With a new WWE logo confirmed, are we guarenteed a new WWE Championship Design?


The Icon
I'm looking at my replica of the WWE Title, and I can't picture in any way, shape, or form that new logo sitting in the middle of the spinner belt (I know it doesn't spin but that's beside the point). So will there be a new title design, or are they just going to put that logo in the middle of the belt?

I personally would like a new title since they're changing logo's, that would just look hideous with that new logo in the middle. What should the new title look like? I prefer the eagle type look from any of the previous titles, or even like the TNA title

What do the peeps of WrestleZone think?
When was the the new logo confirmed?

Not too long ago. Somewhere within the beginings of August and very ends of July, there is a thread about it in the forums aswell

Anyway, I believe that there is going to be a new belt. I doubt that the WWE will want to keep the belt they have now considering its logo. Hopefully, the new belt looks good. But, I don't see how the new logo could fit in to a belt, the new logo looks really ugly.
Well, considering how much a part of the belt that the current logo is, I think it's safe to say it'll be redesigned. Cena himself has said he thinks the spinner design is outdated (I never liked it myself, it's a World Championship Belt, not a fucking hubcap.)

As far as what it would look like? I dunno. I think the new logo looks absolutely awful, and when I see it, I think of a gender confused version of the WE television network. I think we'll end up with either a classic-style redesign with the logo a less-involved part of the artwork than it is currently, or, may God have mercy on our souls, I can see them making some wretched abortion of a belt featuring merely the new logo in gold with no back plate and a thin strap designed to make the logo pop out off the belt more.
Theyy'll probly put in the new logo in first and then change the belt. The belt will probly start out with them just adding in the new logo and taking out the old one.Probly after a few weeks they'll bring in the new belt. Who knows though they could do both the new logo and the new belt all in the same week. The new title is probly gonna look like a classic i'd rather go with the winged eagle belt. It would make sense since they are trying to be more like the 80's WWE.
honkey tonk mans website says that there is def a new logo and has the same pics of it another poster put on here a few days ago so take it for what its worth i guess. i seriously hope they get a new belt the current one is so ugly it doesnt even look credible imo. i dont much care for the new logo design. it looks like an attempt at usin the old WWF design with a serious gay flair to it all its missin is rainbow colors . thats just my opinion. looks like more womens entertainment. as far as a new design i wish theyd go back to a more traditional style of the belt.
hopefully it will be re-designed into something as cool as the undisputed title, it looked good and looked fine on any wrestler that had it , but the current title , im not such a big fan of it, it kinda looks too huge and spacious i mean did u see it around the waist of sheamus or when Cena wears it the same way it just looks and screams that there's something wrong with the design thats why i prefer wrestlers hold it up on their shoulder like when say Orton does it and Sheamus does it sometimes too

what im basically saying is that WWE might wanna think it through this time as to how the belt would look on any wrestler they feel might end up with it , i mean if it looks good and then just sucks when their stars or champs just look plain ugly while holding it that would just piss everybody off so they need to design it in a lot of ways and not just the way it looks.
Does The Honky Tonk man still work for WWE? His site seems to be the only place that confims the logo. I can't really see a reason why they would change it, the current one looks great and then they would have to change nearly everything (TONS of merch, ring aprons, commentator box stuff, that logo statue, etc...). It would just seem like a lot of work to change to a cheesy logo. If WWE really was changing it, they'd make sure it'd blow your socks off, not something that everyone who sees it hates.
Yes, a new design would be the better option here...

The new logo would look horrible on the current design..and therefore a new title must be created...

I would like to see an eagle again, remind us of the old days say 90's!!

Aso for the new logo, I can't say i'm a fan of it!! looks like a gay version of the 80's logo...
well im nt sure how 'official' any of this is seeing as it hasnt been released by vince or any of the wwe. i mean 'honky tonk man' isnt exactly a credible source.... lol.

i, for one, think this logo is made-up. and for that matter a horrible job, made to look like something they might use. if it was a very impressive logo then half the iwc would shit themselves @ how great it was& the other half would instantly dismiss it as fake. so if its fake, they tried way too hard to make it look like a throwback 'pg' logo. mediocre & generic.

it could very well be a mock up design wwe came up with & this is another way vince is 'testing' response from the fans. if it dosent go well, they might 'leak' another in the coming weeks. if they go with this logo then im gonna be sick. i kno it dosent affect the show or mathces, but it is kinda off-putting to have that in the corner of my screen or plastered on a belt& merchandise.

