Will Edge be a more decorated champion than HHH?

What the WWE has inadvertently managed to do is to make Edge only able to shine in the championship picture.

Excluding Hell in a Cell at Summerslam, Edge has not been in a non-championship match on pay-per-view since Wrestlemania 23!!! Yup, that's 17 of his last 18 pay-per-view matches. Also, Edge not being in a title feud would draw less money for the WWE, and they know it.

Therefore, I am pretty sure that not only will Edge surpass Triple H, but blow him out of the water. WWE, for the time being, cannot afford to have their money-maker Edge not in the main-event. WWE went so far as to make Edge lose the WWE Championship and win the World Heavyweight Championship on the same night, just to keep him main-eventing Wrestlemania.

Will Edge ever have a long reign?? Maybe if he turned face, but as a heel, I highly doubt it. He will lose it, and then quickly win it back again for the next six months, until they find a non-title rivalry for him after Summerslam '09. After that, it's only a matter of time before the Rated-R Superstar wins gold again.
Right now I would have to say no, based on the way that Edge's title reigns have gone. Seriously, take a look at all of them.

First title reign- MITB after the EC (3 Weeks)
Second- Triple Threat, he actually won that somewhat fairly. (2 months)
Third- MITB on Undertaker. (2 months)
Fourth- Triple Threat with the whole switch-a-roo with Hawkins & Ryder. (4 months)
Fifth- TLC with 4 people interfering on his behalf. (About a month)
Sixth- Survivor Series with the last minute arrival. (3 weeks)
Seventh- Royal Rumble with Matt helping him. (3 weeks)
Eighth- EC taking out Kofi. (?)

So to me, even though he is considered "The Ultimate Opportunist" he hasn't had a title reign last longer than four months. His title reigns add up to less than a year. Whether it remains to be seen what happens in the future, we'll have to wait and see. But right now I'd have to say Triple H would be.

Agreed, having lotsa titles
To paraphrase RVD
"Dude you've won 7 World Titles, that just means you've lost 8 times"

All his title runs, much like Undertakers are really short in the scheme of things

But saying that, thats how the titles runs are this generation, nothing lasts for long as people get bored

For me Edge will be remembered as a TLC guy and one pasrt of the Hardy's vs Edge and Chrisitan Vs The Dudleys that stole the show for a few yrs, who went onto main event status, and is a damn good wrestler,
not as an multi-time World Champ.

Oh and the monkior the Ultimate Opportunist.

Triple H has still more title runs in store you just wait and see, he's far from retired and IMO is always in Main Event league. He'l atleas past Ric Flair or equal it only 3 more to go. With the way titles are thrown around that will be less than a yr LOL

The biggest difference is Triple H didn't get stuck in the Tag scene and the 2nd tier title scene for long. Had he been on that level longer he no doubt would've acquired more IC Titles or Eruo Titles etc.

Edge had alot more time to garner Tag Titles, IC Titles b4 he weas even considered for World Champ.
Did you know Edge is currently the one superstar who holds the most combined title reigns (hardcore 24/7 & kotr excluded) in the WWE, I think he has 26 reigns to his name, so he has cemented his place in history already!

I was just about to post that exact same info phoenix but I think you're off by two. I heard that right before the royal rumble so that would put his count at 28. excluding the hardcore chmpionship

Bottom line is Edge will go down as the most decorated person in WWE history wether we like it or not but in my opinion HHH will always be considered the better champion! Edges titles come with his gimmick and all of HHH's titles came off of shear talent.. HHH will always be ranked #1 and edge mightnot even make the all time greats list.
First the question: Yes he will be more Decorated because the 12 times with the tag titles will really help his numbers. He will finish one wwe/world championship behind triple H but the tag titles push him over the top.

You simply can't count the Tag titles, not when they mean so little.
Sure, the WWE will try to pass them off as important, and sure Edge help them at a time when they were important, but really if the tag title devaluing keeps going the way it does, the tag team titles won't mean anything by the time Edge retires, it'll be all about the World titles and he won't be remembered as a 12 time tag champion.
In which case HHH will win.
I would have to say no. I think Edge is destined for te HOF in the future and he is one of the most talented performers of this era and I have nothing but respect for him...but I don't think WWE will allow him to surpass HHH in this catagory. I know everyone says that Trips is where he is because he is married to the boss' daughter. I can agree to an extent that he does get some special treatment from this but if you really think about his career you have to recognize his true talent. Trips paid his dues when he was the blueblood from CT and when he was 2nd to HBK in DX. He is a truly gifted wrestler who loves the business. He earned his spot and has kept it partly because of his dedication and partly because he is married to Steph. I just can't see Edge winning more world titles than HHH. I can see HHH winning more than Naitch though. Im being a little repetitive now so Ill stop babbling but thats my honest opinion. 2 great wrestlers of the last 10 yrs and regardless of who wins more titles in the end they are both going to the HOF someday.
Edge will probably not win as many titles as Triple H, in my opinion. Yes he was won 8 in three years, and 3 in 4 months, but it unlikely that he will continue doing so. It is true that Edge has caught up with Triple H's number relatively quickly, but the reason for that is quite self evident.

Edge has won both titles to get his figure, whilst HHH was winning titles in the days when there was only one. However, now there are two titles, and HHH is clear of the injuries he had whilst Edge was winning his first few titles and with them seemingly being back on different brands, I expect that their numbers will increase again at a similar rate.

If we assume this to be the case, Edge will be about 5 titles behind HHH when he retires, which we will assume will be 4 years before Edge, given their age difference. Edge will have to win 5 titles in 4 years, which doesn't seem like much, but it is.

The reason the title is changing hands s much now is that we are in a transitional period where the main eventers are changing. People like Punk and Hardy are winning titles to see if they can handle it before dropping them back to experienced hands like Edge and HHH.

This is a historical fact:

For WWE heavweight titles.

Remember that a long reign now is shorter than a long reign in the late 80s early 90s.

Average Reign 1988 - 1990: 343 days
Average reign 1991/2: 95 days - This is a transition period
Average reign 1993-96 - 154 days (without Yokozuna and Bob Backlund, this is 198)
Average reign 1997-2002: 59 days - (transitional period)
Average reign 2003-07: 122 days
Average reign 2008-9: 53 days

This would suggest we are in a transition period right now. Triple H's career has spanned 2 of these periods, which is why he has so many reigns. As each period is between 3 and 5 years long, it seems unlikely that either Triple H or Edge will see another. Edge will have a couple of long reigns after HHH retires, but he ultimately will not beat him in the end.
i don't think he'll get more titles than HHH, simply because HHH wants to go down in history as the man with the most title reigns. and buford, he didn't win that triple threat for the 2nd title fairly, he used a chair. But the way he wins titles is perfect for his character. I HATE watching him on tv, but that just show he's doing his job right. But to answer the main question, no, i do not think he will be a more decorated WORLD champion than HHH, however he's more decorated when it comes to the other titles. All he needs now is a RR win.
To answer the question, Edge will not have more title reigns than Triple H. Triple H will go down in history as the best and most decorated champion in WWE. Cena might change that later on down the road but looking at things right now, Triple H hands down goes down in history as the most decorated. One thing I'm confused about though is why nobody has mentioned Kurt Angle. (Sorry if someone has, I didn't read all the posts.) Isn't he like a 12 time champion himself? Or are we only counting championships in WWE? Cuz Flair won his championships through the course of his career which means you're adding all championships won in every company he's been in. So why isn't Kurt Angle considered as a possibility to beating Flair's record first?

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