Why does everyone hate on Pac??


King Of The Wasteland
So Sean Waltman/123 Kid/X-Pac/Syxx-Pac/6-Pac seems to be hated on quite a bit having rejoined with TNA. My question is why, he may not be 'young' ( but he looks in great shape which means he can probably still go in the ring. He could be a valuable asset to the midcard or X-Division putting on good matches with the talent and possibly putting them over. Scott Hall is old, overweight and looks like he can't do much but X-Pac looks like he can So why the hate???
I have always been a fan of Pac in the ring. When it came to out of the ring that's another story. I am not one to read everything and be into their personal lives but the guy has messed up more than pretyt much anyone else in the buisness. So for him to come to TNA probably has people worried that not is but when he could screw up and that it in turn would make TNA look bad as well.
the thing is ten years ago... yeah.... now-a-days... not so much. he doesnt have any mic skills, nothing really i remember beisides a face buster and a cross body off the top rope. no need to ever.... EVER have him on TV again. he should be working indy shows for cash, TNA + rejects = crappy tv... sorry folks
I've always been a fan of Syxx, since the nWo / 'original" Wolfpack days.. i happen to enjoy him and Hall right now, they're not doing much, but i love the whole beatdown whoever they feel like stuff that's going on :)

i understand Hall though, he could lose a few pounds to try and get back into some sort of shape, if he ever planned on wrestling again.. but from what i saw of Pac a few weeks ago when he teamed with Nash, looks like he can still go
If it wasnt for X-pac DX would have never been what itwas, and the NWO at first would of neve been what it was,and also yall are talkin about the man that was the first person to unifie a WWFand WCW championship( the Lt. Heavyweight title and the Cruisweight title) Fuck anyone that thinks he doesnt have it anymore cuz the man is in great shape and is a great add to the TNA roster and I dont even watch TNA much but when the Monday Night Wars starts again Im going to watch TNA very closely and one of the reasons is X-Pac Sean Waltman whateva yo want to call him.....
I am a fan of Sean Waltmans in ring work and contributions to the wrestling world over the years ,mostly his work in the mid to late 90's. But like Schizophrenic said, he could screw up and it could make TNA look bad. He is just known for being a problem. Everytime I see him on iMpact i get nervous that he may mess up just because he seems so unstable now days. And i know people will argue and say something about Jeff Hardy also being known as a problem, But Jeff has pretty big name value right now and he is worth a chance and we hope to god he has gotten smarter. But like I said im a fan of this guy, But its his outside the ring lifestyle that puts a sour taste in peoples mouth.
I like X-Pac and i also like Hall.. They are funny as hell. I never been a fan of TNA really i just liked sting on there. But now that some of the older guys are back on there it has gotten my attention so i been checking it out every week. So really im glad to see those type of guys back
you know the hater just need to go back and watch his run in the nwa tna when he was fighting raven in a clockwork orange match X-pac when he is commited to wrestling and wants to be he can be one of the best x-division wrestlers and i think he would be more useful doing x-division matches then with hall right now.... unless hall can get back into some kinda shape he will never wrestle but pac should be in there telling everyone how he pionered the x-division and make him work his ass off and if he does but the title on him to make it look crediable (only if he works his ass off like he was befor) but doing what there doing now is making money for doing stupid shit but them to work HOGAN even the nastys have done more (hell to be honest saggs looks better now then he did 10 years ago in wcw knobbs well hes knobbs and only can punch kick and waddle into people but hes a awsome character which is why they work they add tons of character to tna) anyways PAC should be wrestling and showing tna what he did last time hell he was even in main events last tna run and i thought was good in it
You're absoloutly right. If we can still trust guys like Stevie Richards or Kevin Nash to go, we should easily be able to trust Sean Waltman. He's been a good worker pretty much his entire career and his personal life though it may be tainted is not as untrustworthy as a Jeff Hardy. Basically my point being i trust him 100%
It's not his ring work everyone hates on, bro – it's his work ethic, or lack there of. He worked with TNA in the past and shafted them on numerous occasions, as did Hall – that's why people "hate" on them. They just don't want to make the same mistake twice, and rightfully so IMO.

I do see value in Pac & Hall putting over young guys, but I'm happy TNA is working them this time around on a pay-per-appearance "contract". These guys just have a knack for really fucking things up for everyone around them when they've got the free ride.
Ive always been a X Pac fan. He can still go, did anyone see his battles with AJ Styles? He gets alot of hate, for unfounded reasons.
^^^ I agree.

The problem with Waltman is that he looks high. At least he is in shape as I think he has been working for AAA but he almost certainly wouldn't pass a WWE piss test. You can tell just by looking at them both that they are in awful physical shape. Christ knows what they have been taking. At least TNA has been reasonable in using them minimally. It is still shocking that they are getting as much TV time as they are.