i agree the belt needs a redesign & maybe a new logo but i hope its nt the one being currently passed around the net. there is a certian place in all our hearts for different belt designs, each for different reasons. wwf title, undisputed title, world title- etc... but none since the 'spinner\non spinner' design has the belt garnered so much hatred or disgust from fans. bring some fucking dignity back to the title. some class& sense of history- not some god-awful clunky piece of gold and jewels that looks like a fake ass rapper's necklace.
This rumored new logo is all speculation and has not been confirmed. If anything it not being on RAW this past week makes me question it's legitimacy. I for one, am all for a new logo. The WWE should have a logo that represents the product they put on today. The ever outdated scratch logo does not do that. It's a terribly outdated logo that is synonymous with the Attitude Era and the post era where the rating was at TV-14. Change the damn logo to match today's product please.

Now if this eventually gets proven true, which I think this is all one big hoax personally. However I will now say that if this event is legit and WWE does change their logo then the WWE title will receive a badly needed makeover finally. The spinner belt design is beyond outdated, John Cena is not the rapper character anymore and multiple wrestlers have held the belt under that ludicrous design. The WWE championship needs a new design regardless if the logo changes or not. However if the logo does change then the company will have no choice but to redesign their top championship belt's design. Which is why I am hoping this will reign true because both of the above subjects are terribly outdated and in major need of a change in appearance.
I personally like the belt the way it is. its flashy and "up to the times". i even like the logo itself. i hope what we saw a few days ago on WZ is not the new logo, ugh. but to answer the question, yes. if you change the company logo, you would think common sense would say change the way the belt is considering it will have the old logo. honestly i fthey don't it will look like a joke! no wto kindo piggy back off of what this thread is about, do you think there is a superstar today that deserves and can pull off his "own" championship belt, ala smoking skull, spinning logo, etc?

i think edge could, do simply to the fact of his "rated r" symbol and the fact that it is pretty recognizable. Maybe CM Punk could turn it to a "straight edge" championship belt as well.
Go easy on me guys, as I am new to this.

Until I see the "new logo" I am just taking it as speculation. I agree that the current logo is too much "attitude" era, and the spinner belt; well never have been a big fan--it just seems to gimmicky. If they are going to redisign it and take it back to the classic look, why not just use the classic style logo tey use on all of their legends products? Just use the WW and below it they could put plain and simple Entertainment. We all know it's not the "federation" anymore, as they drilled that into our heads years ago with that marketing campaign of "get the F out".

And as with the belt, since they are PG and cater to the whole family demographic; and are pretty much going back to the way things were in the 80's, bring back the winged eagle belt but under a new design. And while they are at it bring prestige back to the belt, like in the 80's when the belt meant something and quit passing it around like a hot potato. Have the title holder hold it for longer that few weeks or a couple of months. Give it to someone who really deserves, not just to get them over with the crowd.
I'm hoping that they do change the belt, but id rather them keep it if they try and bring in a platinum one like the divas title or the ECW title. They're both hideous.
I don't see why we need to change the championship belts just because the logo might be changing (Notice - Might!). It might not fit into the championship belt, but it doesn't mean that they cannot make it work with the current look there is.

I don't get the hate for the current look, nor do I get why people think we need to change it, just because the past had them changing occasionally. The 80's belt stuck around for years after all, so why would we need to change this one now because it has been around for a while?
Since its the 80s again I hope WWE goes with an updated Eagle version of the WWE championship.Ask Michael Cole its "vintage".
I don't see why we need to change the championship belts just because the logo might be changing (Notice - Might!). It might not fit into the championship belt, but it doesn't mean that they cannot make it work with the current look there is.

I don't get the hate for the current look, nor do I get why people think we need to change it, just because the past had them changing occasionally. The 80's belt stuck around for years after all, so why would we need to change this one now because it has been around for a while?

You make a fair point, but thats assuming that the reason people don't like it is that it's old.

My issue is that it was Cena's custom belt, like his US Title spinner belt. Sure, they've stopped the centre of the world title spinning, but its the same belt. I personally don't want them to change it because its been there for a while, but its more than done its purpose. As soon as Cena lost it they should have switched to either the old Undisputed Title design from when he first won it, or brought a new one in. Just my opinion.

