Will Christian Finally Win?

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Dark Match Winner
after last nights smackdown i believe that vince is actually starting to have some confidence in christian that he can hold his ground. Think about it. Christian has been in the last 3 paperviews for the world heavy weight title, one it once and didnt win it twice. But yet again hes getting a rematch. IMO Chrisitan has AMAZING swagger and Mic skills. He gets the crowd really hating him and he is starting to be the top heel of the WWE all together IMO. They are even saying that every smackdown and ppv his t-shirts are selling out and there are more and more signs saying Still a Peep. So my questions are this.

1. Do you think Christian has the potential to be a top card like Randy Orton

2. Do you think Chrisitan will finally win the title?

3. Will the title match be at the Money In The Bank PPV? (ill be there so crosses fingers)

4. Do you think Vince is starting to have confidence in Christian.

5. And do you think if Christian wins it he will keep it and not loose it to Randy Orton the next smackdown. (He said when he beats him he will glady defend the title again 5 days later, "well 2 days later haha".)

I still and will always be a peep and a fan of christian. I think what he is doing now is a HUGE boost for him and once his heel turn is over with he will be even more popular as a face.
To be honest with you, it makes no difference what we think of Christian and how much we want him to become champion. The fact of the matter is, that guy will in no way ever become champion again. When he won the title a few months back, he only won it because...

WZ Main website said:
Additionally, we were told that Christian's title win at Extreme Rules was done not so much as a "well deserved win for Christian," but much more so that a big moment could be made for Edge at the PPV. "Vince [McMahon] could smell, touch and taste a moment between Edge and Christian celebrating on PPV, and that's the major reason why Christian was awarded the title." This dispels any conspiracy theories that Christian was awarded the title to keep it on Smackdown, as we were told it would have been very easy for WWE to throw a third party into the Extreme Rules match which would have kept the title off Christian and still on Smackdown.

Randy Orton won the title the Friday after simply because he was meant to take the roll of Cena but in the Blue brand. As for Christian, well, he just got a lucky break that Edge left.

As far as your theory that Vince is "starting" to see something in him goes, I'd have to say that's nothing more than a false assumption. Right now, Randy and Christian are still in the process of their feud; so it's only logical that Christian would still be in the main event with Orton. Don't be surprised if Orton still retains the title once everything is said and done. Besides, if it is true that Del Rio is going back to Smackdown, then it's only logical that the WWE would want to have the main event scene be Del Rio vs. Orton. Del Rio a rising star--against a veteran champion Orton--that just screams "money" in the eyes of Vince. At least, more so than Christian vs. Del Rio would.

It sucks for him; it really does. But when you have a company where the boss along with everyone but one person does not trust him to carry the weight of a brand on his shoulders, then obviously his chances of being champion and doing so are all but possible.
1. Do you think Christian has the potential to be a top card like Randy Orton?

No. Christian is and always will be much better than Randy...but he'll never be viewed as a true World Champion by WWE, sadly... it's been well documented that they don't want him holding the belt.

2. Do you think Chrisitan will finally win the title?

He has already. Sure, it was a huge spit in the face when he lost it 5 days later bu- oh, you mean again? Highly doubt it but I would love for it to happen.

4. Do you think Vince is starting to have confidence in Christian?

um, no. He's in the title picture simply because there's no one else on Smack Down who can challenge for the title at the moment.

5. And do you think if Christian wins it he will keep it and not loose it to Randy Orton the next smackdown. (He said when he beats him he will glady defend the title again 5 days later, "well 2 days later haha".)

Nah. I mean I guess he'll hold it for maybe a month if he's lucky but I doubt it.

I still and will always be a peep and a fan of christian. I think what he is doing now is a HUGE boost for him and once his heel turn is over with he will be even more popular as a face.
He still gets huge pops, man. It's pretty much required for him to open the night on the mic and insult the city.
1. Do you think Christian has the potential to be a top card like Randy Orton

I mean he is already top of the card is he not? There is nobody on Smackdown right now so Christian automatically is at the top. Now the second part, the "like Randy Orton" part. Well here is the thing about that. Randy Orton in the eyes of the WWE is a GOD! In reality Randy Orton is a egotistical man with sub-par mic skills and slightly above average in ring ability. He isn't as over as the WWE thinks. So to answer the question, I think Christian is already at the level of Randy Orton, I just don't think the WWE will ever feel like he is. Christian and Randy in reality are above average superstars on a below average show.

