Will... I need your Help...

Yeah, now it's pretty much just a "Talk About Random Shit" thread.

So how about that random shit? Pretty random, eh?
...Reckon we can get Will to tell Wes off?

Its not as if I told Justin off for a show. Again for purpose sake the guy is not bad. But I understand why hes been a dick lately, and I'm sorry if that offends him, but the fact is its NO ONE'S FAULT because of what happened that turned him that way.

I'm deeply sorry, I honestly am, but I'm not gonna let anyone talk shit on or about me, without telling them off. If I deserve banned for flaming then so be it, I know its against the rules.. but like I said, sometimes things need to be dealt with.. and by the looks of it, I think what I did has already been justified by the majority of the group's eyes.

Justin, like me, dislike me, hate me, do whatever you want. Mouth off to me again, and I'll bitch back just the same. Please, go deal with your problems, and if you need to talk to anyone and ask them to listen, then I'd still like to be considered a friend.. just don't fucking come off like a dick and expect me to let it happen any longer, just because you think you're the only guy in the world who goes through that sorta shit.

Its a pass that you get, but not forever. One final time, I'm deeply, greatly and emotionally sorry for everything you're dealing with and going through. But its not our fault. So quit taking it out on everyone on the forum, otherwise you're gonna end up losing friends left and right.
Jonny's going to be very mad when he sees the state of his thread.

*Ducks and shivers in cowardice*

(Also, gathering from the majority of actual answers he's gotten in this thread from people who may or may not have been Will, I'd say that people believe that 'It's better to seek and explore new areas (this new girl in JB's life) than to stop yourself due to a feeling you are confused about (his ex-girlfriend) and never know what truly would be good for you.')
That's where we're different. I'm a Stone Cold bastard. It seems when I do random stuff people take it like it's towards them. I made Sam's thread as a mock of the closed thread the other mods were posting in a Meilichia red repped me with "fuck you."

Then again, Sly's always right. 'Cos he's a real American.
What the fuck did I do?
I personally don't see what the problem is. Wes and Sly get a lot worse than what I give them.
You do realize that "Corporate Sly" was inspired by the two of you, correct?

I liked the idea, and so I did it, but you two were the reason I thought of it. It wasn't to mock you really, you were just the inspiration.

I'll let you figure out the implications for yourself.

Same here, Sam
I havent even posted anything towards Sly or Wes
Oh, how quickly you forget.

Then again, Sly's always right. 'Cos he's a real American.
Damn straight.
The adults are fighting...this makes Spiral very scared.

All I have to protect me are my two best friends: my Ernie teddy (who likes to be called Phyllis) and my blankie, who goes by the name of Mavis.

C-can't we all j-just get along? For the good of the nation?

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