The Worst Wrestlemania Main Event

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TNA World Butterfly Champion
there's been a lot of threads about the best wrestlemania main event. there's also been a lot of threads about how this years main event was a disappointment.
so i've decided to find out what people think the worst wrestlemania main event was.
by main event, i mean the match that closes the show. i know wrestlemania's usually have three main events (the world title matches and one big match) but alberto del rio vs edge was meant to be a "main event" but whilst it was a decent match it was officially the curtain jerker.
two matches off the top of my head are the WM 25 match between HHH and orton and this years cena vs miz match.
HHH/orton had a good story going into it but the match itself was terrible
cena/miz had so much build up but the whole match was spent waiting for the rock. not only was it a typical supercena style match, cena looked really sloppy. there's a part where miz whips him to the ropes and cena trips up. it looks like he actually tripped and from that point on cena was dreadful. also the fact that it ended in a double count out just for rock to give miz the win.
so what other WM main events were bad?
(too many options to create a poll)
I'd have to say in the more recent years HHH/Orton sucked. The story was decent, the match was horrendous.

For many other reasons:-
Yokozuna V Bret Hart WrestleMania 9. The match itself was Never going to be a classic due to size of Yokozuna vs the technical Bret Hart. Then losing to salt being thrown in the eyes? Hogan coming out and winning in the final match so I guess technically the main event in 21 seconds topped off a horrendous end.

WrestleMania 18 - HHH vs Y2J. Predictable outcome. Rock Vs Hogan took up too much steam that nobody including myself really gave a crap about this.
Cena/Miz, HHH/Orton, HHH/Show/Foley/Rock, Taker/Sid, and LT/Bigelow; these were ALL dreadful. LT and Bigelow was clearly the worst of all that I mentioned but there were other stinkfests that were put on. The HHH/Orton match was a real let down because they built one of the greatest stories ever for the match just to put on a clunker like that; a really long one too. The last good mania main event was Edge and Taker at 24 and the last REALLY good one as mania 20.

An honorable mention goes to WM9 and how it finished with the salt and Hogan.
Cena/Miz, HHH/Orton, HHH/Show/Foley/Rock, Taker/Sid, and LT/Bigelow; these were ALL dreadful. LT and Bigelow was clearly the worst of all that I mentioned but there were other stinkfests that were put on. The HHH/Orton match was a real let down because they built one of the greatest stories ever for the match just to put on a clunker like that; a really long one too. The last good mania main event was Edge and Taker at 24 and the last REALLY good one as mania 20.

While I agree Taker/Edge at WM 24 was a classic main event, I think the last great WM main event was Taker/HBK at WM 26.

On topic, Hulk Hogan vs Yokozuna at Wrestlemania 9. That match made the godawful Giant Gonzales vs Undertaker looked like 1993 Match of The Year.
Taker/HBK @ 26 was predictable; was it a good match, yes, but the match they had @ 25 was better IMO. The jumping tombstone and the post match pyro were the best things about the match to me. To be honest with you, i totally forgot that match was on the card until they showed that it was next on the card. I went to the restroom and ordered some food during that match; I think all of us at the table pretty much talked during the match.
Taker/HBK @ 26 was predictable; was it a good match, yes, but the match they had @ 25 was better IMO. The jumping tombstone and the post match pyro were the best things about the match to me. To be honest with you, i totally forgot that match was on the card until they showed that it was next on the card. I went to the restroom and ordered some food during that match; I think all of us at the table pretty much talked during the match.

What's wrong with being predictable? The crowd sure as hell was into it and gasped when Taker would kick out.

You can predict every WM main event pretty much since only 2 heels have ever won the last match/main event at wrestlemania.
Theres nothing wrong with being predictable when you have guys like this performing. What I'm saying is that if you take away knowing that HBK was leaving after that match, you would have had a match similar to or better than their match at Mania 25. On the brighter note, they arent as predictable like the typical match that involves HHH, Cena, or Orton. They must have a " I only lose when I want" clause in their contracts.
Yeah, there has been some crapfest main events throughout the years but the ones that really stand out to me are; (If I remember how craptastic it was all these years later you can bet your arse it was bad) The hogan-yoko -bret debacle was just bad on so many levels, The sycho sid (isn't that how they used to spell it..some body thought they were really clever with that) Undertaker one was really dull to me but I must say that I wouldn't say the bam bam-LT match deserves to be on the list mainly because it created the hype for the show and they need all the publicity they could get in those days,also the entire card was kind of crap (ALL OF IT), let's continue, actually I can't even remember the hhh/orton main event so what does that say (was that when orton was kicking all the McMahon's in the head) Speaking of McMahon's the fatal four way at wrestle mania 2000 I think where they all had a person fighting hhh-big show-foley-rock (I think)was really dissapointing all participants considered but it did give us the first heel victory at WrassleMania so thay should account for something...oh wait it was trips never I think I would have to say, unequivocally, the worst had to be the cena/miz and again this was bad on sooooooooooo many levels. I mean they blew the god-damned Irish whip for christsake and let's not try to pretend it was all cena's fault Miz looked like crap to, but for what it's worth if cena was a better worker he could and he should have made miz look like a million bucks but we all know what cena can and can't do and for what it's worth miz (to me) is a similar hand. Cena has been supercena and defeated so many crazy odds through the years that it was almost unbelievable that the miz could beat him anyway; no matter how awesome they try to make him look. The best thing going for the miz is that he does love the biz and he has charisma and mic skills, while cena is that and a f'n powerhouse. I knew leading up to the match it was probably gonna be a snooze fest but if not for the double ko's (was that a work or legit? serioulsly I never found out) they would have try to pretend that match never happened. Their big match on raw which was supposedly miz's coming out party was better so they could have a good match for them and they couldn't even deliver that, unbelievable and in the words of the comic shop owner on the simpson's WORST MAIN EVENT...EVER!!!
While I was making my list, I was debating over putting the HHH/Batista match in their but spared it because it closed off the last good mania. After reading your post, what was I thinking? I should've put on here as I orginially intended. Only notable moment was Hunter bleeding and his entrance being live. Have you ever noticed that he loses at Mania when he has a live entrance except for at Mania 18. (Mania's 17, 21, 22, 27)
This thread is not even a debate really because LT vs. Bigelow is clearly the awful and worst main event.

