Who would you rather see as Guest Host-- Bret Hart or The Rock?

Who would you rather see as Guest Host and who do you feel has more to offer?

  • Bret Hart

  • The Rock

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I can't believe this is even a debate. Yes, The Rock is a great entertainer and would bring a lot of glitz and Hollywood glamour to the show, but having The Hitman host Raw would be HISTORIC.

When Dennis Miller said that last night I, much like the fans in attendance, went nuts. I actually started screaming at my television. And it's going to happen. Vince wouldn't let Dennis Miller say that without it being true. Ladies and gentleman, Bret "The Hitman" Hart WILL be back in a WWE arena. And I am pumped. The Rock, he can come back anytime. As a matter of fact he has. But, Bret Hart was part of one of the most controversial moments in not only WWE, but wrestling history. This has limitless potential. Jesus, could this possibly lead to a Vince/Bret one on one blowout? I know Bret isn't exactly in the best shape to wrestle, but I'm sure he can handle a sixty year old man, albeit a bit buff. And what about HBK? Not only was I excited of a potential HBK/Undertaker 2, but what will happen when he and Bret are in the same arena? Holy Crap!!!

Now, I'm not discrediting The Rock. I think he's just as big as Bret, if not bigger, but in terms of intrigue, he doesn't hold hand on The Hitman. And as for the countering TNA, get off it. Vince could get Jeremy Piven to host again and he'd beat TNA. So if Bret does host, it will be a no-brainer what show will get blown out of the water. I would much rather see Bret Hart in a WWE ring any day of the week, than watch another Hulk Hogan shoot promo saying "TNA is the future." Good move by WWE. They've given me goose bumps. Bret has always been one of my favorite wrestlers, and to see him leave WWE, not to mention how he was treated in WCW, damn near broke my heart. Come back Hitman, you're a legend. You deserve it.
It's all about the Hitman....it would be pure genius if he ridiculed the way things are with the DX merchandising and Cena gimmicks...this would also push the Hart Dynasty, who quite frankly has more moves than anyone!!!!
Bret will never do it because he hates Vince and wouldnt line his pockets...
It is sad that people debate this. Bret Hart back in a WWE ring would be one of the most/if not THE most historic moment in WWE history. It's been 12 years, multiple teases and a shitload a speculation. Even if your the world's biggest Rock fan I can't believe you would pick him over a potential Hitman/Michaels/Vince confrontation. The Rock has been back a few times, and while entertaining I think he would be mostly predictable. He'd do all his old catchphrases and comedy skits with newer wrestlers, and maybe a surprise or two. As far as ratings go, Bret I think would be the bigger draw, easily. I think people underestimate Bret's starpower and history in wrestling. Bret is arguably the 4th biggest star in WWE history behind Austin, Hogan and The Rock. Also in Canada and overseas he may be the biggest ever. Just look at when Miller dropped his name last nite, his pop was as big as anyone on the roster, and he hasnt been on WWE TV in 12 years. Most of the kids dont even know him, but he would still out pop anyone on the roster. So simply put, Bret back on RAW would be HUGE. Maybe if the rock never came back I would think more about this but for me it't cut and dry. I want Bret.
Well this one's easy, Bret all the way! The guy's not been on WWE tv for 12 years and The Rock makes sporadic appearances every couple of years.

Plus as alot of other posters have commented the possible interactions that Bret can have compared to Rocky mean it makes more sense for Bret to be the guest host. I've been waiting for Bret to return since Montreal and am genuinly excited about something in the WWE for the first time in years!

Bret in my opinion is the biggest star ever outside the US the guy is a god in Canada and Europe and even places like India and South Africa, so i'm sure him guest hosting will be a big boost to the WWE in international markets even if it's not in the US.
Thanks guys for your opinion and thanks to the person who fix up my post lol. I didn't know how to put up a poll which I wanted to do.

Bret Hart is my role model and hero in my life. He's also my favorite wrestler of all time. I also like The Rock, he's very entertaining and good in the ring. I was thinking about this and I said to myself its best to have Bret host RAW either in Canada or in MSG. They can probably let the Rock host RAW on Jan 4. It's a pretty hard choice, if they are looking for ratings I wonder who will bring more ratings between Bret and The Rock.

Other than that, I believe Bret will have a better response and a larger pop in Canada than anywhere else. There has been times where Bret was tease on RAW and the crowd acts like they don't know who that is. It can probably be since there are more children in the audience these days since the PG rating.