But we shall see. Theres any number of things the WWE might do. It might even take them a while to change the logo on the belt. They had the WCW Cruiserweight title for a while after the Invasion and called it the WWF Cruiserweight title, and it took a while for them to get a new belt. Oops.
I'm hoping for a new design for the title. To be honest, I wouldn't mind seeing a new design for all the WWE titles. Well, maybe not the World Heavyweight Championship because I love that classic design. But, as for the WWE Championship, it's time for a change in my opinion. The spinner belt with all the bling and this and that just seems dated now.
I sure hope so. 1998 was the worst year in the history of championship belts. I was so disappointed when the winged eagle wwf title belt and the classic intercontinental title belt were retired. I will say that John Cena is the worst thing to happen to championship belts ever. We went from championship belts to something you would see rapper wear. Yes I know Cena's gimmick at the time was a rapper but that has come and gone. I hope WWE completely overhauls the belts. The only on i personally like the world heayweight championship because it represents tradition.
I absolutely fucking hope to death they don't change the logo....to THAT one especially. But if they do, they don't really need a new design for the belts anyway, but it's best that they do. The WWE championship would look like shit with that rumored logo design so they'd need to redesign the belt i assume.
You make a fair point, but thats assuming that the reason people don't like it is that it's old.

My issue is that it was Cena's custom belt, like his US Title spinner belt. Sure, they've stopped the centre of the world title spinning, but its the same belt. I personally don't want them to change it because its been there for a while, but its more than done its purpose. As soon as Cena lost it they should have switched to either the old Undisputed Title design from when he first won it, or brought a new one in. Just my opinion.

But we shall see. Theres any number of things the WWE might do. It might even take them a while to change the logo on the belt. They had the WCW Cruiserweight title for a while after the Invasion and called it the WWF Cruiserweight title, and it took a while for them to get a new belt. Oops.

That might very well be true. It is a belt that revolves around John Cena, however they have changed it away from the spinner. And the look really isn't that bad in the end. It still looks good, and it still works very well. The UniteD States spinner belt however did not work at all, it was definitely one of the ugliest belts ever designed.

But the WWE championship still has a thing going for it. It still has a kind of good look, it still works and there's possibly still people that think it looks good. Like me obviously.
If they are in fact changing the logo, they pretty much have to change the belt because of how big the logo on the belt is. The new possible new logo isn't so great looking, but the W's kind of resemble the old style WWF lettering. Usually when they change the belt, it is due to a big title win. Stone Cold winning (starting Attitude Era) and Cena winning, so I wonder if another big title change or if Shameaus is going to have a lengthy run.
Cena himself said the current WWE championship is dated so Id take that as there's going to be a new disigned belt,and by the looks of that logo they're tryibg to go back to the 80s so I am expecting a revamped winged eagle design.Could be wrong but if that's the new logo Im expecting a retro look to all the titles.Wonder if they put the Intercontinental title on a white strap?lol
I hope they bring back the old IC bekt with the white strap. I once read a comment that it looks like that belt came down from heaven. Also, if even Cena says the belt is out dated, than there is no way to keep it. Again, this is only if they are really changing the logo though.
I for one like the new logo. It bothered me when they switched from WWF to WWE that they didn't just stick a little line at the bottom of the attitude era logo to make it WWE instead of just WW. So really, this new design incorporates both. I'm just wondering if we're going to see ALL of the belts get redesigned. Personally, I really think only the Womens and WWE titles need redesigning. All the others are unique (I especially like that the US comes to a point at the bottom, that's not very common).

Also, has it occurred to anyone that they'll probably just bring out the new belts and Night of Champions?
I for one like the new logo. It bothered me when they switched from WWF to WWE that they didn't just stick a little line at the bottom of the attitude era logo to make it WWE instead of just WW. So really, this new design incorporates both. I'm just wondering if we're going to see ALL of the belts get redesigned. Personally, I really think only the Womens and WWE titles need redesigning. All the others are unique (I especially like that the US comes to a point at the bottom, that's not very common).

Also, has it occurred to anyone that they'll probably just bring out the new belts and Night of Champions?

just my speculation but i think on raw when r truth was cutting his promo he kept screawming "WE" need to do this and "WE" need to do that. just maybe a hint at them changing or just looking too much into it.

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