2. Do you think Christian will finally win the title?

Umm...depends on if Randy Orton feels like dropping the title to him...so i highly doubt it. If he does it won't be a clean win and most likely will just set it up so Randy Orton could have a bigger win. Remember the more times Randy loses the title, the more times he can WIN the title. Only reason why Randy might lose.

3. Will the title match be at the Money In The Bank PPV? (ill be there so crosses fingers)

Yes there will be.

4. Do you think Vince is starting to have confidence in Christian.

No I don't think so. I think Vince really just has given up on Smackdown and decided to turn it into Friday Night Orton. The whole concept of the show is for Randy Orton to act like he is a big draw...and if we are lucky we see someone botch a move and then the REAL Randy Orton comes out...and he gets PISSED!

5. And do you think if Christian wins it he will keep it and not loose it to Randy Orton the next smackdown. (He said when he beats him he will glady defend the title again 5 days later, "well 2 days later haha".)

He would defend it on Smackdown...because recently they have been having WHC matches all the time on Smackdown. Even if the announcers say "We rarely see a WHC match on Smackdown". If Christian did have the title for that Smackdown, I highly doubt he would lose it though...at least not till SummerSlam so Randy could have this big moment of winning the title at SumemrSlam.
1. Do you think Christian has the potential to be a top card like Randy Orton

Christian HAS the potential, but that doesn't matter because he'll never be a top card draw like Randy Orton according to the WWE and the responses he gets.

2. Do you think Christian will finally win the title?

He already won the title. He's never gonna win it again and quite frankly, I just wish they'd end this feud already. We've already seen these two in enough matches and the outcome is always the same. It's getting repetitive.

3. Will the title match be at the Money In The Bank PPV? (ill be there so crosses fingers)


4. Do you think Vince is starting to have confidence in Christian.

Nope. I doubt Vince will ever have confidence in Christian as a World Champion or a top draw. With fan bias aside, take a look at Christian. He has the mic skills and all the in-ring wrestling skills, but his appearance doesn't necessarily reflect that of a World Champion. I think it's his tights.

5. And do you think if Christian wins it he will keep it and not loose it to Randy Orton the next smackdown. (He said when he beats him he will glady defend the title again 5 days later, "well 2 days later haha".)

I don't think Christian will win it again, therefore none of that "I'll defend it five days later" jargon will happen.
I will answer your question like this

1-Yes he has the potential to be even bigger than RKO but since Vince is seeign Cena 2.0 in RKO I doubt Christian will be given the chance to be

2-I sure as hell hope he wins it because Christian is screaming world chapion when you look at him.But it seems Randy doesn't want to drop the title to him.


4-Altough Christian got the biggest heat this friday(probably the biggest in the WWE this week) I doubt Vince is starting to have confidence in him simply because in his eyes Christian isn't a big money maker like Randy Orton(Cena 2.0)

5-If he wins it I repeat if he wins it he will probably hold it until the next PPV
I actually think Christian might eventually get the title at last with at least a month reign. I mean, yeah, it's well known that Vince for some reason doesn't believe in Christian as a top draw but if he really doesn't want him close to the title, why would he keep putting him in championship matches against Orton? He asked for one more match. He could have lost to Orton clean without any foot under the rope controversy and gotten out of the way without giving Sheamus some rest time. I think Money in the Bank can hopefully be the moment in the end. In addition to the CM Punk vs Cena match being a big deal.
1. Do you think Christian has the potential to be a top card like Randy Orton?

Yes Christian has the potential to be the best anywhere he goes look at TNA you put him in the ring with the best TNA had and he hung with them just like he has in the WWE. He was the only thing that kept ECW afloat when ECW was dying. At over the limit he had probibly the best match of the year besides for HHH and Taker at mainia.

2. Do you think Christian will finally win the title?

Yes one day I think he will win the title but he will be a transition champion. If Randy Oroton were to become injured I believe Christian would be the guy to hold the belt on Smackdown until they can elavate someone else to become a chapion because as Sheamus was a champion I think that he lost alot of his power during his "fued" with Santino I just cant view him the same.