I guess we just have to wait and see what happens.
Well, I don't feel like searching 4 pages to see if it's been said, but I would have to go with Bret Hart.

The reason I would go with him is simple: the intrigue factor, seeing as he hasn't been in a WWE ring in quite a long time. You also saw Vince's reaction last night, he walked off stage. I think that very thing could have set the stage for it happening.

I guess it would mainly depend on when they plan to use each. If your talking the January 4th broadcast EITHER would work. Hart for the intrigue or The Rock for his appeal to long-time WWE fans and even the "casual" wrestling fan.

The perfect situation would be having DX begin a program with the Hart Dynasty and have a title match scheduled for the January 4th raw. Brett Hart hosting the show that features a title match between DX and the Hart Dynasty. Even the Raw hosted by Ventura could have foreshadowed this one with the Hart Dynasty vs. DX match.

I still think the Rock will be featured in some prominent role in Smackdown especially hearing about all the recent news about changes coming to the ECW and Smackdown brands.

They would both be great choices, I guess it would just depend on the time and situation leading to the guest hosting.
The inner mark in me screams Bret Hart, but the The Rock wouldn't be bad either. The Rock could have interactions with Cena since Cena has talked crap about him in the past. The Rock could have a good segment with Triple H and Shawn Michaels since Triple H and The Rock have some history. The Rock might actually make Santino and Hornswoggle funny. Then again, it could come off as too silly even though The Rock is involved. A PG Rock at that.

I just think Bret Hart would be huge for a show. He isn't in the best shape, but just imagine the intensity he could have in his promos with Shawn Michaels and Vince. Bret isn't a guy that goes by a script either, so you know that he will be serious. Also I don't think you will see any lame comedy skits with Bret Hart as the host. If WWE is serious about bringing Hart in, this would kill any momentum TNA could have.

I'm a huge TNA fan, but I would rather see Bret Hart's return before Hogan's return any day.
as much as I'd like to see both of them, I think the Rock is more charismatic and would draw more fans. But honestly, there is only one choice for a legendary host, Randy Savage. Everyone loves macho, it would be fun, and bring in old school fans, and would piss off Hogan. I don't care about the past between Vince and Macho, it would just be awesome.
I'm going with Bret Hart. I think true wrestling fans would rather see Bret than the Rock. The Rock is a better entertainer without a doubt but going head to head with TNA it's about stealing viewers not attracting new ones. I think the Rock would bring more kids but Bret will bring more true wrestling fans. So the question is does WWE want to take TNA's viewers and secure their own or try to bring in new viewers.
The Rock has made a few appearances in the WWE ever since 2003, his latest being in 2005.

Bret's last WWE appearance was 1997, i just can't see The Rock beating that. From what i have heard The Rock has consistently declined appearances on RAW's even at Wrestlemania he declined an offer.

Also Bret in the same ring as Vince, HBK or HHH would so epic.
Bret Hart. His return to the WWE has been a long time coming and while his Hall of Fame induction was nice, it would mean the world to see him in that ring again. He signed a short term contract, so hopefully he'll be in an angle or something as he can't wrestle anymore.
The Rock has made a few appearances in the WWE ever since 2003, his latest being in 2005.

Bret's last WWE appearance was 1997, i just can't see The Rock beating that. From what i have heard The Rock has consistently declined appearances on RAW's even at Wrestlemania he declined an offer.

Also Bret in the same ring as Vince, HBK or HHH would so epic.

Agreed. I wouldl ike a storyline with Bret and DX. Were he starts out as the peace maker between Hart Dynasty and DX, but then helps HD beat DX. If WWE sis not have that storyline in 2002 were Flair and Vince were owners of the WWE, I say have Bret and Vicne be in that storyline too aswell. But just have Bret managing HD in a feud against DX.
That depends, The Rock would draw a lot of outsiders. But the outsiders would stop watching the second Hornswoggle comes in, 'coz who the hell wouldn't be embarresed watching a midget and 2 50 year olds (DX) playing hide and go seek or something? And Bret would bring in more of the Canadian fans and those millions of Hitman fans from the '90s. Personally I'd rather see Bret. He was my child hood hero growing up, and will always stay that way!

The Rock would bring solid entertainment but The Hitman brings you LEGIT drama AND entertainment.