The term "X Pac heat" was made for a reason. He is really not that good! He is in with the right people.
Hmmm. Hard one here. I don't think ppl HATE on pac, as much as they ASK for and want pure wrestling that he is capable of IMO. He deffinatley has the talent, age is surley on his side, and most importanty he is IN SHAPE. As apposed 2 hall, where its as he hasent kept up on his training rehiment, and has "let himself go" in some sense of the words. Pac had the goods wayyy back wahe he was the 1 2 3 kid, and just gets a bum wrap because he is always seemingly associated with bad things. Heyy, all wrestlers aren't "saint's" by any meaning of the word and people just need 2 give the "kid" a chance IMO
I think a big reason people hate on Pac so much is because he is buddies with Hogan. ir seems like anybody who is Hogans friend is labeled the Anti-Christ. The Truth is Pac can still go in the ring. 37 years old is not 47 years old. People need to relax n realize that he is valuable to the midcard or the x-division.
I'm not really quite sure why there's so much hate directed at Waltman. I mean, just because he's about a decade past his prime. And he was tremendously over-rated even when at his prime.

He's about 150 lbs soaking wet, with a very limited move set in the ring. I hate that bronco buster thing he does/did. He has zero mic skills, in fact I find him one of the most annoying guys on the mic in the history of professional wrestling. Screaming all of the time, while saying nothing.

Has been given chance after chance after chance, and continually screws it up. He would have been nothing in the WWF/WWE if he weren't part of the clique. He wouldn't have been anything in WCW only for Hogan, and he wouldn't even be in TNA now if it weren't for Hogan. Long history of drug and alcohol problems, plus his history with Chyna.

Personally I think he's an asshole and I always have. Hated him in his prime, and he has no business being anywhere near a position of relevance at this stage of his career. While his air time continues to take away from the young and exciting new talent that Bischoff and Hogan keep talking about, but I'm still waiting to see.

At least Scott Hall was once good, relevant, and interesting. Pac never was.

Not too hard to understand why people feel the way they do about Waltman. Some guys are just easy to hate.
So Sean Waltman/123 Kid/X-Pac/Syxx-Pac/6-Pac seems to be hated on quite a bit having rejoined with TNA. My question is why, he may not be 'young' ( but he looks in great shape which means he can probably still go in the ring. He could be a valuable asset to the midcard or X-Division putting on good matches with the talent and possibly putting them over. Scott Hall is old, overweight and looks like he can't do much but X-Pac looks like he can So why the hate???

I am a fan of Sean Waltman,But to me it looks like he doesnt belong in TNA.Also when Pac and Hall cut a promo,He looks like if his on drugs or drunk.I really dont know if Hogan and Eric wants him to act like that or what.

Pac is fucking awesome,But now it looks like his out of his mind on real life,Maybe chyna got him alittle fucked up.

Maybe sean could get a x division title run,But like i have said he doesnt fit in TNA at all.
6pac was always fun to watch in wrestling... from his break as the 123 kid to 6pac to xpac... he just needs to straighten his personal life up and i think we can all say this despite not knowing him because unlike any other wrestler he was seen on camera crying about Chyna on a show for C-list celebrities... pathetic!
When you think about it X-Pac is one of the better wwe rejects TNA has.He is in really great shape and isn't to rusty.he's mic skill's are a fading a little but i can pass him on that.we should have a hate on Scott Hall thread because he is truly more useless than Cody deaner(when he was around).I mean really he's fat and slow as hell and they only have him to go with pac and Nash.If they give pac a proper tag team partner then he could be off use.Even in the mid card,X-division, and maybe(this is a stretch) working with the likes of AJ Styles&Samoa Joe he could have some great matches.
I think it's a combination of his attitude and his work ethic. I don't think he ever had Scott's drug and alcohol problems, but he's apparently someone who got a lot of backstage heat for his attitude and lack of work ethic. Whether that's because he got a good push as the 1-2-3 Kid before arguably he was ready for it, or because he's legitimately a giant prick is up for debate though.

But he and Scott should keep being used to put over the young guys, maybe put them in a couple good midcard feuds to keep the fans interested in them and to keep them from getting too stale. Scott Hall really seems like he's turned a new page and it looks like he's just happy to have a job. Now we just wait and see if he slips back into addiction while Waltman turns into Mr. Lazy Egotistical Prick.
This just in Sean Waltman to WWE, new memeber of CM Punk's Straight Edge Society.

Now you got me. X-pac, 123, 456 kid back in something i could care about. Fat Hall and the NWO re hashes are wores than DX.

Give me something to care about xpac. It's def not attack elijah burke backstage.........................
Sean Waltman reminds me of Lex Luger to some degree. Not in terms of apperance or anything but in the way that he's associated with other wrestlers.

