Who would you rather see as Guest Host-- Bret Hart or The Rock?

Who would you rather see as Guest Host and who do you feel has more to offer?

  • Bret Hart

  • The Rock

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well i like bret i think hollywood got to the rock all dwane jonhson lol after all bret held the belt the longist i think i say let the man host it bill goldberg how about that / thats who should be next and shaemus whatever his name is kiss some ones you no what he sucks/? thats just my opioun .

What the fuck is this dude talking about? I read it like 3 times and still don't know what this shit means. Anyyyyyyyway I'd personally rather see Bret Hart because he hasn't been in the WWE in what? 12 years, I think it's past due to see the Hitman in the WWE.
I think possibly The Rock would probably be more recognizable to the kiddies in the PG era although I personally like Bret Hart and although Bret Hart has been someone many people have been waiting for to make a return if it was from WWE's perspective I believe The Rock would have been a better choice, but it's not so I'm glad Bret Hart is going to be the Guest Host although I'm sure some people still would rather just the Guest Host gimmick being dropped...
Obviously it has gone, but the answer is definitely The Rock. The Rock is infinitely more entertaining in a non-wrestling capacity than Bret Hart ever would or could be. Hart was never a behemoth on the mic, and The Rock was. In terms of publicity for the company, Hart may excite hardcore fans, but they are likely to be watching anyway. The Rock has mainstream appeal, but he will also draw more fairweather fans back to the product.
I would rather see the one that has proved himself to be an entertaining attraction whenever he appears on TV (i.e., The Rock). I'm sure Bret Hart will be entertaining as host this Monday, in part because the massive turmoil caused by the Montreal incident, but The Rock would be twice as entertaining. His very good mic skills are widely acknowledged, and his charisma is unsurpassed, and all that make him entertaining. Bret is entertaining more so in the ring rather than what's required out of him in a guest host spot. The Rock will deliver, and so will Hart, but Rock has always been exceedingly entertaining.

Ratings wise, it's also a smart move.
Well this is a tough decision. On one hand you have the Rock, possibly the greatest mic worker of all time, second only to Ric Flair. Then you have Bret Hart, who has the personality of an elephant turd, but he has a bone to pick with Michaels, Vince, and Hemsley. Have you ever heard the expression about the girl and her talking vagina? No? Well, the moral of it is that in wrestling, natural mic skills > a 12 year old beef that was likely settled behind closed doors weeks before Raw aired. Bret has very poor mic skills, and can't get back in the ring beyond a street fight or two. After we see the interaction between Bret and Vince/HBK, what more can he offer? While Raw's show is looking much better than TNA's show, (which mind you is going to be replayed the Thursday of that same week) I'd much rather see The Rock in that position.
I Firmly believe that Bret is the right man to do the show against tna because it has a huge background which will catch the eye of many people, rather than Hogan walking around talking rubbish tna. But if you are wanting to get a real show with great entertainment the The Rock would be your clear favourite to host the show but would it win the ratings war? I dont know. U decide?
definitely the rock. while I am sure bret hart will prove to be an excellent guest host, the rock was my favorite wrestler and i'm still a fan of his. i would kill to see him guest host.
I'd rather see Bret. People see the Rock in movies and has made some WWE apperances the past few years. Bret we haven't really seen since he got into the hall of fame and before that since he had the career ending injury.
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