Who keeps letting CM Punk use that elbow?

When Punk first started doing it, it looked like he was putting in maximum effort to get it 'just right', unbelievably so, almost. Over time, it's become just another move in his set, and that's fine. I enjoy watching him wrestle, and while nothing he does is 'pretty', the psychology and storytelling in his single and featured matches(like Sunday will undeniably be) are second to few. I don't care if his elbow drop looks sloppy or if he doesn't stand there for 5 seconds anymore trying to get it 'just right.'
I have accepted his schtick, well most of it. He does suspend my disbelief but he is awful at times even with simple moves and EVERYTIME he does the elbow, I go 'ughhh'. Whatever disbelief he had suspended, gone thereafter. I have been vocal about how his move delivery is cringe-worthy however, he is one of the best I've heard on the mic. His expressions in the ring are cool.
How would you know? You've changed the channel already at this point , haven't you? ;)
When Punk first started doing it, it looked like he was putting in maximum effort to get it 'just right', unbelievably so, almost. Over time, it's become just another move in his set, and that's fine. I enjoy watching him wrestle, and while nothing he does is 'pretty', the psychology and storytelling in his single and featured matches(like Sunday will undeniably be) are second to few. I don't care if his elbow drop looks sloppy or if he doesn't stand there for 5 seconds anymore trying to get it 'just right.'

How would you know? You've changed the channel already at this point , haven't you? ;)

Judging by your picture I'd guess you don't feel this way but a lot of people say John Cena can't wrestle and it bothers me so much. What you've said here is the reason why it bothers me sure he can't hit a picture perfect dropkick or hurricanrana but dammit he's one of the finest ring psychologists and in ring storytellers in all of WWE. It's baffling to me "Cena can't wrestle!" "All his moves are sloppy he sucks!". But Cena has had countless great matches because of his ability to tell a story in the ring and dare I say, Cena has had more good-classic level matches than CM Punk has.

Sorry to derail the thread but I was going to make my own to address this but then I saw your post and figured I'd comment here.
Барбоса;4678073 said:
This thread has made me chuckle.

Sure, Punk's top rope elbow is so garbage that it looks like a hip attack that drops about three feet short and it only gets a reaction of the "cheap pop"/nostalgic variety but if you are using that one move to dismiss Punk as a talent or turn away from watching his matches, something has gone seriously wrong with your wrestling fandom.

His neckbreaker, his god awful clotheslines and hell...even his punches look bad. Im not saying hes a bad talent, just that hes overrated.

But boy..,that elbow drop IS pretty bad lol
The one move by Punk I think sucks is his suicide dive. I mean compared to Austin Aries' anyway

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