In real matches though there are a handful of bad ones: HHH v. Jericho (good match, but should have been before Rock v. Hogan) and HHH v. Batista (should have been Cena v. JBL) were ones that clearly should have been in different spots on the card due to other matches mattering more to the average fan.

For me though, I think the Bret Hart v. Yokozuna/Yokozuna v. Hogan fiasco was pretty awful. It made no sense, was completely bad for business and just made a lot of people look bad.
John Cena vs. The Miz was pretty bad.

I mean, what it again. First of all, The Miz should not have been having the upperhand of Cena in the beginning of the match. It should've been like Triple H vs. Cena with Cena just toying around with The Miz, not the other way around.

The Miz does that turnbuckle closteline manuver way to early, with no buildup. Then Cena's comeback also come out of no-where with no buildup. Thing's just happened, they just did moves, and the fan's were very much dead during the main-event of Wrestlemania!

The finish was atrocious. Who ever booked that need's to be hit on the side of the head. First, a double count-out, which makes no sense. Then The Rock comes out. See, here's where this post might draw out alittle bit. The Rock, IMO should'nt not been involved in the main-event, at all. That's one reason why I think the match was so poorly cared for, everybody cared about The Rock and kept thinking when's he coming out. IMHO, they should've either had Rock/Cena at WM 27, or Rock should've never mentioned Cena, and there should've not have been these back and forth "responses."

Anyway, the main event of Wrestlemania was based on a mini-fued that should've never been done during a major fued for the WWE Championship and people cared for the mini-fued and a man's interference in a match.
The worst by far would have to be the WrestleMania 16 Main Event with HHH/Rock/Foley/Big Show due to the lack of a good build-up and just horrible performances in the ring, at least the WrestleManian 25 event had a good build up to get the fans to pay, WrestleMania 16 was pretty much a snooze fest except for the Triangle Ladder Match that took place, and that ones was topped be the next years in my opinion
WM11, LT vs Bam Bam -You have a football player that looked like he was hardly trained before the event and a guy that shouldn't be near the main event of RAW let alone fucking Wrestlemania. No wonder WM 11 bombed. What in the blue hell were they thinking.

WM9, Yoko vs Bret -Yokozuna is the size of a sumo wrestler. Bret Hart couldn't do anything entertaining to him because he was so god damn big. Yoko should've never been let to step inside a WWE ring. Hart couldn't put the sharpshooter on him and then Hogan winning the title AGAIN at the the end(ofcourse the WWE couldn't go 10 minutes without having Hulk as Champion) was the worst part of a truly shit Mania.
LOL at people complaining about main events being predictable. In that case, every Hogan main event (besides WM6) should be on that list. I don't get why people are saying the Fatal 4 Way sucked. IMO, that is one of the most underrated matches in Wrestlemania history. The action was non-stop. I think if the Rock would have won that match, it would not get so much hate as it does nowadays. It was essentially a triple threat match as Big Show was eliminated in the first 5 minutes or so.

The worst Wrestlemania main event is Bam Bam vs LT. That was a weak card in general but Diesel/HBK should have ended that show. Imagine if Big Show and Mayweather closed the show at WM24? And I don't know if it's just me but Hogan/Warrior is one of the sloppiest matches I've ever seen. The build up was great and the match on paper is one of the best of all time, but the actual match itself was horrible. Shouldn't come as a surprise seeing how Warrior is one of the worst in-ring workers ever.
The worst by far would have to be the WrestleMania 16 Main Event with HHH/Rock/Foley/Big Show due to the lack of a good build-up and just horrible performances in the ring, at least the WrestleManian 25 event had a good build up to get the fans to pay, WrestleMania 16 was pretty much a snooze fest except for the Triangle Ladder Match that took place, and that ones was topped be the next years in my opinion

I'm sorry but no build up? What the hell you smoking? This had build up. It combined the HHH/Foley feud with the outcome of the Royal Rumble. It started at the Royal Rumble where there was no clear winner, leading then to establish the true number one contender. Only for The Rock to be screwed but then put back into it by Vince. Shane helps Big Show, so explains his role. Stephanie was in the corner of all HHH's match and Vince was the one who put The Rock back in, so explains his role. As for Foley, yes it was the only one that was thrown in but it made sense Linda wanting her view on this, who she believed should be champion and went for the one man HHH thought he seen the back off. It was perfect build up.

This build up actually used No Way Out to build from the Royal Rumble towards Wrestlemania, whereas now Elimination Chamber basically creates a reset button.
I remember watching the WM25 main event and saying to myself, the crowd just wasn't into it! HHH did his spine-buster to Orton and when got up and yelled and flexed like he always does, and you can actually hear him yelling clearly! the crowd was just not into it. It should have been a great match, but it was a big letdown. It had such a great back-story, such a shame...
The worst Wrestlemania main event was from Wrestlemania 11. The match featured Lawrence Taylor (a football player who was not even a part of WWE) defeating Bam Bam Bigelow, a guy who sucked. Seriously, how did THAT go on last instead of Michaels VS Diesel? Nothing else even comes close because neither guy deserved to be in the upper half of the card, let alone the final match.
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