3. Will the title match be at the Money In The Bank PPV?


4. Do you think Vince is starting to have confidence in Christian?

Yes and no Vince has allowed him to continue in his fued with Orton and did not just shove him to the crub Vince doesnt believe in Christian as the face of Smackdown but probibly believes in him as a competitor

5. And do you think if Christian wins it he will keep it and not loose it to Randy Orton the next smackdown.

Yes but he will only have it for 1 to 4 months and 4 is pushing it he was and probibly will be a transition champion
1. Do you think Christian has the potential to be a top card like Randy Orton
Absolutely. Christian is by far the better talent than Randy Orton, in terms of mic skills and in-ring ability. But for whatever reason, Christian can't seem to shake the look of midcarder and that is how Vince will see him for a long while. I dunno, I hope that isn't the case and Vince does start to have a bit more confidence in Christian as a maineventer.

2. Do you think Chrisitan will finally win the title?
If Christain was to win it again, I could see it going down at Money in the Bank. But how I see it happening is Sheamus winning the MITB match and coming down during the WC match, hitting Christain with the briefcase and getting Randy DQ'd, rewarding Christain the match and title, then Sheamus cashes his briefcase in immediately, hits Christain with his finisher to win the belt. Although this will give Christain more room to work with on his heel character and may even put Sheamus over as a face for taking out the biggest heal on Smackdown. But then again, what do I know..

3. Will the title match be at the Money In The Bank PPV? (ill be there so crosses fingers)
Yeah, I think it would have to be. In addition to my previous answer, I would hate to see Christain vs Orton again as SummerSlam, I'm not really looking forward to their MITB match to be honest.

4. Do you think Vince is starting to have confidence in Christian.
Christain is definitely over as the biggest heal on Smackdown. He still gets a huge reaction from the crowd no matter what he does. I can see Vince keeping Christain as a top level heel, but as champion, not likely.

5. And do you think if Christian wins it he will keep it and not loose it to Randy Orton the next smackdown. (He said when he beats him he will glady defend the title again 5 days later, "well 2 days later haha".) If he does win it, I can see him losing it seconds after to Sheamus. It seems WWE have a lot of faith in Sheamus and can see them giving him the belt soon. It will likely be at MITB.

Just my humble opinion :)
1. Do you think Christian has the potential to be a top card like Randy Orton- No he will never be as big of a star as Randy Orton, but he can be a solid main eventer.

2. Do you think Chrisitan will finally win the title?- He has a better chance then ever, with the stipulation.

3. Will the title match be at the Money In The Bank PPV? (ill be there so crosses fingers)- Yeah... oh lol just realized you made this a few weeks ago.

4. Do you think Vince is starting to have confidence in Christian.- No, but he is over, and he is a good talent, he is probably (besides Orton) the only guy to take seriously Main Eventing, as of now.

5. And do you think if Christian wins it he will keep it and not loose it to Randy Orton the next smackdown. (He said when he beats him he will glady defend the title again 5 days later, "well 2 days later haha".)- I know you might not like this answer, because its obvious you are a Christian fan, but I can see him losing it quickly again, because of the if there is Bad Officiating stipulation, it just screams screwy finish, and then I think Randy will get his rematch maybe at Summerslam, and win the title back.
If Orton and Christians Match is After the Smackdown MITB ladder match I see christian winning only to have the MITB winner come in and Beat Christian for the title. It would leave people talking and the IWC pissed off once again because his title reign would be as short as Zigglers was back in January.
The storyline would not make a lot of sense if Christian does not win on Sunday. There is no point in making him lose four times to a guy if you don't intend to make him win even a single time. It just makes Orton look like a dominant beast and Christian like a weakling if that happens. I'd be hardpressed to find a single occasion where Orton has lost since coming to Smackdown. The best way to get the crowd behind a babyface is to generate some sympathy for the babyface. There hasn't been anything done to Orton to evoke sympathy from the fans. He hasn't even been like Cena, who at least gets beaten down by the heel before the PPV. Looks like Super Orton is much more powerful and by extension much more annoying and boring than Super Cena will ever be.

Coming to this match, the stipulations are a bit loaded in the favor of the heel and that might evoke some sympathy for the face. However, has there been anything done to make you believe that Orton would lose. He has talked about beating Christian anytime, anyplace and anywhere and not only has he done that he has also done that to all his other opponents too. If Orton wins the match on Sunday, it would just be an example of poor and shoddy storytelling.

Now let us see what happens if Orton loses this Sunday. His confidence, or arrogance at this point will take a hit. The fans will be shocked by the result as they did not believe for a second that Orton would lose. Christian would take a lot of confidence from this and will start to believe that his annoying tactics have worked which might lead to more such stuff from him. The new slightly low on confidence Orton will react differently to Christian's tactics and that would be interesting to see. It would make for a better storyline.
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