Who Said All Guest Hosts Suck?

I had a weekly "column" back when the guest hosts were going on each week. Let's see if I can channel my 2009-2010 self and try to follow the same old format I did back then in this topic....

It's that time again! This is Dagger's weekly (although in this case, no longer weekly but a nostalgic blast from the past tribute to what was once weekly) rant on the guest hosts of WWE Raw!

This week our guest star was Hugh Jackman. He did a pretty good job in the match where he was in Ryder's corner and the segment with Ziggler. His movie looks like one I'd wait for Red Box to pick up rather than one to waste money on in the theater, though. Jackman seemed to have a good time and he did not waste much time like a lot of guest stars/hosts did in the past. I give him a positive review because he did not waste any time, he actually furthered a storyline for a potential title match, and the segments he was involved with were entertaining. Ryder's push will likely be helped quite a bit by Jackman's involvement on monday.

Next up seems to be The Muppets, that has potential to either be hilarious or extremely stupid. We'll just have to wait and see.

That was fun. I kind of miss doing those posts each week, but I don't miss the guest host/star concept at all. Most of them were awful. If they begin having them more often, I'll start doing my reviews again.
I have to break away from what most folks are saying and say that I didn't love Hugh as our guest host on Raw. Let me start by saying i'm a huge Hugh Jackman fan and for the most part I really enjoyed him as the guest host. The best part of him hosting was he didn't take up the whole show trying to eat up every last bit of spotlight which was refreshing and I enjoyed his little bit with Dolph and Vicki.

The one problem I had with it was when he first came out I felt like he was trying to sell his new movie a little too much, when he first started talking about it I expected a quick, " Don't forget to check out my new movie next week" but he went on about it a little too long. I felt like when he kept going on about the movie it really made it feel like he was only there to get WWE fans to see his movie, and it really gave his hosting spot a less genuine feel, like he didn't care and it was just another promotional spot. Fortunatly after he sold his movie he got into the Vicki and Dolph bit and he brought back the genuine Jackman that I love and made a great host for the rest of the evening, that little part just bugged me.

I know it's his job and he's supposed to get people interested in seeing it just felt fake when he went into detail about how cool it's going to be, almost like he's saying, "I know the movie is shit but please go see it".
Honestly I loved it. I don't know about the injury, but still. Jackman wanted to be there, wanted to be in the ring. Now, if the WWE waits until Halloween, the Muppets will be great. No more silly hosts until then. Focus on the main storylines.

Hugh actually has wrestling IQ.
He did a great job. He didn't act like he was above the product and he didn't act like it was his first time seeing the WWE *cough* Jeremy Piven *cough*. He plugged his movie and then got on with the show and put over Ryder in the process.
WWE has been pushing Ryder slowly but surely and Hugh was great in providing an easy means to help get him even more over. Also, Dolph Ziggler will need more competition in the future and since he basically just defended against four of the most oikely to get a title match, Ryder could be a good transitional opponent for Ziggler. The rub he got off Hugh is great for Ryder as Hgh billed him as an underdog but also was able to show off Ryder and make him look good.
The reason he did so well is because he's a fan of WWE and it showed. Some of the previous celebrity hosts were there to plug their movie/book and you could tell that they didn't follow the program or really cared at all. That's why I've always been more entertained when it's a former wrestler or at the very least a celeb that is known to watch the show from time to time. Hugh Jackman showed that he knew the wrestler's names and was comfortable poking fun at Vickie which always goes over well ha ha.
WOO WOO WOO! Hugh! Hugh! Hugh!

Some guest hosts are good I agree! Hugh was a solid example! I am looking forward to The Muppets. They could make this one entertaining night, and an opportunity to draw NEW VIEWERS.

Sometimes I think wrestling fans pretend they aren't wrestling fans...WHY? Tell everyone you watch and they should too. Everyone enjoys the Muppets.

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