Sean Waltman has been associated with and surrounded by some of the biggest and/or best wrestling names of the past 15 years or so. Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Eric Bischoff are examples of what I mean. These are guys that, at times, have been among the very very best at what they do. Some of them have been great in the ring, some great on the mic and some great in both areas. Sean Waltman is someone that isn't great on the mic, isn't great in the ring but has attained a certain level of "greatness" if you will by being associated with these guys. At the time, they were so good at what they were doing that they made Sean Waltman look good by default.

While it might be ideal that, in most cases, a wrestlers personal life doesn't have an effect on how they're viewed by the fans in the ring, it's not an ideal world. Sean Waltman's antics in his personal life, his problems with drugs and reputation as a burn out and backstage problem have become well known. When a wrestler's personal problems are thrust so much into the forefront, it can be hard to not judge the guy overall by this problems and not just by what you see in the ring when he's doing his job.

In Waltman's case, you have an average guy that's not nearly as good as some says that he is and he's a basket case in his personal life and that's only served to lower his opinion in the eyes of some.
all I am going to say is altough they do look sluggish the return of hall and waltman has brought me back from mma to wrestling after a 5 months absence of watching.
when you here about your old favourites you want too see how there doing and if wrestling is still worth watching
Sean Waltman reminds me of Lex Luger to some degree. Not in terms of apperance or anything but in the way that he's associated with other wrestlers.

Sean Waltman has been associated with and surrounded by some of the biggest and/or best wrestling names of the past 15 years or so. Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Eric Bischoff are examples of what I mean. These are guys that, at times, have been among the very very best at what they do. Some of them have been great in the ring, some great on the mic and some great in both areas. Sean Waltman is someone that isn't great on the mic, isn't great in the ring but has attained a certain level of "greatness" if you will by being associated with these guys. At the time, they were so good at what they were doing that they made Sean Waltman look good by default.

While it might be ideal that, in most cases, a wrestlers personal life doesn't have an effect on how they're viewed by the fans in the ring, it's not an ideal world. Sean Waltman's antics in his personal life, his problems with drugs and reputation as a burn out and backstage problem have become well known. When a wrestler's personal problems are thrust so much into the forefront, it can be hard to not judge the guy overall by this problems and not just by what you see in the ring when he's doing his job.

In Waltman's case, you have an average guy that's not nearly as good as some says that he is and he's a basket case in his personal life and that's only served to lower his opinion in the eyes of some.

You're completely right. On the 1/4 edition of Impact when he was in the crowd planted at the entrance on the guard rail, all I could think of was everything that happened to him over the years regarding his personal life and how well it's been published online. When he was in the ring either playing beatdowns or actually wrestling, it was hard not to do the same.

However, I quickly dropped my predispositions on the guy and just watched him wrestle. He's really not all that bad, and may be starting to wain in the ring due to his years both as a wrestler and drug abuser, but he still did his job just fine and basically put some positives in the match where Hall's rust, at this point in time, brought some negatives.

He plays the heel best, Syxx or pac whatever you want to call him has never really worked so well as a face, aside from his run as 1-2-3 kid (which was more storyline getting him over than anything). I don't think "X-Pac Heat" will have much to do with his run in TNA, because if he continues as a heel, he will have legit heel heat from the fans (and there will always be those smarky detractors that will refuse to be entertained by him because of what they read/know).

I say give the guy a few more months, let him get comfortable in TNA again, maybe he will be able to contribute in ways he hasn't been able to in nearly 7 years, only time can really tell.
Has no one ever heard of Xpac heat? I can't pinpoint the exact time, but it was near the end of the DX run I think, Pac wasn't hated b/c he was a heel, he was just hated. It's rare that you run into a wrestler that the fans just absolutely hate. He is one of the few, and possibly the biggest example. Fans, truly, just hated him. He was booed out of every arena he went into. Miz had this for a while, now his heat is his own, totally different.

I've never understood it myself. Xpac, minus his crazy ass head outside of the ring, is fantastic inside of it when he wants to be. There was a time when I would have argued that he was pound for pound the best in the business in America, maybe minus HBK and Hart. I don't know where the hate came from. It still exists obviously. Sometimes fans just hate people...period.
I say what the hell, why not have him in TNA, I mean every other WWE castaway is there, so why not him? X-Pac or whatever his name is these days was never a star, he was carrying Hall's, Nash's, Shawn's, HHH's, Hogan's, Bishoff's, etc etc, bags. The aforementioned persons were carrying Waltman. And like a previous post said in so many words, X-Pac is a liability. But again...everyone else is there, so why not him. Hell, have him win the TNA World title, everyone else seemingly from WWE's past has done so.

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