if they did that at Mania2000. (If maybe a bit hogan/savage from wm4)
WM 16 was hurt extremely bad with two of the top 3 stars being out (Taker & Austin)...had both of them been available then I would have to say the best option would have been Austin V Rock II with this time Rock going over. With the roster they had at the time, I would have had Foley go into WM as the champ, and instead of having the match with HHH-Foley (hell in a cell) at Rumble that year, have Foley beat the Rock at Rumble then have HHH win the Rumble and do the Hell in a Cell Title match at WM (have Foley take a curtain call the next night at Raw).....as for the Rock, I would have put him in a singles match with Vince (Shane as ref) and have Austin do a run-in to help Rock win. I know it's two totally different scenarios but that is the problem with WM 16....it's sort of the WM that we will always wonder what if because I don't think there has ever been another where 2 of the top 3 stars were unavailable (but it was a big mistake to put the next top stars at the time in one match, when you could have split it up and gotten 1 or 2 more interesting matches on the undercard, which was pathetic save the Angle/Jericho/Benoit match)
The idea that WM was hurt because of the lack of Austin and Undertaker is quite false. Even with their absence RAW still produced great ratings because of The Rock, Triple H, and Foley. Added that with the depth of the upper card / lower card with Big Show, Chris Jericho, Kane, DX, Rikishi, Too Cool, Edge and Christian, and The Hardy Boys. And New comers like Angle, Taz, and The Radicalz.

WWE was still producing some great RAW's and PPV's. Considering how many felt previous PPV's like Royal Rumble 2000 and No Way Out, there was no reason for the WM main event to turn out the way it did.

Austin may have been injured but The Rock was already well into his way in the middle of his meteoric rise and already got a lot of media exposure.

They could have simply built WM around The Rock winning the title back or even Foley's last match and WM would have been a strong main event.

Instead it was about the McMahons, so they had to make a Fatal Four Way. There was a point that Triple H and The Rock were KO'ed for minutes and the only thing going on was a McMahon ringside brawl. At the main event it wasn't about the story of the Wrestlers involved but the McMahons. For me that was a big mistake.

A Strong WM16 would have looked like this

The Rock vs. Triple H - WWF Championship
Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit - IC Championship
Kurt Angle vs. Taz - European Championship (Rematch from the Royal Rumble)
X-Pac and Tori vs. Kane - months worth of storylines should have involved Kane destroying both in 3 mins and get his revenge
Triangle Ladder Match - We will keep it here
Eddie Guerrero, Perry Saturn, Dean Malenko vs. Chyna and Too Cool - Yeah we will keep this
The Big Show vs. Rikishi - Whatever match but Rikishi was over then and The Big Show was a heel
I thought the main event was okay if not a bit too busy.

On a side note I'd love to go back and watch this but I can't find a dvd of it for less than like $40 online. I have the WrestleMania anthologies Volume 1-3 and the rest of the WrestleManias 18 and on. That leaves me missing WrestleMania 2000 and WrestleMania 17 both of which are outrageously priced on Amazon, anyone have any tips on how to get these at a reasonable price?
I always thought it was bad form on Vince's part to remove Jericho in the way he did in favor of a guy who had just retired. It wasn't Foley's fault for sure, but Jericho was by far as over as Rock and Austin at the time - when he had "won" the title a little bit prior the place came unglued.

Vince for whatever reason didn't want Jericho to be that "big face" he could have been - it's probably no coincidence when he did get his title run against Rock they stopped his "custom ring intro" for each opponent. I always felt Jericho deserved better than he got at that time and when it finally came, they still didn't really have faith in him. Kinda ludicrous now considering he's a go-to guy...

The match itself was good for its purpose, getting a heel to retain and pushing Triple H but ultimately it wasn't what it could have been and that one tweak could have made it memorable.
The one thing that bothered me about the main event was Big Show. Not his participation, but him being eliminated first and so quickly. As Foley was returning for a one off and wasn't winning, surely the best thing to do would have been to have Big Show completely dominate him and eliminate him before he went out.

It might not seem much but, Show was already really struggling by that point and his elimination so quickly in the main event just about killed him for me.
The one thing that bothered me about the main event was Big Show. Not his participation, but him being eliminated first and so quickly. As Foley was returning for a one off and wasn't winning, surely the best thing to do would have been to have Big Show completely dominate him and eliminate him before he went out.

It might not seem much but, Show was already really struggling by that point and his elimination so quickly in the main event just about killed him for me.

Big Show was booked poorly almost from the outset in WWE. His debut cost McMahon the cage match vs Austin at No Way Out 1999. It put over his size and strength, but made him look big and dumb. This continued at WrestleMania 15 where he got himself disqualified in a match where the winner was the ref for the main event. It made him look dumb again. And he was constantly belittled by the Corporation until finally knocking McMahon out. He didn't exactly come in with a head of steam, he was never really established as a credible monster and didn't seem to be overly impressive at first.

I'm sure this probably hurt how the fans viewed him at first. And most of his 1999 year was very unimpressive. Stints in "The Union", losing to Mankind, Kane until finally getting a good push and winning the WWE title at Survivor Series.

I know later in 2000 he became more of a regular upper midcard guy with no real believable shot of getting back in to to the main event scene any time soon. He was the "main event jobber" used to put over The Rock, Austin or Triple H regularly.

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