He's one of the smartest minds in wrestling history and is great on the mic (of course The Rock is the best ever on the mic).
well i would say the rock but it is close, i mean bret would be good because he has not been in a wwe ring in over 12 years,however he is in no condition to wrestle,and does not have the charisma to be entertaining beside wrestle, the rock on the other hand would be awesome, he is still in shape to wrestle and even if he doesn't wrestle he is extremely entertaining on the mic, so i say FINALLY.......THE ROCK SHOULD COME BACK, TO MONDAY NIGHT RAW, HOLLA!
Though The Rock would (maybe) be funny on the mic, I voted Bret simply because he'd bring a more serious and legit feel to the show and would "book" more solid and quality matches that would actually matter and have purpose.

But, I will be at work so I won't see it. Besides, I would still watch TNA that night just to see if they can actually do a decent show and start getting better.
I never saw Bret Hart in WWE because I started watching in 1998, and didn't really see that much of WCW so I'm going for The Rock, someone I loved as a kid. I stopped watching from late 02-04 regularly and only saw a few shows, so I missed his farewell stuff and his surprise appearances, thank god for youtube! I'd love to see Bret host though and can't wait for Jan 4th!
If there was an option for no guest host I would have took that one. However with the choices that were given I choose the Hitman. Basically we have seen the Rock at least once a year every year since he left. While Hart has been MIA for ten years. Now I didn't grow up with Hart I grew up with Rock. But I would rather see Bret because he has been gone for so long.

This is a no brainer question. Anyone who was 10 years old or older in November 1997 would instantly answer Bret Hart in their response. With the Hitman stepping into a WWE ring for the first time in 12 years and staying around through WM 26, how Bret-Vince-HBK go about putting an end to the biggest, most talked about story in wrestling history from Jan 4 through Wrestlemania will be fascinating and will give WWE the biggest ratings it had since before WCW died from what Bret actually says in first 20 min of Raw, to the initial confrontations between Bret with both Vince and Shawn, through how the Hart Dynasty will play a role, to the ultimate match between Bret and Vince at WM
Well, I'd rather see Rock come back, simply because no MATTER what the circumstance, whether it be a pie eating contest or a simple beating in the ring; Rock can entertain people until they can no longer laugh/cheer. However, for the WOW factor and a moment that will never be forgotten, deffinitely Bret Hart. Sidious put it perfectly, "He Hasn't Stepped Foot In A WWE Ring Since 1997" ((to be funny, he hasnt set foot in a WWF ring since 97, he's NEVER set foot in a WWE ring. Oh terrible humor at its best)). Bret coming back would create the biggest reaction for me since I saw RVD win the WWE Title, as I'm sure it will for everyone. Still, wouldnt mind seein' Rocky back for one more night lol
If all the reports are true, Hart will be more than just a guest host. On to the subject, i would rather see the Rock as i feel he is far more entertaining. In the guest host role, the Rock would be perfect. Now, because of the history of Hart with Vince and HBK, i am very intrigued to see how this all goes down. From a mere entertainment standpoint, the Rock would be awesome to see again, live, on Raw. From a storyline standpoint and something much more long term, Hart would be the way to go. Its hard to choose as i think both men bring factors to the table the other can't. Rock is more entertaining on the mic, more of a larger than life personality who can entertain. Bret on the other hand hasn't been in a WWE ring in over ten years, and the last time was the MSJ of course, i'm sure this is setting up something big for the WWE. Possibly some kind of DX/VKM vs. Hart Dynasty/Bret match down the road.

So, to answer the question, the Rock is more interesting to me as a one shot guest host of Raw. Far better entertainer and loads of charisma. Bret coming back to the WWE has me excited though, but it's because of the storyline possibilities in regard to him signing a contract through Wrestlemania.
I've only been a wrestling fan for a decade now and I'm too young to remember Bret Hart but I have crystal clear memories of the great one in his prime. no offense to the Hitman but The Rock too me is overall more entertaining.

BTW: This concerns all wrestling fans in Los Angeles County. I have just created a petition to have wrestlemania 27 in Los Angeles. The goal of signatures is 50,000 by late February. Every signature counts. You can support the cause by telling your friends and family to go onto www.petitionspot.com/Wrestlemania27LA. Thankyou:)
The Rock:
He Never Turn Heel Like Bret
He Is The Pepole Champion
He Is popular Not Like Bret
He Is Strong
If Rock Come Raw Have Good TV Rating
I haven't been able to write a new thread just yet (don't know why?) Hmmm..being a big fan of the wwe for a long, long time! I wanted to start a new thread so lets start it. But first, I'll answer this thread of who I would want to see more as a guest host, Bret hart or the Rock, I am a big fan of both, so either one is fine, Rock has more charisma, Bret can just work well with just about anyone!
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